InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ An Unusual Attack ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hey Everybodies!!! what y`all been up to? Nmhjc! And writing on my fanfics I gotta be serious here though, at the rate this is going, I'll be dead by the time this is done...-.-... So I guess that you're wanting me to do the usual stuff.
I do not own the inu-yahsa series or the guest star that I randomly plopped in there..(this will be VERY interesting) although I would like to ask the clowns behind me to shut up so I can type (my working colleagues!)

Chapter Three

An Unusual Attack.

In the morning Sesshomaru awoke to the sounds of birds chirping outside his window and giggles in the hall. "Seems Rin is up already." He muttered to himself.
As if on cue, the door opened up and Rin dashed in and plopped on his bed. "Sesshomaru-sama!
Let's play bed bug!" she shouted happily. With that she grabbed a blanket and put it over her head and started hopping around under the covers. "Buggy sound buggy sound." she said happily!
Sesshomaru sighed and got up. "Rin, get out of there. I don't know where you've been." he said.
Rin crawled out and looked at him all pouty-like. "Rin been sleeping all night and Rin's about to take a shower!"
"Not before me. You can wait." Sesshomaru said shutting the bathroom door behind him.
His mind ran like the water did over his face. He couldn't understand why after all these years of staying away, that night he chose to remember such a strange memory.
"It has to be a warning... but what about?" he asked the rubber ducky that Rin had so carelessly left in there. It only squeaked and fell to the ground.
It couldn't have been based on his brother, because that wasn't what the center of the dream was about.
"It had to have been about that bandit, Onigumo. Why though? The only signifficance is that Onigumo is now Naraku. It doesn't make any sense!" Sesshomaru stated angrily as he stepped out. He looked around for his robe or a towel. 'Oh great. Confuse me some more why don't you.' Sesshomaru thought angrily to himself.
He unlocked the door and opened it a crack, suddenly it slammed on him and Rin ran in. "Sesshomaru-Sama! Sesshomaru-Sama! It's Rin's turn now." she said gleefully.
She went and turned on the bath water ignoring him.
'Maybe she won't look.' Sesshomaru thought as he began to make a line for the door.
"Sesshomaru -samma? Have you seen Rin's rubber ducky?" Rin asked.
Like an idiot, he answered. "It's in the show-e-r....." He wanted to slap himself.
Rin stared at him a moment in silence. She blinked once.
Sesshomaru blinked as well.
They looked at each other.
"Sesshomaru! Rin didn't know you had a third leg!" Rin shouted.
She ran over and before he could stop her Rin was an inch away, poking at it.
"It's big, but where are the toes? Rin doesn't see any toes, and there's like a bump on the end."
Rin began to analyze it.
Sesshomaaru then picked her up, opened the door, dn plopped her outside.
"Sesshomaru-sama! What was that for?" Rin asked
"Just get Jaken" he demanded, his face turning red.
-.- ----------- ><--------

Sesshomaru walked through the forest in thought.
One of what his dream meant, and two, of how he was going to deal with Rin and the 'third leg' problem.
"Guess I'll just have to have Jaken teach her about mating." he said sighing.
He cringed thinking of all the questions that would be asked.
'Does it wrinkle down there?'
'If you get fat, does it get fat too?'
'What's the difference between a virginmale and a non-virgin male?'
"Why me?" Sesshomaru asked himself.

From the trees, eyes stared down at him thoughtfully. Evilly thoughtfully, but still thoughtfully, although the evil showed more of course.
Sesshomaru could feel it, but he chose to ignore it and think of it as a small animal, although he knew better.
The eyes were following him, and had been for the past hour. Something was beginning to irritate him.
He turned and looked to where he had felt the glare to see two, large brown eyes looking straight at him.
The eyes grinned showing teeth and mussy black hair.
The eyes jumped down and revealed itself to be a tall guy wearing black pants, shirt and steel toed boots.
Sesshomaru stared at the funny looking person, lanky and thin, with a noticeable lack of sleep.
"What do you want?" Sesshomaru asked.
The man smiled and laughed, it was the laugh of a man who was on the edge. "I've been hired to kill you." he answered, "and so I will."
Sesshomaru stared at him and thought. There had been many hired hands to kill him, but this one looked like he could be snapped in half like a twig.
"Who are you?" Sesshomaru demanded.
"How rude of me, I never introduced myself." he said. "My card." he said throwing it at him.
Sesshomaru caught it and looked at the card.
' Johnny C.
*killer extrodinaire.
*expertise in all styles, types and weapons.
*torturing optional, but always a home favorite.'


"Keep it." Johnny said, "In case you have any use for me in the future. Of course, you only have a little time left anyway, since I'll be killing you."
Sesshomaru threw the card aside, turned around and began to walk off. "I do not have time to be assassinated. Come back later."
Johnny stared at him a moment
"Later? No, you see, I have to be in Robotropolise to take care of a rodent problem in an hour, so I have to do it now." johnny said.
Sesshomaru only ignored him and continued walking.
Johnny smiled. "YOU'RE MOTHER WAS A HUMAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"
:(A/N: poor Johnny, he in deep shit now! By the way, yes this is jthm johnny.-.- ):
Sesshomaru stopped and turned around slowly.
"What was that?" he asked, eyes flashing red.
"You heard me, you're mother was a human. And your father was a mutt!"
Sesshomaru bared fangs, big fangs.
"How dare you say my mother was human, or my father a mutt. I, lord of the western lands, a half breed? You are a foolish person I see. I shall teach a lesson, then I shall kill you." Sesshomaru said.
Johnny smiled and flipped out a pair of knives. "Fine with me!"
They stared at each other, Johnny smiling, and Sesshomaru glaring.

They stared at each other eye to eye. The lord of the western lands, and a madman.
Johnny smiled and threw both knives straight towards Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru dodged quickly and soon was right behind Johnny.
Johnny felt the claws rip through his back, and ran quickly and jumped a tree in order to be missed the second time.
"You are scared, why don't you go home and hide beneath your bed, you foolish human."
"You need an ego check." Johnny said.
"Either way, you're dying. I hit you with my claws."
"Claw. Only one hit."
"Crap, that means you'll be pissing me off longer won't it."
"Yes, if that's how you want to put it."
With the chitchat over, johnny hopped down a few feet away from Sesshomaru and grabbed a sickle that he had put in the bushes earlier.
"Today, I will be playing the Grimm reaper. And you my fine friend, will be the poor screaming soul that is begging for mercy and more time."
Sesshomaru laughed at the foolishness of Johnny.
He smiled, "Give it a try then." he dared.
Johnny took advantage of it.
Sesshomaru didn't know Johnny was crazy, or that he was horrendously insane, but, had he known, he wouldn't have given him that extra shot.
A moment later there was a gigantic slash going down from his chest into his stomach.
"The Grimm reaper will now laugh like a madman." Johnny said, and then started to do so.
Sesshomaru staggered back for a moment, he stared at the laughing man. The sickle had blood on it, and it did appear to be his.
"Now, the Grimm reaper shall slice-n-dice once more to finish the job!"
He raised it high, the sun's shine on it causing it to look hungry, for blood.
Sesshomaru moved quickly, and a moment later, Johnny lay on the ground dying in a pool of blood.
Sesshomaru stared at the body and how it lied there.
"The Grimm reaper then dies."
Sesshomaru walked over to a tree and let himself sit there, his hand across the wound.
He sat there, against the tree, slowly, yet surely, slipping into a deep unconsciousness.
-.- -----------------------

Naraku was walking along the road when a foul stench met him.
'Keep it to yourself why don't you?' he thought in disgust.
He kept walking and it grew stronger, until he happened upon the bloody seen of Johnny laying on the ground and Sesshomaru laying on the tree unconscious..
It didn't take much to figure out what happened.
Naraku walked over to the body, ' A clean job.' he thought.
He then headed to Sesshomaru.
He stared at the body. So strong, so beautiful, so fascinating.
Naraku looked around, picked up Sesshomaru's body, and walked off.

.......-.-... I am so sad... well, here's your update, I hope you like it. I know, johnny C. Is ver ooc. But I did it anyway. The voices told me to do it. Of course some of you may not know of Johnny C. Dat's okay though. I'll explain later. Although I likes it all! So R&R and all that good stuff okays? Okay! I'll see you soon!