InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merge ❯ How it Happened ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“You might feel distorted and stretched during the transfer but you should arrive from Sapporo to Nagoya on time. Even though this is just a test we want to take all precautions possible. If you are in the transfer stream to long we do not know the long term affects.”
People kept telling her the same things over and over. Letting her know what might happen if something went wrong when there was nothing that Kagome could do differently. It was all up to the technicians and the mechanics if the outcome was ok. All she did was stand there while the other people pushed all the buttons, leaving her life in their hands. If one of them pushed the wrong button Kagomes data would be lost. She would cease to exist in this world. To be digital forever.
“Now, we make sure that the rooms are sterile and you are required to be unclothed during the transfer or the computers might become confused. For all that there is a new development in the procedure there have still bean some examples where the volunteer has not bean reestablished or have not progressed on to the assigned destination.”
See, they had already told her that numerous times, after the tenth time it starts to lose the impact. That might be how they keep the volunteers. They tell them the information so many times that they just sort of zone out. Or so Kagome assumed.
“Some have also bean reestablished only to be deformed. Usually this is due the lack of a sterile room. The very first test a fly managed to find its way into the room, the outcome was most undesirable. Are there any questions?”
Always the same ending, `the outcome was most undesirable. Are there any questions.' Always the same response.
Kagomes red hair had caused some problems in the beginning. During the questioning there had bean so many checks and rechecks to make sure that her hair was not implanted and that her DNA accepted the red. It was her natural color but no one believed her. The color was so outrageous. To deep to be natural. What did they know. The fuckers. Her eyes had also bean questioned because of their violet color, but they straightened that out to.
She had bean on three transfers and each time the procedure was supposed to be the same. She undressed; they sent her through the shower. Kagome had her own set of shampoos, soaps, conditioners, and all the other bath and body products. The cool thing was, Kagome could pick a scent and, because the scientists made the products to be compatible with the transfers, they could manipulate certain things about them. Like, Kagome had passion fruit shampoo and conditioner, the scientists could merge that with her DNA and now Kagomes hair smelled like passion fruit, naturally. Kagomes soap and other body products, besides shampoo and conditioner, smelled like raspberry-apple. Kagome would never have a problem with body odor again, the sweatier she got, and the more she smelled of raspberry-apple. Kagomes nails were permanently a pink opalescent, the white base with a multicolored overcoat of all the shiny shades of pink.
After the shower they then sprayed her down with some other cleaning agent. She entered a room that had just bean sprayed down and the door was closed behind her. This was the transfer room. They pushed a bunch of buttons and then kagome opened her eyes in a room exactly the same. The door would open and she would leave and then the scientist in charge would ask her many many questions and after another shower she was free to wander the other part of Japan for another week. What the scientists didn't know she kept hidden during the questions wouldn't hurt kagome.
The ceiling was made of the new mesh that people could enter and send things through from the outside but the inside was completely sealed and sanitary, it automatically cleaned. The only problem that kept it off the market was that once something was sent through, it was no longer sterile, and hardened. Getting it sterile again was the biggest pain ever. They kept it around so that if there was an emergency there might be a way to avoid tragedy, and a law suet.
Around the room there were anywhere from six to eight power transponder units that were the foundation of the entire transfer. They absorbed so much electricity that they glowed purple and they sent out miniature bolts of lightening. The people who viewed from above and pushed the buttons directed this lightening so that it would gather in vast amounts and then they would release all that energy into Kagomes body and the shock would disintegrate her body. But because of all the power it would all reside in the electricity. Then, through a series of specially made electricity wires, transfer her to any of the other bases where the exact thing was done but, in opposite. The electricity appeared and this time her body appeared instead of disappeared.
Kagome had never had problems with her transfers. The scientists said that she had one of the smoothest transfer rates, and that was how she kept her job. She appeared at almost the same instant that she disappeared. They studied how she moved and what she did. Analyzed her dreams and thoughts, watching her every second that she was working. If only they could see what she saw while she transferred.
Kagome saw great forests that no longer existed and bodies of water that had long ago dried up. She had stayed in one place and she had watched a tree grow at rapid speed. She had watched it grow and die. On her last transfer, kagome had sworn that she had seen Hiroshima. While in the transfer she was safe, others could not see her, but she could view them. She was gradually learning that she could influence what era she viewed. She was learning that she could control time. From an objective perspective though.
They were unable to send a camera through the transfer with her due to safety purposes. If an object went through that was not part of the person originally the object usually found its way into obscure places. If another organism wert through with a person, that was a different matter. The two organisms would be combined. Their DNA would combine and they would become intrinsically, irreversibly, merged. So her secret from the scientists was safe if it really happened to her body and the electricity wasn't screwing with her mind.
Of course she could not tell that to the scientists, they would most likely pull her from the project. Or stick her in a mental hospital for psych analysis. The things that kagome saw were not supposed to be there.
Today wasn't much different from the rest of the transfers. The only difference being that lately Kagome had bean visiting the local library and bean reading up on ancient history. Like, from before the feudal era. She was given access to the universities ancient scripts since she was a student there and knew the keeper of the keys. She had read all the folklore and at the next transfer she would try to control what she saw.
As usual she was introduced to one of the many people who supported the program through generous donations. This one was a female of about middle age. She was dressed richly and she carried a live fox on her shoulder like a parrot. Around the neck of the fox was a dark jewel, with a tint of pink, on a leather thong. The fox was a deep red, almost matching Kagomes hair color. The woman's eyes were red and her fingernails that petted the fox's tail were tapered into points that were hard and would most likely be able to kill. The woman looked as if she were able to kill. She was introduced to Kagome by the head scientist as Kagura.
“Miss Kagome, this is Kagura Yomasha. She is our most important investor. With ought her donations we would not be able to run this foundation. Miss Yomasha is a widower of three times and in that time had acquired a large amount of money. Miss Yomasha, this is Kagome Higorashi, our most successful participant. Thanks to her we have bean able to reduce the transfer time down to mere mille seconds. And she has only bean on three transfers. Imagine what we could learn through her in a years time if we continue to study her and her unusual bond to the transfer system.” The scientist was practically babbling in her excitement over the success and having the richest woman in the world in her presence.
“A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” Kagome said to Kagura.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
After the introductions were made Kagome was lead down to the underground level where all the preparations were made. Floor number one was for the machinery and the observers and the technicians only. All the sanitary rooms and the transfer stations were conducted on an underground level.
Kagome entered the locker room. Each volunteer had their own locker in each of the bases. Kagome always had locker number one. After dressing down and stashing all her belongings Kagome entered the showers. She scrubbed her skin raw and then scrubbed herself again. There was no chance that she would share DNA with a strain of bacteria.
She brushed her teeth several times. Flossed until her gums were on the verge of bleeding, and gargled so mush Listerine that she wouldn't taste her food for a week.
Each of these activities were done in a separate room. In between each room Kagome was flooded in clean water that invaded her mouth, her nose, her eyes, everywhere. In the last room there was nothing. After the door shut behind her a mist started to fill the room. This was the cleaning agent that was the last step before the transfer room. It worked best if she kept her eyes open, even though it burned like hell. The mist was inhaled and folded the system better than the clean water had. Ooh, it burned.
Finally Kagome entered the transfer room. The walls were paneled in white, much like the walls in a psych hospital. All fluffy and all material, no hard spots. The transponder units were made of steal, which sort of off set the psych hospital walls. They were sort of charred at the top from all the electricity that coursed through them.
Kagome had never bean in a transfer room where the transponder units were used. They were supposed to be replaced after each use. Kagome looked at them and shrugged. The technicians would never place her life at risk. If the transponder units were able to be used multiple times, who was she to doubt. She placed her life in there hands many times.
Looking up at the ceiling Kagome saw the tinted sterile shield. The grid pattern on the shield was making her dizzy so Kagome looked back down. There was no doubt that the technicians and scientists were up their now pushing buttons and programming her data.
A voice came through the shield and spoke to her. It was the head scientist of this base.
“Kagome, I need you to place your feet on the yellow pads and align your toes to the markers, then stay still please.” The com shut off.
Kagome did as asked with a few interruptions to tell her that one toe or another was out of place. When she was all set she placed her palms against her bare thighs, fingers squished together.
“Okay Kagome,” came the voice on the com. “we will be transferring you in just a moment, please remain still.”
Kagome closed her eyes and started to think about the time that she wanted to look at. She had settled for the approximate time in one of the scripts that she had read. The time of demons. Demons had roamed the land freely, controlling the humans. There had been a whole society, culture and hierarchy. That had bean described as a time of brutal piece. The demons were vicious by nature, but they protected there people from outside incursions at any cost, there had bean almost no wars, all disputes being settled by a form of diplomacy that was only recently being employed again.
As the first rays of electricity started to leap from the transponder units, Kagome became aware of a slight buzz coming from them. This had never happened before. The electricity was not the same shade of purple that it usually was. Now it was a deep, plasma, violet. Kagome was beginning to feel worried, but she reminded herself not to move or something could go wrong. Small movements were okay, but larger movements tended to find the wrong hands on the wrong side.
Just when Kagome was starting to panic there was a commotion that she could hear even through the sterile ceiling.
“you get that fox out of hear before I shoot it. So help me god.” The words were at the level of a shriek. Spoken by the head scientist no doubt.
There was a sound from over head that sounded like the crinkling of plastic wrap and Kagome knew that something had come through the sterile shield. Looking up, she could only stare in horror.
That dambed fox of that dambed woman had jumped through the shield.
There was no time to think. The fox was heading write for her, Kagome put out her hands in an image to catch it but it never landed. A bolt of violet lightning shot out as the fox passed to close to the transponders and it was disintegrated. The dark jewel that had bean on a leather thong around its neck stayed in the air. It was attracting all the bolts of electricity. It had started to glow a dark, ruby, red.
It all happened so fast that Kagome barely had time to realize what was happening. The sizzle of the transponders, the yelling, the fox coming then going, then the jewel. The jewel that glowed a ruby red and then shattered into many pieces and all of them shot towards her along with the electricity.
They embedded themselves in her skin at the same moment as the electricity struck. Three on her fore head, one vertically in the center, then the other two centered over her eye brows, but at an angle so that they pointed toward her nose. A fourth was on her neck, imbedding itself as deep as her vocal cords. Five and six were on the outside of her shoulders. Seven and eight had centered themselves above each breast. Nine centered on her sternum. Ten was just above her belly button. Eleven and twelve were each on a foot.
There was no pain, just a moment of shock as her body felt the hot shock of the jewel pieces and then the electricity. As the electricity touched her she remembered that she was supposed to be thinking on the time of the demons. Hurriedly she thought of all the lore and legends that she had read. One in particular stood out. The story of the western lord.
There had bean a western lord that had a hatred towards humans that the cause was unknown for. He had bean mentioned as one of great power and was said to be so long lived that he had seen many eras' come and go. He was said to be immortal. He was a popular subject with the ancient scholars and they had come to know him in their minds as well as a brother.
Then, as she was about to open her eyes she felt pain. There had never bean pain before. Now Kagome knew that there had bean something wrong. She had time for only a short scream before darkness overcame her.