InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 10

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Inuyasha watched the sleeping girl on his bed. It was barely dawn but he had been up for an hour and was partly dressed. He hated to wake Kagome because she was sleeping so peacefully. After watching her go through the nightmare the night before and her fitful sleep afterwards, it did his heart good to see her truly rest. However, today was the day to visit the Seer.
“Kagome” Inuyasha shook her gently. Kagome groaned and turned away from Inuyasha.
“Come on, babe. We have to see the seer today.”
Kagome stretched and groaned. She dragged sleepy hands over her face.
“Is it even daylight yet?”
Inuyasha laughed. “Barely. Hit the showers, koibito. We need to be leaving soon.”
Kagome looked up sleepily at Inuyasha and felt a leap in her heart. He wore black slacks and a pale yellow dress shirt that was currently unbuttoned. Her mouth watered at the sight of his chest and she felt a blush burn across her face as she recalled the night before. Inuyasha looked at her blushing face and smile. He handed her a robe.
“As much as I would like a replay of last night, we don't have time.”
Kagome felt a quick flash of anger. She snatched the robe and pulled it on with angry, jerky movements.
“Last night shouldn't have happened. I just got caught up in the moment.”
Inuyasha stratled her on the bed, pining her down.
“Liar, liar. You wanted that as much as I did.” He whispered in her ear. “Before it's all over, you'll want more.”
“Let me up, Inuyasha or I'll start screaming.”
A twinkle danced in his eyes. “They heard you screaming last night. They'll figure it's a replay.”
Kagome was livid and embarrassed. She tried to push Inuyasha off of her but was unsuccessful. He moved over her face and she felt his breath tickle her lips.
“You know, kissing you seems to be the only way to keep you quiet.” and he planted a tender, but deep kiss on her lips. Kagome felt herself melt at the touch of his lips. When he pulled away, she involuntarily groaned. Inuyasha chuckled.
“I also noticed when you are nervous or upset, you mouth off. Everything will be fine today. I'll be with you.”
He kissed her again on the forehead and got off her then he grabbed her hands and pulled her out of bed.
“Now go shower.” and he smacked her on the ass when she walked by him. Kagome squealed and hurried into the bathroom.
After a subdued breakfast, a limo came to pick up everyone. In addition, the household and Sesshomaru there were also two security guards. Kagome felt like she was going to explode from the nervous tension in her and in the car. She looked across the aisle at Sango. She was pale and squeezing her hands together nervously. Kagome wanted to close her eyes and mediate but she couldn't focus. The upcoming meeting made her feel like she wanted to jump out of her skin.
`I just want to scream..just to release the pressure. I'm going crazy. I can't breathe, I can't get a coherent thought in my head. I want to get out of the this limo and run and run and run.'
Inuyasha could sense the rising panic in Kagome. She was looking out of the window but the tension was coming off of her in waves. Between her and Sango, he couldn't tell who was the most panicked. He looked at Sesshomaru and knew he could feel the tension coming off both of the girls. At the rate they were going, both of them would faint they got to the Seer's residence. Inuyasha reached over and held Kagome's hand. She turned and gave a glimmer of a smile. She calmed down some but the apprehension still lingered. Miroku pulled Sango to him and let her lean on his shoulder. He and Inuyasha made eye contact across the aisle and hoped the same thing, that this meeting with the Seer wouldn't turn into a disaster.
After driving for about 30 minutes, the limo pulled in front of a non-descript building. The men left the car and went to the door. A few minutes, they signaled for the ladies to come out. Everyone went forward into the building except Kagome and Sango. They stood in front of the building, fearful of what was to come. Kagome could not get away from the feeling overwhelming panic that threatened to engulf her. She didn't know what was going to happen inside the building but her mind and body were at war. Sango was clinging tightly to Kagome and dealing with her own fears but not as strongly as Kagome. Sango knew if she released Kagome, she'd run. She could feel the fear coming from her best friend's body.
“Kagome, I think we'll be ok.”
Kagome shook her head. “This is not right. We aren't supposed to be here. I'm not supposed to know.”
Sango looked wide-eyed at her friend. “Know what, sweetie?”
Kagome took a deep breath. Sango could hear the sob at the end of it. “I don't know but I just feel it. This will hurt too much to know.” Tears started streaming down her face.
“Sango, please let me go.”
Sango was torn. She was scared to find out what the Seer had to say but her fear wasn't as strong as Kagome's. They had been friends seven years and they had come to be like sisters. She wanted to protect her friend but knew instinctively even if she let her go, Kagome wouldn't get far. How could you get away from powerful demons if they really wanted to find you?
Inuyasha realized the girls weren't behind them and stepped back out the door. The fear and agony radiating off Kagome was like a slap in the face. He heard her pleading with Sango and saw the tears both girls were now shedding. He could tell Sango was in turmoil by the look on her face. She was holding Kagome's hands and trying to console her but Inuyasha could tell it was going downhill fast. He could see that any minute, Sango was going to give in to her friend and help her leave.
She turned and looked at him with tear-filled eyes. As he walked towards her, Kagome started shaking her head.
“This is not right. I'm not supposed to know.”
Inuyasha frowned at Kagome's word. He wasn't quite sure what she meant but he knew she had to go inside.
“Sango, go on inside. I'll take care of this.”
Sango stared at Inuyasha for a long moment then looked back at her friend. Tears were still running down her face and her eyes pleaded with Sango to let her go. Sango sighed and gave Kagome's hands to Inuyasha. With own eyes pleading sorry, Sango went in the building.
Inuyasha held her close. “Kagome, we have to do this.”
Kagome voice was muffled against his chest. “How do we know this is right? Who says I ever need the know the reason behind my dreams.”
Inuyasha held her back so he could look in her tear-filled chocolate eyes. “Your dreams are telling you that it's time. In all honesty, it's past time.” He gave a big sigh. “Look, I know this won't be easy. I faced my worst fear many years ago and I've had to leave with it for centuries. It didn't hurt less knowing I was doing the right thing but it had to be done in order for me to be able to live with myself. Now it's time for you to find out what you need to know. I'm with you.. I won't leave your side.”
Kagome stared back in to his amber eyes. `He's right. I need to face the music' She nodded her agreement, not trusting her voice yet. Inuyasha took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped the tears from her face. He gave her a loving kiss and led her into the house.
Everyone else was sitting in the genken, removing their shoes. The Seer's housemaid came out.
“My Lords, Mistress wishes to know which young lady will be first.”
Sesshomaru made the decision. “Let Chikako-sama know Sango will be first.”
The housemaid bowed. “Very well, my Lord. The rest of you may come into the seating area.”
Sango and Kagome looked at each other. Miroku took Sango's hand and gave her a smile.
“I'm going with you.”
Sango smiled back and nodded. She hugged Kagome then she and Miroku went with the housemaid.
Everyone else found themselves sitting in an outdoor patio. Kagome took the time she spent waiting to try and calm down. At the same time her mind was flooded with so many thoughts.
`I wonder what did Inuyasha have to do all those centuries ago? Is that why he looks haunted sometimes when I catch him staring at me? Did he really mean it when he said he'd never leave my side? Is all of this going too fast? I mean, he's sexy as hell but is this going to be something or just a fling? He has talents and I bet he can use more than his tongue…”
At the turn of the thoughts in her mind, Kagome blushed and shook her head to clear the thoughts. She'd did if anyone could hear everything she was thinking! She looked up to see Inuyasha and Sesshomaru watching her thoughtfully. She could have sworn she heard Inuyasha give a warning growl to Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru snarled and rolled his eyes in return. She looked back down at the ground, now totally and completely embarrassed, and completely unaware of what had just taken place.
Unknown to Kagome, her thoughts awakened her arousal. Both demons could smell it. Inuyasha did growl when he realized Sesshomaru noticed the scent too. Sesshomaru made sure Inuyasha knew under no uncertain terms was he touching the miko.
Kagome has no idea how long they had been sitting and waiting for the Seer to see her when the housemaid suddenly appeared. She bowed at Inuyasha and Sesshomaru.
“My Lords, Mistress is ready to see the next young lady.”
Both men stood up. Kagome reluctantly came to her feet and held Inuyasha's hand. They were led down a narrow tori-niwa and stopped in front of fusuma. The housemaid slid the fusuma apart and bowed as she entered the room. She allowed everyone to enter and left, closing them behind her.
Chikako was the most beautiful woman Kagome had seen. Even knowing she was a demonness, Kagome found herself awe struck. Chikako wore the homongi style of kimono. It was powder blue and decorated with Sakura and white Shiragiku flowers. It was tied with a golden obi embroidered with the same flowers. She was pale with coal black hair to her ankles but it was her eyes that held you enthralled. They were changing shades of pink and purple. Watching her eyes was like watching the sky at sunset.
“My Lords” She bowed to Sesshomaru and Inuyasha. She turned to Kagome. “Hello, Kagome-sama.” Chikako took both of Kagome's hands and let her to the middle of the room. She sat down on the tatami and gestured for Kagome to do the same. Beside Chikako was a low table adorned with a set up for a tea ceremony.
“My Lords, are you both staying?”
Sesshomaru spoke “I won't be, Chikako-sama, but my brother will be. I will be taking my leave” Both he and Chikako bowed to each other and Sesshomaru left the room.
“Come, my Lord. Take a seat beside Kagome-sama. I won't bite.”
Kagome looked at Inuyasha. She saw a flash of anger go across his face but it was immediately gone.
Inuyasha sat beside Kagome on the tatami. “I am not worried about you biting, Chikako-sama.”
Chikako looked at Inuyasha with innocent eyes. “Yes, my Lord, now you don't have to worry. But there was a time when you should have.” She turned her glance to Kagome. “Is she the one you spoke of those many years ago?”
Inuyasha flushed “That's not important right now and this is a conversation that can be held later, Chikako.”
Chikako laughed. “Now there is the Inuyasha I wanted to see. The formalities don't suit you.”
Inuyasha tossed his head and rolled his eyes “Feh”
Chikako turned her attention to Kagome. “Shall we begin?”
Chikako rose and lit incense in the room. Both Kagome and Inuyasha were nearly overpowered by the strong odor. Chikako returned to the table and added a powdered mixture of green tea and Zi hua man tuo luo to the chawan then added hot water. She murmured words over the chawan then presented it to Kagome.
“Drink, Kagome-sama”
Kagome took the chawan and attentively raised it to her lips. To her surprise, it was fruity in flavor. When she drank all of it, she passed the chawan back to Chikako. Kagome immediately felt herself go very loose, like her bones had melted and she was just jelly.
“Lay her back. Inuyasha-sama” Chikako ordered. Inuyasha helped Kagome to lay back and stretched her legs out. He could see even though her eyes were open, they were clouded as if a veil had be laid over them. Inuyasha looked up at Chikako.
“She is fine, my Lord. The drink was to help her release this realm for the moment.” Chikako stood and began chanting. As Inuyasha watched, Kagome's eyes closed and she be came flushed. Her skin was hot but she wasn't sweating at all. Chikako kept chanting over Kagome. Suddenly, she kneeled beside Kagome and laid her hand on her forehead. Chikako closed her eyes and it was as if she went into a trance. Inuyasha was helpless; the only thing he could do was watch and wait.
Kagome felt like she floated out of her body. When she opened her eyes, Kagome saw she was at the shrine.
`I'm at mama's? Ok, this is really weird.'
Kagome walked around the grounds until she came to the Goshinboku. She was reached up to touch the tree when a voice came from behind.
“Haven't you ever wondered why you are so drawn to this tree?”
Kagome turned and saw Chikako.
“How are you here?”
Chikako smiled and approached Kagome. “I'm here to guide you on your journey. I'm to show you where to go.”
Kagome returned her gaze to the tree. “I come to the tree every time I'm home. Jii-Chan taught us it was sacred. Mama said it saved all of the memories of those around it. I just feel like it is a part of who I am.”
Chikako also looked at the tree. “In a way, Kagome-sama, you are. Things have transpired in the past that should now be bought to life. Your spirit has been telling you this for a long time but you've been ignoring it.”
Kagome sat on the bench in front of the tree. “You're talking about the dreams?”
“You know dreams are the subconscious`s way trying to say things to us.” Chikako now sat beside Kagome on the bench.
Kagome felt the beginning flashes of frustration and anger. “Enough of the cryptic talk. What are you saying, Chikako-sama?”
Chikako laughed. “You are a feisty one. You'd have to be to put up with Inuyasha-sama.” Chikako stood and smoothed down her kimono. She turned to Kagome and held out her hand. “Come on, let's start our journey.”
Kagome took Chikako's hand and took the first step.