InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Soul ❯ Hired ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Dark_lil_Hiei has requested longer chapters on my story Stay Gone. Since he/she left a review giving me advice, I have decided to take it and use it for both my fics since they are approximately the same length chapter wise. BTW, I was going try to increase their length. Thanks a lot Dark_lil_Hiei!

Chapter 6: Hired

Why did Monday have to come so quickly?

Kagome was standing in front of the mirror studying how she looked. She had tried her best to be pretty presentable. Getting a top job at Nippon was no laughing matter, and if Kagome remembered correctly, Sesshomaru was no idle dresser. That is, if it was really him and not just some figment of her imagination.

Kagome sighed. She wasn't looking forward to this. Who knew what would happen to her? She could be kicked out of the building from the top floor for all she knew!

Kagome sighed again. Time to go.

Walking outside the door, she came across her neighbor.

Smiling, Kagome greeted him politely.

"Hi there!" he beamed. "How are you?"

"Good and you?"

"Never been better. Where are you off to?"

Locking the door, she said, "Oh, I'm just going to a job interview."

He whistled a low note. "It must be a pretty big job. I hope you make it!"

"Thanks, and yes it is a big one."

"I'll see you around, ok?"


Kagome sighed. Everyday he would go through that ritual with her. Ask her where she was going, how was her day, and wish her good luck. If he didn't have a girlfriend already- she saw her occasionally go in- she would think that the poor guy was hitting on her!

Why me? Kagome thought as she headed towards the bus stop.


Kagome stepped into the waiting room, which was full of the girls that had volunteered for being "Hyouga's" secretary.

"Miss, may I please have your name?" stated a slightly hunched lady behind a desk.

Kagome blinked. "Pardon?"

"May I please have your name so I can give you your registration form?"

"Oh… Yes! Higurashi Kagome."

Monotonously, she replied, "Did you say Kagome?"

"Yes. Is there something wrong?"

"Mr. Masaharu wanted to see you immediately."

"Immediately?" Kagome stuttered.

"Did I speak with a lisp? Right this way." The lady got out from behind the counter and leaned in a door to the side. "Mr. Hyouga, she's here."

A mumbled response was heard. The lady straightened up and said, "He will see you now."

Gulping, Kagome went inside. Sitting in the shadows was a lithe figure that had the stance of a predator. Across from him was a skimpily dressed girl that wouldn't stop drooling.

"Ah, I see that you have arrived," intoned the interviewer.

"Yes I have."

The girl piped up. "Excuse me; aren't we having an interview here?"

"Oh yes… Sorry you don't happen to meet our requirements, please accept my humblest apologies. Good bye."

"But… but…" the girl blurted.

"I said 'Good bye', now leave," he hissed.

"NO!" the girl cried, trying to grab at Mr. Hyouga. Hyouga merely pushed her hand away and patted his sleeve in disgust.

"Get out now. I have no need for a disgusting creature such as you," Hyouga said icily.

The girl ran out of the room, hurt written all over her face. "That was mean," Kagome uttered.

"I had no intention of being nice," he shot back.

"I can plainly see that. I'm not blind."

Hyouga shifted slightly on the chair. "Really now, that's good to know. How good is your vision, then?"


"How good is your vision? I will need to know if you are to be my secretary."

"Oh, I have 20/20 vision, sir."

How polite, thought Hyouga. I never knew her to be nice, but then again, she was with the hanyou. "That's very well. Now, where do you live?"

"I currently reside in Gold Arch."

He now lifted an eyebrow. Gold Arch was just bought out by the Riverdale Company in Ohio. It cost some money to live there. "Do you have a job?"

"No, sir."

"Then how do you afford an apartment at Gold Arch Riverdale? I am told that they are quite expensive."

"My mother saved some money to buy an apartment for me. I think she went a little overboard. I don't want to be dependent on her any longer."

"Indeed." So, she wants to be independent. Is that why she is after the job? "How are your studies going?"

"Very well, sir. So far I am within the top five at Tokyo University."

She has gained some brains too. Very interesting. "How are your study habits? Can you handle having a job?"

Kagome was quite prepared for this question. "Yes, I can handle the job. I multi-task in everything I do, in or out of school. Several people have asked me to handle big events such as socials, dances, dinners, searches, and a large amount of paperwork for them. Through it all, I have managed to finish my personal work and still have some free time."

Hyouga raised an eyebrow at her response. She looked and smelled quite sure of herself at that moment. He had no doubt of her capabilities. "I see. Have you had any previously bad relations in the past five years? Any abusive people you have come to know?"

"How is this relevant to the interview?"

"I need to understand your past associations with people so I can learn what to expect from my employees."

"Excuse me? Who do you think you are?!" yelled Kagome, completely banishing the nice girl act. "You have no right to know that information, whether it be true or not!"

Hyouga leaned forward and Kagome could finally see his face. Again, the image of a young man with dark features was prevalent. Then a brief flash of white hair and molten eyes were seen.

Kagome blinked in an attempt to clear her eyes. This is just my imagination, this is just my imagination, was the mantra going through her head.

Sesshomaru was getting irritated. After one question, she transformed from a nice, quiet girl to the loud, mouthy girl that his brother traveled with. Granted it was a personal question, but an inquiry nonetheless.

"I will need to know the answer to the question. If you fail to do so, you will walk out of this room in the same manner as the last person."

Wow, he sure hasn't changed his "persuasive" tactics, Kagome fumed. Why is it that Sesshomaru, of all people, would ask a question like that! "I have known a few abusive people in my past," Kagome said stiffly. "But it has never been a willing association on my part. Most of the time I tried to avoid them."

Sesshomaru nodded his head in acknowledgement. She was telling the truth. "You're hired. I want you working within the hour." Sesshomaru stood up. "I suggest that you start moving; don't let your first day be a disaster."

"Huh?" was Kagome's intelligent reply.

"Move," said Sesshomaru as he left the room.

Sesshomaru has left the building, thought Kagome as she tried to recollect her bearings. Great, I had to finish a report for English tonight!


Oh! Of all the nerve! What good is it to hire someone and not tell them what their supposed to do?! Kagome was lost. She had been walking for at least an half and hour and she had no clue where she was.

I think I've been here before… she thought as she passed a water fountain. She looked to her right and saw a self-portrait of Van Gogh. Now I know that I've been here before…

"Ack! What are you doing here?!" croaked a voice.

Kagome turned around. There was no one there. She continued walking.

"Hey you! Don't ignore me!"

Kagome spun around again. Still, no one was there!

"Down here."

Kagome looked down and screamed. It was Jaken!

"Shut up wench! I have no need of your caterwauling!" he yelled as he covered up his ears.

Kagome sputtered unintelligible words.

He straightened up and removed his hands away from the sides of the head. "What are you doing here? You have no right to be here in this building!"

Kagome was still sputtering from the scare.

Jaken peered at her. She didn't seem to respond to anything. He concluded that she must be retarded. "Get out of Masaharu's company, girl!" he sneered.

Kagome finally collected herself. "Excuse me?"

"I said get out. Mr. Masaharu doesn't allow idiots like you to enter this place," Jaken continued obliviously.

An eye started twitching. "Excuse me?" she questioned again, this time with menace in her voice.

"I said get your sorry behind out of here," he yelled as he swung a previously hidden cane at her head.

Kagome ducked. Talk about Déja vu, this is the same thing that happened when I first met Jaken in the Feudal era.

"Ack! I said get out!"

Kagome caught the cane before it reached her head. "I will not get out."

"Jaken!" yelled a voice.

"Get out of here, you dingbat! I have to get this annoying female outside."

"Female!" Kagome screamed as she lunged towards Jaken's neck.

A pair of arms grabbed her around the waist and pulled her back. "Settle down," the owner of the arms said. "Jaken is a nitwit and knows not what he says."

"What?!" croaked Jaken.

Kagome huffed and stopped struggling. "Fine, can you let me go now?"

"Nope, sorry, I can't. I have to bring you somewhere." And with that said, Kagome was flung over the person's shoulder.

Knowing that struggling was useless, Kagome settled for glaring at Jaken, who was slowly getting smaller in the distance. Just before they turned the corner to the next hallway, Jaken's image shifted. Instead of a brown haired human that was just below her chin, Kagome saw a green, hunched, thing that was up to her knees.

Kagome gasped. Mr. Jaken from Nippon HQ was the same Jaken from the feudal era!


Japanese words

Youkai- Japanese Demon; doesn't translate correctly

Jaken- hard hearted; cruel; unkind; Evil point of view

Youki- youkai aura

Hyouga- Glacier; It fits Sessho's personality, no?

Miko- Priestess of the Shinto Religion, has magical powers; sometimes called a sorceress; doesn't translate properly