InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ thanx 2 all who reviewed, im sooooooo glad u did, b/c wen u review, it makes me want 2 rite more, so the more reviews, the faster this is done and a new story comes up!

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Kagome's mom wouldn't let her go to school that day, but she did let Kagome go to the library. Kagome grinned as she jumped off the train and sprinted up the stairs to the direction of the library. Once inside, she went to the directory and took out all the books she needed. She thought about this during the train ride. There weren't any forests in the present time, but she recognized the gods tree, so the dreams had to have taken place in the past. Judging on the houses and kinds of clothes people wore in her dreams, Kagome decided that the dreams were about 500 years back, the Warring States Era. She dropped her books on a nearby table, and went back to the shelves and got another load before sitting down herself.

She pulled a spiral notebook out of her back pack and opened up to the first page she had wrote in:

InuYasha - long white hair, yellow eyes, dog/cat ears, wears red, has sword, big ego

Shippo - little creature, red hair, child, cute! Tail, pointy ears, paws, teases InuYasha

Girl - ?

Boy - ? (possible pervert)

She frowned slightly, and opened the first book, "This could take awhile." She moaned.

After what seemed like days, Kagome stood up and stretched. This was no help, she wasn't learning anything. She put the books away and glanced at her notebook, she expected to write a lot more, but… her eyes scanned the half page she previously written and smiled, running to a new section of the library. She sat down at a table after selecting some books with new hope in her heart.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*

Kagome walked onto the train to go home as the sun was setting, and tears forming in her eyes. She looked at every book the library had about myths and legends. In more then a few of them, the index said there was a legend of InuYasha, but when Kagome turned to the page, she was horrified to find that someone tore out the pages on it. Someone didn't want her to regain her memory.

Kagome ate her dinner, staring daggers at her grandpa, brother and mom. All of them knew about her past, and they weren't talking, how dare they! When she was finished eating, Kagome went straight to her room and shut the light off, the one good thing about this day was that she could dream, and maybe that would bring some answers.

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Kagome followed InuYasha through the forest, to a-a well? I've seen this well before! She thought. She turned behind her to see Shippo and a kitten running up to her. "Kagome! Play tag with me and Kirara!" the little animal shouted, "Look! We made it better!" Shippo pulled a leaf out of his sleeve and threw it in the air, and when the leaf hit the ground, Shippo grew a few feet, "Now I'm a big fox! Your turn now!" he shouted to the little kitted, who meowed in response and transformed into a large, fire cat. Kagome smiled and turned to see a girl running to the well yelling to her. "Kagome, good, I thought you left already!" she said catching up to her and InuYasha. Kagome shook her head and waved to a boy who was running to them and stopped right behind the girl, his hand getting closer closer closer to her- SLAMMM! The boy was rubbing his cheek as a bright red hand print appeared there. "Really, Sango, sometimes I think you're too strong for your own good." He whined. InuYasha turned to the boy, "Miroku, you are such a disgrace." He said, shaking his head…

*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*

Kagome sat up, breathing hard. She turned to her nightstand and copied down everything from her dream. She crossed out girl and boy and added new things:

InuYasha - demon dog

Shippo - demon fox

Sango - fighter, strong, "no funny business", close friend

Miroku - PERVERT, monk of some kind, funny

Kirara - demon fire cat


This was all so confusing, but she had all she needed to find out answers.

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The next day, after school, instead of going home, Kagome took the train to her doctor's office. The one that helped her since, well, before. When she went to the waiting room, the secretary said that Dr. Pepper (A/N~ hahaha) was free and Kagome could see him. Kagome went in and showed the doctor her notebook. After he read it he looked up at Kagome, "Very nice" he said at last. Kagome smiled, "I think I almost solved it!" Kagome cried happily. "Solved what?" Dr. Pepper asked. "My memory, it's coming back now." Kagome said quietly. The doctor looked at the paper and back to his patient. "Kagome, where did you get this from?" he asked. Kagome took the notebook away from him, "Dreams" she said, and the doctor nodded, "Yes dear. Dreams, not memories. Demons? I think not." Kagome smiled at doctor Pepper and left, she got to the corner and almost ripped the page out of her book, but stopped. "InuYasha, I know you're real. I can feel it within my soul, I don't care what everyone says. So then InuYasha, I need you now, so come save me!" she looked around, hoping to see the man in red, but he didn't appear, and it wasn't until night had fallen that Kagome started home, defeated.

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A/N~ I need something, something to get poor Kagome to remember, remember it all. Maybe I'll have her corner Souta, or someone comes to her or something, I don't know, but this has GOT to start going faster. Thanx 4 reading, now review! Luv ya! Ley-san