InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory ❯ Beginning Of A New Day ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Rating:NC-17 just to be safe. It is due to language and some compromising scenes.
Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of Rumiko Takahashi's characters mentioned or used in this story.
Summary:In a small desolate village is where Kagome made a promise long ago when she was just a young kid. Years later, in the big city of Tokyo, Kagome a successful High School teacher, who is engaged to a merciless business tycoon, starts to remember her forgotten past and a promise made long ago.
Key terms are located at the bottom if you need them.

Chapter One
Beginning of a New Day

Silver tresses rustled gently in the warm breeze. Golden irises twinkled in joy. And far off in the distance, a child's laughter could be heard. A young girl no more than the age of five, with raven black hair and glowing chocolate brown eyes, walked in wonder at the mysterious world before her. She soon came to an old Sakura tree, the only thing truly visible.
Sitting down at the base of the tree, and feeling the rough bar scratch her back. A soft whisper reached her ears. A whisper, like so many other things here, seemed so familiar. “Do you promise?” the soft breath tickled her ears.
“BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” The shrill cry of a digital alarm clock permeated the air. A slender hand revealed itself from the cocoon of blankets, the owner had carelessly surrounded herself in. “ Damn alarm clock” came the muffled voice as she hit the snooze button for the seventh time.
“Kagome...” “Kagome...” “KAGOME!” a sweet voice yelled harshly, trying to wake the seemingly dead girl.
“Yes?” inquired the half awake Kagome.
“Your late” the voice said blatantly
“What do you mean Sango?” Kagome asked innocently, and somewhat stupidly, as she began to wipe the sleep from her eyes and mosey over to the bathroom attached to her room.
Kagome's room was of simple design. A large futon was placed in the center of the room. White cream sheets were rumpled and carelessly strewn to one side of the bed, along with her pillows. A light tan color was on her walls that seemed to light up from the small rays of sunlight coming through the bamboo reed curtains. The sunlight danced along the perfectly polished hard wood floors and dark cherry work trim. Large bamboo plants grew along the sides of her window at the wall above her futon. To the wall on the right of the futon close to the window is the dark cherry wood bathroom door. Whilst on the opposite side of the room near the base of the bed is the door to the outside world.
Frustrated Sango yells “what do you mean? What do you mean? You are late plain and simple” sighing Sango goes back to her pacing outside her doorway.
Sango was the roommate of Kagome's and her best friend, they had been through everything together. Sisters they were sometimes called, though they could never find out why.
Sango was ... ordinary, or at least she tries to be, though it is somewhat difficult due to her heritage: a Demon Slayer. Though demons did not do not exist, or at least that is what is Kagome thought.
`And another day begins' thought Kagome, rolling her eyes she quickly rushed through her morning routines.
Sighing, and halting her pacing Sango looked at the ticking clock, Quarter past eight it read. Sighing again Sango walked over form her door to a mirror on the wall behind her. She began to eye her image.
Nothing was extremely spectacular with her appearance. She had long dark brown hair, tied in a pony tail at the very tips with a long white ribbon, to keep it from going in her face. She wore a simple white blouse with a little lace around the collar. Also wearing a plain black skirt, to top it all off she wore plain black high heel dress shoes. Looking up from her shoes warm brown eyes were looking back, with her toned, slim, and slightly tanned face, with rose pink lips, and her well defined body, seemed not to fit with her idea of a simple woman visage she aimed for. She was quite the opposite.
“You know you got to stop staring at yourself. You look fine, so quit being so insecure” breaking Sango out of her daze. Sango just smirked at her antics and how she was so wrong.
“And what of it Kagome?” turning around to face Kagome and placed her hands in an intimidating manner, though she knew it never worked.
“Oh nothing,” Kagome said unaffected, “but we better get going, `cause you made me late” sticking out her tongue, she raced out the door.
“You are such a liar Kagome!” called Sango, but Kagome was already out the door and half way out down the street. Grabbing her suitcase, she raced out to meet her friend, and walk with her to work.
Holding up a picture in the shadows, a dark for smiled lovingly. The picture was of a small girl no more than the age of five, with raved black hair and deep soulful chocolate brown eyes. She smiled ever so sweetly back at someone, someone faded in her memory.
The lone figure flipped over the worn down picture. A not was neatly scribbled on the back, it read:
To My Best Friend Forever
The mysterious form licked its lips. It could still taste her sweet blood on its lips, from so long ago.
Bowing its head it whispers “A demon's promise... lasts forever my Kagome”
Raven hair blew wildly in the wind. Gently blowing in the sweet chocolate brown eyes of Kagome, soft pink lips went into a playful pout “Sango...” whined Kagome.
What do you want Kagome?”
Just a hair band, my hair is becoming annoying”
No need for that, we are already here.”
Looking ahead, at the sight of her old high school came into view. Sighing in relief, Kagome grabbed Sango's hand and ran into the building.
Green skirts and black suits were everywhere. Looking around Kagome smiled cheerfully and headed off to the staff room. Sango still standing in the entrance thought worried `something is wrong'.
An ear piercing shriek of “Hentai!” could be heard throughout the hallways, followed by a loud slap, crash, and a pitiful moan.
Sango's eyes burned with fire, her hands at her sides in fists “Miroku, how could you? We are in a learning environment!”
Shaking in the crater he was face down in, and he slowly started to pick himself up. Wincing as he felt a new bruise, to add to the collection from Sango, forming. “My dearest Sango it is not my fault, it is this accursed hand” raisinghis gloved hand surrounded in prayer beads to her.
Sure it is Monk.” She said sighing and rolling her eyes, she turned toward the approaching Kagome.
Miroku was... well a perverted man, though he blamed it on his Demonic Hand or rather Kazanna.
He was a very handsome man; black short hair with a small pony tail accentuated his deep brown eyes. He wore a simple black dress suit with a purple tie, and matching black dress shoes. The only thing distracting from his image was his purple and black gloved hand with blue prayer beads surrounding it.
His family had come from a long line of monks, and it was said his family was cursed with a Kazanna five-hundred years ago from an evil demon whose name lost over the years.
Looking at her watch, Kagome rolled her eyes sarcastically `right on time Miroku, as always'. Marching over and looking pitifully at Miroku “you know... if you quit being so perverted Sango might just accept a dat...” unable to speak more due to Sango's firm grasp on her mouth.
Did I hear right?”
Miroku...” warned Sango
With renewed vigor Miroku rushed up to Sango, just then a loud bell pierced the air. Sango seizing the opportunity says “Oh! Look at that must go, bye Miroku.” Grabbed Kagome and left Miroku all alone in the hallway.
Wow, that is cold, but...” says cheerfully perking up and marches off to class; one thought on his mind `at least there is always lunch'
The lunch bell eventually rang and the swarm of students entered the halls.
Kagome quietly meandered down the emty halls, with her pre-packed lunch. Her thoughts were centered on her strange dream.
The silver tresses and golden irises looked back at her shimmering in the sunlight. The mysterious tree, and the gentle blowing blossoms and the boys voice whispering into her ear.
Kagome for Pete's sake!” frustrated Sango settles beside her and sets her cafeteria tray down on the picnic table.
Huh?” as if waking from a dream Kagome looks around and remembers where she is, noticing Sango and her uneaten sushi in front of her.
What is wrong Kagome? You have bees so preoccupied lately. What's on your mind?” worried Sango places a comforting hand on her shoulder.
Nothing really”
Oh, is that so? Kagome I know when you are lying, so just spill. Wait... is it something I did?” At that thought Sango removed her hand and sat eager to listen.
No Sango, it is just ... That this reoccurring dream seems so...”
Good afternoon ladies, and might I add Sango you look even lovelier” Sitting down on the other side, Sango and Miroku start up a conversation forgetful of Kagome's silence. Kagome pitched in her few comments to keep them talking but her mind was still wondering about that dream.
Silver tresses and amber eyes, clouded in misery waked down a loan dirt path high in the hills, as he had been doing for many years. Bright red hakama and haori rustled gently in the wind. Silver ears adorned the head of the man, constantly twitching.
The man continued on his way, head bowed. His mind stuck in a faded memory. He soon came to a small village, buzzing with life. No technology could be seen.
The women and children in the village recoiled in fear of the hanyou entering their village, just like so many times before. He did not care; he was used to this treatment.
He solemnly walked onto the path leading to the rice fields where all the men were working. Again he received the same treatment and again he continued on his way unaffected.
The man came to a lone hut at the base of the village. There was his destination, like is had been so for over twenty years. He quietly slipped inside.
An old woman missing one eye was inside. She was dressed in the traditional priestess garb (red hakama and white haori), she was slowly ground fresh herbs gathered from her walk earlier.
What do you want Inuyasha?” inquired the old women.
What do I always come here for hag?” responded Inuyasha gruffly.
Inuyasha,” sighing sadly and halting her work, “you have come here everyday, and ask the same question ever since she left twenty years ago, can you not move on? She is gone and possible never coming back.”
No” was his simple reply.
Alright, but I ask you this, why?”
Looking up as if in a dream quickly whipped his head back down and snarled baring his fangs “she has something of mine, and I want it back.”
My question is answered, so now here is yours after so long: she was sent to Tokyo, though I cannot say why.”
Rushing out the door, with a renewed reason to live, he ran down the path on to begin his way to Tokyo.
Shaking her head Kaede continued her work a smile grazed her lips `A love stuck fool that Inuyasha.'
Racing down the path excitement in his every bound thought with humor `I think I will pay my dear half-brother a visit.' Smirking at that thought he continued on his way.
To be continued . . .

Key Terms:
Hakama:the pants they used to where long ago.
Haori:the shirts they used to wear with the bell sleeves.
Kazanna:wind tunnel
Hentai:Pervert, or perverted, depends on usage.
AN:Alright I welcome any reviews you have to give, including flames because well that means I can fix what you do not like. So anyway just please review and the next chapter will be up ASAP. Oh and by the way this is my first Inuyasha fan fiction so please bear with me thank you. Oh, and please forgive any grammar and punctuation mistakes. I have yet to get a beta. Thank you for being understanding.