InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part II B ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Reviews are fuel.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude
SugarOo's artistic rendering of Kagome and Sesshoumaru and Kouga being throttled by a seething Kagome:
Now it is my turn to thank you for the early Christmas present. I have no words other than simply thank you for doing me the honour (soft smile). I love them! Wish the site would let me upload the link to your renderings, sigh…will find a way.Oh I did, stuck it, the link,in my profile (wicked grin). Where there is a will…as they say…

Part IIB of V- Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Ginta and Hakkaku flanked the doorway to the private room where Houjo had just been moved from the general ward. It had taken Kouga, a few minutes of flirting with the registration nurse to execute the necessary changes to his room assignment and release.
Kouga and his minions stalked the halls, as the patient was moved, Ginta and Hakkaku drinking the pathetic excuse for coffee offered in the cafeteria. Not the cleverest idea for two beings already predisposed to being rather jumpy at the best of times, much less now.
As soon as the attendants left, Kouga swung into the room. Houjo still appeared unconscious. Smoke inhalation had been the only real damage, as well as minor burns to his hands. Icy blue eyes looked over the prone figure, his mind working out all possible scenarios that would follow once Taishou arrived. Somehow, he had to come off squeaky clean in this. Walking back and forth at the foot of the bed, the sartorially correct Kouga noticed his own face in the mirror. Perhaps, far too well groomed under the circumstances he sudden thought. He went into the patient's bathroom and did the necessary repairs to his person; at least he did have a five o'clock shadow. He had to look devastated, that alone would work with the kindly pre-disposed Kagome. No matter how angry she had been with him the day before, if he looked the part, she would shift her demeanor and become empathetic. Sensitive ears picked up sounds in the room.
Houjo coughed, before the ningen could open his eyes, Kouga sprang onto the bed, looking like a wild man and attached himself to Houjo's Adam's apple, pressing sufficiently to make his point.
"What part of make sure they were all out of there before the fucking fire started, didn't you understand, you damn moron?! The kid could have died!" Kouga, spat vehemently, tossing the rag doll back onto the pillows. The heart monitor went off, as did several other machines.
Gasping for air, eyes bugged, Houjo rasped, “I had to …to go back the damn kid wouldn't stop crying about his toy!
A scuffling at the door and Ginta came in hurriedly with a cowed expression. It soon became apparent the cause. There behind him stood, the rather squat, the rather broad Teutonic Nurse Helga. Her face none too pleased, as she looked suspiciously at the disheveled, if handsome male, hovering over her patient threateningly. Must be some kind of underworld type, what with the thugs at the door and such, she thought, as she bustled into the room in her perfectly starched and pressed scrubs.
Houjo's long, thin neck had clear finger marks. Helga glared at Kouga accusingly.
“Gentlemen, you'll have to leave. You're causing undue stress to my patient,” she ground out, while she checked the monitors, and taking Houjo's temperature. Pushing Kouga out of her way forcefully, she moved to the opposite side of the bed, raising Houjo's head, and fluffed his pillows angrily. Large frightened eyes, stared into icy blue, promising all manner of dire consequences, should he choose to speak.
Kouga fumed, watching intently the methodical, slow way the damn Valkyre attended the sickly pale friend of Kagome's youth. This was backfiring in the worst possible way and now Taishou was accompanying Kagome back into town according to Kagura, who was beside herself with rage.
Not a good sign at all, he as much as told her what he had done, in a moment of weakness. All he could hope at this juncture was that she would keep her mouth closed. It had been five hundred years and a very well kept secret, but if necessary, he would threaten her with divulging to Inuyasha her part in Kikyou's eventual demise. The one good thing, if the private room and the sudden name change worked, no one would be the wiser, even if Kagome did come to the hospital, as originally planned. Damn and blast the idiot for having Miroku's number on him at the time, the ambulance came. No one would have been the wiser, other than the kitsune, that he had been the one to rescue his damn toy amidst the heat and the smoke! The problem was, Kagome was like a dog with a bone at times and until she found Houjo, she would not stop looking for her `dear friend' until she found him.
He might be able to bluff his way out of this new corner he found himself in, but would Houjo stand up to the inquisition that would undoubtedly follow? Then there was the small matter of Inuyasha going out to the damn house along with Wacko Jako. Kouga began to sweat.
Growing impatient, the Ookami cleared his throat, “How soon before he can leave, Nurse?”
He had to get him out of there and hidden for a time, or at least until they got their story straight. His cell phone rang, causing Helga to glare, as he hurriedly left the room.
It was Miroku.
"But I thought…Then where is he?” Kagome responded, as Sango continued to speak. “He can't just have left the hospital without any notice? Have you checked with his mother? She must know where he is!” she said to the disembodied female voice on the other end of the line.
Sesshoumaru glanced at Kagome speculatively, eyes narrowing with renewed suspicion. She need not know he was privy to the entire conversation.
“I guess,” she looked towards Sesshoumaru apologetically, “we'll come there then. See you shortly, Sango. Thank you for everything. I don't know what I and the children would do without you and Miroku.” Kagome felt suddenly tired, as she placed the phone dejectedly in her pocket, and adjusted her seat belt, keeping her eyes forward on the freshly plowed path before her that lead to the gate. “Can we go to what remains of the house, Mister Taishou?” she said in a businesslike fashion.
Checking the rear view, Sesshoumaru opened the door, a fearsome growl preceding his movements towards the two juvenile delinquents. Inuyasha and Jakotsu were fighting again, over who would take the other Rover and who would get the Lexus SUV. For just a moment, he regretted bitterly living in this time and its modern conveniences. It would not do to go loping, or traveling via cumulous cloud where others could see.
The tall, stately figure in dark gray, greatcoat, matching cashmere sweater and coal gray trousers glared at both males, effectively ending the discourse. They respectively exchanged keys quietly and hurriedly started their means of transport without another word.
Sesshoumaru eased himself back in his car and in an icy clipped tone, which rivaled the freezing winds he spoke.
“The house is it, Kagome?” he intoned silkily, placing particular inflection and emphasis on her name.
Glancing over at him, she nodded, then returning her gaze to the deceptively, peaceful landscape in front of her. Kagome shivered, placing both her hands into her coats deep pockets, and worrying her lower lip. What in hell was she going to do now? She had to find suitable temporary housing for the three children, not to mention herself. What if this had happened in the spring, when there would be ten munchkins running around. Thank Kami for small mercies. She would call in a few favors, but first, she needed to access the damage and find Houjo.
Sesshoumaru still hadn't moved, or made an effort to start the engine, as he reached behind, not waiting for an answer, and came up with a fluffy white fur, of extraordinary length.
“Are you cold, Kagome?” Sesshoumaru inquired in a silky baritone, while kid gloves carefully wrapped the warming fur about her.
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru, you're being extraordinarily kind to a woman who invaded your personal space. I'll soon be off your hands. Thank you for your kind offer, but it seems I won't have need of it now.” she muttered, feeling considerably warmer, as the fur seemed to fit to her body, almost as though it had a mind of its own.
Deep citrine, gazed back at her contemplatively through gilded spectacles, before returning their attention to their task.
“You may turn on the sound system if you like,” he said flatly. His jaw tensed as he placed the key in the ignition. If the godforsaken seasonal music put her in a better frame of mind, it would be worth it. Her current aura was causing him emotional distress, something he was unused to and though he tried, he was incapable of blocking from his conscious mind. Her current mood was positively clawing in its desperation and mind numbing sadness.
Kagome glanced at the dash, her brows raised in awe, “I wouldn't know where to start. Fine machine, what is it?” she said with genuine interest, her hand tracing the mahogany dash in appreciation.
“It is an Aston Martin DBS, a bit old school in design, by modern standards, hence I prefer its sleek contours,” he responded in bored monotone as they got underway. The engine was barely a hush, as they passed through the gates, two guards, who had been notably absent the night before, bowed deeply as they passed.
The silence was deafening, she soon found. Kagome needed to get away from her maudlin thoughts that were eating her up within. She had failed again. First Souta, now this and she had no one to blame but herself.
Looking at the extraordinarily handsome profile of the man, who had become her unwitting helper, she decided to make conversation. He was going out of his way to be kind to the intruder.
“The Fire Marshall suspects the fire was most probably caused by an electrical short,” she offered, while eying the dash. She smiled sheepishly, and pressed a button, then channel surfed, until she found the right station.
`Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer
had a very shiny nose.
And if you ever saw him,
you would even say it glows
Was it her imagination, or did Sesshoumaru just growl in disapproval? Kagome chuckled softly, relaxing into the heated seat and wiggling her toes cosseted in Rudolph's fluffy head.
“Sorry, Gerdie, I'm cheating on you. Oh GOD! Sesshoumaru, Gertrude!? We have to go back.” Kagome exclaimed. She needed to have her towed. How in hell was she going to afford that on top of everything else?!
Sesshoumaru glanced at her feet, one brow quirked in disdain. “It will remain, until Hunter can have a look at the engine. Calm yourself, Kagome.” Sesshoumaru commanded quietly, receiving a glare for his tone. He was nothing but a damn Grinch, she thought as she decided to sing, perhaps a little too loudly, in an effort to stave off depression. A fine Christmas indeed.
All of the other reindeer
used to laugh and call him names.
They never let poor Rudolph
join in any reindeer games
“Asinine and fatuous,” he said checking his side view for oncoming traffic, before joining, as the snow began to fall gently around them, cocooning them from the outside world. Ignoring him, she began to sing softly again.
Then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say:
"Rudolph with your nose so bright,
won't you guide my sleigh tonight?
Kagome stopped mid song, “Excuse me?!” she turned to look at him fully, “You did say, I could choose, Mister-Grinch-Who-Stole-Christmas, and Gertrude is not an IT. She might not be snazzy like …What do you call him?” she asked curiously.
Then all the reindeer loved him
as they shouted out with glee,
Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer,
you'll go down in history!
“Infantile, sycophantic drivel, and no Kagome, a vehicle is an object of conveyance and has no need for personification,” the former Western Lord corrected imperiously, while slowing, black ice was always a danger on the highway.
“That's it!” Kagome huffed, throwing her hands in the air, no longer bothering to glare, as she pressed off on the radio and stared at the other cars beyond her window. A small red headed boy was dressed like an elf and she smiled and waved at him, making faces.
Dark, brown pools narrowed, as she now hummed softly, crossing her legs and uncrossing them in annoyance, no other distractions remained. Had they been anywhere else she would have demanded to be let out to join either Inuyasha or Jak( who would have proved far more entertaining under the circumstances), instead of stiff britches next to her. She was now sure that his underwear had starch and were ironed with seams. Checking the rear view, she waved at her friends. Jak blinked his lights and Inuyasha blared the horn in greeting, causing a few motorists to google at the hanyou angrily.
Kagome suddenly burst into laughter, as she saw the horrified expression of several passing motorists. She was quite sure, how Inuyasha had reciprocated their displeasure.
Pulling out her phone, she worried her lower lip once more, and furrowed her brow. Along with the phone came the former plans for the new wing on a carefully folded paper towel, which she hurriedly crushed, as a lump formed in her throat, lower lip trembling on the verge of tears.
“Who do you intend to call?” Sesshoumaru queried indifferently, turning on his left signal indicator. She was about to cry. How to stop it, he wondered, further more, why did he care about her mood swings? She was a ningen and soon, no longer a factor in his long life.
“No one… If you must know. Just a reflex action I guess. Actually…Was going to call Kouga, but knowing him, he would feign interest and secretly be pleased that I have lost everything I have worked so hard for,” she said absently, looking out the window which just had a hint of frost, Gertrude would be envious. “Why do you hate Christmas, Sesshoumaru, if, you don't mind me asking, that is?” Kagome inquired quietly.
The Western Lord gave a disapproving sniff, “I have no feelings one way or another on the topic. This Sesshoumaru merely believes that particular carol, lacks …any moral depth, and upholds a rather shallow view on acceptance of differences between beings.”
Kagome blinked in disbelief, one brow quirked, as she turned her full attention to the rather yummy, if constipated, male beside her. “Go on…”
Sesshoumaru exhaled tiredly, and quickly glanced at the irritating female, who he had thought of higher intellectual ability, but for the look of consternation on her face. She genuinely expected an answer.
“You will note in the first verse, we are made patently aware, he is different from the other reindeer?” he said, pressing the break, it was now stop and go traffic. At this rate, they would not make good time.
“Yeeesss, Sesshoumaru?” Kagome encouraged, crossing her legs and waggling one little foot at him with the offending likeness, a smile playing about her lips and eyes. One must take their pleasure where they find it, or so her Gramps had taught her. Their time together was short, and she had every intention of torturing him with the much despised footwear.
The Western Lord glared at her, and she smiled, revealing rather beautiful white teeth surrounding by the softest pink lips he had ever laid eyes on. Sesshoumaru licked his own, rather fine pair, subconsciously.
“Being different, he is to be despised by tacit social agreement.” He continued clearing his throat, and adjusting the heat setting, obviously, the driver's side was too warm.
Kagome held up one little finger, ready to refute his findings. “You did notice that Santa realized that he was the bomb, right?! Because of those differences?! `Cause that might just happen to be the point, Sesshoumaru. His difference makes him special, valued, dare I say uniquely qualified to lead the other reindeers?” she corrected dryly, while noting his beautiful amber eyes narrowed in annoyance with the car ahead or perhaps her valid argument. He really was gorgeous, in an uptight sorta way, she thought as her eyes were glued to his cool, yet subtly malleable features. Her fingers itched to touch his porcelain cheek and turn his face towards her for a better look. She licked her lips self consciously. It was getting rather hot.
The sound of a blaring impatient horn to Sesshoumaru's left, stopped her internal musing.
Inuyasha waved frantically. Lowering the window, glad for the distraction, Sesshoumaru stared blankly at his brother in the red cable knit sweater. “What is it, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha winked at Kagome, Sesshoumaru stiffened visibly, as the fur tightened about her waist and she felt pulled further back into her seat, away from Inuyasha's eyes. It wasn't her imagination, or was it?” Touching the fur tentatively, Kagome smiled at her own silly thought. It was clearly inanimate. She breathed out and attempted to see over Sesshoumaru's shoulder, traffic was at a standstill.
The window rolled up. Kagome had missed the entire discourse, as Inuyasha fell back, and chose another lane, and then was gone.
“Where is he going?” she inquired half- heartedly. Okay, the damn thing was moving, or she was seriously delirious. A long, luxuriantly soft bit was coiled around one leg to her feet, discarding one slipper and the other bit had insinuated itself between her thighs. With furrowed brow, Kagome looked into somewhat playful amber.
“He is taking an alternate route, as soon as the opportunity presents itself.” answered Sesshoumaru while watching the confusion on Kagome's face with mild, secretive amusement.
Pointing down with her index finger to the bit in her lap, Kagome shifted, it followed.
“Okay, Sesshoumaru, before we continue our social conditioning discussion, I think you should know that your throw is a pervert. It keeps coiling itself into my lap, more specifically into my crotch.” she chuckled nervously in hopes of loosening him up. As though by magic, it uncoiled and fell to the floor about her feet, and no, not possible, she found the other slipper tangled and effectively removed.
“SESSHOUMARU! It's possessed! Get it off me! Something is living in it!” she screeched, trying to dislodge it with flailing feet.
“Hn. Sit still, Kagome. It is adapting to your needs.”
“And exactly, what would those needs be?” she said glaring at the fuzzy pervert, that in truth was keeping her feet toasty…not that she needed it. Still, it felt rather nice. Rudolph had lost an eye on one slipper. Yes, this had been a strange twenty-four hours. She glared at the now innocent looking white fur.
“Fine, you stay down there. No more lap dancing!”
Deciding that since he saw no reason for worry, perhaps she shouldn't either, since most of it was undoubtedly her active imagination anyway; she always had one from a child. No, Higurashi Kagome did not need Taishou Sesshoumaru believing her a nutter, best to let sleeping dogs lie.
“You were saying?” she said sweetly, not missing a beat.
“Yes,… As I was saying before being so rudely interrupted,” he said pointedly.
“Once this corpulent figure in red, who clearly has nothing better to do with his time than traverse filthy chimneys in the dead of night, decided that said reindeer, with the genetic defect, was suitable for a specific task, all changed. Suddenly all the sycophants in his employ decide to worship at Rudolph's hooves? You see nothing wrong with this, Higurashi? Do you not find that entirely duplicitous and dishonorable in the least?” Sesshoumaru said indignantly.
Kagome smiled. The smile became a chuckle, which then became hysterical laughter, as the question he posed hit home finally. He was right. Adjusting herself comfortable forward in her seat once more, she pressed the channel, and was once more greeted with a carol… thankfully this time, an orchestrated version of `Silent Night.'
The rest of the trip `home' was, amicably silent.
Yellow tape, charred remains, the smell of smoke, singed garments, ashes, amidst the white of snow. That is what remained of three years of hard work and before that a lifetime lived, of family lost, and silence.
It served no purpose to cry she told herself. The children were bundled up and placed in Jak's car, hot chocolate welcomed into little pudgy hands, allaying the fear she saw in them, even Kan'na's. Still, tears brimmed her eyes, as she turned away, walking towards the charred wreckage of her life, before an arm stopped her.
“Miss, sorry, you can't go in. We are still investigating the scene.” said a soft empathetic male voice. “We'll let you know when you can return, for now, you need to stay behind the line.” He added apologetically. She bowed, not looking up.
“Thank you.”
Familiar black boots, and a long riding coat approached her, gloved hands opened in acceptance, violet eyes sad and tired, having seen much.
“Hi Miroku” Kagome said distantly, wiping her eyes, as warm arms surrounded her in comfort, and she turned into them gratefully, and began to cry in earnest.
“I'm sorry, Kags, I'm so very sorry,” whispered the ex-priest into her hair. “We can rebuild, you know? Insurance will probably cover most of the cost.” Miroku continued to console quietly into her ear, as approaching feet crunched the packed snow.
Miroku looked up in acknowledgement. “Sesshoumaru, thank you for bringing her back, I'll take it from here.”
The finality of houshi's tone caused the Western Lord to seethe. He was being dismissed unilaterally.
Cool citrine, challenged amethyst, neither backing down, as Kagome sniffled into the pro-offered handkerchief.
“And what is it you intend to do, from here, exactly, Miroku?” countered the dangerously quiet lord. He had no idea why he bristled, but bristle he did. Kagome's death grip around Miroku's waist was not helping either. Somehow, if she had to be comforted, it would be more suitable that it be his task, not the lecherous monk's, however honorable, in this instance, his intent.
“Mister Taishou, come see this, will you?” said Jakotsu in a businesslike tone, while watching the play of emotions, or lack thereof, on Sesshoumaru's face. A good five hundred years had taught Jak much about subtlety, and right now, if he did not get the Western Lord away from Miroku, Sesshoumaru would gut him where he stood, and think nothing of it. The repercussions would be dire, if he did for all concerned, including Inuyasha and himself, hiding in plain sight.
“Where are we going, Mister?” said a little voice tremulously.
Inuyasha looked out the window, flicking the butt of his cigarette. He needed a second to think. He too had been watching Sesshoumaru and Miroku with growing tension. Inuyasha mentally counted back the months. No, Sesshoumaru was definitely not in heat, what was with him? He was acting like wronged mate.
A sharp tug to his leather jacket sleeve, made him look into piercing, questioning green eyes.
“What is it, kid?” he said gruffly, then looked around in the back, where a rather pale, little girl sat rigidly in the seat; looking forward and not at him through long almost white bangs.
“Are you taking us home?” Shippou asked hopefully. “I don't want to be in another foster home. I want to stay with Kagome. Is she going with you?” said the small voice in question.
The question was innocent, and yet, Inuyasha had no answer. He fidgeted, adjusting the knees of his broken in jeans.
“Give me a second, kid. What's your name anyway?”
“Shippou and her name is Kan'na, she is autristic…I mean au-tis-tic,” he said sounding out the word slowly, as Kagome had taught him. “His name is Hakudoshi,” he pointed dismissively to the seat behind Inuyasha, Hakudoshi slunk further down into the seat and looked out his own window, a cold gleam in his pale eyes.
Looking at the little male sidelong, Inuyasha gave him a sad half smile. “Your guess is as good as mine, right now, kiddo.” He felt for the little guy but no point giving him false hope.
Clear, warm, honest, gold looked into verdant, questioning green. The hanyou remembered his youth, his own isolation, his own pain, as a lump, so ancient, rose in his throat, and an ache he long thought over, brimmed his eyes.
“Be right back,” the hanyou said. Inuyasha got out of the car hurriedly, jogging towards Sesshoumaru and Jak, who stood away from the ears and eyes of the last vestiges of the fire crew and the few onlookers. This was going to be a fight; this one, he would win.
“Repeat it!” hissed Kouga.
Houjo gulped, “I was coming around to see if I could help, since Sango called me this morning before she left to get the Christmas tree. I volunteered to baby sit cause Hakudoshi wasn't feeling well, and then the lights went out, and all hell broke loose, and I just managed to get the kids out on time after I heard the generator blow.” He repeated as if by wrote, nervous large, bloodshot eyes, gagging Kouga's mood.
Kouga, looked to Ginta who shrugged, long disinterested. They had been in Houjo's apartment for two hours now, going over this shit. It gets tired. Ginta re-entered the living room with three dark cases and placed them at the door expectantly.
“Ginta, does it sound believable to you?”
“Yeah, yeah, we need to go Kouga. The private jet is ready. They won't find him. Relax already.” Ginta said indifferently. He was hungry and he had a date with Ayame.
Kouga rounded on his friend and personal lackey of half a millennia. “I don't give a shit that you need to dip your fucking wick tonight, Ginta! We aren't leaving until this shit sounds believable. I particularly don't need Sesshoumaru being pissed, or I'll end up someone's coat.”
Hakkaku snorted, quickly stifled it, looking at his feet. Kouga did half get himself in deep shit sometimes and invariably it had to do with a bitch, in this case Kagome.
“WAIT OUTSIDE BOTH OF YOU!” screamed Kouga, causing Houjo to whimper, and curl his bandaged hands over his head protectively, while attempting to make his already small frame, even smaller.
Kouga rubbed his temples then pinned the cowering male with laser blue eyes.
“Try not to fuck that up too, okay? We are going through this just in case. Don't make me have to find you. Got it?” Kouga said throwing an indecent amount of cash to the floor and a several passports. “Pick them up and get out! I don't want to see you for quite some time.”
Houjo shook his head emphatically and scrambled to his feet, retrieving the cash and the travel documentation. How in hell had he gotten himself in this mess? No one in his family knew he had a gambling problem and that Kouga was his personal bank roll for high stakes games. It had always been a lucrative relationship, until Inuyasha, had crashed a bent poker game in a seedy back alley club, then trashed the place when he found out he had been cheated.
“Kagome?” queried a gentle feminine voice. Red, puffy eyes looked up from Miroku's chest, Kagome's lips quirked in an effort to smile with her friend.
“Hi Sango, the children are with Inuyasha.They are frightened, but okay.” she stuttered, before launching herself at her friend. Exchanging one embrace for another, as Sango hushed her, and smiled softly into her tear stained face, one hand firmly behind her back. Miroku turned his head in question at his beloved. Sango winked.
“Sango, I don't know what to tell them. I-I….” Kagome blubbered helplessly, “I can't let them down, even Hakudoshi is frightened, and nothing phases him. Just, had to leave them with Inuyasha and get myself together…before calling HavenHouse…” she offered as an explanation.
“Oh honey, I know… you don't need to explain,” Sango reassured placing one gloved finger under her friends trembling, little chin. “ Look what I found,” Sango said brightly, nudging Kagome's side with a hard object. She gave her own beloved a pleading look, her eyes traveling to where the other males stood engaged in an animated conversation.
Kagome sniffed, and looked through care worn eyes at the little, stunted tree. Somewhat bent, but still viable in its cracked pot. “You found him.” she smiled, hugging both it, and Sango to her chest.
A bonsai, of unaccountable age, an heirloom passed down for generations; its home, a nondescript, terracotta pot of indeterminate age and maker. In no way exceptional in its beauty, nor rare by standards of flora, and yet, supremely so, by dint of perseverance; a testament to life despite fearsome odds, the little tree remained steadfastly on its rock, its roots firmly planted in the soil, capturing the unwanted encumbrance.
A granite rock that should have proved an irritant and deterrent to its continuity, embraced, as a pebble does in the shell of an oyster, creating a pearl. The tree's very essence had everything to do with adaptation, despite challenge.
“Yes Grandpa, nothing is impossible,” Kagome murmured to the little tree, one branch hanging at a precarious angle.
Kagome removed her coat and wrapped it gently, favoring the limb. The cold would not be kind to so fragile a benediction to life's persistence and beauty.
Sesshoumaru's eyes continually followed Kagome, as Inuyasha and the others spoke.
“What is she doing? The damn woman has no common sense. She will freeze all to protect a bonsai?” said Sesshoumaru in reproving tone. He pushed past Miroku and stalking towards the stubborn little woman, completely unconcerned with Miroku's stare, Jak's secretive smile, and Inuyasha's mumbled curse.
“Sesshoumaru, get back here! We have to make a decision!” yelled Inuyasha in frustration to the broad, determined back of his brother, who was having none of it, as he continued to stride towards the slipper clad female in the cherry red sweater.
Jakotsu chuckled to himself.
“Kagura, Kagura, Kagura, your days are numbered, my dear,” murmured Jakotsu, adjusting his collar about to following Sesshoumaru.
Miroku sighed, “I think it's rather obvious, you and I are in minority, Inuyasha. Jak, it might have helped if you spoke up,” he said churlishly, in hopes of getting a rise out of Jakotsu, who was now too busy leering meaningfully at a tall, handsome fire man rather winsomely. The gentleman in question, was covered in soot.
Inuyasha snorted and shook his head. “Every sicky has his dicky.”
A dismissive wave, of a limp masculine wrist was the only answer to Miroku's intentional jar. “We are taking them home with us and that is final. My primary concern is a household of growing little ones to feed, and clothes. Hmmm, wonder if your scrumptious Kendo Master is interested in a lovely leisurely afternoon of powershopping for the smalls and my new lady? I hope you know, she really is far too good for you? When are you going to allow her to make an honest man of you?” retorted Jak turning to face Miroku finally, arms folded across his chest questioningly. The exchange with the handsome hunk had gone to Jak's liking entirely. He would be finding him later, but first, business.
“Jak, you're not taking this seriously,” Miroku emphasized with patience, he didn't feel,
“This isn't about feeding into your own fantasies of a full house for Christmas. The kids have to be placed in a safe secure environment. I've work to do, and Sesshoumaru is being particularly impossible today, and then there is that little incident at the house with Kagome, which I still have to figure out and I don't think it serves any of us to tempt fate.” Miroku countered warningly.
“Yes darling, operative words…for you to work out with that brilliantly incandescent, all seeing, mind of yours. Right now, I need to powershop! Oh Sangoooooooooo!” said Jakotsu musically, waving at Miroku's other half, while walking rapidly towards the beguiling dark haired woman with a swish in his step.
Miroku shook his head and opened his arms in defeat, before following with Inuyasha at his side.
Inuyasha's head remained bowed in thought as they headed back towards the cars. “So, Houjo was at the hospital, but has clean disappeared, right?” the hanyou reiterated.
He could see the little frightened faces in his car, stuck to the windows. His heart lurched.
“Yeah, weird isn't it?” affirmed Miroku. “Let me guess you're heading there, aren't you?” Miroku said with a knowing quirk of his brow. “Try not to dust him up too much, Sesshoumaru will want to speak to him. Had no idea you knew each other, by the way. Since when do you gamble? Best not let Sessh find out, or he will happily rip you a new one.”
The hanyou smirked, then handed the former priest the keys. “Drive carefully. Tell Sesshoumaru I'll be home later.” Inuyasha said, furtively looking around. Aside from a a couple stragglers gawking, and a few investigators checking through the chard remains, Jak's new fling, and two other fire types, it was safe to move off the old fashioned way; but first the kid, Shippou.
Miroku bowed and shook his head, accepting the keys. “At your service, my liege.”
“Fuck right off… He gets off on that protocol crap, not me. Too much of my life was spent, like them,” Inuyasha inclined his head towards the little beings in the car. “I need to have a little talk with a spineless git, who's suddenly playing hero. I smell a rat, just can't prove it…yet, and we don't want Lord Pissy to get wind of what I am about to do either. Let him think I went shopping with the Ladies.”
Miroku genuinely laughed then, as they continued to trudge back in silence.
Like the four horsemen of the apocalypse, barreling through the onlookers, they approached, with Sesshoumaru in the lead, Jakotsu to his left and Inuyasha to his right, long coats fluttering in the sudden, eerie wind.
Kagome gulped, as the vision approaching her in the form of Sesshoumaru shifted, like a mirage. She blinked, but the image persisted, he was in white silken garb, and what was more, the fur that accosted her was hanging from one shoulder dancing in the wind. The marking on his forehead was back, joined by jagged marks across his cheeks, the same color as his lids. She shifted her gaze to Inuyasha. It seems the same transformation had occurred there too, except, he was in red, both had katana slung to their hips. Kagome's heart sped up, as she reached for Sango's outstretched hand, looking at Jakotsu who wore a pale kimono with a leaf motif, for want of better words, he too had a sword, but his was slung over his shoulder. Finally, her eyes fell to Miroku, in purple and black, priestly garb. Well that part of her day-mare seemed accurate anyway, she thought.
“Sango, I'm seeing things, again,” she said nervously. Her friend gripped her hand firmly.
“Describe what you see,” Sango requested flatly. So cool was her friend's response in fact, Kagome turned to her in query, before being swept up unceremoniously in masculine arms.
“You will catch your death.” Sesshoumaru admonished, as he opened the door and placed her in the car, closing the door abruptly, before engaging the little group gathered around in hushed conversation.
Blood red talons tapped a lalique wine glass impatiently, while the woman it belonged to stared out at the snowy vista before her, sporadically checking her Cartier. Where in hell were they all?
“You need not threaten me, Kouga. We both have a lot to lose,” she said in a subtle meaningful drawl, as she turned to look at the nervous Ookami. “You might want to stop sweating, before Sesshoumaru gets here, he will smell it. Worry less about me, and more about your ex-fiance and how you are going to handle her, and handle her you will.” Kagura said in an insistent tone.
“Never mind her, you make sure you keep up your end of the bargain, capeche?” intoned the Ookami Prince, as he swirled the snifter and sniffed delicately at its contents.
A nervous tap on the living room's open door caused both demons to look around, one with cool indifference, and the other with speculative glee.
“Master Sesshoumaru will be home in twenty minutes. He wished me to convey the following,” she said nervously, pulling the little piece of yellow sticky note out of her pocket and carefully unfolding it. “You, Kouga are to remain, and leave the port alone. I only have two barrels to last the season,” her young voice said nervously as she fidgeted in the doorway, crumpling the note with a perfunctory bow.
“Thank you...Miss?” Kouga acknowledged, eyes taking in her delightful curves in the fitted black uniform with its pristine little, white apron and practical black loafer's, that did not detract from her comely appearance, and a wolf too, even better. Interesting, from the North no doubt by all appearance and general coloring, must do my best to get to know this little treat, he mused.
“Ayame. My name is Ayame, Mister Urufu,” she said with a self-effacing bow, not meeting his eyes. It looked like date night was over. She was going to have to call Ginta and cancel.
Kagura's brow quirked. “What? No message for me?” she said in mock horror, eyes narrowing at the little female with a calculating, malevolent gleam. Well, she wasn't his type anyway. Far too mousy and scared of her own shadow. “Tell Holtz to go back to the main house and pack a bag or two, I will be staying for unspecified length of time at the cottage,” she said dismissively before returning her eyes to the gates.
Sesshoumaru, Kagome realized, prowled like a great, magnificent beast. She watched him attach his Bluetooth and proceeded to walk back and forth in front of the car, in deep conversation. In fact, in the space of ten minutes (she had checked her watch) he had called about four different people, at least she assumed different people. Though her window had been opened a fraction, she still could not make out what he was saying.
Completely mesmerized, a recurring theme for our Kagome, when it came to this fine specimen of manhood, she neglected to notice the Cheshire Cat grin, on Jakotsu's face as he stooped outside her window.
“Magnificent, isn't he?”
“You got that right,” Kagome answered without thinking, then caught herself and blushed.
Jak reached through the window and hugged her, nearly strangling the small female, as she tried to reciprocate, while cradling the tree in her lap.
“You, Kagome, are just too precious. Anyway, just wanted to let you know, you're all coming home for the holidays. You can work all the boring details out with Lord Scrumptious. Sango and I are going shopping. We are a bit low on kiddy things in the Mausoleum of Taishou and then there is the matter of a decent tree for the living room, decorations, food, clothes. Don't you just love platinum, darling? See you at home,” he said not waiting for a response. A habit, Kagome noted somewhat irritably, of all the males within the Taishou household. Half way to Sango's pick up, Jak stopped and turned towards Sesshoumaru, and had a brief exchange, before sashaying back to her side of the car.
“Kagome, darling, a word of advice; don't take any crap from Kagura. We all have your back and ahh, what size are your feet? Are the children allergic to certain foods?” he said with a serious expression. He was even more changeable than she was.
“Jak, bother the Sango woman. We are going, see you at home.” said a deep baritone pulling open the driver's side door and adjusting his seat belt, while glaring at the little tree.
The man in the black shearling shrugged, and air kissed Kagome, mincing back to the pick-up whistling “Deck the Halls”.
Inuyasha ruffled the little redhead's hair, to the small boy's annoyance. Inuyasha smiled down at him, eyes narrowing at Hakudoshi. That one was trouble; he could see it already. The girl, well, she was just not here with her other worldly expression.
“He's off, enjoy the shopping,” Miroku teased.
Checking the rearview, Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed, Inuyasha's was up to something. He still had not gotten into his car and was waving and smiling at him. Yes, he was definitely up to something. With luck, it wouldn't land him in a jail cell tonight, he thought.
“Thank you.”
“Can I turn the radio back on?” Kagome asked politely, at a loss for what to say to the taciturn male beside her. At first, when he had unceremoniously placed her in the car with no by your leave, she had not known how to react. She wanted to bellow at him for being a chauvinist dog ( somehow, he really wasn't a pig). Far too neat and well pressed. She chuckled at the absurd thought, and looked fixedly through her window.
The quiet, pleasing sounds of Keiko Matsui playing `Forever, Forever' came through the speakers, and Kagome sighed. Well, it wasn't Christmasy, but it was relaxing she thought, as she placed the little tree lovingly in its bundle behind her seat.
Shyly she glanced at his profile, and quirked her brow.
“What is it, Kagome?” he said in his usual silky baritone, while his eyes constantly checked traffic.
“It has to be something. You took a deep breath. That usual indicates a person is about to speak…at length.” he said as his eyes traveled to her face then back to the road.
“Very funny, Mister Taishou. Fine, if you must know, I was wondering how long you have known both Miroku and Kouga?” she inquired deceptively lightly, turning to his profile, observing the tightening of his lower jaw and the pursing of his lips. Ahh, so this was a no go area. Tough shit, she had possibly the worst day of her life, and the least he could do is answer her.
“I have known them sufficiently long. The reason for the inquiry, Miss Higurashi?” he responded in an even tone.
Kagome chuckled without mirth. “Nicely deflected, Mr. Conversation Killer, or should I simply call you the Killing Perfection, that seems far more suitable.”
“It's a gift.”
Onyx tendrils whipped over Kagome's shoulder as she pivoted towards him, the smell of sakura blossoms wafting in her hair's wake. Narrowing her eyes, she noted just a mere hint of a smile, on his very, well proportioned lips, before they once more assumed their usual hard line.
“You should do that more often,” she said quietly, still intent on observing his subtle shift of expressions. He was a moody cuss; that was obvious.
“Do what, Kagome?” he inquired disinterestedly, feeling for the dial and making adjustments by familiarity alone.
“Smile. You would be amazed, how stunningly handsome you are when you do; and approachable, too. A man in your position should cultivate a genuine smile. On occasion, it can move mountains,” she said matter-of-factly, before turning forward again, her own face serious.
Clear citrine, surreptitiously watched Kagome's stoic expression, her eyes had dimmed somewhat. How to bring her out of herself?
“Has it occurred to you why I don't wish to `cultivate” said?”
“Yes,” Kagome responded, looking down at her hands. They were becoming dry and chapped. A kid-gloved finger pressed the glove compartment's button, revealing a treasure trove of unguents and Purel. She chuckled.
“It seems, Mister Taishou, I am destined to say `Thank you' a great deal today,” she said, removing a moist towelette and wiping her fingers that had soot under the nails. She then creamed her hands in meditative silence.
Sesshoumaru waited, ready for the onslaught of words that never came. Giving in, he sighed. “Well? Since you have done such a thorough study of my persona in the twenty-four hours we have known each other, do feel free to tell this Sesshoumaru why?”
Kagome looked across at Sesshoumaru, a smile playing about her lips.
“For one, you are impatient, and like everything done your own way, or the highway,” she said with a dramatic flourish of freshly cleaned fingers.
“Two, well born, the proverbial silver spoon in your mouth, yes, yes, easy to see, but, and this is telling, you have sustained great loss and understand what it is to be the butt of jokes or the outsider.”
“You sound like a fortune teller, Higurashi. Vague, and innocuous, we all, at some point or another, have sustained losses. It is part of living.”
“True, but listen well, Mister Taishou, I don't like repeating myself. Comment one, your clipped nature brooks no argument from anyone who you perceive as below your station, not solely based on class, mind, but nature.”
Sesshoumaru inclined his head in acknowledgement. “Two?”
Kagome released the seat belt and hurriedly retrieved the white, fluffy fur, wrapping it around herself and sighed contentedly. “Two…”
“Put it back on now!” commanded, Sesshoumaru, eying the seatbelt.
Glaring at him for his outburst, Kagome slowly did as she was told before continuing.
“Two, as I was saying, before being rudely interrupted, by point one of your nature. Jakotsu. If you were an intolerant ass, he would not be in your employ. His devotion to you speaks volumes. If you need another example, Ayame this morning; your request was firm but kind and then there is Rudolph,” she said waggling her right foot. You Taishou Sesshoumaru, know what it is to be an outsider. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but it is reason enough to admire you.” Kagome said. “Then there is me.”
“Altruism and a rather antiquated form of chivalry, that hides a certain amount of chauvinism, I might add. Can you tell me why, you have decided to help us short term?” she said quietly, deeply regretting the current circumstance that did not afford her a proper look at his face.
“Because… I can,” answered a deep baritone.
Soft, dark eyes looked at Sesshoumaru appraisingly, weighing his words. “Again, with the rally, perhaps, we can play doubles tennis sometime. You and Miss Kagura, and Inuyasha and I, as your worthy opponents,” Kagome intoned with a smile. “Would you like me to continue, Mister Taishou to point three. It's the most salient of all?”
“If it gives you something to pass the time, which you are apparently incapable of passing in companionable silence, yes, do go on.” Sesshoumaru counted in a bored tone, belying his interest. The Higurashi female was perceptive, and moderately amusing, yet her innocent mention of pairing disturbed him. He felt his gut contract.
“It actually relates to point two, but it really merits its own point. You have sustained great emotional loss, so profound, you chose to cocoon yourself from the world, and will not allow joy in. Don't get me wrong, you surround yourself with everything that life can afford you and yet, simple human contact you select to deny yourself, unless it serves a purpose. You, Taishou Sesshoumaru are a very emotion driven man, though the world would never know by your stoic countenance. This means, at some point, you gave much of yourself and whomever it was hurt you deeply, either by leaving you, or dying, without your expressed permission. You have yet to forgive them, for breaking your heart and for that, I am sorry.”
“ENOUGH!” hissed the former Western Lord, slamming on the breaks, as the fur tightened around Kagome, keeping her rooted to her seat. Only then did Kagome notice where they were, outside the gates of his `cottage', as Miroku honked, took the bank with a perplexed expression and headed through the gates with a shrug.
“Truth or Dare is over, Kagome. Lucky guesses, one and all.”
Kagome quietly released herself from the grasp of the seatbelt's hold in silence, her face giving nothing away of the seething anger within.
Sesshoumaru noted, the shift in her aura, but continued pedagogically, “We will never speak of this again, while you are here. Is this understood, Miss Higurashi?” he demanded deceptively quietly, citrine eyes mere slits in an otherwise handsome face.
“You overgrown, self absorbed, idiot!” the little female lunged for Sesshoumaru's coat collar, and ceased him with a white-knuckle grip. “You could have killed us just then, but for this damn pervert, around me! We might have been hurt! Suppose Miroku had been following too closely; what of he and the children?! Did you think of that you spoilt bratty…Mmmmmmppphth…”
“Silence, woman,” murmured Sesshoumaru, against lush, petal pink lips, “I'm kissing you,” he whispered tersely, leaning in to deepen the contact, his tongue caressing her lower lip.
Kagome's lips parted in an involuntary moan, as their tongues battled for supremacy. Tapered, feminine fingers combed through the hairs at the back of his silken head.
“Shut up and kiss then, Mister Taishou,” she groaned removing his glasses, while strong hands lifted her effortlessly into his lap, never losing contact with her lips, or her firm, pert backside for that matter.
“What in hell?” Sango whispered, nudging Jak as they approached the car, driving, as Miroku had done, up onto the bank, slowing to a crawl. Jak snickered lightly, before taking the corner into the estate grounds.
“Merry Christmas, Sesshoumaru.” he chuckled, before breaking into his favorite spiritual, “Go Tell It On The Mountain,” singing, of course, in his very best basso profundo worthy of Paul Robeson, while Sango laughed merrily.
Author's Note & Review Responses Part IIA & IIB
And so, it begins. Coming events casting long shadows...Kagura and her reaction, demons in Kagome's midst, and a Christmas tree, and how to play pool deliciously...(wicked evil grin). Yes, I am a hentai…and you are just realizing that? We needed to set the stage, this is no one night stand.
(Big Happy Smile)…reviews are fuel, it makes all the difference in the world. It actually tells me if I have hit the intended mark with each segment. So do not sit there and believe it doesn't matter. We both feed each other on this journey. Until next time.
Demonlordlover - Oooh girl, it gets like a damn soap opera in the next bit. Once I get to sit for a few hours and turn it into the next segment. LOL! It might be a day late, but it will be more than a dinner conversation, I assure you (wink). Thank you and I am totally chuffed, I am giving you a chuckle or two.
ChibiRin - Trust me honey, Astons don't have radios, they have sound systems (wink) and yes, the pervert MokoMoko-sama is having a fine time in this previous part lol. Still waters do run deep and lasciviously, all that cool façade hides much (chuckle).
Tarzan - You romantic you…join the club. Really, very happy it is giving you the warm fuzzies. Romance should always do that, it is a gift.
Deb L - LOL! Excellent, hope you continue to enjoy (big smile). I have a very warped sense of humour, good to know I am not alone in this (wink). Kouga is a sore loser on all levels, like all weaklings - sheethead and all (snort).
Jade - (Big Smile)…expressly my intent, different in my view is always worth the effort. So thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy.
Lindajrjt - Awesome! So pleased you are enjoying and I hope you continue to. MokoMoko-sama doesn't have a mind of its own as you will soon find out…or more accurately Kagome will put the pieces together lol.
TruGemini - (Long Pause), Thank you. See you next time. I sincerely will endeavour to continue along the same lines.
Omizumaru - You think so? Hmmm interesting, per our little convo, it could be the modernity and yes the vernacular. Glad you are enjoying and please do take care and looking forward to the adventure in the New Year. Thank you so much! Looking forward to when you get back to work on your various pieces.
Sweetest Angel - LOL! You and me both girlfriend, I think she is going to spit nails lol…no, not going to say another word and spoil the fun.
GinRei - Thank you, and I look forward to writing it. It sits in my head and several times today had to intentionally shake my head. I kid you not lol. I cannot wait for Thursday and Friday, when time frees up. I will be in the right environment to hopefully carry it off. It is going to be long. Mainly because there is one final part to this part of this story…notice I said this part of the story…wicked evil grin.
Neko-sama - WOW! Thanks hon! Keep in mind, he was fixated on those luscious lips from their first meeting. See you next time.
OnyxIvy - Again, hmmm, there seems to be a theme here?! Thanks so much honey, glad you are enjoying. Laughter is the best medicine, I have always found, waves frantically back (wink). One word…Kaidan…enough said.
Healo of Ultima - (Reverent Bow) Thank you, very much. The next bit is quite interesting too on soooooo many levels. LOL! Re Rudolph. Always struck me, very annoying that! I think he should kick the little bastards to the curb!
Come Hither - Loooooooooove your moniker. You are not the first to mention this re pairing but more importantly…absolutely re black and white and the flick! Oh, damn I got the shivers when I read your analogy. Huge fan. Enough said. Though I much more of a Katherine Hepburn kind of woman. Now that is a woman in my humble opinion…a woman so far beyond her time in style, stature, and just plain cache and wit…total élan. Glad you are enjoying. See you next time.
Hasu86 - Nightingale was glorious, of course I would review, when the opportunity presented itself and it was ready to hand. It would be bad form not to. You gave me joy…and pathos and so nicely done too. Very happy you are enjoying the current foray, until next time, my dear. You will notice I did not mention Summer Maid…? Sniff…well at the end I did.
InuInuluvluv- Thank you so much. Kid skin is leather of the finest least porous kind the antithesis of pig leather, smooth like velvet, thin and rather costly. Usually used to make small top end leather goods, like shoes and purses, gloves. Suffice it to say…it is like a baby's bottom and the ultimate in luxury for leather. Hope that helped and I do hope you continue to enjoy (big smile). Loved your review (wink).
TheMikoShivae - Very glad you are enjoying and it is my sincere hope you continue to, and thank you for reviewing.
Inuforlyf - (Happy Smile) Then my intentions were achieved. So thank you for enjoying.
Rowdygirl - Oh please, I am the greatest romantic sap of all. Love is a very, very nice thing. So you go on with your lovely sappy self (wink).
Tricia - A side of ice cubes? EXCELLENT! It does have just that combination, like a very nice dry martini. Nice, very. Thank you very much.
FluffyShin- NEVER apologies! Real life is always way more important (wink). I do hope you continue to enjoy. I suspect, you little hentai, you will enjoy the next chapter a great deal (chuckle).
Renji-Girl - Wow! Thank you ma'am. How is the next chapter of Lessons going? Looking forward to the read, it has promise.
Catherine Elizabeth - Why thank you. Engaging is a lovely word, and I hope to continue giving you joy with this little musing. I rather like it myself. I am predisposed to humour and sometimes, unusual humour, it is always a surprise when I see someone respond to something I thought would not be seen, except by me. That always gives me a huge chuckle. Sit further back next bit is either Sunday or Monday, depends when I actually get stuck in. The outline is sitting, dutifully, on my writing table, but haven't gotten to it yet, other than the opening scene.
Sleepy Tuna Fish - Yeeeeeeeeeeees, they did kiss and much much more to come (chuckle). Until next time (wink).
Ezri-Candy - Thank you (blush). I am well pleased re the `nothing' comment. It was intentional. Just a few days wait. I usually do most of it of a Friday post everything else. That is my writing night, when everything is fleshed out. Literally, I sit in the study and go to town. I don't read emails, I turn on the music, have a glass of wine, and just keep typing until the fingers are tired or I see daybreak or `he who must be obeyed' comes to the door and gives me the eyebrow lolol. He does a wicked eyebrow. I am like that, when focused nothing gets in the way.
Meara - Takes one nutter to know another (snort)…looking forward to your story VERY MUCH! I am still laughing at some key lines. It will be a killer, beautiful prose. `Happy Helga-ing' (snort). Yes, the Rudolph issue has always been a huge pet peeve with me. I have a book full of them. LOL! Oh and thank you (wink).
Maddie 50 - LOL! Nothing like a good alpha male eh? Love them! Glad you enjoyed, hope you will continue to enjoy hon. Next bit should tickle your funny bone, and others (waggles brows lasciviously).
Red-Smartiez - Nooooo, I don't think your senses are leading you astray at all (wink). Enough said, and you are most welcome as always. It is fun for me too, or I wouldn't do it.
Sesshoumaru's-Fiend - LOL! Oh yes, you were definitely hungry. That had to be your longest ramble EVER. Hope law was kind this week. I promise to forward you the bit in question sometime on the weekend. Oh and Thank you…I think (wink).
AKay - LOL! Excellent that was the intent. I am sure you will think of other questions. Yes, the four horsemen was amusing. I am a very, visual person and that came out of that. Glad you continue to enjoy. It is always a pleasurable surprise when something I thought funny actually appeals to someone else, so thank you.
Sesshy Rose - Happy to give amusement as always (soft smile), I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy. The plot as they say thickens in the next bit. Damn soap opera to be exact, I suspect it will be long only because there is so much to fit in before the day of days.
Tana-san - First, hope you weathered the storm well and you feel better. Next thank you so much, I always smile when I see your reviews. You have a wonderfully kind heart, and your emotions are felt strongly through your reviews. They are appreciated. Oh and thank you re pointing out, homonyms and I are not always on good terms, as you can undoubtedly occasionally see.
BlackIceKittenAngel9 - Awww honey, the rest will be theoretically Dec 15 and the last bit is December 24th. I suspect though it might be December 16th. It really depends when I have the time. As it is, I am doing review responses tonight, as I think it an honour to respond in kind when someone took the time to write. I wanted to make sure I did it. Thank you so much.
Nicole - I am thoroughly happy you are enjoying. That is the point of this, something that makes you smile and shake your head. Very pleased to be of service (wink) and hope you continue to enjoy.
Twiknham - (Big Smile) Have always loved your moniker lol and thank you so much. Yes, it will be lovely when ASS gets all sorted won't it? In the meantime, I am very well pleased you are enjoying thus far. Hope you continue to (shy smile). Oh and not to put too fine a point on it, I will fight you for Jin (wink). HE IS MINE! Grrr! Isn't he so handsomely ascetic, refined and deliciously masculine without need of being a Cro-magnon? Sigh…and that hair…sorry…off topic…stream of consciousness at work. Thank you so much and I well agree re funny quotations. “"Well Well, I see you're back from the dead Naraku...and gaudier than ever." (Kikyou to Naraku after Mt. Hakurai).
Priestess Skye - Simply, thank you.
EP…see you on the weekend sometime (she said hedging her bets), it has been a hectic week. If, I have missed responding to any singular review, I shall prostrate myself at your feet on the weekend.