InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part II A ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Reviews are fuel.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude
Dedicated to all of you for all the joy you give me. Have a fantastic balance of your week, see you on the weekend.

Part IIA of IV - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Cooooffeeeeeee! sang a musical voice on the other side of the door.
Kagome cracked open bleary eyes, as she hurriedly propped herself up in the bed, pulling her sheets up to her neck, looking about the unfamiliar room.
Waaaaakeeeey Waaaakkkeeeeey, Sleeping Beauty,” said an effete voice pleasantly, as the door was opened a crack. A tray and a rather attractive male with dark hair peered in at her expectantly.
His disarming, friendly manner caused Kagome's white-knuckle grip of her sheets to slacken.
“I come bearing gifts. Ooooooooh, you are a gorgeous little thing aren't you? I do hope Sesshy behaved himself, while we were away? You have that deliciously rumpled, well loved look,” said he of the near perfectly arched brows. Kagome had no doubt tweezers had much to do with their perfection, if not electrolysis. A woman knew these things.
He stopped to sniff the air with a lascivious grin that rivaled Miroku's; a grin that slowly turned to a darling little pout of disappointment as he sighed dramatically. Looking back at Kagome with sympathetic expression, he placed the delicious smelling tray on the bedside table, before sashaying to the drapes and opening them with a flourish before turning back to her, arms akimbo, striking a pose, one hip thrust forward.
Hmmmm, oh well… My name is Jakotsu and I am the chief cook and bottle washer in the Taishou households. When at the country estate I do light cooking here and there, and oversee his household staff. As he can be rather boringly Draconian in his tastes and discipline, I am glad I finally have someone interesting to cook for this morning, other than the Delicious One with the lickable ears and appalling culinary tastes. I must admit, I did have a perverse fascination to see what SesshyI mean Mister Taishou had hidden in this room.”
Kagome reached for and curled her fingers around the comforting warmth of the porcelain mug of coffee, pre-poured from the carafe for her convenience. She peered over the rim at the rather strikingly gorgeous male, who could easily pass for a stunning woman, but for his exceedingly lean hips. She had not managed to get a word in edgewise thus far. Two more sips gave her sufficient courage and strength to find those two little words, which up until now, escaped her sleep-fogged mind.
“Good Morning” she mumbled groggily and yawned.
Finally, she had encountered another person with verbal diarrhea that rivaled her own. She was impressed; clearly, he had immense breath control. Kagome dared not think how he had acquired that skill set, best not to know these things.
Jakotsu gave a dramatic bow and chuckled. “I'll just be your little Cabana Boy then and run you a nice hot bath,” he said happily and beetled off to the bathroom humming I'llBe Home for Christmas. Kagome found she began to smile. Finally, someone in this household that appreciated the season; she began to hum as she stretched and cracked her back. Her attention then turned to the toast slathered in butter and the fluffiest scrambled egg display she had ever seen worthy of a four star restaurant, and picked up tray and tucked in, fork at the ready. Oh yes, Kagome liked Jakotsu. She continued to hum.
Inuyasha tightened his fire-rat kimono, cursing as he peered out of the window of the breakfast nook. “Oh fuck, not her, not this early,” he said, getting up slowly.
His muscles ached badly. The work out with the Old Dog this morning in the dojo had not gone in his favor. For whatever reason, Sesshoumaru had something to prove this morning. Inuyasha rolled his neck, and a loud pop echoed in the kitchen, causing the new maid to flinch and look away hurriedly. Inuyasha narrowed his eyes speculatively, she was cute, and had a nice rack, then growled softly. Sesshoumaru and his fucking draconian house rules. No playing with the staff under any circumstances. Now the poor girl would not have the joy of his attentions. He shrugged, and eased himself up, just as there came loud banging on the back door.
Inuyasha smiled with the new girl roguishly waggling his brows. “I'll get it. You just keep doing…what are you doing anyway?”
Before the young woman with the bright green eyes and fire red hair could answer. Another loud impatient rap, then a twiddling of the handle came, as a sudden gust of wind rattled the windows.
“Inuyasha, I can smell you. Open this door now or I'll have Holtz break it down!” said a sharp feminine voice.
The hanyou gritted his teeth and yanked open the door, with every intention of causing her bodily harm. “Good Morning, Wicked Witch of the East. What can I do you for? Decapitation perhaps?” offered Inuyasha glowering at the female wrapped in a black mink throw in the arms of her manservant. Well, curved ankles and blood red stillettos matched the thin slits that passed for lips.
Wiggling impatiently, she motioned for her personal Viking to put her down.
Holtz put her down carefully on the slippery marble inlay designed as a mudguard in the doorway before bowing as the door was slammed in his face.
Kagura's vermillion eyes looked Inuyasha up and down with disgust and a smirk. “I don't know why he doesn't keep you in the style you are accustomed. Shouldn't you be sleeping in a tree somewhere?” she inquired in an offhanded catty tone, while letting her throw slip to the ground.
When the maid rushed to retrieve it, as was her duty, Inuyasha's expression stopped her cold.
Folding his arms within his kimono, Inuyasha leaned his head to the side in feigned speculation, one dark brow arched in question as he hopped around her on bare feet. A sudden beatific smile crossed his handsome, tanned face.
Got it! It's the new contacts that make you look so cheap and here I was thinking it was the cum fuck me if you'redesperate shoes. Perfect.
Kagura's left eye ticked, as she unfurled her fan threateningly in his face, before moving towards the door that lead to the main hallway, leaving the discarded fur behind.
“Girl, pick that up and be quick about it. Put it in the breakfast room and bring me some coffee. Have someone inform Lord Sesshoumaru, I am here,” she said dismissively.
“Who the fu…” Inuyasha ground out, just as the kitchen door swung in, just barely missing her face, effectively crushing one tine of the fan, she held so dear.
“Ooooooooooh Quel Surprise,…news does travel fast…like the wind,” said Jakotsu with his hands framing his face dramatically, before side stepping Kagura. Bending gracefully, he scooped up the offending throw and, as it's name connoted, threw it out the back door, while standing expectantly with one arm resting on his hip.
Holtz was still standing there, dutifully, in the frigid weather, Jakotsu realized and smiled with him empathetically. “Darling, come out of the cold and sit down, where are his manners? Inuyasha, she might, just might have a point about the tree,” said Jak, bustling the strapping, great male into the house and pushing him into the nook to sit, before turning to the new helper.
“Ayame, be a love and warm him up will you; whatever he likes.” he said gently to the young woman, who bowed shyly and hurriedly retrieved another cup and saucer.
A malevolent gleam came into Jak's eyes then as he slowly turned to face Kagura. His head lowered, sooty lashes, ably assisted by industrial strength mascara, he looked into diffident and moderately nervous ones. Kagura instinctively unfurled her fan, ready for battle. One never knew what Jakotsu would do, raving, psycho bitch that he was.
Inuyasha smirked and leapt up onto the island and crouched, retrieving his rapidly cooling bowl of ramen, ready for what promised to be a spectacular show. Short of pulling out his Kusanagi, which the hanyou was sure was stowed somewhere in the kitchen, Kagura was as good as dead, verbally. One never messed with anyone Jakotsu oversaw. He was the resident den mother, sometimes even facing down his irritable brother on someone else's behalf.
“Come to look over your replacement have you?” he queried sweetly, before opening the door for her gallantly. “Try not to scuff the new parquet with your …heels. Sesshoumaru wouldn't appreciate it and well, I might be forced to kill you,” he said deceptively softly, winking at Inuyasha, who despite himself, rolled his eyes and chuckled, chewing happily.
Holtz made to rise in defense of his mistress, as a sudden swirl of movement, and a rather sharp set of blades came towards him at lightning speeds, one uncoiling from another, the last of which arched around his neck, forcing him too remain seated, or at least crouched, if he wanted to maintain his head.
“Sit Boy,” cooed a deadly, soft masculine voice. The gentleness of force with which Jakotsu spoke, never met his eyes, which held a dark, shiny, predatory gleam that added to his sudden maniacal laughter, as he retracted his Kusanagi.
Inuyasha sniffed with disgust in Holtz's direction, then pointed to the servants' bathroom, “Oi! In there, and don't touch nothing til you've washed.”
Kagura used her fan appropriately for a change, as Ayame and Jak gave a wide birth to Holtz. Jak still laughing, looked at his Kusanagi lovingly… “See Kagura, mine's bigger, sharper…and prettier. Care to try it out?
The Wind Sorceress eyes narrowed as she edged towards the door to the main hall, not daring to take her eyes off Jakotsu in his current mood.
“Where is Sesshoumaru, exactly, and what the hell do you mean by replacement you pathetic, wannabee….drag queen, hissed the Sorceress through gritted teeth. Kouga, the deceptive bastard, had phoned her earlier, purely out of good conscience, to inform her that his ex just happened to spend the night at the cottage with her Sesshoumaru.
“Temper, temper, darling, I almost nicked your new boy toy and I like him. You, on the other hand, are dispensable,” retorted Jakotsu, who hurriedly reopened the back door and was amazed to see at least an inch of snow on the discarded fur. “Look dear, your magic carpet awaits to take you back to hell, or wherever it is, you and Naraku's other groupies shack-up these days,” he cooed pleasantly, looking over her head with annoyance before slamming the back door in a huff.
A deep, tired, and somewhat annoyed baritone spoke from behind Kagura, who turned with a sickly sweet smile, plastered to her face. She imagined it made her look vulnerable in Sesshoumaru's eyes - wrongly.
The former Western Lord chose that very moment to find Inuyasha's feet fascinating, especially as they were not currently at floor level, where he felt sure they belonged.
“Inuyasha, get off the island. Ayame, please serve coffee as requested by our guest,” Sesshoumaru intoned, now boring holes in the back of Jakotsu's silky, dark head.
Jak for the most part remained `oblivious,' thoroughly engaged in locating the case of Febreze in the bottom cupboard, pretending complete indifference to Sesshoumaru's presence and current demeanor. They had been down this road before many, many times and probably would again.
“Jak,” continued Sesshoumaru with paced quietude as he approached the stooped male, “what have I said about threatening Kagura with bodily harm, each and every time you see her?” the billionaire said peering down at the male who still obstinately refused to look his employer in the eye.
Inuyasha jumped off the counter and stood behind Jak protectively, glaring at Sesshoumaru, his own arms folded, feet splayed around the much smaller male stooped on the floor.
Jak stood and there was no repentance in his gaze as formerly amused, if not moderately insane eyes, glared up at Sesshoumaru, then winked at Inuyasha, who still had his back.
“It's alright, Sexy One, I was out of line, Lord Sesshoumaru is right.”
Sesshoumaru sighed, eyes moving from Jak to Kagura, then back again. It seemed like a good time to change the topic of discussion.
“How is Higurashi? Can we find her something to wear?” inquired the lord.
Kagura minced over to Sesshoumaru's side, coiling her arms around his waist in a proprietary fashion, while glaring at Jakotsu, daring him to say anything. Sesshoumaru stiffened at the unwanted intimacy.
Both the hanyou and Jak snorted in chorus, before Jak straightened his face in all due seriousness and responded.
“Unfortunately, the only things that would fit so petite and perfect a figure happen to be the troll…I mean Miss Kagura's. They are at least three sizes waaaay too large. The little darling would swim in those dreadful knock offs,” Jakotsu said in an affected, falcetto, while beaming up at Sesshoumaru, innocently.
Kagura should have taken notes. Jak did a great innocent face. If anyone managed to note just a hint of spit in his tone, well, there was nothing for it. He was simply being factual. Surely, no one could fault him for that?
“Why you…” the Sorceress moved towards Jak threateningly. Jakotsu held his ground, as a soft voice coughed apologetically in the doorway, carrying a tray.
“Good Morning, Everyone,” said the vision in a formerly oversized red sweater (that Sesshoumaru found quite familiar) and dark leggings that suspiciously looked like something Jak would wear. Her feet were covered in slippers. Not just any slippers but, if memory served the former Western Lord rightly, the head with antlers, and the red nose was a dead give away.
Sesshoumaru glared at Jakotsu, awaiting his explanation. Somehow, somewhere and at sometime this morning, Jak had managed to shrink his favorite sweater, gifted the Higurashi female with Jak's own pair of seasonally appropriate footwear and found a way to accentuate, the one feature that needed no help on the damn woman…her legs.
Jak blushed, well pleased with her look and with lightning speed took the tray from Kagome and spun her around proudly, “Isn't she just a vision Sesshoumaru? She doesn't even have to try and she looks like what she is; a lady, isn't that right, my lord?”
The billionaire's eyes narrowed warningly at Jakotsu, as his lips pursed and Inuyasha smiled. Sesshoumaru never quite understood the dynamic of the two. Though they fought, they worked like a tag team when opposed and most especially when Kagura was in residence. It was part of the reason their `agreement' had failed. True, Jak had an unrequited lust for Inuyasha buried deep but, after five hundred years, it was now a running joke between the two.
“I agreeeee ,Jak, she looks hot. Nice pins. Inuyasha said, with a low, appreciative growl, giving Kagome the once over, just to rile his brother.
Kagome blushed and struck a pose, deepening her voice to a breathy sex kitteny tone in jest and fluffing her luxuriant onyx locks. “Why thank you kind Sirs, you do soooooo much for a girl's ego.”
She batted her lashes playfully, that is, until she saw the expression on the white-faced woman with the pinched, blood red lips. The playfulness Kagome had felt died instantly upon looking into Kagura's eyes. They were filled with blinding hatred fostered by jealousy. How could someone so beautiful be so ugly, thought Kagome sadly?
The possessive hold the she-devil had on Sesshoumaru struck a familiar feminine chord. Perhaps she should explain and ease the tension. Kagome had no wish to be the cause of dissension for the man that had just saved her orphanage; even if she fundamentally disliked the being who was staring daggers into her gut, clearly wishing her all manner of ill.
“Jakotsu was kind enough to lend me his cloths, Sesshoumaru. I will return them when I get back to town,” Kagome said stiffly, about to turn and leave the room. Again, she was being scrutinized and she did not appreciate it. If the stupid bitch had done this under differing circumstances, she would have been eating Kagome's little fist by now.
Casting a furtive, satisfied look at the now quietly, fuming Sorceress, Jak mused aloud distractedly, “It really is soooo true what they say, that the woman makes the cloths and not the other way around,” he gushed, pulling Kagome away from the door and into his arms. She instinctively put her own arms around him, realizing he was offering her comfort.
The sudden sound of Kagome's cell phone playing “Jingle Bells” brought the icy atmosphere, rivaling that of the outdoors to a halt.
Softly in thanks, she extricated herself from Jak's gentle, proprietary grasp with an apologetic smile. Her eyes glanced into Sesshoumaru's unreadable ones as she headed to her purse, which was still in the hall. Kagome pushed the door open and was happy to get the hell out of there on any excuse.
It wasn't there. It rang again, and she remembered. The phone was not in her purse after all, but in her coat pocket where she left it. She picked it up mid ring.
“Morning Sang…,” she began pleasantly, unaware she had an audience, “Miroku? What's all that noise behind you? Slow down,” Kagome's heart was in her throat. She could hear the distress in his voice, “What's wrong?! Talk to me, please Miroku!” Kagome cried into the phone, as she began to pace, her pacing leading her to open the front door, and closing it behind her unconsciously as she stepped outside. She needed to breathe.
“Kagome, are you sitting?” queried a tremulous, masculine voice at the other end of the line. “Where is Sesshoumaru? I mean Mister Taishou, please get him. I need to speak with him, now, Kagome, please don't argue! said Miroku impatiently
Irritated by his tone and his chivalrous, and in the end dismissive, avoidance tactic, Kagome screamed.
“WHAT'S WRONG?! Never mind Taishou, are those sirens? Where's Sango?! Where are you? Miroku tell me now. I'm coming home this instant!” she bellowed into his ear shrilly.
The phone was gently, pried from her fingers, as another set of hands, placed her coat about her shoulders gently. She had not realized it, but she was shivering, from fear, anticipation and cold.
“What is it?” said a bored baritone into the cell. He moved away from the blustering, livid and fearful female, who watched him, amazed at his audacity in commandeering her phone. Miroku and Sesshoumaru, for that matter, had some serious `splainin to do!
“Is she still there?” Miroku said cautiously.
Stepping further away from the fuming little female and his brother, “Yes, Miroku?”
Inuyasha stood in Kagome's line of vision. She was pissed he noted, carefully buttoning coat, while scanning Sesshoumaru's face as one ear cocked, listening. All this while restraining the red faced, swearing female.
“I knew it! So it's not just Kouga, who keeps secrets. Miroku! I want to talk to you, now! I'm coming home if you're interested,” she said raising her voice, making sure he would hear, as she brushed Inuyasha's fingers from the last button.
Mid screech, she stopped. Staring at Sesshoumaru with a perplexed expression; what in hell…, elflike…First dog ears, and now elfin? She blinked, just as Sesshoumaru turned with an annoyed expression. Oh my god! He has a tattoo on his forehead! Okay…What in Kami were those cookies laced with last night? Apparently, Jak wasn't the only one who wore makeup. `Cause his lids had just the hint of pigment too, all be it attractive, and very come hither lids, but really. Kagome blinked again and managed this time to get away from Inuyasha who half- heartedly tried to stop her.
Striding towards Sesshoumaru just as he closed her phone and faced her with a querulous expression.
So livid was Kagome that she glared at the tall male, who no longer seemed to have that interesting tattoo. She sighed in relief. Okay, so it was a figment of her imagination. Kagome scrutinized his ears. No… normal, shell like, she noted, gritting her teeth.
“May I?” she said, barely restraining the urge to grab the phone from the cocky male that stood before her with an unreadable look in his eyes. Only now she finally realized both he and Inuyasha were in kimonos. His was a pale silk, with honeycomb design at the neck. He must be freezing she suddenly thought, before returning to her original agenda, the retrieval of her phone.
Sesshoumaru returned her phone with a slight, lordly inclination of his head.
“If you will wait a five minutes, Kagome, I will drive you to the hospital,” he said quietly. “Inuyasha, get dressed, I will have need of your assistance and have Jakotsu go to the scene and retrieve what may remain,” Sesshoumaru said, in a stayed, commanding tone that brooked no argument; his long, flowing, silky hair loose and dancing in the sudden shift in the wind. At another time, in the right mood, Kagome would have been nothing more than a gooey puddle, looking at this most rare and very masculine, yet beautiful of men. Drop dead Fabio. Now this was a man.
Kagome's eyes narrowed, almost imperceptibly as she turned to look where Inuyasha had been. Her sudden anger mellowed into renewed fear as she looked at the phone in her red, nearly frozen fingers.
“What may remain?” she queried quietly, as she looked into opaque citrine for answers, she already knew, before flipping open her phone, and attempting to step off the porch.
Firm arms encircled her waist. “Wait!” hissed Sesshoumaru coldly, as Jakotsu, came through the front door.
“On it!” he said to the retreating figure of Sesshoumaru's back.
Jakotsu effortlessly lifted Kagome and carried her back into the house, closing the door with his foot. Gone was the affected effete stance. Strong arms curled her into his warm chest. Kagome looked into Jak's face, surprised at the transformation. Understanding dawned then in her own face. The soft feminine features, now sharp, cold and rather fearsome in their severity; feral even. This in actuality, she realized, was Jakotsu. Miroku picked-up on the second ring as Jak handed her the phone, and waiting, she coiled into his lap protectively while he hummed “The Little Drummer Boy”.
Author's Notes
Yes, I know the game is not mentioned in this part, it will be later in the week….and what else…hmmm…just in a rather nice moodso decided to share early. Bear with me…all will be revealed SHUT UP CELESTIAL ONE! *SNORT*
Shaedow - Yes, I rather like this little grouping of characters very much (soft smile). Thank you, and I hope you continue to enjoy.

DemonLordLover - Hmmm…not entirely sure…I'm guessing you liked it then? (BIG GRIN AND WINK). Thank you, my dear, that means much and CONGRATULATIONS, it was a foregone conclusion! I love how you encapsulated the first chapter. Each of your words nailed my goal. Thank you…then again…woman you are a wordsmith.

- (Smile) No, I have never heard of it. So I just went to YouTube and true to form, if its pop culture, it probably has a snippet of it there. Very cool. Glad you are enjoying the story thus far.

Priestess Skye
- *REVERENT BOW* and CONGRATULATIONS! I must say, I was worried about Pasttimes, as it is subtle and could have been overlooked, but the largest smile came to my face when I saw. You have no idea, it renews the faith entirely in humanity when justice is served, deservedly. Kiss she of the pink speckled tummy please. I do believe she is the SECOND most spoilt dog in history…(wink). Damn!Hen and Damn!Monkey, raise you a Big!Damn!Tire that we all stumble across going to the living room. Newest tug toy in the house. Yes, we are gluttons for punishment.

Kim - (Big Smile). Hope you continue to enjoy.

- Thank you. I like different. Spare me the usual, bores me to tears.

TruGemini - Well hello there (wink). Hi Hon, glad you are enjoying, and I sincerely hope you continue to. The next bit is rather long. Seriously rivaling the first chapter, so it might be a day later than promised. Here however is the good bit, I am loving the next chapter tremendously. Oh, it isn't all fun and games, but its pivotal…the story hangs in the balance. I love it…God bless precipices…they allow you to make profound decisions.

K.M. - Yes, and Yes. I see you laughing now, which is the intent. Imagine a total seeming milksop like Houjo, being a baddy….actually, most truly vindictive types who are slimy and underhanded are weaklings…haven't you found? I have (wicked evil grin).

Sleepy Tuna Fish - De rien. Thank you, and you can expect more on the weekend.

Miko53- Thank you, my dear and you will shortly. I'm really happy you are enjoying the new piece.

Joanne - Thank you so much and NEVER let anyone…tell you how to think or how to be…EVER. Life gets endlessly boring, when one tries to fit with doctrine all day long and nothing new is ever thought, so keep following your own sense of right and wrong. Wonderful hearing from you.

Deb L
- (Big Smile) By now, if you have read Parts 1 & 2 you will have answered your own questions *chuckle*, all except perhaps one, and those answer will follow in the unfolding. Funny you should mention Chess, as they will be playing Go….far more appropriate, and challenging. How do I explain, well, Chess is to Go what Checkers is to Chess. Think of it with this analogy, though the standard course dictates that certain foods are drunk with red and others white….in the end, it is the individual's palette that should determine what best suits the meal. I happen to love billiards …of any kind and I find a nice red goes wonderfully well with a nicely done salmon over an open fire. Kouga can be naughty (wink). Hope you continue to enjoy. Happy Holidays.

Moonflames - THANK YOU! Again, you got the point (chuckle). I am glad you are enjoying…Oooh trust me girl, we both have encountered many a Dickless Wonder and a Priceless Prat…and myriad other descriptive terms …I have no doubt…and lets not forget Twaddling Twits…masking as Clever Ducks the list goes on (wink)…and those are the nice terms LOL! Hope you continue to enjoy.

A-Kay - Yes rather re Hot. Do I need to put you over my lap and duly spank your botbot? I mean, if I told you dear one, WHAT WOULD BE LEFT OF THE STORY…geeeeez some people…sigh…I am all atwitter dear girl to know what the questions are…(wink). Come on, tell EP…? Yes dear BRAT I will update on weekends, until December 24 when it concludes….I give you this…interesting you are the only one to notice the comment on Gertrude. Well done…watch this space. Not that closely silly girl, you'll do yourself an injury. Until next time…

Sesshoumaru's Fiend - Yes, I cheated and I did look at the name (EP looks ashamed…Ashamed I say). There is a reason cliché's are what they are..they are true. So Thank you m'dear. Very pleased you are enjoying. There is a time to be an asshole…trust me there is…and a time to have matured. In my universes, life and the passage of time MUST teach you how to live. To imagine, that one could live for centuries and remain stagnant, devoid of development, is pathetically sad. So in my world, core essence remains, but mellowing takes place…however, having said this. I don't suggest you approach Sesshoumaru with a sharp implement any time soon, he will still kill you on the spot and have nary a thought about it, other than the dry cleaning…that is character. Keep reading my dear and I will keep writing and DO NOT TOUCH THE LEMONS IN APPLES AND CINNAMON ON PAIN OF DEATH. EP HAS SPOKEN! I CAN SEE YOU FIDDLED WITH THE DIALOGUE IN ONE OF MY FAVOURITE SCENES…for that alone you should be SPANKED…don't give me this drivel that it's your story…(POUT). I liked it the way it was…SENSUAL, TOTALLY SEXY, and HOT…words used in that scene had much to do with it….so ignore my little rant…(GLARES)I am now going to the grocery store to buy a steak…and some salad fixings..cause tonight is writing night and the other half doesn't do red meat period….sensible boy, intelligent boy, but on occasion I like one. Why in hell did I tell you all that….no freakin IDEA…stop fixing what ain't BROKE WOMAN! Oh and before you box clever…what I said to JOANNE above DOES NOT APPLY TO YOU! So there :P..shouting ME NO!

Ezriee - LOL! Yes me as well. The vision just came to me and I had to run with it. Most often that happens. A quick aside.  The other night I tossed and entire piece because my minds eye did not like the synergy of the particular characters under those circumstances. Twelve pages died, simply because the timing was off for me….and tonight I will make up for it, but like the scene described, I smiled when it came to me …same words, different setting. Now, it appeals. It is gratifying to know you have enjoyed thus far. Kouga does have his failings…rather…

TinyLittleMoonSmurf - Okay your moniker is just too cute (smile). I hope it does become so, thank you so much. It does have its bits and pieces to come. Some happy, some sad…All love.

Jean - Maddie50 - So glad you are enjoying our Kags in this, and equally that of Sesshoumaru. Key elements are as you have pointed out. I giggled when I saw your sudden appearance on MediaMiner (chuckle). Kouga is rather naughty in this piece, as are a few unexpected characters. Yes, we do wonder what he did do with her knickers…you are not alone (wink).

Niece - Awesome! Well pleased you are enjoying. Unfortunately, relatively speaking this is only going to be four to five parts as I still have to finally finish the big baby and get on with other things. I do hope you continue to enjoy the Christmas gift.

Tarzan  - Glad to hear it!

- Well pleased you are finding it humourous…that is part of the intent. You are most welcome re gift (wink). Until next time.

Tana-san - Why thank you Tana-sama (wink). Re Kouga and first love, nailed it, equally nailed it re Sesshoumaru…how it's reaaaaaaaally done….(waggles brows lasciviously)…As to Vying for Dominance. I have yet to not like one thing Shadowweaver has done. She is another of my classics…there are times I want to put her in a headlock, mind (for dragging juicy bits out) and tickle her tummy till she gives, or pees her delicates…but here's the ticket, her writing style makes it all the more worth it. She is awesomely sensual.  Oooooohhhh back to MCMT, love Jak to death, in case you missed that. He will recur…in fact, this four part piece has a back story to it, possibly connected to Like Silk heheehehehehehe (devilish gleam)….We are now hopelessly off topic, but the upshot is, thank you for your kind review and I hope you continue to enjoy.

Hasu86 - Kicking it as always I see, love the new piece! EXTREMELY! Yours I mean. Glad you are enjoying thus far.

Tricia1224 -…Sometimes waiting a bit answers the question without spoiling the plot (wink). Tricia, I hope you continue to enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to review, you made me smile.

BlackIceKittenAngel9- Get up off those lovely knees now! I insist, sometime over the weekend the next part will be up. Notice how EP is hedging her bets and not saying Saturday since her life is, like many of yours rather full at the moment. Literally this week alone we had endless Christmas dos, several formal. Trust me, not a joy. Very little in the way of real work gets done, and the guilty fun thing (points at this) gets put at the end of line. I am actually looking forward to simply writing tonight, well into the morning with my dog as ottoman, and several glasses of wine. Thank you so much. See you on the weekend.

RudeHero - (Big Smile)…Well hello there, I am honoured. That is a serious compliment coming from you. I hope you will enjoy the next bit on the weekend. See you then.
Renji-s Girl - Thank you (soft smile). Your Inuyasha piece is coming on nicely. Keep up the good work kiddo. See…all you had to do was to get out of your own way, and allow yourself to enjoy. Nothing like it…have a lovely weekend.

Healo of Ultima - (Big Smile)….Thank you. Some of it will be caustic too. Quite popular that that scene lol. Glad you enjoyed and hope you continue to, there is a little bit of everything within this potpourri. Love, chiefly amongst them.

SugarOo - You rock! First off thank you so much for your drawings, they are wonderful (big smile) and yes, I am rather evil at times. You are the one to notice how both first parts end darkly…lol.

Stiff - Will do!

Inuyashasesshomaruloveskagome- Yes, and ;)? See you next time.

Dimpleslane1992 - Why, thank you.

Red-Smartiez - AWESOME DUDETTE! Thank you! Your turn coming next…on so many levels (heheheehe..)…ish…hope you enjoy the next update.

Addanc-TSC - Excellent ;)

Sara E.B. - Hope you continue to enjoy.

Ri - Thank you. LOL! Awwwww…aww :BLUSH BLUSH:

Neko-sama - Well pleased you enjoyed. Until next time.