InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Soul ❯ You Are Now Excused ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

AN: Thank you so much for the reviews! I now have about 23 collective reviews from and Reviews aren't necessary, but they do help inspire a person to write! One time I checked my e-mail, and found out that I had reviews. I was so happy, that I ran around the house screaming. Let's just say that my parents were worried about my sanity…

-Kiki Smythe or kikitravel

Chapter 5: You are now excused

Kagome's eyes felt like they were lined with lead. This had to be the most boring trip ever. The students just followed Jaken, the never ceasing informant of useless facts, from office to office, from computer to computer, and from video to video; which was exactly where they were right at that moment.

A few… more … minutes… longer…

She couldn't fight it anymore. Kagome's head gave a loud thud as it hit the table.

Several students turned their heads to the source of the sound, and looked back to what was occupying them before. She wasn't the first to fall asleep.

The video finally ended some twenty minutes later. By then, about 90 percent of the class was off in Dreamland. The other ten percent was on their way there.

Jaken was glaring at the group. How dare they fall asleep during his master's video! Jaken scanned the crowd; he wanted to find someone to make an example of!

His eyes landed on a girl in the back row. She would do fine.

"You! Girl!" shouted Jaken.

Half the females, including one male, jumped a bit at his outburst.

"You, the one in the back!" he yelled.

Kagome lifted up her head and looked around. Why was everyone looking at her? She looked to the front of the room and saw Jaken glaring at her. She was a little amused when she saw Jaken's face turn from red to green. She couldn't help but think how natural that color seemed on him.

Jaken saw the girl lift up her head and look around as if she was confused. She didn't seem to know that she was the one he was yelling at.

Finally, she looked to the front of the room. Finally, he could see her face.

Jaken froze. This couldn't be! She was dead, gone! She was a mirage, a figment of his imagination.

Jaken blinked. Nope, she was still there.

Maybe she was a reincarnation. Yes, that seems to be a reasonable explanation. Just a reincarnate. Hopefully her Miko powers hadn't resurfaced. Best to avoid her, that way he wouldn't be a pile of ashes on the floor.

He gulped. "Girl, can you please pay attention? We are going to meet Mr. Masaharu next."

Ah's jaw was hanging out of his mouth. Jaken had said please! To a human female no less!

He glanced at the girl Jaken was yelling at. It was Kagome, who, by the way, was fuming at being called "girl". So… Jaken didn't want to be purified. Did he know her to be the real person and not an incarnate? Knowing Jaken, probably not.

Kagome raised her hand. "Mr. Jaken, could you please called me Kagome? After all, it is my name."

Jaken was about to snort and say something disrespectful, when he noticed that she was glaring at him! Gulping once more, he replied with a "Yes, Ms. Kagome."

Kagome smiled to herself and settled down in her chair. She was happy for the moment.

Ah, though, was shaking from suppressed laughter. He knew that Jaken wouldn't be caught dead being respectful to a human under any other circumstances. This was too hilarious! He couldn't wait until he told Un.


Masaharu Hyouga was swallowing an Advil. He didn't need to have his headache turn into a migraine while he had an "Interview" with a bunch of children. Well… technically, they weren't children, by human standards, they were adults; but that didn't matter much to him.

Hyouga heard Jaken outside explaining who and how important Mr. Masaharu Hyouga was in the social and political ladder.

Hyouga felt like smirking. Of course, Jaken would explain the most obvious of things. Everyone in Tokyo knew who owned the Nippon Company.

A knock on the door was taken notice of by Hyouga's ears. Seems like Jaken was done with his speech.

"Come in."

A student, followed by several others, came in through the door and clustered around the door, standing as far away as they could get from the high and mighty Masaharu.

Kagome was the last to enter. She had been talking to Ah while Jaken was preaching and didn't notice the rest of the class entering the room until Ah had grabbed her elbow and dragged her in.

Now she was at the back of the group and trying to resist the urge to jump up and down since the person in front of her was unusually tall.

Man! Why did I have to be born short? And why will no one move? Can't they see that this is a huge office and that people are being trampled back here?

A voice started talking. "Welcome to Nippon HQ. I am Masaharu Hyouga, the current owner of this company."

A couple girls in the front row started squealing.

"Oh-my-gosh, he is so cute!" Shrieked one.

"I couldn't agree more. I mean its like, 'be mine!'"

"I so totally know!"

Kagome was getting impatient. This had to be the most exciting part of this trip and, one: she couldn't see one of the most powerful man in Japan, and two: some air headed twits were also preventing her from hearing him too!

Aw, Man!

An idea popped in her head. She raised her hand.

Hyouga stopped his speech at the sight of a lone hand rising above the heads. Who the owner of the hand was, he had no clue.

"Yes? Did you have a question?"

The crowd parted to reveal Kagome with her hand raised. She hadn't seen him yet.

"I wanted to thank you for your contributions to the hospital. Without them my grandfather…" Kagome looked up and gasped. She saw Mr. Masaharu flickering. He first appeared as a young man with long, black hair and dark brown eyes. Then he had white hair, golden sunburst eyes, and aristocratic features.

Sesshomaru… Sesshomaru was Masaharu Hyouga.

But he wasn't the same Sesshomaru. He seemed older. Instead of barely out of teens, he looked about in his late twenties. If she had to guess, she would say that he was about 27 in human years.

Sesshomaru recognized her too. Black hair, blue eyes, now around 21 years of age… it was Inuyasha's wench.

Recovering from his momentary lapse in attention, Sesshomaru said, "Continue."

Kagome was still speechless. She barely managed to stutter out, "wouldn't… have bee… been in as go… good of condition as he is right no… now."

"I accept your thanks. Now as I was about to say," Sesshomaru put in. "I am in need of a new secretary. As you are of the highest intelligence and efficiency, I am offering you a job here, if you are qualified." Sesshomaru looked pointedly at Kagome as he said, "it will allow you to work directly under me, with a very high salary, of course."

Kagome gulped. This was the opportunity of a lifetime! With the economy down, it was difficult for a college student to get a good job. Even McDonalds was turning down students for adults who had been cut! And Kagome didn't want to depend on her mother and grandpa. They still had Souta to feed, and they were very poor.

"Please, may I have a show of hands? I want to know how many people to expect at the interview."

Kagome hesitantly raised her hand along with half the female population.

"Hm, it seems as if I have a good turn out. Will you please show up at 5:00 on Monday the 5th?" It wasn't a question, it was a command.

"You are now permitted to leave." Sesshomaru spoke while turning his back to the group.

The class shuffled out. Kagome was the last to leave. She couldn't take her eyes off him.


Sesshomaru was standing with his face to the window. The reappearance of the Miko was a shock to say the least. He had assumed that she had died during the battle with Naraku. But the fact that she was here shot down that theory. He knew that she wasn't a reincarnate. She had the same smell, the same features, if not a bit more grown up, and the same style of clothes.

But how could she still be alive? Was she a youkai? No, she was a Miko; youkai's couldn't be mikos. Their powers were the complete opposite, thus giving the Miko's the power to "Purify" them.

Could her Miko powers have given her longevity? Miko's could live longer than regular humans could, but it all depended on their amount of power. The Miko from the village outside Inuyasha's Forest had a limited amount of power, yet she lived to be the ripe old age of 80. People in the Feudal Era only lived to about 40 on average.

Sesshomaru recalled her scent. It smelled of a regular 20 year old. No scent of age was with mixed in. She couldn't have lived that long then. Then how? Why was she still alive?

I must ask her after I hire her.


Kagome was paralyzed. Sesshomaru was alive! She had thought that all youkai had died. Well, not really, she thought that they had escaped humanity by hiding and being discreet. Never would she would have thought as one in such a high position!

But what was really getting to her was the fact that it was Sesshomaru! Why did it have to be him? Why do I have to be low on money and have to go to Sesshomaru's interview?!


Japanese words

Youkai- Japanese Demon; doesn't translate correctly

Jaken- hard hearted; cruel; unkind; Evil point of view

Youki- youkai aura

Hyouga- Glacier; It fits Sessho's personality, no?

Miko- Priestess of the Shinto Religion, has magical powers; sometimes called a sorceress; doesn't translate properly

Oh yeah, for all of you people out there. I don't think that there should be Miko youkais! I mean, Miko's purify youkais! How can a Miko become one? She would just purify herself into oblivion. Now, I can understand a Miko having a Hanyou kid and having it immune to Purification. Heck, I can even understand a Miko and a youkai having a human kid! She would erase the youkai blood.