InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ hey ppl that last 1 was a loooooooooong chapter, but I figured u deserved it b/c u waited so long 4 it. Hope u like it so far, now that our Kagome remembered everthing, the story will move fast so r u ready 4 this? Da na na! lol sry I got carried away. Thanx 4 the reviews ppl! Keep it up

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Kagome couldn't fall back asleep that night, even though she was exhausted from crying. She went down stairs to the kitchen long before her alarm clock went off, puffy eyed. Before she got into the kitchen she heard whispered voices, her mother's, and… and, could it be? "She's starting to remember things, really? Does that mean…!" the male voice said. "That most certainly does not mean you can see her. I'm very sorry, but it's bad for her health if everything comes back so fast." Kagome's mother said. Kagome leaned against the door way, listening to the conversation. "Damn it!" the male voice said, and there was a loud pounding sound, like someone punching something. Buyo hissed and ran out of the room, and someone sat down on the floor. "Sorry, I'm just…" but the man didn't finish his sentence. Kagome heard someone push out their chair and walk to something. "Why don't you go home and tell you're friends to calm down, ok?' Kagome's mom asked. Kagome didn't hear anything and assumed the person nodded. She heard a window open, and was ready for the person to walk out of the door way she was standing at, it was the only way out of the kitchen. "They will be happy she's getting better." The boy said. "That's the spirit, good bye, InuYasha."

Kagome heard a thud before she ran into the room. "Where is he, where's InuYasha?!" she cried. She saw to foot prints on the window sill and ran outside, but nobody was there. Half-heartedly, Kagome walked back into the kitchen, to her mother and gave her a dirty look, "How could you keep everything from me?" she whispered. Her mother walked up to her and put her arm around her, "It was to protect you, honey." Kagome took her mom's arm off of her. "Well, it does no good now, does it? I remember everyone, yes everyone," she said, looking at her mom's face. "InuYasha, Shippo, Miroku, Sango, Kouga; even Rin and SesshoMaru, well when they were younger. I even remember Naraku and his followers, Kagura and Kanna. I remember all the horrible things he did to my friends, and everyone else. If you don't mind, I will be in the shower." Kagome said, and walked off.

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Kagome walked into her room with a towel wrapped around her body, and another drying her hair. "I guess I'm not mad at my mom, she really was just trying to protect me. I feel way over-whelmed just with what I know now." She said to herself. She stood in front of her mirror brushing her hair when she saw something in the reflection. She looked behind her and back to the mirror a few times before realizing exactly where the object was. She set down her hair brush and walked to her desk and grabbed an envelope with her name on it. She opened it and spilled the contents out. Some colored glass shards fell out that seemed to glow in their own light before a piece of paper fluttered to the desk top. Kagome set the envelope down and picked up the letter

Kagome, I know you were listening to what I said to your mother, I could smell you there. I don't know how much you remember, but you must remember me, you chased after me. I would have let you catch me, but then your mother would never let you come back to us. You remember how I got you, right? You must because your window was open. It's been three weeks since Naraku attacked us, and hurt you. Kagome I'm so sorry, I should have protected you better, it's my entire fault you got hurt. If only I was watching you better, if only I was stronger, none of this would have happened. I'm so sorry Kagome, and I really mean that. Damn it now you probably don't remember anything and you think I'm some kind of wuss for not watching over you. Everyone misses you, especially the kid. It sounds stupid we've never been apart for so long. Yeah, Sango or Miroku went on there own or we left Shippo at Kyade's but me and you. Sometimes we would go on our own too. But me and you never been separated for more then three days. Then I'd drag you back through the well. We got these shards for you. We didn't leave the village. I'd go to the tree and wait by the well, expecting you to come out, and I know the others would follow me. The demons came and attacked the village to get the jewel shards that are yours. You mother made me keep the ones we got, but she never said anything about the new ones. Get well Kagome, we need you here.


By the time Kagome finished the letter, she had tears in her eyes. She reached to grab the shards, but her mom called her for breakfast. She had no idea she was reading for so long! Kagome threw on her uniform and ran down the stairs, putting the letter in her backpack before going into the kitchen with her family.

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All during school Kagome read and reread the letter InuYasha's letter. Sure it was sloppy. It looked like a little kid wrote it and there were dirty fingerprints on it, but InuYasha wrote it, for her. She had to be careful though, because every time she read it she got all teary eyed. All Kagome wanted to do was go home, to do some real thinking, not about math or science, but InuYasha and the others.

When Kagome and her friends were eating lunch, Kagome looked out the window to see Rin running to the side door. Kagome stood up so fast she almost knocked over the able. After apologizing to her friends she ran to the door and met Rin as she was coming in. "Rin!" Kagome cried, waving. "Hi Kagome, how's, well, everything?" Rin asked, turning to her. "It's so confusing Rin. I had this dream last night. I know how I lost my memory. I remember what Naraku did to everyone, how he played with their emotions." Kagome said, she turned around when she heard her name being called, he friends had followed her. Kagome turned back to Rin, "InuYasha wrote me a letter, I got it this morning. My mom won't let him see me." She said handing her the letter from InuYasha.

"Kagome, why did you leave?" Ari asked ignoring Rin, Kagome's friends caught up. Kagome didn't answer; she just watched Rin read the letter. Rin looked up from the letter and smiled handing Kagome it. "Ya no what?" Rin said smiling? "What?" Asked Kagome smiling too. "You taught him to do this." Kagome skimmed over the letter, even though she memorized it. "Do what?" she asked, looking at Rin. "You taught him how to write," Kagome smiled and Rin continued. "To read too. For a few weeks after you left me and Sessy and Jaken stayed at that village, Sessy didn't want to though. He told everyone that day that he wrote it. I think that you were doing homework or something, and he was bugging you to finish. You freaked on him and said something like you do it or something and he said that he couldn't. So you taught him. I thought it was pretty funny, you know? Sessy had been teaching me to write. I was six years old and I could write better then him. But he was proud because you were the one to teach him how. You probably don't remember, though."

Kilee stepped in front of Kagome, "You idiot, you're not suppose to be telling her anything!" she said. Kagome was about to yell at her when Rin frowned. "Stuff it, freak! You have no idea why she lost her memory, you can't talk to me that way!" She shouted. Kilee stomped her foot. "I can talk to you anyway I want, you're nothing but a little seventh grader with a crush on the sub, and this gives you nothing, like a guy like him would ever like you!" Rin shrieked and jumped on Kilee, knocking her to the ground, accidentally hitting Kagome, making her drop her letter. Rin was swinging her fists at Kilee when SesshoMaru appeared next to Kagome. He swiftly bent down and grabbed Rin and picked her up but her collar. "Really now Rin, is that anyway I taught you to fight?" he asked calmly. Rin looked up to him and wiped some blood off her lip, smiling at SesshoMaru, smiling. She laughed, and still being supported by SesshoMaru holding he by her shirt, kissed his cheek. SesshoMaru set her down and grabbed Kagome's letter off the floor. He glanced over it "half breed" he said, handing it to Kagome. He took Rin's hand in his own, and they laced together, like that was the way it belonged.

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A/N~ well? How was it? I was reading it and ya no wat? The romance I talked about earlier is not just rin and sess so review please! O and ionternet is still down so ill post this asap sry! Luv ya ley-san