InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 8

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Sesshomaru and Inuyasha stood on the patio making phone calls. Sesshomaru called in a security team to examine the ransacked apartment and cleaners to fix everything afterwards. Inuyasha, meanwhile, was making sure Kagome's family was under 24 hour guard. There had been no sign of trouble but he still wanted to make sure they were safe. He thought about his sleeping love and realized things were quickly getting out of control.
Sesshomaru turned to Inuyasha, “Yuji must know we have made contact.”
Inuyasha nodded, “I was thinking the same thing. Can we move her out of the city?”
Sesshomaru frowned, “Right now, the city is the safest place for her. He can't get a bead on her powers as long as she is with us. He's relying on humans to find her right now. He knows he can't show a large wave of power or we could find him by tracking his power.”
Inuyasha looked at his brother, “What about moving up the meeting with the Seer?”
“It won't be before Tuesday, at the earliest. Besides, she needs to rest tomorrow. The meeting with the Seer will be a strain. Remember what happened with the monk?”
How could Inuyasha forget? He and Miroku met when Miroku graduated high school. Both were in AgeHa nightclub, Miroku celebrating his freedom, Inuyasha just out drinking. He had been keeping an eye on Miroku and this was one night Inuyasha was glad he followed Miroku. The night was actually going well until Miroku made the mistake of patting the ass of a girlfriend of a Yakuza member. Inuyasha stepped in the fight. He and Miroku wound up wiping the floor with many of the men then running out of the club. The two wound up back at Inuyasha's penthouse and Miroku told him of his background. Miroku had known he had a monk as an ancestor. He had also been raised aware of his spiritual powers. Because of them, he wasn't surprised when Inuyasha revealed himself as a demon. Inuyasha was surprised at how easy it was to convince Miroku to see the Seer.
However, the visit was not without complications. Miroku passed out and didn't wake up for 3 days. When he came to, he had so many questions; Inuyasha almost regretted restoring his memories.
Inuyasha continued to look at his brother. “I haven't forgotten. I was hoping with Kagome's memories so close to the surface of her conscience, maybe it wouldn't be such a struggle.”
Sesshomaru agreed, “One can hope.” With that Sesshomaru left and went back to his penthouse to try to make arrangements.
Miroku came out on the patio, with a very worried look on his face.
“I sent Sango to shower and rest. She was really shaken up about their place. Does Kagome know?”
Inuyasha looked back into the living room. “No, I didn't tell her. Her head was hurting again so I gave her some painkillers so she could rest.” He started walking towards the inside. “Do you want something to drink?'
Miroku followed him inside.
“I'll be glad for a drink. So did you two fighting make her head hurt?”
Inuyasha looked up from the bar. “What makes you assume we were fighting?”
Miroku laughed, “Because you always did. Kagome is more sure of herself now and less likely to take any grief off you.”
Inuyasha passed him a glass. “Mind your business, monk.”
Kagome lay sleeping in the medicated haze. The dreams started slowly first. There were dreams about school, the day at the park and the night at the club. Suddenly, the dreams began to change. It was the same dream about a time she didn't know but this time it was like watching a movie.
There was bright sunshine but Kagome could smell the blood. Everyone was fighting. Miroku was dressed as a monk, Sango as a taijiya. Both of them were covered with blood. Kagome turned and saw Inuyasha. He was dressed in a red hakama and hitoe. His silver hair was stained with blood. The next person she saw surprised her.
`It's me'
Kagome saw herself dressed in her old junior high uniform. She had a quiver of arrows on her back and was trying to aim the bow to shoot at giant black jewel shape object. Every time, she had a chance to hit it, Kagome saw it shoot out what looked like tentacles at her. Inuyasha grabbed her and moved or sliced the tentacles with a giant sword.
Kagome was paralyzed watching. She wanted to call out to herself and the others but she couldn't speak. When she saw the thing shoot out a giant diamond spear, she could finally open her mouth to scream. She saw the spear fly towards her younger self. Just before it struck, she saw the glowing pink arrow was released. The object and her younger self were struck at the same time.
She began screaming just as Sango did in the dream. She saw Inuyasha run to her younger self and cradle her in his arms. Kagome couldn't stop screaming and crying, even as she felt some one grab her and shake her. All she kept hearing was her name…
Inuyasha and Miroku were planning what needed to be done in the living room, when Kagome first started screaming. Inuyasha ran in the room with her and Miroku went to get Sango. What he saw startled him. Kagome was sitting up in the bed but she was still asleep. Her eyes were still closed and she was screaming at the top of her lungs and tears were running down her face. The only thing she kept screaming was `No, No, No'
Inuyasha grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.
“Kagome! Kagome! Wake up, koibito.”
Because she had taken the medicine, it was harder to wake her up. Sango reached the room and started called to Kagome.
Inuyasha was frantic. His ears were laid back by the sound of her screams. She sounded like she was dying. He hugged Kagome to him and to everyone's surprise, she stopped screaming. She continued to cry but she still hadn't awakened. He held her and rocked her and stunned himself when he realized he was low growling. The sound seemed to be calming her down.
Sango stepped into the bathroom and return with a washcloth. She gently washed Kagome's face, while Inuyasha continued to hold her. When she finished, Sango spoke.
“She's had bad ones before but never this bad. Why hasn't she woken up?”
Miroku answered, “Kagome took painkillers for her head. They probably knocked her out so it's hard to wake her up. Hopefully, she'll calm down and maybe Inuyasha can get her back to sleep.”
Sango looked worriedly at her friend. She saw that the racking sobs of Kagome had been reduced to hiccups and tears streaming down her face. She grabbed Miroku's hand.
“Come on. I think she'll be ok.”
Miroku looked at his best friend, oblivious to everything except to sobbing woman in his arms. He nodded and let Sango pull him out of the room.
Inuyasha lay Kagome back gently in the bed. He slid under the covers with her and continued to hold her. To his astonishment, she curled up against him and soon the tears stopped. He could tell be her breathing that she was fully sleep again. He lay there for a long time, just listening to her breathe. Finally, he dozed off with Kagome still cradled in his arms.
Kagome squeezed her eyes tight against the morning sun. She tried to stretch but was startled to realize she was in Inuyasha's arms. Confused at first, she remembered having another nightmare but this time it ended differently. Some one calmed her down, she felt a warm presence wrap around her and made her feel safe. The dream blew apart like cotton candy in the wind and was gone.
Kagome looked up at the hanyou's face. His silver strands were across his face and he looked so peaceful sleep. She reached up to move the hair from his face and his eyes popped open.
“Good morning, sleepy head.”
Kagome found herself drowning in his amber eyes. She was suddenly very aware that she was only in a bra and skirt, wrapped up in the arms of a man she found extremely sexy. Kagome felt the hot blush rush down her body at her thoughts and the arousal forming in between her legs.
“Good morning. I'm sorry I'm all over you like this. I hope I didn't disturb your rest.”
Inuyasha restrained a smile. He could smell her lust and was trying everything in his power to not make her want to run off like a scared rabbit. He wanted her to come to him willingly and with no hesitation.
“It's alright. It's not everyday that a beautiful woman is in my bed.”
Kagome looked at him with disbelief in her eyes. “Really?”
Inuyasha did smile this time. “Really. You'd be surprised. I'm trying to be a one-woman man. You can't do that if you have everyone in your bed.”
Kagome continued to look in his eyes. She could see the sincerity shining in his eyes. Suddenly, she was nervous.
“Well, I guess you are right about that. So, are you saying don't believe the tabloids.”
“Not at all.” Inuyasha laughed, “That's why Sesshomaru and I keep so private. We try to have a life outside of the spotlight as much as possible.”
Kagome opened her mouth to ask another question but her stomach growled. Inuyasha reluctantly took his arms from around Kagome and got up out of bed.
“Let me go find us some food. I'm sure Miroku, at least, is up and we need to find you something to wear.”
Kagome was confused. “Didn't Sango get my clothes last night?”
Inuyasha kept walking “We'll explain everything over breakfast. Some things are better on a full stomach.”
Kagome frowned. She gingerly got up from bed and was pleased that she was no longer dizzy. She went to the door that she thought was the closet and opened it. She was amazed to walk into fantasy closet. It was the biggest closet she had ever seen. Kagome breathe in the air deeply. It smelled like Inuyasha, a hint of musk and spice and another smell she couldn't quite put her finger on. She touched the clothes, imaging them on his body and her taking them off of him. Kagome found her blouse hanging with his shirts and put it on. It would do for breakfast and then she would worry about her clothes. Kagome sniffed her blouse and was inexplicably pleased that it smelled like him. She walked out of the closet before she started wrapping herself in his shirts just to rub the scent on her.