InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of the Bell Flower ❯ Mine, by the Fire ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Memories of the Bell Flower

Chapter 2: Mine, by the Fire

by Sephira jo (contact at

Rating: R, for tasteful sex and limey goodness. Remember to take the rating seriously! R rated movies have semi-graphic to sex these days . . . don't believe me? It's there . . . in movies like Daredevil (and that was rated PG13!!) and in Ghost and even in Dances With Wolves. Sex is a part of life . . . and its in R rated movies. Remember that and take the rating seriously.

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimers and such apply. I OWN NOTHING! NOTHING . . . or is it I AM GIR . . . hmmmm. Any way, I don't own Inu Yasha or anything like that . . . so no sue me please. Inu Yasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi and Viz. Communications.

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Inu Yasha assaulted Kikyou's mouth in an animalistic way that she had never expected, and it almost scared her that she enjoyed it. Almost. His tongue battled with hers, and she felt a heated sensation begin to rise in her body. His hand grasped at the nape of her neck, tangling in her ebony hair, tilting her head back even farther he somehow managed to deepen the kiss that they shared.

His other hand roamed over her body, his claws skimming her clothing in a feather light touch. Only when she heard the sounds of tearing fabric did she realize what had appeared to be a gentle touch was really meant to make short work of her clothing. Her breasts now bared to the man before her, Kikyou shivered slightly at the touch of the cold night air upon her flesh. However the thought of the air upon her was quickly forgotten when Inu Yasha's clawed hand lightly grazed the flesh there. Somehow, without breaking the kiss, Kikyou heard herself moan softly.

Inu Yasha's mouth moved away from hers, leaving her bereft, only to gasp when his fangs grazed her neck, nipping the soft flesh there. Slowly, seemingly torturing her intentionally, his mouth and tongue and fangs worked their way down to Kikyou's breasts, leaving in their wake a trail of small red bite marks. Kikyou wanted to speak, to tell him anything, but her voice didn't seem to be working correctly and she couldn't form the words she wanted. Instead of words, her voice came forth as soft pants, gasps and whimpered moans.

Inu Yasha chuckled, her reaction amusing him. Kikyou opened her mouth to chide him for his amusement, only to have her reply lost on a gasp, followed by a low moan as Inu Yasha's mouth closed around one nipple, his teeth pulling softly as his tongue caressed it in turn. When his mouth moved to her other breast, some part of her mind realized what he was doing. He's claiming me, she thought. The thought was heady and intoxicating and extremely erotic. I'm something to be claimed . . . the truth of that statement sent Kikyou's mind reeling.

Kikyou finally found the power to speak as his mouth moved down to the fabric of her miko's skirt, bitting it and tugging at it, all the while growling softly.

"Inu Yasha. . . " was the only thing Kikyou was able to say however, but he responded to it, snarling out something that sounded remotely like her name. Kikyou shifted beneath him, trying to get the leverage she needed to undress him. The need to see him was growing stronger, and was unbearable as his hands and teeth finally worked free the ties on her skirt.

Inu Yasha let loose a throaty laugh that sounded more like a growl then anything else, "Not yet," was all he said, as he grabbed her hands and pinned them to the ground. Kikyou's eyes met his, the light of the fire dancing in his golden eyes that were lit with something darker than the flame would ever be and shaded by an odd reflection of love, twinged with an unbearable lust.

Kikyou felt herself blush under his gaze, but her eyes fluttered closed as his skilled hands ran down her body, removing the last vestiges of her clothing. The cold air kissed her exposed skin, making her shiver slightly.

Her hands now free to pursue at least some of her desire, she reached up and ran them through Inu Yasha's silky, silver hair. Kikyou tried to pull his head down to meet hers, only to have him take one of her hands and gently nibble at it with his fangs.

"Beautiful," he spoke into the palm of her hand, and disengaging her other hand from him, he leaned down and kissed her lightly on the stomach nipping with his teeth as his mouth moved farther down her body. Kikyou's eyes shot open with a gasp that deepened into a moan as his mouth closed over her, his tongue lapping at the most intimate part of her.

Kikyou gasped, the sensation and the dark pleasure rose until suddenly something snapped. Waves of white-hot pleasure shot through her. She rode the cloud that followed, gasping softly after a silent scream that was heard by the one person that mattered, the only other person that existed in her world.

She was vaguely aware of Inu Yasha's hands turning her over, lifting her to rest on her hands and knees. Snippets of speech reached her ears, she tried to sort the words out but her mind was hazy and she couldn't seem to put them together right. Out of the jumbled noises all she seemed to understand was the word 'pain' and a muttered apology.

What seemed like miles away, she could hear the soft rustle of fabric and the part of her mind that was still able to think understood that Inu Yasha was removing his clothing. The last thing that stood between them was thrown aside as Inu Yasha's body covered hers. He bit her ear lightly and Kikyou could feel him readying himself behind her.

"I want you. . . Kikyou . . ." He whispered in her ear, his breath brushing softly against her cheek. And then in one smooth, strong motion, he claimed her.

Kikyou cried out in a combination of shock and pain as he filled her body with his. He stopped for just a moment and the pain receded, as short lived as it was sharp. Inu Yasha began to move again, slowly at first, then faster and Kikyou lost herself in passion. The Shikon jewel bumped against her chest, rocked by the motion of their joined bodies.

Kikyou cried out as she felt herself shatter for a second time that night. Only this time, she wasn't alone. Inu Yasha made a strangled sound then bit down on her neck, hard, drawing blood. Kikyou felt warmth fill her and she shuddered beneath him.

Kikyou was content, but ever more so, she was tired, as if Inu Yasha had somehow managed to sap her energy out of her. Inu Yasha pulled her down with him and not moving away from her, he positioned the two of them as comfortably as he could on the floor, pulling his red robe over them, serving as a blanket. Kikyou smiled softly and snuggled closer to Inu Yasha, her back warming at the touch of his chest.

One of Inu Yasha's hands stroked at her hair, pushing stray strands away from her face. He spoke, nipping softly at her ear as he did so.

"You're mine now, Kikyou. I'll always protect you . . ."

Kikyou smiled softly, warmed by his words, warmed by his body and warmed by the small fire she drifted slowly of to sleep. She felt, for the first time in her life, like a normal woman. The last thing she felt before losing herself entirely to sleep was a stray tear roam down her cheek.

* * *

Kikyou laid in a field. The sun was bright with the hope and happiness laced into the dream. She stretched lazily, enjoying the warmth that soaked into her skin through the thick fabric of her kimono. Kimono? Kikyou looked again, not sure she was seeing right. Another look confirmed it; she was wearing a simple kimono of green and yellow, not the dress of a shrine maiden. Kikyou smiled, her lower lip trembling with the onset of emotion accompanied the epiphany. I am an ordinary woman. . .

The laughter of children caught her ears, and Kikyou sat upright, shielding her eyes from the extreme brightness of the sun. Two young children, a small boy and even younger girl, came racing up to her. Both had dark hair and curious golden eyes bright with emotion. They stopped in front of her, gesturing wildly and giggling, grabbing her sleeves dragging her with them. Kikyou smiled, an expression she hardly every allowed herself, and it felt good.

She allowed the children to lead her, their laughter drawing forth her own. Indeed their joy seemed to be infectious, adding to hers as she playfully chased them and followed to where they led her. The girl tugged on her hand as the boy took off ahead, over a tall rise. When Kikyou reached the top of the hill her run slowed, and stopped. Inu Yasha was there, a simple smile on his face as he picked up the young boy and swung him around, much to the child's amusement. He laughed and playfully nipped at the young boy as the child reached for and tweaked Inu Yasha's ears. Then he placed the small boy back on the ground, the child running full tilt toward Kikyou again.

The young girl pulled on her hand, jumping up and down wildly, pulling her toward Inu Yasha. He looked toward her and smiled, a different type of smile then the one he had given the young boy. A smile between lovers. As the children pushed her toward him, she felt herself smile back. One hard push from both children sent her falling forward, only to be caught by a smiling, laughing Inu Yasha, who used catching her as an excuse to pull her close. He wrapped his arms tightly around her.

Kikyou felt her arms respond in kinda and they embraced. The children happy, ran in circles around them both, laughing. Kikyou buried her face in Inu Yasha's chest taking comfort in the warmth she found there. This is it, she thought, This is the life I want. But even now he's a hanyou . . .

That thought was all it took and the scene shattered. Kikyou stood alone in a field, once again in her miko garb. In her hands was the familiar presence of the Shikon jewel. Kikyou looked around, confused and suddenly very alone even a little frightened. She took a couple steps forward and then gasped and fell forward as the sting of claws dug into her left shoulder, cutting deep rending even the lung.

In her fall the jewel had rolled away from her, just out of grasp of her hand. She reached for it, ignoring the pain growing in her side and shoulder as her lungs burned. A foot came down hard upon her hand and she could hear the bone there crack. She looked up, her eyes wide with shock as Inu Yasha stared down at her, his eyes cold and impassive and lit with feral triumph. He spoke, but to her the words were indistinct even though their meaning was clear.

He had betrayed her. Kikyou screamed as he took the jewel, leaving her there to die on the fields. Her world suddenly erupted in fire and she screamed again watching him walk away from her, the jewel clutched in a clawed hand, leaving her alone. He walked as if he had done nothing wrong and the flames around her began to consume her body. She was hot, so very hot.

* * *

Kikyou's eyes shot open, and she found herself staring into the dying fire, Inu Yasha's arms still wrapped around her. He was still asleep, making a noise halfway between a snore and a contented purr. Kikyou relaxed as the images from the nightmare faded. Even though they were quickly pushed aside, she shivered as she realized that the fear was still there. She didn't completely trust him, and she knew then she most likely never would. The thought was sobering, especially in the light of the passion that had shared.

She maneuvered herself to face him, his arms still tightly around her. The action made certain muscles scream in protest, still sore from earlier. She looked up at his face, trying to keep hers impassive just as she had been trained to do. He was so handsome in a very unearthly way. His hair gleamed silver in the dying fire light, and she knew that under his sleeping lids his eyes were a deep swirling gold. And the most unusual feature of all was the one she loved most: the dog ears. They gave him the impression of being an overgrown puppy, though Kikyou suspected that he wouldn't like that comparison one bit.

Handsome, but still not human. Her lover, but by all rights and training her enemy. Kikyou began to shake, if only, she thought, if only there was a way we could both be normal humans, then we could have that life I dreamed. Inu Yasha's arms wound more tightly around her, pulling her closer to him, whispering some wordless phrase that must have been meant to calm her down.

Kikyou allowed herself to stop shaking, closing her eyes as she listened to the steady rhythm of Inu Yasha's heart beat. I'll find a way, she promised herself, I'll find away to make sure we can be together, always. Her heart determined, Kikyou let sleep take her once again, this time undisturbed by dreams.

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