InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 7

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

It was so hard to open her eyes. Kagome could feel silky cloth under her hands and back. The back of her head felt heavy and cold. She wished who ever was calling her name would quit. All she wanted to do was slide back into the quiet darkness. She hated to admit it, but it was the most peaceful sleep she had had in years.
`No dreams. Just quiet…” Kagome's thoughts were slow forming. “Wait, I was at lunch… They played a trick on me.”
Suddenly, everything came rushing back to her. Kagome tried to sit up but strong hands held her down.
“Easy. The doctor says you need to stay down at least until the dizziness passes.”
Kagome found herself staring again into amber eyes. Glancing around, she saw that she was in somebody's bedroom.
“Where am I? Whose bed is this?” Then realizing that her blouse was gone and she only had on a bra, She pulled the blanket up to her nose. “And where is my blouse?”
Inuyasha smiled at the barrage of questions. “My place. My bed. Sango took your blouse off. When the doctor came, we didn't want to ruin it with water. So she took it off you. It's hanging in my closet.”
At the mention of doctor, Kagome began to feel the pain coming from the back of her head. Gingerly, she touched the lump and winced.
“Well can I have my blouse back? I need to get home. I have class tomorrow and I need to get some studying in before I go back to bed.”
Inuyasha looked at the beauty lying on the bed under his hands. She hadn't realized that she was unconscious for 2 hours and there was no way he was letting her leave tonight.
“The doctor said you need at least 2 days of bed rest because of dizziness. He doesn't think you have a concussion but you need to be watched and you don't need to be alone.”
Kagome rolled her eyes. “Number one, I'm not dizzy. Number two, I don't live alone. I have a roommate.”
Inuyasha stood up. “Fine. If you can get up and walk to the closet and get your blouse without falling over, I'll let you leave.”
Kagome lay there for a minute. She still had on her skirt so rationalized that at least she wasn't naked. She flung the bed covers aside, sat up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. The first wave of dizziness slapped her like a fist. She looked up at Inuyasha watching her with a smug 'I told you so' look on his face. Determined not to give in, Kagome pushed herself up and stood. She gave Inuyasha a triumphant glare, took two steps and her knees buckled. Inuyasha caught her and placed her back in bed. At that moment, Sango and Miroku entered the room.
“Oh, Kagome! I'm glad you are awake. You scared me. That was the longest two hours in my life.”
Inuyasha propped Kagome up with pillows. Kagome frowned in her friend's face as she sat on the bed.
“What do you mean, two hours? Are you serious?”
Sango looked at Inuyasha. “You didn't tell her?”
Inuyasha shrugged. “I didn't get a chance. She woke up bitching about leaving.”
Sango looked at her friend, who was shooting daggers at Inuyasha.
“Miroku was getting ready to take me home to get some of our things. Both of us are staying here until you get better.”
Kagome felt whiny. “Can't you just carry me down? I don't have to walk. I need to go home.”
Before Sango could respond, Inuyasha spoke. “You aren't leaving here until the doctor says you can and that is final.”
Kagome pouted “But…But..”
Inuyasha shook his head “No buts. It's final. Sango and Miroku will be right back. I won't bite.” Then he winked at Kagome. “At least, not yet.”
Kagome flushed fire red as Inuyasha had the desired duel effect. One, it shocked her into silence. Two, he was beginning to smell her arousal again.
Sango patted her friend's hand. She knew that Kagome would be in good hands and that Inuyasha said that to shut her up.
“We'll be right back.”
Inuyasha closed the bedroom door behind them. Looking at Kagome in his bed, Inuyasha had to rein in his lust at the moment because of her injuries. The smell of her was overwhelming his senses.
“Why am I in your bed? I'm sure this palace has more that one bedroom.” Kagome snapped.
Inuyasha climbed on the other side of the bed next to her. “This `palace' you refer to is merely a penthouse and actually it has four other bedrooms. Sango's in one, Miroku's in the other.”
Kagome stared at him. “So why am I here? There's a whole room not used.”
Inuyasha started rubbing her cheek. “Because you didn't need to be alone and I'm responsible for you. You are my guest. My place was closer to the restaurant plus we have a doctor on call.”
Kagome huffed and crossed her arms. She knew she was acting snotty but even if his reasoning made sense, she wasn't just giving in. “I could have shared a room with Sango.”
Inuyasha gently turned her head towards him. “Maybe I just wanted you with me.”
Kagome blushed and wanted to curse at the same time. The words turned her insides to mush and she hated that he knew it. They sat staring at each other for a heartbeat, when Inuyasha stood up and went to the bedroom door.
“Dammit, Sesshomaru.” He flung it open. “Are all the kamis conspiring to keep us from being alone.”
Sesshomaru smirked at his little brother. “I just came to check on the miko and make sure she was awake.”
Kagome pulled the covers up again and greeted Sesshomaru. “Hello Tashio-Sama.”
Inuyasha turned and snarled at Kagome. “No need to be so formal with this guy.”
Sesshomaru swept around Inuyasha and sat in the chair near the bed.
“How do you feel?”
Kagome glared back at Inuyasha. “I'm a little dizzy and my head feels tender.” She paused for a moment. “May I ask you a question?”
Sesshomaru nodded.
“Well,” Kagome began, “ Why do you call me `miko'? I know my grandfather is a priest but I have no formal training. I'm just a nursing student.”
Sesshomaru looked back at Inuyasha's. Inuyasha knew they couldn't share too much with Kagome until she went to see the Seer.
“There are things I'm not at liberty to share at this moment. I had intended on asking you to meet someone with me tomorrow but in light of the doctor's orders, it has been postponed until Wednesday.”
Kagome shot daggers at Sesshomaru. “Look, I don't what kind of hocus pocus game you guys are playing. All this mystery and coded talk is making really want to slap somebody if I can't get some straight answers!”
The last yell made her head hurt again and she clutched it and groaned. Inuyasha went out of the room and came back with water and a pill bottle.
“Oh, so you are resorting to drugging me.” Kagome weakly protested.
Inuyasha shook two pills out of the bottle and handed them to Kagome. Without a word, he passed her the water. They stared at each other, until finally Kagome huffed and took both of the pills. After she drank the water, she opened her mouth and wiggled her tongue.
Inuyasha nodded “Ecstatic. Now maybe we can get some peace from your bitching.”
Kagome threw the glass in her hand at Inuyasha. It shattered against the wall.
Sesshomaru shook his head at the antics of his brother and the miko. He had to admit she had changed and if it was possible had become more fiery and less compliant than she was in the past.
“If you two are through playing games. Inuyasha let Kagome sleep and we can go in the other room.” He nodded to Kagome. “Good night” and swept out of the room.
Inuyasha moved towards the door. He had turned off the light when he heard Kagome call.
“Yea, Kagome?”
“Good night.”
Inuyasha stood in the dark for a moment. “Good night, Kagome.”
Miroku and Sango had an uneventful ride to the apartment she and Kagome shared. She tried but Sango had no better luck than Kagome on getting any information about what was happening in both of their lives. They continued to talk as they walked down the hall. Suddenly, Miroku stopped.
“Sango, give me your key and stay behind me.”
Sango nodded, her eyes wide with fear. Miroku reached under the back of his jacket and pulled out a gun. Sango stared at the gun in amazement but she said nothing.
Miroku unlocked and pushed the door open. He signaled Sango to stay in the door and he did a swap of apartment. He returned from the back, remoistening the gun.
“No one's here now.”
Sango stood in shock. The apartment was in ruins. Furniture was overturned, papers were scattered everywhere. Miroku held Sango by the shoulders.
“Look, go grab your books and laptop. Make sure to get Kagome's things to. Only grab important things. Don't worry about clothes, we don't have time to pack.”
Sango came out of her stupor and ran down the hall. Miroku took out his cell and called Inuyasha.
“What's wrong?”
Miroku replied, “Their apartment has been ransacked. Sango's grabbing essentials and we are getting out.”
Inuyasha growled in the phone, “We have someone over there and send someone over to the shrine.”
Miroku heard a click and went to help Sango. Being in the apartment made his skin crawled and he wanted to get out in as quickly as possible.