InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 5

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

After sleeping most of Sunday away, Kagome forced herself out of bed and into the shower. While standing in the pouring water, she couldn't help but think about the feel of Inuyasha's hands on her body. She wondered if he would call but really didn't expect him too. At the same time, she wanted to know why that thought disappointed her.
Kagome was drying her hair when Sango came in.
“Hey, sleepyhead. Get dressed. Miroku is coming to take us for a late lunch. He said be cute.”
Kagome smirked, “I'm always cute” Sango stuck her tongue out at her friend.
“You know what I mean. He'll be here in 30 minutes.” Sango turned to find her own outfit.
Kagome finished her hair and contemplated her closet. After showing everything she had last night, Kagome decided to go conservative. By the time Miroku arrived, she was in a yellow silk blouse, a long black skirt with a tantalizing split in the front and black flats. She smiled when she saw Sango. Apparently she had the same idea because Sango wore an identical outfit with a red silk blouse. The two girls studied each other and burst out laughing. Kagome again had the feeling that they maybe had known each other in a past life. Over the years, they had had too many of the same thoughts.
The ride to their lunch was quiet. Miroku refused to tell where they were going and Sango was still embarrassed about the night before. Kagome felt moody. Her life had always been neat and orderly. It had only been one night and she felt her emotions spinning out of control.
“ I should have declined lunch and went to the shrine. I need some peace. I can't believe I'm unhappy because of someone I met one night is not here. Maybe Grandpa can say some prayers over me.” She snorted a laugh at her own thoughts. Here she was, ready to go moping to mama over some boy she'd never see again. “The only way I'm probably crossed his mind was as a missed opportunity.”
Instead Kagome took a deep breath, closed her eyes and focused. The only time Kagome really mediated was when she was alone and usually before she studied. She felt the knot of nerves relax inside her and the calm demeanor return. What she didn't see was the shocked look on Miroku's face at the brief pink flash that surrounded her. Sango was looking out of the window and noticed nothing. Miroku pressed the gas pedal, suddenly recognizing the need to hurry.
Inuyasha and Sesshomaru sat in a private club waiting for their guests to arrive. The club was run by and catered to powerful demons who valued privacy. There was no open dining room. Instead all of the rooms were private, sized depending on your group. Sesshomaru felt it was better to meet in a public but protected place in case the explanations went horribly wrong. Both men wore their concealment charms. Sesshomaru was dressed in a well-tailored black suit but Inuyasha only wore slacks and a polo shirt.
Inuyasha was worried. He thought about if some one was about to say the things to him they were getting ready to reveal to Kagome and he would think they were crazy, too. The hardest part would be getting her first to believe the story, then getting her to accept her part in it.
Sesshomaru looked across the table at his brother. “Stop worrying so much, Inuyasha. Your miko is reasonable. We should be able to convince her.”
Inuyasha shook his head. “If somebody came to me with this, I would think they were crazy.”
Sesshomaru nodded his agreement. “The whole situation is crazy. You should have done this years ago.”
Inuyasha pounded the table. “Look, don't start this with me again. I wanted her to have a life! That was the whole point. What would I have looked like showing up when she turned 15 and starting this whole thing up? I gave it up….I gave her up. Now it's time and I won't mess this up.”
“She's been having dreams.” Sesshomaru interjected, “She is starting to remember more and more. Something has to be done before the dreams break her.”
“I could sense the tiredness in her last night. Our spy reported she had a dream the night before. Her spirit is not letting her rest.” Inuyasha sighed. “I know this has to be done.”
“Good. If you want her to be whole again, it'll be done.” Sesshomaru replied
Before another word could be said, the door to the private room opened and Miroku entered. He bowed respectfully to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. Sesshomaru nodded but Inuyasha smirked, the previous conversation still invading his thoughts. However, when Kagome and Sango entered the room, all thought went out of his head. Both girls looked beautiful but Inuyasha only had eyes for Kagome. He could feel rather than see a wall around her and he noticed that unlike last night, he could not sense or smell anything about her.
`She closed her aura.' Inuyasha was astounded. `She shouldn't be able to do that without training.'
Looking at his brother, he could see the same thoughts crossing Sesshomaru's face. Inuyasha wondered what other things she could do inadvertently. No wonder he and every other demon in the area could feel her power. When she relaxed, it leaked out like air in a balloon. Now she had her guard up and Inuyasha could tell she was wary. He remembered last night and realized how wrong that could have gone.
`Maybe I should thank Miroku after all.” He looked over at his best friend as he made small talk with the girls “Nah, I'll never give him that satisfaction.'
Sesshomaru broke the tension in the room. “I took the liberty of ordering for us. We'll eat first then get down to business.” He pressed a small buzzer and waiters entered the room, bearing place settings and food.
Kagome looked at Sango, `What does he mean by business?' The look on Sango's showed her own confusion. Both wondered did they do something wrong last night? Were they not supposed to tell about the encounter? Kagome was ready to get up and leave. She grabbed Sango's hand.
“I need to use the ladies room. Could you excuse us for a moment?” Before anyone could respond, Kagome pulled Sango up and hustled her out of the room. After finding the ladies room, Kagome checked to make sure they were alone.
“We are getting out of here.”
Sango agreed. “I was hoping that's what you wanted. I think we can make it to the door without anyone noticing us leaving. Remind me to change our number when we get home.”
Kagome laughed. “Come on. This is too strange for me. I saw a rail station down the street.”
Both girls peeked out of the door. After seeing no one nearby, they started walking towards the door. They had made it as far as the foyer of the club when a voice behind them startled them into a heart attack.
“Now you weren't just going to sneak off and disappear like two thieves in the night?” The humor in Inuyasha's voice was barely concealed. He knew he scared both of them to death, that was the plan. After they didn't come right back, he went looking. He had told Sesshomaru this was going to already sound crazy and he had to go and bring up `business'. He could see the wheels turning in both of the girls' heads and when they flew out of the room to go to the bathroom, he immediately knew what was coming next.
The girls stood frozen. The thought of running for crossed both minds but they would get caught. Defeated, they turned around to face Inuyasha. He bowed and waved his hand.
“After you, ladies.”
Kagome rolled her eyes at him, making sure he saw the fury in them. Inuyasha walked behind them watching Kagome's ass and wondered when could he grab it again.
`You have been hanging around the monk too much' He told himself. His inner demon replied. `It's a nice ass.'
The meal turned into a nice affair. There were an assortment of dishes and both girls ate their fill. After the failed breakout, they both realized they were hungry. Once they got over the initial embarrassment, the conversation was actually pleasant. The company wasn't so bad either. Kagome could tell that Sesshomaru was the more reserved but a wonderful conversationalist. By the end of the meal, he knew how Kagome and Sango met and their studies in college.
He knew this information already but hearing it from the two of them helped in to evaluate the bond between them. Their bond was going to have to be strong to understand everything that was getting ready to happen. After the last of the dishes were cleared, Sesshomaru began.
“What do you know about rebirth?”
Kagome and Sango looked at each other. Kagome finally addressed Sesshomaru.
“My grandfather is a priest. He told stories about people dying and coming back in future lives but I just regarded them as ancient tales told by a old man.”
Sesshomaru looked at Kagome so long, she felt like squirming. A sense of foreboding started to sweep over her.
`Where is all of this leading? We should have ran.' Kagome started to feel her thoughts going out of control.
Inuyasha touched her hand. He could tell she was angry and scared. Kagome's aura was cranked up full throttle. Inuyasha knew that meant whatever she had been doing to block was no longer working. She looked at him, making sure she still had fury in her eyes. Kagome was pissed about being stopped from leaving and she hated the fact that they were starting to make her afraid. She was surprised by the kindness and sorrow in Inuyasha's eyes.
`What in the hell was really going on?'
Sesshomaru's words caught her attention.
“What do you know about demons?”
This time it was Sango who look incredulous.
“We are in Japan. for Kami's sake! What child didn't grow up hearing legends about demons? If you listen to my mother, I'm supposedly named after a demon slayer ancestor. How is that about knowing about demons? Kagome's grandfather is a priest! We all know the stories and now what I'm trying to figure out is what the hell is going on!”
By now Sango was standing and yelling. Miroku grabbed her hand but she snatched it away.
“Don't you touch me! You brought us into this craziness!”
Inuyasha could see this was very quickly getting out of hand.
“Look, if I can show you demons are real, would you at least sit down and listen to us?”
Kagome and Sango frowned at each other. How in the world was he going to show that demons were real?
Inuyasha held his left arm out. He removed the braided silver bracelet from his wrist. Both Kagome and Sango gasped as his hair and eyes changed color. His nails lengthened in to claws and the most shocking thing was the formation of dog ears on the top of his head.
Sango sat down with a plop. Kagome stood up, knocking her chair over. She knew her mouth was hanging open but she really didn't care. She stepped towards Inuyasha and touched his silver hair. She looked into his now amber eyes. Her mind was telling her this was a trick, a joke, someone was trying to push her over the edge. Instinctively, Kagome knew that touching the ears would answer her reality questions once and for all. She reached for the ears. At first, Inuyasha ducked away, but then he realized he had to let her do it. She tenderly rubbed the ears. They were soft and warm. Suddenly, his ears twitched and Kagome jumped back as if there was an electric shock.
“No” Kagome began shaking her head and stumbling back. “No, No, No.”
Inuyasha began reached for her. “Kagome, wait..”
Kagome snatched away from him and felt herself stumble on the fallen chair. Before she could catch herself, she completely went over the chair. There was a sharp pain in the back of her head from striking the floor and before blackness completely over took her, she saw Inuyasha's amber eyes looking at her.
“My dream…”