InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ thanx 2 every1 who reviewed!!!

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Kagome lay on her bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking of what happened in school today. How did I know who that teacher was? Someone knocked on the door, but Kagome didn't move. The person knocked again and Kagome rolled off her bed to answer the door. When Kagome got to the bottom of her stairs there was another knock, "I'm coming, calm down!" she said and opened the door to find her history sub and Rin there.

"What do you want?" Kagome asked quietly. Rin looked at her, "Can we come in?" she asked quietly. Kagome looked at the teacher for a while before stepping back to let them both in. The house was empty, except for Kagome, so she ushered the two into the living room. She looked at the two guests, confused. Rin looked Kagome, "You lost your memory, didn't you?" Kagome nodded, "How did you know?" Rin smiled at her, "I was there. 500 years ago, I was there when he did it to you." Kagome sat down. "Five, 500 years ago, what are you talking about?" Rin smiled, "Allow me to introduce ourselves."

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Kagome smiled in a confused way. "This way overwhelming." Rin smiled, "Yea, it is. But the Kagome I know could handle it." Kagome nodded "I guess I have a lot to think about." Rin stood up and walked to SesshoMaru, who was leaning against the wall, but still managed to have a strait posture. How he always stood and sat to perfectly was beyond Kagome. "We'll let you think, I guess we will see you around." Kagome walked the two to the door and watched them walk out to the stairs, hand in hand. She just got into the kitchen with the dishes the three of them used when her mother walked into the room. "Who were those two people, Kagome, darling?" she asked. Kagome looked up at her mom and put the dishes in the dish washer. "Just some friends." He mom watched her finish then spoke again. "That man looks familiar." She said it almost in a daze, like she was thinking out loud. Kagome walked to the stairs before turning around and smiling slightly. "Yes, he does look like InuYasha, doesn't he?" Her mom jerked her head to her daughter as she climbed the stairs to her room, "Kagome what did you say?" she said from the bottom of the stairs. "But then again, brothers do tend to look alike." Her mom ran up the stairs to Kagome. "What did they tell you?" she cried. Kagome turned around, "Nothing, they just confirmed my dreams. Now if you don't mind, I'm very tired, I had along day."

She walked in her room and shut her door. She changed into her night clothes, even though it was only 8:00, and walked to her window. She had a perfect view of the well house. She sat at her desk and tried to study, but she couldn't so she turned out her light and walked to her bed, collapsing on it. I really don't know what to think. Rin told me so much. Well, it proves that Naraku is the monster haunting my dreams, and InuYasha is the hero. It only makes sense that I lost my memory in that last battle with him and his minions, like Rin said. He must be terrible, if so many people hate him. It's so romantic thought, and who would have thought a guy like SesshoMaru could be romantic? Keeping Rin alive, but still young. Young enough to still act like the little girl she is at heart, but old enough to be beautiful, and not cute. He must be a powerful demon if he can control things like that with his sword. And then Kagome fell into a deep sleep.

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It was dark out, but it wasn't a natural darkness, the air was thick, and Kagome was almost choking on it. A flash of light appeared and the darkness was gone. InuYasha was running and someone called his name her turned and was shot in the heart with an arrow. "But, Kykio… I thought we…" Then he died, pinned to a tree, Kagome turned and looked to she who shot him, and it was… HER! No, just someone who looked like her, she was bleeding. A little girl ran up to her, "Sister Kykio, Sister Kykio, you're hurt!" she cried. "Bury the Jewel with my body." And the girl died.

Another flash of light and it was dark again, Kagome coughed on the air, and looked to she InuYasha launching at a-a white baboon? Another flash and Kagome saw herself coming out of a well, walking up to the dead InuYasha, who was now covered in veins, time had passed. She walked up to him, touched his ears and… time seemed to be fast forwarding as Kagome stood still. Night was falling, she was pressed against InuYasha, a giant centipede was holding her there. "You have a choice, free me, or be killed by Mistress Centipede." InuYasha said, he was shot in the heart, pinned to a tree by that arrow, yet talking. "Do not listen to him child!" Kagome looked to see an old lady talking to her, well the her that was pinned with InuYasha. The pinned Kagome looked up, "I choose to live!" she cried, and touched the arrow in InuYasha to find that it disappeared.

Another flash of light and Kagome was in the unnatural darkness. She looked up to see InuYasha slashing the baboon with his sword to reveal a man with red eyes and long black hair. "Naraku." Kagome whispered. There was another flash and the sun was setting, Kagome was talking with a monk. "Naraku placed a curse on my grandfather that was passed to my father, then to me. The wind tunnel in my right hand is not a blessing, but a curse. In time it will devoured me, unless I destroy this Naraku."

Kagome blinked to be back in the other place, the monk, Miroku, was opening his wind tunnel, sucking in every thing. "No Miroku, don't there are poisonous insects!" screamed Shippo. "I don't care, we must kill Naraku!" Miroku cried. "Don't be stupid, monk! Close that thing, we don't have a chance if we try to save you!" Miroku scowled, but nodded, wrapping up his hand, and hitting a wasp with his staff. After another flash, Kagome was surrounded but the same suffocating darkness, but in a different place. Kagome looked around to see many dead people around her, only two people were standing. A girl a little older than Kagome, and a young boy. "How could you do this to everyone?" the girl asked. The boy didn't answer, but held up a strange axe, preparing to strike the girl down. The girl looked passed the boy and gasped, Kagome followed her gaze and saw a string attached to the boy. "No wait!" the girl cried to villagers who now gathered around them, but it was too late, arrows, embedded into the boy's body as he fell onto the girl. "Kohaku!" the girl screamed, and caught the boy. The two lay on the ground, as time passed. ""I'm so scared, Sango." Sango looked into the boy's eyes. "You have nothing to be scared about, I'm here. I'm sorry, I couldn't save my little brother." Tears were forming in Sango's eyes.

Another flash appeared and Sango threw a huge boomerang and a little girl holding a circular mirror, "Take this, Kanna!" another flash and once again, Kagome was watching SesshoMaru take a hive of some sort from Naraku. "This will prove helpful against the monk who travels with your brother. The human arm will allow you to use the Tetsusiga, InuYasha's sword." Naraku said bowing, he was hidden underneath his baboon coat. "I would like to know the name of the demon I make an alliance with." SesshoMaru said. "Forgive me, I am Naraku."

There was another flash and SesshoMaru made a whip appear in his hands. He stood beside InuYasha, whipping Naraku, but when Rin screamed from being attacked by those wasps, he left Naraku and went to save Rin. Kagome noticed that both SesshoMaru and Rin were younger. SesshoMaru looked to be 19 or 20, and Rin looked like she was only 6 or 7. After another flash, Kagome was surrounded by the darkness in a different place. Hundreds of dead demons were on the ground, they came to life and their blood poured on InuYasha, as another demon arrived. InuYasha looked at him, "Kouga." He said, but the demon didn't listen, "InuYasha, I will not forgive you for killing my pack and cousins." He said, and lashed at InuYasha. The time seemed to fast forward again and Kagome was kneeling next to the demon, whose arm veins were flowing with poison. Kagome grabbed and arrow, and stabbed Kouga and the poison disappeared. "I am so sorry Kagome, I almost killed you." He sounded so sad, which was what Kagome expected, after finding what he found, but not because he tried to hurt her. "It's not your fault, Kouga" she whispered.

After a flash, Kagome looked to see Kouga running at an amazing speed to a young woman, "I will never forgive you Kagura!" he shouted, and punched her. Kagome turned as she heard InuYasha yell, and saw him flying through the air after being hit. "InuYasha!" she screamed, and strung her bow. She shot at Naraku who didn't dodge it in time and had his arm dissolve. He flew in the air to her and grabbed her, then flew high into the air. Kagome screamed as she felt stomach go into her throat. "Kagome!" InuYasha and Kouga yelled in unison. Naraku held her tight in his arm and looked into Kagome's eyes intensely, his red eyes glowing brightly, the brightness growing and surrounding Kagome. She screamed in pain and Naraku laughed. He laughed at her pain and dropped her. InuYasha jumped up and caught her she stayed conscious long enough for InuYasha to land.

When she woke up, she was laying in a bed. "… she will wake up any time soon, but" Kagome interrupted the man's voice and spoke, "Where and I?" she asked. Her mother ran to her side, "the hospital honey. InuYasha brought you here." Her mother said. "Who's InuYasha?" she asked. Her mother turned to the doctor, who now finished his sentence. "But she lost her short term memory.

Kagome sat up fast and looked around. She was in her room, it was another dream. "I finally remembered the truth." Kagome whispered. She put her face in her hands and cried.

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A/N~ hey ppl wat do u think? Sry it took sooooooooo long 2 update but thnx 4 staying w/ me. This was a long chap, its 2 make up 4 everything. Well u read so now review, you've been doing a good job w/ it, so keep up the good work! Adios :D luv ya ley-san