InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 9

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Breakfast was a wrenching but informative affair. Over a traditional breakfast of natto, miso soup, rolled omelet, rice and green tea, Kagome was told about the apartment. While she expressed sorrow, she was glad that her family was being protected. She also realized that the safest thing right now was to stay where they were. The news was not a total disappointment. She wanted to spend a little more time with Inuyasha after their brief conversation in bed.
More time was spent explaining the presence of demons in this modern world. Both Kagome and Sango were stunned to learn most of the legends they had grown up hearing were actually true stories. Most demons chose to conceal themselves and blend in with the more modern world. Both girls were also stunned to learn many major companies were demon-owned. When asked why they chose to blend in, Inuyasha shrugged,
“After so many centuries, you get tired of fighting.”
By the time breakfast was finished, Sesshomaru had arrived. He was dressed impeccably in a black Armani tailored suit, crisp white shirt and a red crested tie.
“Good morning, ladies”
Both greeted him in return
“Good morning, Tashio-Sama.”
Inuyasha snarled at the formal greeting while Sesshomaru gave a glimmer of a smile.
“I have good news for you. The shops downstairs are open and you can go get the things you need.”
Sango was the first to speak. “The shops there are too expensive. We don't have that type of money.”
Sesshomaru actually smiled this time. “We are taking care of the bill. Right now get what you need for the week and we'll see where it goes from there.
Sesshomaru turned to leave. “By the way, make sure you pick up a fancy outfit. You'll need it for Thursday night.”
Kagome was happy and nervous at the same time. “But what about my classes?”
Sesshomaru looked at Kagome. She was taken back by the facial similarities between him and Inuyasha. She caught herself looking back at Inuyasha and blushed when she was caught starting at him. Sesshomaru cleared his throat.
“I made arrangements with the University to allow you both to continue your studies online. They were lead to believe you both were ill. I have a tutor who can come in and supervise your tests.
Kagome looked at Sango. A shopping spree! While her family was not poor, at the same time, there hadn't been a lot of money for splurges. Sango had grown up the same way. The idea of spending someone else's money freely was exciting. Kagome finally smiled. After last night, Inuyasha was thrilled to see the smile on her face.
“Ok. Come on, Sango!”
Both girls got up and practically ran out of the penthouse. Inuyasha stopped Sesshomaru before he could leave.
“What did you find out?”
Sesshomaru took a seat.
“O-fudas had been placed throughout the apartment. Upon further inspection, they were made to bind her spiritual powers”
Miroku sighed, “No wonder I felt unease in the apartment. Were they made specifically for her?”
Sesshomaru nodded, “They had to completed in the apartment using something personal, maybe hair from a brush. Most likely, she would have walked in the apartment and collapsed. They had the phone lines rerouted, so any emergency calls went to another line, most likely Yuji's men. They would have come in as EMT and he would have her. Sango wouldn't have known anything was wrong, if they left her alive.”
Inuyasha listened to everything, uncharacteristically quiet.
`The only other person I knew with such spiritual powers was Kikyo. How could he have been hiding himself all of these centuries?'
“What about the Seer, Sesshomaru?”
“First thing in the morning.” He stood. “I know not to expect you in the office today. Make sure you keep an eye on them. In this building we can guarantee their protection. Tomorrow, we'll have guards and everything will be in place to go see the Seer but for today, they both need to be here with us.”
Both men nodded their understanding. Miroku waited until Sesshomaru left before speaking.
“ I guess this means we need to go downstairs and join the shopping trip.”
Inuyasha shook his head. This day had started out so interesting and was quickly turning into a bad moment.
Kagome and Sango were well on their way to a joyous implosion. Purchasing toiletries and undies was easy. Both girls had found several casual outfits in some of the boutiques. The hardest part was trying to find a formal dress to wear. They had wandered in several shops but never finding anything that suited them. When Miroku and Inuyasha finally joined them, they were standing in front of the Valentino shop, looking confused and torn.
Miroku could see their discomfort and rubbed his hands together. “Ladies, what wrong?” and wrapped his arms around their shoulders. Inuyasha could smell the distress coming off both women. He couldn't see what the problem was either.
Kagome gave a loud sigh, “Well, Tashio-Sama said to find a formal dress but this is the only place we have seen anything we like. They are too expensive and we don't know what to do.”
Miroku and Inuyasha looked at each other, stunned. They couldn't believe these women had a problem spending someone else's money! Inuyasha grabbed both Sango and Kagome's hands.
“Have you tried on the dresses?”
Both girls nodded.
Miroku joined in. “ Did you like them?“
Both girls nodded again.
Inuyasha sighed, “Then go get the dresses! We'll be waiting for you right here.”
Sango and Kagome squealed. Kagome hugged Inuyasha and without thinking, kissed him on the cheek.
“Thank you, Thank you!”
She then grabbed Sango's hand and they ran back into the shop, Sango shouting her thanks over her shoulder. Miroku looked at his stunned friend.
“She kissed you, eh”
Inuyasha faintly blushed, “It was just on the cheek. It's not like I haven't kissed her before.”
Miroku nodded wisely, “But this was different. It was sweet and innocent. Those are the kind that make a woman eventually come to you.”
Inuyasha rolled his eyes as if he were exasperated at his friend but was listening intently. “What are you talking about?”
Miroku looked him straight in the eye. He loved giving `female advice'.
“You don't force the issue. Just let the tender moments happen then when that flower is ready, you pounce and pluck it.”
Kagome and Sango emerged from the shop a few minutes later to a bruised monk and an innocent looking hanyou. Sango went to Miroku.
“What happened?”
Miroku looked contrite. “I slipped and hit my head.”
Both girls looked at Inuyasha suspiciously but he looked back at them daring them to say anything accusatory.
Sango cradled Miroku. “Come on” She crooned soothingly, “Let's go back upstairs.”
Miroku leaned into Sango. He turned and winked at Inuyasha. Kagome stood by Inuyasha in complete surprise and watched them walk away. Inuyasha took the shopping bags from her and they followed to the elevator.
The rest of the afternoon went quietly. Kagome studied while Sango tended to Miroku. Inuyasha spent his time sitting with Kagome and checking in with Sesshomaru. He was nervous about the meeting with the Seer. He and Kagome had talked some about it and Inuyasha had shared as much as he could without telling her everything.
After dinner, Kagome went to take a shower. When she came out of the bathroom, Inuyasha was sitting on the bed. He had to admit Kagome was looking breathtaking. She had on a short nightgown; her hair pulled back into a ponytail and was scrubbed free of all makeup. Looking at her like this reminded Inuyasha of a young Kagome. He could feel his inner demon practically sniffing the air.
Kagome was surprised to see Inuyasha sitting on the bed. He had taken off his shirt and was clad only in his slacks. Kagome swallowed hard. His chest was well muscled and his tan skin was a contrast to silver of his hair.
`My goodness, he's beautiful' Kagome instantly thought. Out loud, she asked,
“What's wrong? You look upset?”
Inuyasha looked at Kagome with his beautiful amber eyes and Kagome had to fight to focus on his words. He was just oozing sexy maleness and she wanted to touch his bare skin. One look in his eyes temporarily cleared her thoughts. They were filled with worry and concern.
“I don't want you to be worried about tomorrow.”
Kagome sat beside him. “I told you I was fine. I'm ready for some answers, that's all.”
Inuyasha was silent for a moment. He knew they would have a longer conversation tomorrow.
“How long have you had the dreams.”
Kagome looked thoughtful for a moment. “Right after I turned fifteen. They weren't bad at first, just really sad. Some were actually happy. In the last few years, they have been getting more and more violent. I don't sleep through the night anymore unless I go to bed exhausted.”
She stared at her feet for a moment. They both sat in silence. After a moment, Kagome looked at him again.
“I can't believe I admitted that much to you. Sango is the only one who knows how bad it is. Why the concern for two girls you met Saturday night?”
Inuyasha's laughed and his eyes twinkled.
“If I told you, you'd think I was crazy.”
His laughter died and his face got serious. “After tomorrow, so many things will get answered. I promise we'll talk as long as you want and I'll answer all the questions.” He kissed her on the cheek and stood up.
“I'm going to shower, so make yourself comfortable.”
Kagome watched him walking away. She remembered the feel of his skin and realized he had a nice ass, too. She shook her head and went into the living room to study.
When Inuyasha came out of the shower, he expected Kagome to be in the bedroom. Looking out into the living room, he saw her and Sango bent over books and Miroku watching television.
“Hey guys, I hate to sound like a dad but we have an early and stressful day tomorrow. We all need to be sleep.”
Sango closed her book. “All I needed was an excuse.”
Kagome, on the other hand, protested. “I'm used to late nights and early mornings.”
Inuyasha looked at Miroku. He nodded and pulled Sango up from the couch.
“Come Sango, Allow me to tuck you in.”
Sango looked at him. “As long as you are only tucking and not touching.”
Miroku looked at her with big innocent eyes. “Why I'd never do …”
Sango walked off, rolling her eyes. “Sure. Come on, Miroku.”
Inuyasha took Kagome's book out of her hands and scooped her up off the couch. Ignoring her protests, he turned out the lights and carried her into the bedroom and dumped her unceremoniously on the bed.
“Damn, Inuyasha, are you even listening to me? Kagome squeaked after she stopped bouncing.
Inuyasha turned to overhead light in the bedroom off. The only illumination in the room was from the moonlight streaming through the windows. He came back to the bed where Kagome was sitting and still fussing.
“Oh, shut up.” and he crushed her mouth in a mind-numbing kiss. Kagome felt any arguments slip away at the touch of his lips. She found herself lying back on the bed under him with one hand in his hair and the other on his back. Kagome found his ear and tweaked it gently. She was pleased when she heard him moan from her touch. She continued to rub the appendage, enjoying the feel of it in her hands.
Inuyasha felt himself begin to harden under the silk of his pajama pants. He ran a hand up Kagome's leg and over her stomach. His hands teased the underside of her breasts and he heard her gasp. He pushed her nightgown up and over her head, exposing her panties and breasts to his view. Inuyasha trailed hot kisses down her neck and took one of her nipples into his mouth. Kagome moaned and arched her back as he nipped and sucked the tender nipple. His hand found its way into her panties and cupped the warmness between her thighs. He felt the shudder run through her body as he stroked her clit with one finger. He switched his attention to the other breast, nibbling and sucking it to diamond hardness while still stroking her clit.
Kagome could hear herself moaning under his touch and wanted to beg him to do more. She thought she'd faint when he rubbed her clit. Instead, she found herself arching her hips to his hand, grinding against his fingers. When Inuyasha moved from her breasts, she moaned loudly letting him know her displeasure.
Inuyasha chuckled at her sounds but continued his trail of hot kissed down her stomach until her reached her now dripping cunt. He ripped the side of her panties with his claws and when he flicked his tongue over the clit, Kagome cried out from the sensation. She could feel the knot forming between her legs and it was begging to be released. He stuck his tongue between the hot folds and tasted her sweet essence.
By now Kagome was tearing at the covers on the bed, as sensation after sensation went through her body. When Inuyasha inserted his finger inside of her, she felt herself begin the spiral to an orgasm. He pumped his finger in and out for a moment then added another one. With two fingers inside of her, Kagome felt him hit the magic spot. A wild orgasm spasmed through her as she screamed his name. He continued sucking her clit, causing the orgasm to continue in an uncontrollable wave. Her back arched and she cried out until she had no longer had a voice. She lay spent on the bed, breathing heavily while Inuyasha continued to lick the remaining juices from her faintly contracting cunt.
Inuyasha finally pulled himself up beside Kagome on the bed. She slid her now naked body against him and gave him a tender kiss. His already rock hard cock twitched from the feel of her breasts on his chest.
“What about you?” Kagome asked as she nipped his lower lip, her hands sliding down his chest to caress the bulge in the silk pants.
Inuyasha was panting by now and barely able to answer. “I didn't do this expecting you to return the favor.”
Kagome give a wicked, sexy smile. “You know no good deed goes unpunished.” She trailed kisses down his chest, leaving a path of fire in her wake. When she reached the waistband of the pants, Kagome grabbed it with her teeth and pulled it down enough to release his straining cock. It popped out and Kagome was momentarily surprised. It was bigger that she expected! She slid her tongue across the head and Inuyasha moaned. She continued to tease him, only taking the head of his cock into her warm, moist mouth. He arched his hips, trying to get her to take in more.
“Come on, Kagome….stop teasing me.” Inuyasha groaned out in a barely recognizable voice.
Instead, Kagome ran her tongue along the underside of his erection. With her hand, she fondled his balls, giving them a gentle squeeze. She continued back up his cock with her tongue and in one swift move, she took as much of him in her mouth as possible. She slid her hot mouth up and down on his shaft, making sure she gave the head an extra suck when she reached the top.
Inuyasha thrust his hips up to meet her mouth. He could feel his balls tightening as Kagome continued to suck his cock and squeeze the ball. He was trying to hold back, so this could last as long as possible but he knew he wouldn't last too much longer. The only thing Inuyasha could do was moan and it was his turn to claw at the sheets on the bed, trying to find a way to release the pleasure. After a few moments, he realized that he couldn't hold back any longer. Inuyasha let out a low, feral growl as he released his hot load into Kagome's willing mouth. She struggled to swallow as much as she could but some ran out of the corner of her mouth and down her chin.
Kagome moved up the bed and lay across his chest. Both of them were spent from the release they had given each other. Inuyasha pulled Kagome up to the head of the bed and pulled the cover over her. He snuggled in behind her gave her a gentle kiss on the neck.
“Sleep and don't dream tonight. Just rest.”
And she did.