InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory Loss ❯ chapter 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

A/N~ it is sooooooooooooo early! My lil bro woke me up as he was leaving! Well ya no wat? Its not that bad b/c his friend who was picking him up has a really hott older bro… lol

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It wasn't until the next morning that Kagome had actually got to her room. After school, her friends took Kagome out for ice cream to try to get her to explain the strange tings that happened in lunch. But Kagome just said the same things. When they asked, "Who was that girl, how do you know her and why was she kissing that teacher?" she answered, "Rin isn't as young as she looks"; when they asked, "Who's that guy the teacher and that girl were talking about, how old is he, and do you like him?" all Kagome answered was, "InuYasha is…InuYasha."

After Kagome's friends walked her home, kind of annoyed, she had dinner right away, helped her mom with the dishes and started her mountain load of home work. She usually went to her room to do it, but she had a lot of things to do on the computer. After she printed out the last of her homework, Kagome went into the living room to recheck her work, and fell asleep on the couch. All along, though, there was a little voice in the back of her head telling her to go to her room. She felt almost pulled there.

The next morning, Kagome didn't wake up for school in time and after a quick shower she ran into her room and stopped dead in the door. The sun had yet to rise and she didn't turn on her light yet, but there was a light in her room. It was a pink, glowing light, and as weird as it seemed, Kagome could feel the lights power. She walked to the origin of the light and stopped in front of her desk. It was the shards that InuYasha had given her with the letter, and they were glowing on their own, not reflecting anything. The light seemed almost evil. "You need to be purified." Kagome whispered, reaching for them, but stopped. Where did that come from? Purify a piece of glass? She thought, but shrugged her shoulders and grabbed the shard nearest to her. As soon as Kagome grasped it, she felt a tingly feeling moving from her heart to her finger tips, then through out her entire body. If felt warm and almost clean and when the feeling stopped, the glass glowed an even brighter, purer light.

Then the glass glowed even brighter, its light surrounded Kagome. "The Jewel of Four Souls, the Shikon no Tama." She said, as if in a trance, and fainted.

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Thoughts and dreams raced through Kagome's mind, and she recognized everyone of them. It was like they were being pulled out of her head and put back in, but in a place that she could visit again and again. After a while, they started to slow down, and gradually come to a stop. Kagome sat up and took a big breath of air, like she was coming out of the water. Like she was swimming for a long time and was in dire need of fresh air. Which she was, Kagome was swimming in thoughts and dreams, and it wasn't until she was breathing normal again did she realize that she wasn't thinking, she was remembering.

Kagome looked to her side and saw that her mom was sitting next to her, holding her hand. "I was so worried, Kagome! I heard a thud and came up here and you were on the ground. I called a doctor, but it was busy, I was so scared." She said, and hugged her daughter. Once the hug broke, which seemed like hours, Kagome spoke. "I'm alright mom, really. But I have to go." She said. "Go? Go where?" her mom asked, alarmed. "I have to go collect the jewel shards with my friends. I have to go defeat Naraku and avenge all the people he hurt and killed. I have to go fight with my friends, they have all been worried. And I miss them so much. I miss InuYasha and his rudeness, Sango and her caring, Miroku for being a totally perv, and Shippo for being so cute. I love them and hate them all for there worst qualities." Kagome said, laughing.

Kagome's mom shook her head, "No way, you're no going there. You just fainted. You don't know how to get there." She said desperately. Kagome took her mom's hand, "Mom, I fainted because I was overwhelmed, I guess. I remember absolutely everything, and I mean everything. Even the most pointless things. I have to go. As soon as I pack my bag, I'm going to hop through the well." She said. Kagome stood up and walked to her closet. She reached into the very back and pulled out a huge yellow pack. Once she packed everything she would need and more, Kagome joined her mom in the kitchen. "I won't be back for awhile, everyone missed so much because of me. Naraku must have gotten so much stronger." She said. "I'm sorry Kagome." Her mom said. "For what?" asked Kagome. "It's my fault. I knew that if you just took one look at InuYasha, your memory wiuld return, but I kept him away. I didn't want you to go back. I scares me, I thought I had a second chance to keep you here, with me, where it's safe." Kagome smiled, "Don't blame yourself, it's good that you worry, I'd be kind of sad if you didn't! I mean what kind of mother just sends her kid away and not worry? But you don't have to, everyone is really strong. InuYasha is a strong fighter, he's stronger then most full demons. Sango trained all her life to fight demons, Miroku's a monk with spiritual powers, and he has a black hole in is hand to suck up evil. Plus, I shoot a pretty mean arrow, if I don't say so myself!" Kagome said, shooting a make believe bow. Her mom left with her, and walked her to the door. "I said good bye to everyone else, already, but… mom?" Kagome asked. "Yes dear?" her mom asked. "Could you tell everyone at school I went to dad's for the rest of the year, I just can't keep up anymore, I'll have to be left behind. I'll study on my own time." Kagome's mom lost her smile. "Kagome…" she said looking into her daughter's eyes, then regained her smile. She nodded and opened the door, "Good bye sweet heart. Kagome hugged her mom and walked to the well house.

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A/N~ hey ppl, only 1 chapter left! Review please! Hope u liked this luv ya ley-san