InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merge ❯ Stop Picking On Me ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The villagers stood and looked in awe at the sky. The local miko had predicted clear skys for the whole next week but these were not natural skys. This morning the skys had bean clear and sunny. Then white clouds had gathered rapidly to coat the sky. They had quickly turned black.
Many of the villagers had droped thare tasks and were religiously watching the clouds. Others continued there tasks but kept track of the progress. The first screem stoped all activity.
“look at the clouds. They are decending.” And in truth, they were. Like a cyclone they were spinning down, down at the village. The closest point, the tip, had changed color again. It had started to glow violet.
The twist of clouds was decending to fast for any of the villagers to escape if it touched down and decided to suck them in. it was heading for just outside the village in one of the rice fields.
A small group of adults started running for the nearby village that the local miko was currently residing.
When the tip of the clouds became closer the villagers were surprised to disgover that the air was not affected by the clouds. It was not a tornado.
Some of the villagers with the more curious personalities wandered closer to the rice fields. Soon thare was a small crowed. They formed a semicircle around whare the phenomenon might touch down. All this happening in five short minuts.
When the cloud reached fifty feer above them the glow of the violet flashed suddenly brilliant and a sound of thunder boomed greatly. The villagers squinted against the glow and glimpsed a lowering from the clouds.
The tunnel of cloud stopped twenty feet above and the source of the glow was leaving the protective shield of cloud. None could glimpse a complete image for it was to bright.
The source of the light decended slowely so that it resided on the ground. At ground level the source rose about ten feet and was ten feet in diameter.
As the villagers became accustomed to the purple light they saw that the source was eight poles aranged in a circle around the brightest light source of all that had the shape of a human with long hair blowing in a brease. Thare were small bolts of lightening that shot quickly from the poles to the person.
As the villagers watched thare was another bright flash of light. This one had a blast force that knocked all the villagers to the ground, and then the light from the poles was gone.
The villagers looked at the figure that still glowed lightly violet and determined that it was a she. The poles surrounding her were blackened and charred all the way down to the ground.
One of the women villagers stepped forward and the spell over her companions were broken. They started to talk and mimmble to eachother, speculating about what had just happened
One of the men folk stepped up alongside the woman that had stepped forward earlier.
“what do you think she is. A God?”
“no. not a god.” Answered the woman. “a demon.”
At this the people surrounding the woman creature grew intolerable at her pressance and started to shout and yell. One of the men picked up a stone and aimed at the glowing woman.
Her glow was dimming and they could now look at her directly. The first thing that they noticed was that she was naked. All the people gasped at the indecency. They could see that she had jewl fragments imbedded in her flesh and that certain parts of her were not right. They could not make out distinguishing features on her though because the glow had not dimmed completely. The only reason they saw the jewels were because they shone all the more in the glow.
As the man aiming the stone at the woman, and drew back his arm to let the stone fly, a hand caught his wrist just before.
“No.” was the only word that the old miko spoke, and the man dropped the stone.
“tiz' a demon. That had decended from the heavins.” One of the men shouted at the miko to justify the attempt to stone the other woman.
“Whoever told you that she is a demon is an idiot. Who told you that?” the miko was on the verge of fury.
“Kikyo.” There were murmurs of agreement from the other villagers as well.
“And, since when do we stone demons. If she decided to take offence and were a demon we would all be dead.”
The glowing woman had bean hovering some feet of the ground inside her circle of burnt out rods. The more the glow dimmed, which was happening at a slow but steady pace, the closer she came to the ground. She had bean standing in an erect position with her head and arms thrown back and her back arched out.
When the woman landed on the ground all the remaining glow was seemingly absorbed by the jewel pieces all over her body. She was finally standing on her feet and the pressure forced her spine to align and her head and arms to come forward.
All the villagers stood as in a trance as the woman seemed to have to gain awareness of ware she had landed.
“Ware am I?” the voice that spoke was defiantly female. Musical and light. Dancing upon the senses of the men, making them desire to die in her presence as if she were heaven embodied. The women heard her voice and knew that they would love and respect her until they died. They would fight and die for her if she asked It of them. They would keep her safe in there village no matter the cost.
The only two people not affected by the strange woman's voice were the old miko and the woman named Kikyo who had wanted to stone her.
The old miko stepped forward and handed the woman her long coat that she had brought just in case it rained. The coat went down to the woman's thighs, not even past her finger tips. She was still dressed indecently but at least now she was covered mostly.
“What be your name, girl.” the old miko asked.
“My name? My name, my name is… Kagome. You may call me Kagome.” As the woman had searched for her name she had a look of great concentration. Upon discovery of it she developed a look of joy, as if she had accomplished some grate feet. “What may I call you?”
At kagomes look of joy all of the villagers gasped in awe and then settled down to stare back at her face in wonder.
“You may call me Kaede, child.” The old miko smiled at kagome as though she were, actually, a child.
“what are you doing?” came the enraged voice of the woman called Kikyo. “Aunt, what are you doing giving your true name to a demon? Or have you not noticed the patches of fur and the twitchy ears or the long bushy tail.”
Given a few moments for the words to sink in, the villagers drew out of there trance like state to take a good look at exactly what they had bean silently admiring.
What Kikyo said was, actually, the truth, in part. Yes, kagome had a tail, a big bushy fox tail, with the white tip. Kagome had the pointy, twitchy, red ears that were extremely long and angled back. They had tufts at the top that were white. Yes kagome did have patches of fur. She had cuffs of red fur from her elbows to the middle of her fore arms which then turned white until her wrists ware human flesh resumed. Under kagomes arm pits a ring of fur started that grew like a halter top until her sternum ware flesh appeared again until her waist, ware there was a fur like mini- short. Her legs above her knees were flesh, but under her knees, half way down her shins the red fur started, fading gradually into white to her feet. The tops of her feet were also coated in white fur, and if they had looked at the bottoms of Kagomes feet they would have seen that the skin was black and hard like the foot pads of a wild animal. But what Kikyo said about being a demon might or might not have bean true.
Kagome had no idea what a demon was. Kaede, being a miko could feel her aura and there was no demonic feel, but there was a feel of power. Almost tainted in a way, but dissipating quickly. Kikyo had the power to feel auras also, but she chose to mislead people. That was why she would never be the new miko.
“Kikyo, you know that there is no demonic aura in this girl, how could you have behaved so, how could you have condoned the stoning of her also.”
All the villagers were looking at Kikyo now with betrayal painted clearly in there faces. There thoughts all bordered on the same thoughts, how could she have betrayed us so.
“Kikyo, you return to the village, I will speak with you later.” With that Kaede turned her back on her niece. Even in kagomes dazed and confused state she could see the look that Kikyo gave her and knew that there would be problems.
“You are in the village of Edo.” the old woman said as kagomes attention was brought back to the group.
The first thing that kagome notaced after the blackness ckeared was that purple energy was still shining brightly through her closed eye lids. She felt as though she were floating.
Kagome tried to open her eyes but found that she could not move. She began to panic, kagome could hear but she couldn't move. She had heard of people who had bean paralyzed but were unable to let others know that they were still conscious. She hoped that they would not un-plug her from life support if she needed it.
Then, while kagome was listening to the sounds around her, she realized that these were not the sounds of the hospital. These were the sounds of the wild, but there was not a wild anymore. All that was left was the sounds of the wild on CD and those were so out dated that museums carried them.
Kagome became aware that the purple light was fading and she could now hear voices. There was some commotion and she could hear, yelling. She thought that she heard the word demon shouted some times but could not be sure.
The more that the violet light faded the lighter her body became so that it now felt that she could all most move. The first thing that she noticed was that there was a man and a woman standing in front of her dressed in strange clothes. They wore clothes older in style than any that she had seen in her previous transfers. Then she noticed that there was a semi-ring around her of people who were wearing the same thing as the woman and the man.
As she noticed that she was standing in the middle of a field, naked, she was finally able to make out a few words in a muddle of loud noises.
“What… think she…god?”
“No…god… a demon.”
Kagome looked at the people confusedly and when she saw one of the men pick up a stone and aim it in her direction she was shocked. She still could not move, so if he threw the rock it would hit her, and there was nothing that she could do about it.
As kagome was bracing for the stone to hit her she saw an old woman come up behind the man and grab his hand. In the silence that followed, kagome could clearly hear the old woman's command.
Then the stone dropped to the ground and in that moment kagome was able to analyze the sounds that came to her.
“But tiz' a demon.” Waite, they thought that she was a demon?
Upon the woman's next words kagome grew a sense of humor in the situation.
“Who ever told you that she is a demon is an idiot.”
When the villagers started to look at the woman that stood in front of kagome she all most laughed. When one of the villagers confirmed her suspicions and identified the woman as `Kikyo' she was still on the verge of laughter.
Kagome felt her feet touch the ground and she hadn't even realized that they hadn't bean touching in the first place. She felt her back and her shoulders slide into alignment and, like her feet, she hadn't even noticed that they weren't in the correct position.
With the touch down of her feet kagome found herself able to move. The first thing that she did though was ask the question that had been on her mind.
“Ware am I?”
al of the villagers, except the woman that kagome had come to be thinking as the `evil' Kikyo and the old angel, suddenly looked as if they were hanging on her every word. The men were practically drooling and the women were looking as if they would follow her into the pits of hell for her friendship.
The question that kagome asked was met with a question from the old `angel.'
“What be your name, girl.”
For a few moments kagome was not able to think of her own name. The main thought that she had was, oh my god. Please tell me that my memory is not shot.
But no. kagome soon remembered that her name was kagome and she told them so, asking for the old `angels' name in return.
You may call me Kaede.”
The revelation of Kaedes name to kagome started an uproar that kagome had not expected. The woman, Kikyo, became fanatical that kagome was a demon come to perform evil deeds.
Kaede placed Kikyo in her place right then in front of the villagers and she did not look happy. Just as Kaede had dismissed Kikyo and told her to go to the hut, Kikyo gave kagome the most evil glare and kagome knew that that would not be thee end of the subject if Kikyo had any say in the matter.
“You are in the village of Edo.” Kaede answered the question that had bean forgotten long ago.