InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of you ❯ Chapter 11

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The miko and the demonness walked across the shrine grounds in silence until they reached the well house. Chikako opened the doors and entered. Kagome hesitated at the door. She felt reluctant to enter, fear of the unknown starting to creep into her mind.
Chikako turned her swirling eyes to Kagome. “Why are you fearful, Kagome-sama?”
Kagome started to answer but jumped when she felt something rub against her legs.
“Buyo.” and she bent down to pick up her beloved cat. She went into the well house, clinging to the cat. His presence made her feel calmer. Chikako smiled when she saw Kagome hold Buyo.
“It is appropriate that Buyo is here. He is the catalyst to this whole journey.”
Kagome stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked at Chikako, confusion written across her face.
“He's a cat. How is he a catalyst?”
Chikako was still now standing on the side of the well.
“Why don't you come here and watch?”
Kagome move and stood by Chikako. She was amazed to see the well house door open slightly and Buyo slink into the well house. She squeezed the cat in her arms, shocked at what she was seeing. A few minutes later, she could hear Souta outside, calling to Buyo. Kagome then heard Souta call for her. Kagome started to the door but Chikako held her back. To Kagome's great surprise, she could hear herself talking and teasing Souta. The well house door opened and Kagome watched her younger self enter the well house with Souta peeking in the door. The younger version found Buyo, picked him up and headed for the door.
Kagome watched in horror has the cover to the well burst open and a creature can through the well. It had long, wild black hair and many arms.  Its upper body was a woman but the lower body looked like a centipede.  Before Kagome could cry out to warn herself, the creature grabbed younger Kagome and pulled her into the well. She heard Souta calling for her and then he ran off and she could hear him yelling for Jii-Chan.
“What in the hell was that?” Kagome exclaimed.
“That, Kagome-sama, was the pathway opening up.” Chikako replied. “Come, destiny waits for no one.”
Kagome put Buyo down and backed away from Chikako.
“I am not going down there! Are you crazy? You saw that….that thing!”
Chikako approached Kagome and grasped both of her hands.
“Another aspect of this journey is learning to trust what you see and to not be afraid.”
Kagome snatched her hands away from Chikako.
“Are you serious? Not be afraid? Did we just see the same thing or am I on this trip solo?”
Kagome ran to the stairs and stopped at the doorway. “I tell you what…YOU go down the well! Send me a note and let me know how you make out.” She slammed the door of the well house and went back towards the tree. Kagome didn't know how she was going to get out of this, but going down the well was not the way, as far as she was concerned.

Inuyasha was keeping an eye on Kagome's still body. He didn't like the way she burned to the touch and was wondering if there was a problem when Chikako suddenly came out of her trance. Her eyes were hard purple and Inuyasha recognized that as Chikako being angry. He chuckled at the look of sheer madness playing across her face.
“Stubborn human!” She glared at Inuyasha. “You have your hands full with that one. She refused to go through the well.”
Inuyasha looked at the still unconscious Kagome. “She doesn't trust you.”
Chikako stared at Kagome. “Well, until she passes through the well, she cannot be awoken. That's the power of the spell.”
A shocked Inuyasha looked at Chikako. “Damn it, Chikako! How in the hell could you use such a powerful spell? You knew there was a chance that it might not work and then what were you planning to do?”
Chikako glared at Inuyasha, angry that her powers were being questioned. “As hard as Kagome-sama has been fighting the dreams, I needed something strong to be able to enter her mind. You forget her miko powers are strong enough to keep me out if she was conscience. If she truly knew how to use them, even this spell wouldn't have worked.”
Inuyasha stood up and paced the room. He walked back the Chikako and lifted her up off the floor. He griped her arms tightly, fighting the urge to shake her.
“Can you take me back with you?”
Chikako could feel the power of Inuyasha's aura. She actually felt a twinge of fear when his yokai pulsed briefly to the surface.
“Yes, my Lord. The effect won't last as long on you because of your demon blood.”
Inuyasha let go of Chikako and watched as she scrambled to make up the special tea. She bought over the chawan and presented it to Inuyasha.
“ May I suggest that you lounge beside Kagome-sama before you drink. It takes effect quickly and I would hate for you to pass out where you stand, my Lord.”
Inuyasha looked at Chikako for a moment. She wasn't doing a very good job of hiding the anger she still felt. Inuyasha took the chawan from her and stared into her now swirling eyes.
“If you fail me, Chikako, you'd better pray to the kamis I get stuck in the spirit realm. That would be the only thing to keep me from killing you.”
Chikako saw Inuyasha eyes flash red for a brief second. She took a step back and bowed. Inuyasha moved to the tatami beside Kagome and stretched out. He drank from the chawan and suddenly felt everything inside of him float way. He vaguely felt his body lie back on the floor and saw Chikako kneeling between him and Kagome. The last conscience thing he remembered was Chikako's hand lying on his forehead.

Kagome discovered no matter how hard she tried, she could not get off the shrine grounds. She felt panic rising in her body and tried to maintain control. She had gone back to the well house but Chikako had disappeared.
`Now what am I supposed to do?”
Kagome made her way back to Goshinboku and plopped on the bench. Cradling her head in her hands, she tried hard not to cry and not to give up. Taking deep breaths to calm herself, Kagome thought she was hallucinating when she heard Inuyasha call her name.
Her head popped up. Coming up the shrine steps was Inuyasha. Kagome frowned and shook her head.
`Am I really seeing him?'
She stood up and watched as Inuyasha approached and Chikako was right behind him. Kagome ran across the grounds and hugged him tightly.
“Thank the kamis you are here. Psycho broad over there has lost touch with reality.”
Kagome glared at Chikako from the cradle of Inuyasha's arms Inuyasha heard Chikako snort and when he looked behind him she had turned her back to them, arms folded and anger pouring off her in waves.
“Get me out of here, please. This is insanity.” Kagome pleaded with Inuyasha. He was almost ready to give in to her request. He wanted nothing more than to protect her but remembering Chikako's provision, Inuyasha really didn't have much of a choice.
“I'm sorry but the only way we can leave here is through the well.” Inuyasha braced himself for the explosion.
“What! I'm not going in that well! There are horrible creatures in there! It was sealed for a reason.” Kagome moved away from Inuyasha. “What is the big deal with her? She's supposed to be powerful. She couldn't do this any other way?”
Chikako was now furious. Her eyes turned into hard, amethyst drops. Before any more could be said, Inuyasha walked Kagome back to Goshinboku, holding Kagome by the arms. He could smell the fear and anxiety pouring off of her body.
“We have to do this. It's time for you to learn what you need to know. You are now facing dangers and without the knowledge you'll gain, it'll be hard to protect you.”
Kagome looked from Inuyasha and Chikako, feeling defeated and overwhelmed. Chikako
choose that moment to approach.
“The well is the key to your dreams. The well has the power to unlock your soul. However, there are parts only Inuyasha-sama can share.”
Kagome looked back at Inuyasha's face. It was impassive but his eyes were filled with sorrow. She rubbed his cheek.
“Is that true?”
Inuyasha leaned into the gentleness of her touch. He took a deep breath and sighed.
“I was witness and part of the cause. I have to be the one to tell you the rest.”
Kagome glanced back at Chikako. “What about Sango? Isn't she a part of this, too?”
Chikako nodded. “Sango is in a state similar to yours. She and the monk are waiting for you. All of you walk this path together. You and Sango are great friends now because of the bond formed in the spiritual past.”
Inuyasha wrapped Kagome back in his arms. She felt safe and protected in a way she couldn't explain. Her thoughts were racing through her mind.
I need to get it together. Not only am I trapped but now I have Sango and Inuyasha bound with me, too. Sango would jump without hesitation for me. I'd do the same for her.”
Kagome raised her head, her eyes filled with determination.
“Let's get this over with before I change my mind.”
Chikako bowed her head and headed towards the well house. Kagome grabbed Inuyasha's hand and they followed behind Chikako.

Yuji sat at the head of the large dinner table. His ten top men, human and demon, sat nervously picking at their food, while Yuji ate his Kobe sashimi with relish. The men knew Yuji was angry and each one tried to draw as little attention as possible to themselves during dinner. No one dared look into the mirrored reflections of his eyes.
Yuji ignored the nervous men, refusing to let the smell of fear ruin his dinner. He enjoyed the fear but it was not the proper time to savor it, not yet. He was angry. Yuji wanted that damn miko. However, he had decided to deal with the failure after dinner.
When wagashi and tea was served, Yuji determined it was time for an explanation. He turned to his general, Hishshi.
“What happened?”
Hishshi sat with his head bowed and wrung his hands.
“We went to the apartment and placed the o-fudas. The miko with to dinner with her roommate and a man. The car had spiritual barriers on it and we could not send in the demon squad.” At this point, Hishshi's voice was shaking and he cleared his throat nervously.
“They were taken to a restaurant and we could not risk grabbing her in the presence of so many other demons. A team was waiting for the emergency call when she returned home and the demon squad stayed near the restaurant. It was the demon squad that reported the younger Tashio carrying the injured and unconscious miko.”
A tense, painful silence filled the air. Everyone feared Yuji's wrath over the failure of the mission. Finally, he spoke.
“I asked you to do one simple, fucking thing.” His voice was so quiet, those with human hearing had to lean forward to hear. “You all have failed me. How many of you do I have to kill before everyone realizes I will not tolerate failure?”
Those who were demons could feel Yuji's aura crackling with anger. Even the humans were not immune to feeling the power of his anger.
“Hear me,” Yuji looked at each man in the room. He took a deep breath, now thoroughly enjoying the powerful aroma of fear.
“Thursday is the final chance any of you will have. If you fail me, you will die. All of you. Do I make myself clear?”
Everyone at the table bowed their heads.
“Yes, master.”
Yuji smiled. “Good. Now leave me. I want to enjoy my dessert.”
The men stood and began exiting the room. Hishshi was the last person in the room.
Yuji continued to sip his tea. “Yes, Hishshi?”
“Are you really willing to kill us all?”
Yuji gave an evil smile. “I have lived and survived centuries by doing exactly what I intend to do. Do not take my words lightly. You will die by my hand and it will be the most horrible thing you'll have the pleasure to participate in.”
Hishshi's face had gone pale. “Yes, master.” his voice squeaked. Yuji watched as Hishshi bowed out of the room and went back to his tea. His thoughts drifted to Thursday.
“I really need an outfit. I'm planning on making a stunning first impression.”