InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Memory ❯ Proposition ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Rating:NC-17 just to be safe. It is due to language and some compromising scenes.
Disclaimer: I do not own ANY of Rumiko Takahashi's characters mentioned or used in this story.
Summary:In a small desolate village is where Kagome made a promise long ago when she was just a young kid. Years later, in the big city of Tokyo, Kagome a successful High School teacher, who is engaged to a merciless business tycoon, starts to remember her forgotten past and a promise made long ago.
Key terms are located at the bottom if you need them.

Chapter Two

Standing at the front of the small classroom, with a book in her hands, Kagome pointed towards a girl in the far back right corner near the window and asked “And so Shira, what is your opinion of chapter two of Wind Song?”
“Ring! Ring! Ring!”
“Hold that thought” walking over to the phone, Kagome glared at it for interrupting her student and cursed whoever was on the other line. She angrily picked up the phone.
“Hello?” gruffly Kagome asked
“Kagome,” a deep smooth voice was heard. She recognized it easily, and her eyes lit up like little shining lights, “I have a proposition.”
“And that would be?” asked Kagome excitedly.
“Let's go out to dinner tonight,” the smooth replied.
“Oh I'd love to!” exclaimed Kagome.
“Alright then, everything will be waiting”
“Click” and with that Kagome hung up the phone, glowing with excitement.
Turning around she was met with an onslaught of her students.
Questions blared and Kagome spent her entire English class answering them all. `Thank Kami it is Friday' she thought.
Soon the word of Kagome having a boyfriend spread around the school like a wildfire, and many of the teenage boys went home heartbroken, as they cursedthe mystery man.
“Oh, thank Kami it is Friday, I think I would go insane if it wasn't” said Sango sighing.
Smirking Kagome calmly replied “Oh really Sango? Because having your boyfriend call in the middle of class, then having the word spread around, does not sound fun, unless I am wrong?”
“You know.....maybe my day was not so bad after all.
Smiling Kagome continued on her trek home, waiting for Sango to catch up.
He actually did that though?” Sango asked amazed that Kagome's boyfriend did that.
“Yes, he also said that everything is waiting, so if I know him, everything is planned, including what I am going to wear.”
“He must have a lot of time on his hands.”
“Not really he's is just a perfectionist.”
“Apparently.” Rolling her eyes as Kagome rushed inside their humble home.
Rushing straight for the kitchen, Kagome came upon a silver box sitting on the counter.
Carefully opening it, a letter was seen on top of many different items. Ripping open the elegantly addressed envelope. The letter read:
To My Kagome,
I hope everything meets your expectations, and I cannot wait till our meeting. A limousine will be waiting outside your home sharply, at seven o' clock.
~From your shimasu
“Wow, who is your rich lover?” Kagome lowered the letter only to see Sango searching through the box.
“Ah! What are you doing?”she exclaimed waving frantically waving her arms in the air like a childish school girl.
“Searching for the end of the rainbow,what does it look like I am doing?” replied Sangosarcasticallynot ceasing her search.
“Fine, alright, but move over I want to look to!”
And so they looked, and looked until.............
Oh my Kami, Kagome look”
Pulling her head out of the box Kagome looked upon the most gorgeous dress.
It was crimson red, made of the finest silks available. The dress was long and flowed nicely; also it was strapless only for a tie up back. Black dragons were woven into the hem.
“God I wish I had a boyfriend of such taste”
Blushing Kagome looked inside the box to hide it and mumbled “he is not hard on the eyes either.”
“Oh you vixen Kagome.”Sango said slyly
After what seemed like five minutes, the two women found and expensive perfume called “Haiku”, matching red tie up high heels and red silk purse. The necklace and matching earringsthey found were of exquisite design. White gold made up the chain and base of the earrings and back of the necklace pendant, and thefinest cut of amethyst shaped into a cresent moon was used as a pendant and for the earrings.
Six Forty-five, the clock read when they were done admiring all the items.
Sango had to rush Kagome into the shower and get everything ready for her date with her mysterious lover.
`Hmm, what am I going to do tonight, whilst Kagome is gone?'
“Two minutes till seven, and you look wonderful” commented Sango as both of them walked towards the door.
Turning towards her friend sheslyly whispered “if you have Miroku over, don't forget to wrap it up and throw it out!” Hurriedly Kagome rushed out the door before Sango could have realizedwhat she meant.
Blinking, Sango's face began to turn into a glare, “oh Kagome, you are evil.........”
“Ring! Ring!”
Rushing to find the phone Sango finally answered.
“Moshi, MoshiSango breathlessly spoke.
“Ah my dearest Sango” said a sly voice.
Growling at who it was she gruffly replied “what do you want Monk?”
“Whoa just curious if you were doing anything tonight, `cause if you weren't, I was wondering if you would like to go..... to a movie?” Miroku said shyly.
Shocked at his insecurity, she gladly accepted his offer. Hanging up the phone she went to go and get ready happily chanting in her head `It's going to be fine, it is just Miroku...... I'm screwed '
While riding in the limo, Kagome was a wreck. Her hands were in knots in her lap, and butterflies fluttered frantically around in her stomach. Sighing and facing the fact it only happened when she was going to him.
When the limo finally stopped Kagome let out a breath she did not know she was holding in.
The driver promptly came and opened the door allowing Kagome's gaze to fall upon the most romantic restaurant in Tokyo, Sakura.
Slowly and unsteadily, she walked into the restaurant and stealing her nerves, strolled over to the man at the front desk.
“Ah! Madam, you must be Ms. Higurashi Kagome, am I correct?” the man asked, his voice thick with a heavy French accent.
“Yes I amShe calmly replied.
“Come this way please then.”
The man began to walk down a hall leading past couples holding hands and lovers kissing. She could not help but sigh romantically at the displays of affection.
The mysterious French man led her into a more secluded, yet more exquisite part of the restaurant. Leading her to a dark wooden door with black roses carved into the edging. Opened the door with a large old looking gold key with roses also carved into it.
Gesturing her inside, the man began to eye her firm ass, and all of her beautiful curves. A look of lust glazed over his eyes as he stepped up behind her. Gently breathing into her ear, he whispered seductively “if you ever need anything.....just ask.”
Whipping Kagome smacked him hard in the face. “Get out!” she warned, her voice quivering in anger, on the verge of yelling. The man quickly excited the room.
And with that Kagome went to go sit on a large soft, silk, red couch.
The room was beautiful. Dark hardwood floors were brought out by the navy blue walls with shining sparkles, glittering like stars in the dim, romantic light.
The door soon began to open after what seemed like hours. A tall dark figure walking in. He stood around 6'4, with long, luscious silver hair, placed in a high pony tail with a black ribbon, trailed past his nice firm ass in a smooth wave.
Smooth pale skin like moonlight was accentuated by his tailored black, Guchi, dress suit and silk crimson tie.
The calmly looked toward Kagome, his golden eyes cold and unforgiving, but began to soften slightly at the sight of her.
“My dear Kagome, glad you could make it this wondrous evening” his emotionless voice spoke, while a small smirk tugged at his lush red lips. The man strode over to the couch in his arrogant stride, that always seemed to say I-am-so-perfect-and-you-know-it-and-I-don't-even-have-to-try, and joined Kagome on the couch.
“Why all this Lord Sesshoumaru? I am just a petty woman after all.” Kagome smirked thinking she could actually make him stumble.
“Ah, but how you have changed this Sesshoumaru's mind, you are a goddess, and no one other woman equals your beauty or elegance.” Kagome could only help but blush.
Looking down, he seemed to close his eyes as if a huge worry crossed his mind. Shaking his head he asked the most interesting question “Do you love me, with all your mind body and soul?”
Shocked by the question, she gave her innocent answer “yes Sesshoumaru, I love you and I always will.”
Seeming to be happy with that statement he reached inside his jacket and pulled out a little black box.
Slowly he opened, soon revealing a ring beyond imagine. An extremely large 24k diamond of the finest cut available, rested in a beautifully crafted 24k gold ring. Purple amethyst stoned in the shape of cresent moons were set beside the diamond with small sapphires in between the diamond and amethyst stones.
“Will you marry me Kagome, and become the Lady of my household?” he calmly asked looking deeply into her eyes.
Completely mesmerized by the ring, her mouth was in a silent gasp, soon replies “Oh Sesshoumaru ...........”
Key Terms:
Shimasu: Love
A/N:Alright, some reviews would be nice (really!) and I would also like to apologize for any grammatical errors as I have yet to get a beta reader (which I really should get.) And I also apologize for it being so short, but editing happens. Also I apologize for it being kinda choppy, but the stuff I first wrote did not fit or even was needed, not even for description. Anyway better stop rambling Ja ne and hope you enjoyed this chapter.^.^