InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memories that brough us back ❯ A simple kiss? ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Hello everybody! I is back to write you more stuffies!!! So shall we go on? I don't own the inu-yasha characters and I do not own Johnny C. Because I never put that last time. I barely even own myself...-.- that's sad. Well let's get kicking!

Chapter four!

A simple kiss?
By: pan-pan.

His wounds were dressed, and he now laid sleeping quietly within the solitude of Naraku's fortress.
Naraku sat at the edge of the bed, staring at Sesshomaru's body and pale face. The chest moved barely, and you would have to watch it in order to know for sure the lord was alive, but he was.
Naraku looked at the closed lids of the eyes, where rested were the same eyes that had haunted him all his life. He found himself smiling, happy. Because he had a little guilty pleasure he thought. "All to myself and no one else." He whispered. Naraku let his hands feel through the soft, thick, white hair of Sesshomaru's.. The feeling was as it should be for a lord. Strong and noticable, yet tender and soft. Staying yet willing to bend a bit and play with the wind.
Naraku's mind was laughin at the thoughts, but he dare not out loud in fear to awaken Sesshomaru.
Naraku stared at the ears for a moment, unique in their own way and shape, and yet like the rest of his body too, fascinating. He let hand touch the arm and trail along the stripes that marked his wrists as well as the rest of his boy. 'They stand out so much, and yet it looks so natural on him.' naraku thought. 'It' interesting on how much he can blend in so well, and yet at the same time he stand out.'
He let his nail go against the smooth, skin that was pale and healthy, just like it should be.
He reached the chest and there just delicately did outlines on the bandaged muscles that hid themselves so well amongst his body.
Naraku looked at the face on the body, it was closed and asleep, yet he could sense an uneasiness and tenseness there. The eyes were pinched more than they should have been, and his teeth were seeable through the lips.
Naraku studied the face and stopped on the lips, he began to think and stared at the eyes.
"They say it does calm one down." he debated to no one, but in his heart, it was, he knew, a guilty little pleasure.
Naraku cautiously bent down, pulling his long hair back and let himself stop a few inches above sesshomaru's face.
He decided that he would wait a minute, if he woke up, he wouldn't, but if not, he might try his 'experiment.'
Ten seconds...... fifteen...........forty five.............A minute passed and still no answer.
Naraku allowed himself a smile.
He shut his eyes as he kissed Sesshomaru. Even though there wasn't an answer from them, it still he could just tell something was happening between them.
He let it go after another moment and straightened, letting his tongue lick around his lips for the taste.
He smiled, then looked down at Sesshomaru's face, only to see the haunting golden eyes staring at him through slits.

To be continued.....

Hee-hee-hee I feel so good right now! I love writing this, So somebody please tell me what you think!! I know I have at least a couple interested people right? *silence from the audience except crickets* at least the crickets like me. *crickets stop* -.-. well I'll be back for more typing later.
Till then don't forget: have you hugged your panda today?