InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memoirs of a Soul ❯ Acquainted ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Last time:

Kagome huffed and stopped struggling. "Fine, can you let me go now?"

"Nope, sorry, I can't. I have to bring you somewhere." And with that said, Kagome was flung over the person's shoulder.

Knowing that struggling was useless, Kagome settled for glaring at Jaken, who was slowly getting smaller in the distance. Just before they turned the corner to the next hallway, Jaken's image shifted. Instead of a brown haired human that was just below her chin, Kagome saw a green, hunched, thing that was up to her knees.

Kagome gasped. Mr. Jaken from Nippon HQ was the same Jaken from the feudal era!


Chapter 7: Acquainted

Humans, he snorted mentally. They have no sense of direction.

He had been stalking the halls looking for someone. He would have abandoned the search a while ago, but Ah said she was worth all of the trouble.

I hope he's right… He looked down the corridor to his right. Nope, not there. Where else would she be?

I know! The person turned around and proceeded to continue his search.

Sure enough, his senses picked up the telltale signs of an argument. Anger wafted toward his olfactory senses and electricity seemed to charge the air. He sped up. Jaken was about to use his magic!

Around another corner and the person could see Jaken waving around his cane and a young woman dodging it effortlessly.

"Ack! I said get out!" screamed Jaken.

The woman caught the cane before it reached her head. "I will not get out," she stated.

Taking a deep breath, the person yelled, "Jaken!"

Jaken saw him. "Get out of here, you dingbat! I have to get this annoying female outside."

The person just ignored him as he approached the woman who had his back to him.

"Female!" the woman screamed. She lunged towards Jaken's neck.

The person grabbed her around the waist, inches away from Jaken, and pulled her back. "Settle down," he said. "Jaken is a nitwit and knows not what he says."

"What?!" croaked Jaken.

She huffed and stopped struggling. "Fine, can you let me go now?"

She's smart, she knows when to quit. "Nope, sorry, I can't. I have to bring you somewhere." And with that said, he flung her over his shoulder.

The woman remained still and silent.

He carried her up a few floors and into an office. Dropping her on the nearest chair, he turned around and looked for the phone.

"This is your new office," the person stated. "The map to the building is on your door, so you know how to get around here."

The woman was a crumpled heap on the sofa. It seemed as if she was in shock from the abrupt departure and landing. Her hair covered her face, preventing him a clear view of her face.

"Hello?" he questioned. "Are you alive?"

"Yeah, I think so."

"Good." He went over to her and brushed her hair away from her face. "Sorry about that, I was a little worried."

She was busy straightening her clothes. "That's your excuse," she mumbled.

He grinned at that statement. "What can I do to prove it?"

She finally looked up. The person caught his breath, she looked like Rin!

"Well you could help me up," she said with a grin.

She has the same smile… he mused absently. "Sure thing."

"Thanks for helping me get here, even though I didn't want it to happen that way."

Always looking on the bright side. He chuckled.

"What's so funny?" she demanded.

"Oh nothing."

"Really? I don't think that is the truth, Ah," she said while crossing her arms in a superior way.

He choked. Ah? She thinks I'm Ah? "Sorry to disappoint you, but my name isn't Ah."

She looked really confused now. "You're not Ah? Then who are you?"

"My name is Un, madam," he said with a bow. "I am Ah's twin."

Her eyes widened. "Oh! You're Un! I'm so sorry; I totally forgot that he had a twin working here!"

Un smiled at that. "It's alright," he laughed. "Happens all the time."

He squatted down to her eye level. "I would love to know your name, I haven't heard it yet."

She blushed at that. "My name's Higurashi Kagome, pleased to meet you!"


"Um," Kagome started hesitantly. "How will I tell you two apart? You look so much alike."

Un laughed at that too. "Well… I am right handed, while Ah is a lefty. He likes bright colors, while I prefer the conservative look."

"Oh… that all?"

"I also am considered the serious one and I always wear a gold watch," he said while showing his wrist.

He thought for a moment, "Oh! And Ah absolutely loves kids. It's no wonder, he acts like one himself."

Kagome laughed straight out at that. "I know! He distracted me from the whole tour on Friday!"

"That sounds just like him!"

"Really? I better stay away from him during school and work hours then."

Un nodded sagely. "Take that advice. Heaven knows how much trouble I've gotten into with him around!"

Kagome was smiling secretively. "Seems that you two hold a special bond."

"Too right, most people think that we sprouted from the same body!" he declared. If only you know how true of a statement that was…. "Can I show you the rest of the building? Just so you get the basic idea."

Kagome's whole countenance shone at that statement. "Really?" she said in disbelief. "You would?"

"Well, I can't risk you choking Jaken again. I would loose my head!"

She giggled, "Alright, you talked me into it. Let's go!"

Un stuck out his elbow for Kagome to take, and swept her out the door.


Kagome stumbled home breathless. The tour was magnificent! Un was a great guide, showing her all of the rooms, explaining to her what its purpose was, and telling her a little piece of its history.

Kagome learned that in one of the rooms, a woman got her head stuck in the window and was there for an hour! In another, a man did 30 flips in a row and managed to leave a slight indent in the ground!

Kagome giggled at the memories. Un should have been the one heading the student trip.

She got nothing done, though. When she asked Un when she should start working, he said tomorrow. Supposedly, Hyouga was just trying to scare her when he told her to start working quickly.

Kagome seriously doubted that, but she took his advice and enjoyed the day.


Sesshomaru was lounging in his office. It was after work hours and he was tired to the bone.

"Lord Sesshomaru?" voiced Un apprehensively from the door.

"Yes, Un."

"I didn't give the new employee, Kagome, time to work. Would you please give her a small leeway?"

How typical of his brother, Sesshomaru thought with a sigh. "Very well, but you must tell her to work very hard tomorrow, I need to catch up."

Un smirked. "Is the Great Taiyoukai of the West admitting that he can't do everything?"

"Un," he growled.

"I'm sorry, sir, I couldn't resist."

"I think your brother has been giving you some of his more annoying qualities."

"Well, we are twins."

"Un," he growled again.

"Alright! I see your point!" Un was about to leave when he said, "Kagome is quite the lovely lady. In some ways, she greatly resembles Lady Rin."

Un left before Sesshomaru could protest to that statement. Rin was the only tender spot in his mental armor. By poking it, Un had made Sesshomaru think. He had made him ponder.

And by doing that, he made sure that Sesshomaru didn't visit "The Nile".


Japanese words

Youkai- Japanese Demon; doesn't translate correctly

Jaken- hard hearted; cruel; unkind; Evil point of view

Youki- youkai aura

Hyouga- Glacier; It fits Sessho's personality, no?

Miko- Priestess of the Shinto Religion, has magical powers; sometimes called a sorceress; doesn't translate properly

Taiyoukai- supposedly meaning Demon Lord in Japanese. I'm not quite sure that is the real definition. Yowai also means Demon Lord.



cutie_pie_2101_1012- *beams* oh thanks so much for the complement! I can see you really like this fic! I mean, you used the word really like 6 times!

Amethyst- I'm glad you find it humorous, though I don't know what you find funny about it. All you wrote was LOL. But it's ok! I found it unique.

Paige89- you know, the best complement I think an Author can get is to know that their fic was thought about other than while the person is reading the story. It lets them know that their work was pretty original and it lets them know that they don't post for no one.

12blue12- I like the number 12, I love the color blue! Nothing relevant, but I had to say that!

SilverKnight7- I'm not sure when Kagome will know for sure that it is Sesshomaru, I constantly change the plot! I will never know which chapter it is in until I get there. I add all these little ideas in and it just lengthens the story. But It will be soon, most of my ideas come from them knowing about the other.

Sesshomaru13- Yup, Sess/Kag fic! I put the pairing on the summary if you didn't notice…

Lunar_youkai- the plot is what I work the hardest on! Glad you like it!

Tsuki Yume- Yay! I'm so glad you like this too! I never thought of my fic being interesting, but thanks for the review!

Mkh2- I hope this chapter answers your question. What does your name mean or stand for? I am really curious!

I - I can't think of anything to say to "nice" but thanks!

Sunnygurl357- Dear Reader,
I will keep writing, don't worry.