InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ hey ppl thanx 4 updating and I really don't no wats up wit the question marks b/c I don't put them in and I spell check and they rnt there and I reread it and they rnt there so it has 2 b in like the transfer 2 submit or sumthing like that idk… o and im sooooooo sry it took so long 2 update but ive been really bussy but theres been so much crap going on ive had games and practices and grad parties, no fair, y do my friends get 2 leave and im stuck in high skool 4 another 3 years!!!! Tear tear, feel 4 me peepz but now then… on2 the story!

O and u remember italics r thoughts! And well ill change riting 2 bold 2 make it easier k? o and those star things (*) r actions dealio? God now I need sumthing 4 flashes, umm squiggles k? (~)

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Kagome walked to school alone, she didn't meet up with her friends until a little bit later. *sigh* I haven't had those dreams in days. What if they are really dreams, not memories? What if I'm insane? No, that can't be, I'm still sane if I can question my sanity. But, InuYasha feels so real! She thought. She got to school earlier then she thought she would, so she walked around the teacher's parking lot. She looked up when she saw a girl, who was about 14 running to the school. She ran right up to Kagome and stopped, "Are you from… how could you live that long? I thought you died!" she said, eyeing Kagome. ~the girl in front of Kagome, but about 7 years younger, her hair half up, to the side in an old-fashioned kimono. She was running around-~ but the memory ended and Kagome looked at the girl intensely. "Who are you? Why do you look so familiar?" Kagome whispered. The girl waved her hand in front of Kagome's face, "Hello? That you, Kagome?" she said. Alright, now I'm confused! Kagome thought, but a voice was heard from the school. "Come along, Rin. I want to talk to you before school starts." The voice called out. "Sessy!" the girl, who must b Rin, cried giggling. "I gotta go, see ya! Coming Sessy!" she cried out as she ran to the school. Kagome shook her head and walked to the school as the bell rang.

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The day went by fast, and soon it was history class. When Kagome and her friends got into the class room, there was no teacher there, so they took their seats. "We have a sub today." Whispered Ari before sitting down. At last, the teacher came in. He was young looking, really handsome, and had tattoos on his face, almost like markup, but they were obviously not. He had yellowish eyes, and short silverfish hair, his ears almost pointed. The class stopped talking immediately. "InuYasha?" Kagome whispered. The teacher flashed his eyes at Kagome angrily, and in one stride he was at her desk. "Never, never refer to that dirty blooded animal as being me, do you understand that? You disgusting…" but he stopped snarling and sniffed the air. He took a step back and regarded Kagome with interest. An evil smile spread over his face. "You're his whore, aren't you? Tell me, Kagome, how did you manage to stay alive all this time?" Kagome stood up, "I am not a whore!" she cried, but the teacher smiled. "Yes, yes you are. You are that half breed's whore. You're not just and incarnation, you are his original whore. How did you stay alive? That doesn't matter, though, does it? All that matters is when you are near me I want to…" he flexed his hand, and Kagome looked to see that one was fake, and the other had a strange resemblance to a claw. "when I see you I think of him. And I don't want to think of him. Get out of my sight, I get sick just thinking about you and him, there's no chance that I can look at you." He snarled. Kagome tore her eyes away from him and picked up her bag. I will not cry, I will not show him the satisfaction of crying, I will not cry.

Kagome opened the door of the classroom to find the girl from the parking lot, Rin, standing there. She looked angry. She walked past Kagome and stood next to the fuming teacher. "That was not right. She lost her memory, SesshoMaru, and this is how you treat her? Do you not remember what happened to InuYasha and the rest of them after what Naraku did? Do you? Do you remember what happened to Naraku?" the teacher backed away, "Rin, come on now, settle down." But the girl didn't settle down she looked kind of weird, a 14 year old girl, scolding a 23 year old man. "And then you tell her these things? Nobody deserves this, especially Kagome, she is a wonderful person, or have you forgotten what she has done for me? For both of us, you make me so!" but she stopped right there, mid-sentence.

Her voice lost its anger and she shrunk down, off her toes to flat feet. She sounded almost young, like a little girl. "Rin will wait for you in the parking lot, my lord." The teacher's expression didn't change (it didn't change for the whole ordeal) "Rin, don't be like that." He said, and took a step to the girl. She just stared at her feet. "Rin is sorry, my lord. Rin did not mean to yell. Rin will wait for her lord like a good girl." She said. "Don't call me that anymore, Rin. I told you not to call me that anymore." But Rin pretended not to hear him, "Rin is very, very sorry. Rin will not be bad anymore. Rin hopes her lord will forgive her." She didn't look up from the ground as she walked to the door and stepped out. "Rin" the teacher said, but the door just shut behind Rin. The teacher got angry. Be slammed his fist into a desk and looked up to the class, "You are all dismissed. Get the hell away from me!" he snarled, and without a second thought the class ran out the door. Everyone was gone but Kagome. The teacher looked at her. "You not InuYasha. You his brother. You are Lord SesshoMaru of the Western Lands. Full demon, older half brother to InuYasha, the half demon." She said quietly, and ran out of the room.

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A/N~ well ppl how was it? I had 2 put them in it will make sense later, but it make Kagome remember a lot sooooooo yea just review k? adios till the next chapter! Luv ya all who reviewed, and even u ppl who just read (that means review!) ley-san