InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part III A ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Reviews are fuel.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude

Part IIIA of IV - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Amidst the quiet hush of gently falling snow came the sound of hooves and bells. Pleasant, jolly little bells, carried on the wind, becoming more insistent with every passing moment but, as yet, thoroughly unimportant to the two beings blissfully engaged in savouring the warmth of each others touch.
Stopping briefly at her collarbone, to lick and nip the tender, fragrant flesh below his lips, Sesshoumaru's ear twitched, having heard the sounds of tinkling bells and the plodding of hooves in the distance. His warm, moist breath was elicited shivers up and down Kagome's spine. Feminine fingers carded the silvery mane of the male encouragingly, a quiet moan escaped Kagome's lips with each pass of his tongue against overheated flesh.
Sesshoumaru stilled once more, warm amber looked through ridiculously long lashes questioningly back into soft, aroused brown, which smiled unguarded back down at him. One stray lash had dared to blemish her flushed cheeks. A tapered digit brushed it away gently before its owner felt compelled to inform her, “Lash.” His feral gaze returned to the throbbing vein at the juncture between her collarbone and neck, his head still quirked at an amusing and rather cute angle Kagome thought, and then she too heard it.
“Do you hear what I hear…” she smiled mischievously, into now guarded, vaguely irritated citrine. He growled softly in response, returning his gaze to her lips with intent.
Warm hands rose to his face and cupped it, as though he were a rare, prized piece of porcelain.
This was a new experience for the Western Lord as he felt his heart begin to beat rapidly, his muscles tensing from the simple, delicate touch of her fingertips against his skin. She was looking at him with genuine warmth, which bore the subtle embers of growing lust.
Kagome's thumbs brushing his lips meditatively, eyes downcast while she licked her own, before lowering her head to his again intent on rediscovering the heady elixir that only he had to offer in another searing kiss. A tentative, small tongue demanding entry this time, as Sesshoumaru acquiesced with a hiss, his hard body yielding to her soft embrace.
“You sure, this is the same one, as before?” Inuyasha sniffed inside the padded box suspiciously, garnering a pinched and thoroughly offended expression from the attractive, sales clerk. Inuyasha noted she was still looking at him suspiciously, evaluating, no doubt, his ability to pay.
“I assure you, Mister Taishou, this is the very one. We do not make mistakes of such magnitude…ever. Our reputation precedes us. We value our select clientele and would never…”
“Yeah, yeah…whatever,” he said dismissively, reaching into his back pocket for a slim wallet.
Not to be dismissed, she finished, “You will find all the paper work is in order and awaiting your signature,” she retorted, pushing the documents across the counter at him, equally dismissively. She tallied with glee. It would almost be worth it to lose the sale, just to put him in his place.
“Don't get your panties in a wad, woman. It just looked different but you're right, it does smell the same. I'll be back in five, just have to get the car, you didn't forget to get together all the shit it's gonna need, right?” he asked, now growing impatient with the constipated, snotty ass in front of him. Except for the fact that the store had a reputation that hadn't been sullied, he would have taken his business elsewhere. Inuyasha placed his id on the counter before being asked, then slowly placed his credit card over it, watching, with a smirk, the usual instant transformation.
A pained grimace with teeth appeared on the pinched face that Inuyasha assumed was to pass for an anemic smile. The card was snatched up from the counter by greedy, dry fingers.
“Yes, of course, Mister Taishou, we can accommodate your request, I have already put aside the necessary provisions since we last spoke,” came the clipped, respectful reply.
Glancing lovingly at the credit card, as though it were a newborn pup, she sighed audibly continuing to total the bill. In this single sale, the shop's overhead was covered for the month. It was getting harder and harder these days to know when one was looking at a well-heeled individual (most disconcerting, she thought). She narrowed her eyes, expecting him to balk or the transaction to fail. It didn't. Just for a moment, Inuyasha saw veiled resentment within her eyes, as she held the bill at its tips for his signature, before returning the card, after an additional half minute of glaring at the signature, looking for
(what she was sure had to be) a forgery.
Inuyasha chuckled. “It's really a shame.”
“Pardon me, Mister Taishou?” the store clerk said tightly, glaring at the young man, who now that she had the time to actually appraise him, was attractive in a rough hewn way. Perhaps, he was incognito, she mused. She did not hold with all that celebrity nonsense but the name did sound familiar. He really might be someone.
“About the cork you have up your ass. You might try removing it on occasion and living a little, instead of judging everyone you meet, solely on appearances. You miss a lot that way,” he said quietly with a half-hearted smile.
“I beg your pardon?! I've never…” she sputtered in shock, he had read her correctly. No one had ever dared speak to her in such an offensive manner in all her twenty-eight years.
That's obvious. Tell me something I don't know. Five minutes, I'll be back,” he asserted, “Remember there's a standing order once a month until I say otherwise. Got it?”
He snickered, tipping his baseball cap before slamming the door, causing all the denizens within to protest, loudly while she fumed.
“Yes, Mister Taishou,” she hissed at the figure crossing the street, before calming her other guests.
The sound of children's laughter, the smell of baking ginger cookies, garlands being hung, carols being sung, boxes of decorations being opened, some newly purchased. Jakotsu was in his element barking orders through his head set with his little clip board, a stop watch and a throng of servants buzzing about with their appointed tasks as though on military maneuvers. Christmas had arrived at the Cottage of Taishou.
Kagura stalked the living room, looking decidedly pissed and confused at the sudden activity in the house. Surely, Sesshoumaru had not approved this farce and now Holtz was getting into the act?
Miroku trudged back down the stairs whistling and poked his head in the living room door with a pleased expression on his handsome face. As expected, a frigid glare greeted him.
“Sango and I are going to get the children settled in. Fair warning, you might want to head for the study. Jak says the tree will arrive any moment. He found a particularly stunning one and the local woodsman kindly offered to bring it over.”
Four burly male servants courteously walked around Miroku towards the front door. They expectantly carried large boxes filled with lights and sundry decorations along with ladders. Ayame followed, carrying a silver tray with sprigs of green foliage for Jak's final inspection.
Miroku turned and waggled his brows at Jakotsu. “Mistletoe? You're incorrigible,” intoned the former priest giving Jakotsu a wide, vaguely lecherous grin.
“Yes, I am.” Jak waggled right back conspiratorially, before turning his eyes to Kagura, who stood glowering at the pair. “Miroku, I'm simply a romantic, and a firm believer in destiny,” Jak sighed expressively, clutching the clipboard to his heart, before fingering the sprigs.
“Ayame, place that one over the door, before attending Miss Kagura. Holtz darling, can you help our little Ayame? You're a nice tall boy and all, with Miss Kagura's kind permission, of course,” he said sweetly, as though suddenly remembering her presence.
Something was up, Kagura thought, as she inclined her head to her manservant, eyes narrowing at the majordomo suspiciously. Since when did Jak defer to her wishes, willingly? As for Miroku, he knew something he was choosing not to reveal. It was evident in his amused expression and his inability to hold her eye without a fixed, blank glare.
The priest stuck his hands in his black, snug fitting jeans and ran up the stairs laughing. He had to get the hell out of Dodge. Kagura wouldn't know what hit her shortly and though it would be fun to witness, there were other issues more pressing.
Sango re-entered the hall finishing the last bite of fudge while watching, appreciatively, her lover's long legs and magnificent butt as he ascended the stairs. Damn he was fine, the Kendo Master thought while judiciously removed the last remnants of fudge from her fingertips with her tongue, leering at her future husband.
Propping open the kitchen door with her elbow, she gushed at its unseen occupant.
“Holtz you're the best. You must give me the recipe sometime,” Sango said. Her eyes never left Miroku's as she went tripping up the stairs, leveling a cold glare as she passed the hateful woman at the foot of the stairs, rushing into Miroku's open arms.
Smiling gently down at Jak, Sango added. “We're just going to make sure the munchkins are napping. It's way too quiet up there,” Sango chuckled.
Miroku chuckled and bent to kiss, her fudge smudged lips lingeringly. “I've always liked the feel on my tongue of warmed chocolate myself,” he purred suggestively, violet eyes twinkling licentiously into dark brown.
“Get a room, why don't you,” mumbled Kagura under her breath before returning her malevolent gaze to Mister Queen Bitch. Jak was looking back at her with a secretive, equally malevolent smirk on his lips.
“Jealous, Kagura?” he cooed maliciously. The kitchen door opened and Holtz, who was proving quite a dab hand in the kitchen, brought a cup of his family's secret cider recipe for Jak to sample.
Ayame took that moment to ascend the stairs herself and attend Miss Kagura's clothing, not wanting to be in the path of the oncoming train wreck.
“Oooooh la la c'est magnifique, Holtz, you've outdone yourself. Aren't you a talented boy, though? Wonder what else you're good at,” Jak intoned, fluttering his lashes coquettishly.
Kagura's manservant crimsoned, looking furtively at his mistress who very much resembled the cranberries that garnished the cider's cup, her fists curled into tight balls of anger.
“Holtz, have you unpacked my things?” she hissed, while Jak continued to sip with a far off expression.
“Yes, my lady, all has been prepared. I was coming to fetch you. Ayame is seeing to your bath,” he assured in an apologetic tone, lowering his eyes to the carpet.
“Were you really and here I thought you suddenly worked for Mister Taishou's head lackey, as the resident sweet chef, decorating handyman and babysitter? You're skills are seriously underutilized in my household. You might want to brush up your resume, as effective immediately, you are fired!” she ground out through clenched teeth, brushing past Jakotsu and taking the stairs two at a time, slamming the door to her room.
Jak took another sip of the warmed, scented liquid as though Kagura's tirade had not taken place, “ Absolute ambrosia…darling, now stop me if you have already thought of it but maybe just a pinch of cinnamon and smidgeon of allspice? What do you think? You're hired by the by. I could always do with another godlike male under me in the kitchen.”
A loud snort came by way of the kitchen before Inuyasha entered the hall, “Don't you mean on top and in the bedroom?” Inuyasha offered helpfully, in a dry tone. Jak narrowed his eyes at the top of Inuyasha's head, in a fair imitation of a schoolmarm dealing with a lippy truant.
Teasing, unrepentant amber was barely visible above a large, insulated box, while the hanyou's arms were laden with myriad colorful shopping bags filled untold goodies.
“Get back to the kitchen! Stop tracking snow on the carpet or I'll kill you myself, Doggy Boy! Keep your smutty chatter to yourself. The children are upstairs napping and never assume, darling. ” the head of staff replied, indignantly, handing his clipboard and mug to Holtz with final instructions.
“See to things outside. Instruct the boys where to put the lights. I prefer the white for the trees out front and the multi-colored ones on the fences and shrubbery, and tell Mars to be careful with Rudolph when he puts him on the roof! I want him and the other reindeer up before Lord Sesshoumaru has the opportunity to veto it.”
“Yes, Mister Hade,” responded Holzt gratefully. He could already tell he was going to like it here. He loved cooking and Kagura was a picky eater and never experimented.
“Oh, I don't stand with formality, just call me Jak, okay? Reserve the Mister for Sesshoumaru and his business associates,” the housekeeper said with a beautiful smile. However kindly spoken, there was an element of tempered steel, sheathed within his dulcet tones.
“Toddle off and begin earning your daily crust.” he winked, before returning a disapproving glower to Inuyasha's boots. “How old are those things? You look like a damn derelict,” Jak said shooing Inuyasha back through the kitchen doors, taking the smallest package off the hanyou's little finger, helpfully, of course.
The box appeared to be moving, Jakotsu noted, just as his Bluetooth beeped. The very call he had been hoping against hope to avoid, already aware who it was. Jak girded his loins and placed a businesslike smile on his beautiful face.
“Merry Christmas, Taishou Residence,” the smile faltered, if only for a moment. “Really, you rang before? Ahhhh, yes, well…I can ex…now Mister Taishou…calm down. Yes,...I did order…he's, he's a lovely man, please don't go scaring him…he does have a heart condition and you should see his place, it's a hovel, Sesshoumaru. He needs the money. Yes I am perfectly aware what your thoughts are… did….Isn't it gorgeous!?” Jak responded, in what he hoped was a disarmingly cheerful tone, apparently it wasn't. In fact, Inuyasha was shocked having heard the outburst that followed. The hanyou would never have imagined his elder sibling would even countenance the use of such foul language in mixed company, much less putting them together in one coherent, vituperative sentence. Inuyasha laughed none too softly, receiving an angry glare from Jak and a shove.
“Just imagine how it will look… Yes, that was Inuyasha. No, no, I gather he took the back road in. How in Kami's name would I know why? I'm not his keeper! Sorry…Yes, Kouga's here, sleeping off your port in a guestroom and she's upstairs having a bath, curiously enough, Miss Kagura has invited herself for the holidays. Isn't that special? Yes, the children are fine.” Jak pursed his lips irritably and began tapping his Bruno Magli shod feet. He stared heavenward dramatically, before going to the island and examining the box's contents screaming in delight, effectively deafening Sesshoumaru.
“Ooooooh Inuyasha, I love you. All's forgiven about Mount Hakurei,” he said placing his hands carefully around the object within, giving Inuyasha a genuine soft smile, which was returned shyly.
“The next hurdle, where in hell are we gonna put her until Christmas? His nose will find her.” Inuyasha said, one dark brow rose in question.
“Leave her with me; literally. He never comes near our quarters, church and state and all that,” Jak winked impishly. Wrapping the little bundle in his arms he headed for the adjoining door that lead towards the private atrium that annexed the servant's plush, well appointed housing unit.
“What would I do without you? You're always there in a pinch.” Inuyasha smiled sheepishly and, scratched his head self-consciously, returning his attention to the other packages strewn about the kitchen.
Jak turned slowly, an unreadable expression in his green eyes, “I've been telling you that for centuries, Inuyasha. You snooze, you lose, big boy,” came the soft reply. Jak turned on his heels and heading purposefully through the door, the subtle, masculine smell of Lagerfeld in his wake.
Inuyasha watched with a melancholy expression as the door closed behind the lithe, elegant form of his friend's retreating back. “Sorry...Jak, I do love you, just not like that.”
“I can heaaaaaaaaaaar you… Stop being maudlin; be useful and bring the little dumpling's things. Ooooh aren't you adorable, little girl and those eyes. Kiss Uncle Jak...Ahh Inuyasha, be a dear and bring the mop and the Mister Clean. We appear to have had a `wittle' accident. Never mind, booboo, it happens to the best of us.”
The hanyou laughed, and turned towards the door, arms loaded with the requisite items.
Kouga stirred, someone had screamed downstairs. At least he thought they had. He blinked drowsily mesmerized by the lit fireplace of the guestroom. Smells, a sudden symphony of them surrounded him; sounds of busy feet, some small, running about upstairs hallway and happy childish squeals, slamming doors and secretive murmurings.
“Hakudoshi, you will take the bear back to Shippou's room this instant. Why can't you play nicely like Kan'na?” entreated a quietly, frustrated feminine voice outside the guestroom door. “Be quiet. Mister Urufu is sleeping. No, he isn't drunk again, that's rude, Hakudoshi! We don't say such things about our benefactor. Now come, time for your afternoon nap,” insisted Sango sternly.
Kouga heard the slight tussle and then the whine of a young male's protest as he stomped back to his room. Kouga chuckled. That one was going to be trouble. He liked him just fine but there was still that niggling guilt. How would he ever explain the three children to Kagome? She wore her heart on her sleeve and was so damn naïve at times. Hell she wasn't even aware he was a demon, much less, that such things existed in the modern world.
Kagome, the sudden thought of her brought him out of his somnambulistic stupor. He swung his long legs over the side of the bed and rubbed his temples. Where were she and Taishou anyway?
As if in answer, the sounds of thudding hooves and jangling bells caused Kouga to lurch towards the bedroom window unsteadily on socked feet. There below was Sesshoumaru's car finally and what was more, in front of him was a sleigh with the largest Christmas tree the Ookami Prince had ever seen, rivaling that of the city's square. The tree was bound with sturdy ropes which were being rapidly untied by Hunter and several other male household staff, including Kagura's Holtz.
Mister Nicholas, the resident woodsman, who lived on the Taishou property on sufferance, looked on nervously, cap in hand, feeling out of place, just managing to get out of the way, as the tree was hoisted on several broad shoulders and brought into the house. What in hell?! Surely Sesshoumaru did not approve this?! It had to be Jak. The Western Lord abhorred this holiday in particular, seeing it solely as a commercial contrivance and a poor excuse for giving his employees time off with bonuses. Jak's creative household bookkeeping, had, however managed to get a little something for his personal staff and Kouga had never bothered to inform, Sesshoumaru. It would always be their little secret. The urge to enter the fray downstairs, suddenly wasn't all that appealing, perhaps he could hold up in bed a little longer.
Miroku snickered quietly at the window watching the drama unfold in the front of the house. Turning to look at Sango, he smiled. She had just managed to get Hakudoshi off to sleep, covering him gently and adjusting his white blonde bangs affectionately. She would make an excellent mother one day soon, the houshi thought.
“Come here,” he whispered softly, making beckoning motions with one hand.
She joined him at the window. “Wow! Jak does know how to go all out. Remind me to have him do our wedding in the spring,” Sango said, nuzzling into Miroku's side.
“Don't even think about it. He'll have me wearing a boa or some crap like that and all your bridesmaids will be dressed in pink and purple, possibly with sequined leaf accents.”
Sango nudged her fiancé and furrowed her little brows up at him in feigned annoyance.
“That's not nice. Jak has flawless taste. You know perfectly well, it was a Halloween theme for the party and that is why he had you dressed like that. Furthermore, I prefer coral for my bridesmaid's dresses sans sequin. Have you seen what we bought for Kagome and the children?”
Miroku's smile froze as the Western Lord walked to the passenger side of the car and lifted out Kagome wrapped in his Moko-moko-sama, “Oh shit. We need to get downstairs now it could get ugly…Sesshoumaru looks pissed.”
The Kendo Master nodded in agreement, as they both tiptoed out of the room and quietly closed the door behind them, before making a beeline for the stairs. They needed to head of the Western Lord at the pass, before he got a hold of Jakotsu.
The inordinately slow drive up to the house was just that. Clutching both her bonsai and the pervert fur defensively, Kagome stared fixedly in front of her. The Douglas fir bobbed happily to and fro in front of the car as it was dragged by the sleigh, ever so slowly to its final destination. How could he have spoken to Jakotsu like that? Was this the same man that had kissed her senseless; eliciting a passion she had long thought forgotten. If she gave it sufficient thought, Kouga could have learned a thing or two about kissing from the stoic male, now hovering at the passenger side door, impatiently. Kagome pointedly ignored him.
Sesshoumaru glowered at the angled roof, and growled under his breath, eyes glinting red. The Western Lord's orbs were accosted by a bright, red nose that twinkled and jiggled offensively from side to side, while a corpulent miscreant in red, waved animatedly….disgusting. The other reindeer undulated indecently too, feigning the movement of flight. All twinkled with idiotic, vacant smiles, in the rapidly dimming light, of the cloudy afternoon. Jakotsu was a dead man (in more ways than one).
Returning his gaze to the truculent female, he practically growled in frustration. “I shall carry you into the house, if you insist on being childish, Miss Higurashi.”
Lifting her carefully from the passenger side, her body rigid in his arms, Sesshoumaru stepped gingerly past the men busily engaged in destroying the understated elegance of his quietly opulent home; dead man walking, Sesshoumaru thought, with an ironic smirk.
Kagome sneakily glanced at the sudden evil quirk of Sesshoumaru's lips, then resolutely looked forward before he could see. Sango greeted them with a nervous, pleasant smile, while opening the front door. Miroku charged forward out the door.
Unceremoniously, Kagome was placed into Miroku's waiting arms.
“Now, Sesshoumaru, I need you to calm down,” the priest said soothingly, adjusting his new charge in his arms. Great, she was pissed too, so much for the tonsil hockey that Jak had placed such faith in.
“Where is he!?” the Western Lord said venomously. Not waiting for an answer, he entered the decorated main hall, the mistletoe swinging happily above his head with the sudden wind, announcing Kagura appearance on the upper landing, dressed in nothing but a towel and a come hither smile.
Just then, a resounding thud came from behind Sesshoumaru.
“Oh god! Miroku look,” said Kagome frantically, hurriedly clambering out of her friend's arms, and handing the beloved little tree to Sango, before speeding back out the door.
“Call a doctor!” she implored, rushing to the fallen woodsman's side.
Gentle masculine hands righted her. “It's okay Kagome. This happens sometimes. We need to take him back to his cottage and get his medicine. There ain't nothing a doctor can do for him. Believe me, I know,” Inuyasha said, hefting the man effortlessly and taking him through the house.
He smelled positively rancid, Inuyasha thought wiggling his nose. “I'll take him home. You go inside.”
Kagome glared at Sesshoumaru's broad back, and raised her chin. “No, I'm coming with you. Where does he live? Maybe I can help. I'm pretty good with first aid and I can drive.”
Attempting to shrug, the hanyou thrust a lean hip forward. “They're in there, thanks.”
“My pleasure,” she said walking past the towering male in the hall and heading straight through the kitchen without a backwards glance.
Sesshoumaru glared at her little squared back, following on her heels. He had seen this body language before and he was having none of it. “Where exactly do you imagine you're going, Higurashi?” he intoned icily, placing his hands over hers, as she tried to turn the knob. Despite himself, the fragrant smell of her hair drew him, and he leaned forward to take a whiff, eyes closed.
His nearness caused Kagome to shiver. Carefully, she turned around, looking up, ready for battle and for a moment was surprised by the expression on his face. He was enjoying her scent and his eyes were closed. The angry retort, she had intended, fled her mind.
“Sesshoumaru, please, let's take the poor man home,” she responded in a pleading tone. That caused his eyes to snap open, equally shocked, not only by her words, and her gentle, warm expression but a peculiar smell in their midst.
“I'll drive. It's an automatic.” he said in a softer tone than he had intended, his anger with Jak abating by degree. Still there was that smell, not exactly unpleasant, but masked by detergent.
Kagome stood with her mouth open, befuddled at first, then remembered, she had told him, she only drove stick.
“Well that worked out nicely, don't you think, Kagura?” Inuyasha said following his brother, giving a sidelong glance up the stairs. “You might want to shave. See ya later.”
Closing the end of her towel self-consciously, “Not if I see you first, hanyou,” she
hissed and turned swiftly down the hall. This would not be the end of it. Kouga needed to get off his ass, and take his bitch in hand. Sesshoumaru was following her around, whether he realized it or not, like a lovesick puppy, forever seeking her approval.
Sango and Miroku exchanged glances.
“So whose making dinner tonight? I feel like pasta,” she said.
Miroku swished to the kitchen door and opened it, bowing deeply.
“Lead the way, fair maid. I shall delight in being your Sous-chef for the evening. We are going to have a tired, hungry pack shortly.”
“I do love you, Houshi,” Sango said, pinching his ass, as she sashayed through the door.
“Why you lecherous wench, I'll have you know, I'm spoken for,” Miroku said virginally.
Sesshoumaru's eyes traveled around the decrepit two room dwelling (if dwelling was the correct word). The stench was overpowering. The space smelt of sickness, bad food, and unwashed body. How could anyone live like this? There was barely any wood stacked near the fire pit in the center of the larger of the two rooms. It was freezing by ningen standards. Sesshoumaru could see Kagome's teeth chattering, though she pretended otherwise, having removed her coat and placed it over the thin, filthy blanket, currently covering the rasping, barely conscious, elderly male.
Inuyasha was riffling the nearly bare cupboard, which managed to hang on two dilapidated hinges. “Got it!” he said triumphantly, then began a new search for a cup, finally finding the sole one in the makeshift sink. Sniffing it with disgust, his younger sibling turned on the pipe, just the hiss of escaping air. The pipe was frozen solid.
“Fuck me, doesn't anything work in this shithole?!” Inuyasha groused, slamming his fists on the counter, causing it to shift off kilter.
Sesshoumaru took that moment to leave unobserved.
“What's wrong Inuyasha? Can't you find the pills?” Kagome said worriedly. He still looked chilled and his lips were turning blue. She made a decision and removed the fur that remained wrapped around her, and placing it around his head, it fell away, sliding to the floor.
“What, he doesn't smell good enough? You are a little pervert aren't you?” she whispered to the diffident fur. She might have to give him mouth to mouth, not the most endearing of prospects, but a life was a life and equally of value.
“Hurry up Inuyasha, he is having trouble breathing, his lips are turning blue,” Kagome screamed. Straddling the elderly male hurriedly, she was about to give him the kiss of life and, if necessary, keep his heart beating with CPR. Where was Sesshoumaru? He couldn't be that heartless?
“Here,” the Western Lord said indifferently. In one movement he handed the confused female several blankets, a bottle of water and the pills Inuyasha had found, while lifting her off the prone male forcibly, before slicing through his rib cage. He cauterized the blood vessels with his dokatsu and massaging the man's heart manually with a blank expression.
Kagome fainted, caught in time by Inuyasha.
“Nice one bro. Yeah, perfectly normal. How, are `we' going to explain `this' to your future mate?”
“Get Hunter, the usual protocol.” Sesshoumaru commanded quietly, ignoring the word mate.
Hakudoshi had knocked the snowman's head off again, to Shippou's utter annoyance. In an effort to seek similar results, the little kit bounded after him on short, swift legs but Haku had cleared the grounds and had entered the woods.
“You're name is Shippou, isn't it?” said a pleasant male voice behind the kitsune.
The kit turned and nodded, looking up into warm, playful eyes as green as his.
“My name is Jakotsu, but you can call me Jak, or Uncle Jak if you like.”
Shippou nodded again shyly.
“What happened, cat got your tongue?”
“No,” came the response, as Shippou fidgeted under the man's gaze.
Stooping, Jak continued to smile. “Some beings are just mean because they don't know better. It doesn't mean you have to stoop to their own level and emulate them. You're better than that, little man.”
“No, I'm not. I want to punch his beady pink lights out!” the kitsune said vehemently, as a helicopter passed overhead, heading towards the woodsman's cottage. Jak's face clouded. So that's where Hunter took off to in a hurry.
“Let's get in the kitchen. Sango is cooking and it smells delicious. Snowmen are sturdy fellows. We can do the repairs after dinner and get him a nifty scarf and a fabulous fedora to complete the outfit. Sounds good?”
Not entirely sure what a fedora was but trusting the face peering down at him, Shippou nodded, taking his hand and headed back towards the house, while Hakudoshi stood watching the proceedings and listened. The young demon kicked at the shrubs surrounding him angrily making a most painful discovery as his little foot connected with a granite slab hidden within the foliage. The man had described him as mean and not worth the effort. Well he'd show him mean, he chuckled, bending over to take a look at his discovery, in actuality there were two slabs, with ancient kanji that Hakudoshi recognized. It was time to go in, let the games begin.
Kagome awoke to sound of water and the smell of fragrant bath salts in the same room she had been in previously.
“Hi, Sleepy Head,” said a familiar male voice at the foot of her bed, with a ready cup of tea.
“Drink this down. Your bath awaits. Dinner will be in an hour, dress is casual,” Jak said soothingly, handing her the cup of brew. His hands trembled, Kagome noted. Still, grateful for the tea and sympathy, his friendly face was a welcomed sight.
“Thanks, Jak. No wonder they all depend on you. You're a life saver.”
His lithe, darkly clad figure stilled, before stepping towards the door. Not looking around he continued. “You'll find everything you may need in the way of clothing and other personal items in the closets, drawers and medicine cabinet. Let Ayame know, if anything else is required.”
Kagome furrowed her brows. Jak had not bothered to look at her and had gone into servile, polite mode, like an automaton.
“Jak, what's wrong?”
“Nothing darling, don't let the bath get cold. I hope you love Crabtree and Evelyn. If not, let Ayame know and she will get you whatever you like. See you downstairs,” he said airily, quickly and quietly closing the door. Inuyasha stood sentry, across the hall, awaiting the verdict.
“It had to be done Jak. You know I agree with you but it would get too complicated to try and explain what she saw,” Inuyasha re-assured. They both walked down the hall and encountered the little girl Kan'na who practically glided past both of them without acknowledgement. Both males turned and watched her with fascinated expressions, before her bedroom door clicked closed.
“Has anyone seen Kan'na?” came the breathless query from Ayame. She had not signed on to be a babysitter to two rambunctious cubs and an eerie little bitch fond of mirrors. Thus far, she had managed to break three in the space of an hour.
Both males pointed silently, and went on their way. They had had quite enough of drama for one day; both just looked forward to a peaceful, uneventful dinner and possibly restful sleep.
“See you in a few. I need a shower,” Inuyasha said tiredly, heading for his own room.
“Later” said Jak tripping down the stairs, heading to his own quarters with a tired smile. Wonder what the little darling got up to while he was away? Hopefully, no more potty incidents for the night; that had not been an uplifting experience. And his favorite rug, too.
Jak ran right smack into a broad familiar chest and groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose, before straightening up, and dutifully following Sesshoumaru to his study, no more drama… indeed.
A set of citrine eyes flecked with blue, peered up at Jak trustingly, while soft yips escaped the little muzzle. The awkward pup charged the makeshift barricade Sesshoumaru had erected hurriedly, before pursuing his cook with malevolent intent. Gangly legs splayed, paws going every which way, as she bounded past Jak, and stopped to a screeching halt in front of Sesshoumaru, tongue lolling, completely besotted.
“You little bitch, after all I've done for you? See if I clean your shit ever again,” Jak said in disbelief. The gray bundle continued to look up beseechingly into similarly hued eyes, little head quirked to one side cutely in an effort to understand her alpha.
Sesshoumaru yipped. Yes, the Western Lord yipped, garnering her instant attention, as he stooped in front of the bitch with an impassive expression. He began a thorough examination of her flanks, teeth and eyes, as she lay on her back in submission. The little turncoat, thought Jak dispassionately, though his eyes smiled. What's new? Every bitch with an once of taste fell for the Taishou men, why should a Weimaraner pup be any different?
“Get her papers, and inform Inuyasha, I will deal with him later. You both positively reek of her and at the first opportunity, I wish the Louis Quinze chaise returned to my private office. Is this understood, Jak?” Sesshoumaru intoned silkily, in his usual deep register, while examining her paws. “Excellent, she still has her dew claws. Barbaric habit, these ningen have of removing them…”
Jak slowly rose from his kneeling position and headed for the door wordlessly, closing it behind him.
“Welcome home little girl and Merry Christmas, Sesshoumaru, glad you love her. We thought you would,” whispered Jak, with a renewed spring in his step as a low, warning growl found its way to his ears.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever, Lord Wenceslas”
Kagome wandered into the dinning room with a pleased smile. There, at the center of the table, was a decorative little tree. The table was resplendent with gilt-edged pale dishes of exceptional quality. Apparently, there would be four courses this evening, by the look of the cutlery. Counting slowly, she found there were enough place settings for twenty-five, on the mahogany table.
The chandelier looked to be Lalique, along with the co-ordinating stemware but for the tumblers next to three dishes, also crystal, but of a far sturdier variety, possible Waterford. Kagome smiled in sudden understanding, those were for the children. She confirmed it by pulling out the chairs. All three had cushions to adjust their heights comfortably. The room had an understated elegance, just like Sesshoumaru. Her eyes passed over the fine Irish linen tablecloth and accompanying napkins with a sigh.
“Mister Taishou, you certainly know how to live,” Kagome chuckled softly, before her eyes landed on an adjoining inlayed door, of Japanese motif. Edging closer she noted it depicted an outdoor scene; a lone figure standing atop a ridge, head cast upward, looking at a crescent moon. It was so beautiful in its simplicity. Kagome froze in sudden recognition of one particular article of clothing the tall, stately figure wore.
“Oh my god, that's the pervert, then that…” she sputtered, touching its outline, as the door swung slowly open, revealing a Steinway Louis XIV's Baby Grand, Kagome's heart almost stopped, as she looked up into a perfectly vaulted ceiling that twinkled like the night sky in mosaic.
Walking into the room, her feet echoed. “Acoustically perfect,” she mused aloud.
Her fingers touched the keys reverently, before she looked around guiltily then sat and cracked her knuckles in a most unladylike fashion. She began fingering the keys, at first hesitantly, then with more confidence. Of their own accord, her tapered, long digits began to play, “I'll Be Home For Christmas” quietly singing, as tears ran down her face.
I'm dreamin' tonight of a place I love
Even more then I usually do
And although I know it's a long road back
I promise you

I'll be home for Christmas
You can count on me
Please have snow and mistletoe
And presents under the tree
Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams

Christmas Eve will find me
Where the love light beams
I'll be home for Christmas
If only in my dreams…
Kagome lowered her head, as the final notes trailed off, echoing in the room, resonantly.
“Souta, where are you? Are you okay, little brother? Please come home safely,” she entreated to the faux sky above. A shadow passed in her peripheral vision. Kagome stood instantly, whipping her eyes hurriedly, as a male cleared his throat outside the door, before stepping through.
“How are you feeling, Miss Higurashi?” inquired Sesshoumaru in a disinterested fashion. He held a gray ghost pup aloft in one arm, (as though it were the most natural of accessories) her yellow eyes glowed happily, as she made to lick Sesshoumaru's chin. He yipped in disapproval to no avail.
Kagome chuckled, launching herself at the pup, arms extended. “He's beautiful? Whose is he and what's his name? I've never seen a gray ghost in person. They are stunning. How old is he?”
Sesshoumaru looked down his long patrician nose at the gushing female, before adjusted his spectacles. “He is a she. She is mine. Her name is as yet undecided, though Fang appeals. Fang is three months and two days, and has healthy incisors and canines, better known to the uninitiated as fangs,” he sniffed, handed the pup to her gently.
“Oooh, you smell so good. In fact, you smell suspiciously like a very handsome man I know,” Kagome whispered into a floppy ear conspiratorially, before dropping a soft kiss on the top of her head. “Those twenty-eight teeth you're so proud of? Those are milk teeth. It has yet to be seen how her canines will look, though I suspect, they will be perfect,” Kagome cooed, nuzzling the little lady, while Sesshoumaru looked on blankly, vaguely jealous of the receptivity the dog showed her fellow bitch.
“Fang,” Kagome tutted dismissively, walking with her charge out the room back into the dining room, “I think we girls should decide, something regal, refined and ethnically appropriate like…Brunhilde.”
“Over my dead body,” intoned the Western Lord, retrieving his pup. “Her name will be Gretchen, it means…”
“…Little Pearl. Rather appropriate, she is a beautiful and rare like a black pearl. I approve.”
“I'll alert the media, shall I?” Sesshoumaru deadpanned, walking swiftly out the room with his Little Pearl.
Mission accomplished. Kagome had smiled.
Author's Note& Review Responses PartIIIA

Ahh yes, does anyone remember that a little birdie said, this leads to “Like Silk”? Hehehehehe…oh yes, Christmas will be had, and it will be interesting, and many questions will be answered, but others, will be dealt with in the next piece after This Sesshoumaru Needs Not A Mate. It has not been abandoned, I have had 4 questions to that effect this week. HEAVENS NO! Perish the thought, that is my first baby and my first love. I simply do not have the time or energy to do justice to both at the same time with my existing schedule. There, I hope that puts an end to that ;).

Zoku - Thank you so much. I too adore Keiko Matsui. Hope you continue to enjoy.
Kimarya - *chuckle*, oooooooooh you must share re Gretchen. May you continue to enjoy this little missive. Thank you.
PirateQueen - Excellent! Glad you chuckled uproariously. The next bit, has humour but equally sadness. I rather enjoy the dialogue myself *wink*. Nice piece by the way. You have me. I get to indulge in a proper read come Sunday post shopping. Your beginning has all the qualities of an excellent fairy tale. I'm hooked.
Rhapsody - Never fear my girl! `Tis on the agenda, as they say. Glad you continue to smile. It is my intention. Gifts should bring joy. Happy Holidays.
Kandi - Well spotted, the updates have finally caught up with this site, server issues prevented prompt updating. I hope you continue to enjoy.
Lady Kubira - Thank you so much. Next part is now up.
Crystal Jade - Yes, they did…or so they think. Wait and see. It promises to be interesting.
ILovePrettySilverHair - Thank you (big smile), it is my sincere wish that you continue to enjoy. This is my personal favourite for seasons.
OnyxIvy - (Big Goofy Smile). You rock! So pleased to see Kaidan updated. (Reverent Bow)…I am honoured. Exceptional, as always. A rather interesting assortment of comments, most addressed privately. I hope you continue to enjoy this little fic. Happy Holidays love, be safe.
Trinity 3000 - Rest assured, TSNNAM is on the agenda. I merely decided to get the tale you are reading out of my head as it was seasonally appropriate. Glad you are enjoying (soft smile).
Renji-Girl - Happy Belated Birthday! This time of year proves hectic for us all. You will get back to your musings when time permits. I look forward to your continuation. Thank you as always. You are most welcome (wink). It is a give and take proposition.
Healo of Ultima - Yes, the puppy appears to be a hit, it also helps that it is one of my favourite breeds of dog. Glad you continue to enjoy.
Red Smartiez - Joyeux Noel, ma petite! I think, you might begin to find what you are looking for…a votre sante (chuckle) salut!
Lovesbooks16 - Thank you.
Sleepy Tuna Fish - Excellent, that is the entire point of the piece, the warm glow of the holidays. Light prevails over darkness. I refer to a Weimaraner. Below you should find a link to show you its appearance. Aren't they gloriously regal? Sesshoumaru would have vetoed the gift. Wait and see re Hakudoshi. Until next time (wink). Thank you.
Fuyu - WOW! Thank you so much. I well agree, sometimes joy should be expressed, all is not always dourer and dank, that too gets tiresome without balance. Life is for living! I am glad you continue to enjoy. Thank you for taking the time to review. I smiled…(reverent bow).
Tricia1224 - LOL! Who amongst us does not have a soft spot for the little darlings? You undoubtedly have answered your question by now. Your patience has paid off. It should be up now. Please do enjoy.
Ezri-Candy - (chuckle)…yes, what do they say indeed? Hope you enjoy the next update. Someone actually got the connection of Good King Wenceslas, I was entirely surprised. Happily so.
Akay - LOL! I love you! I think the majority of your questions get answered…ish. Read the update. Yeah, me too re fainting LOL! Isn't he delightful in his specs? Mmmmm. Well, we can always hope for your birthday perhaps, and if they don't give you one, you can one day gift yourself with the bundle of joy. It will come, if you want it (wink). Happy Holidays Sweetheart!
Rowdygirl - (BLUSH BLUSH) Me too re spending Christmas (chuckle). No need to plead. Yes, it is late, but I hope you enjoy. Am writing the final bit for the final leg of this part of the journey tonight post dinner with family and friends. Yes, I am a glutton for punishment. I am soooooo behind and determined to deliver the final bit as I stated.
Tana-san - Yes, you have made mention re uber long…glad you got some rest. Really, you should take better care, you are a precious commodity, and thankfully your husband insists on being a dutiful and loving alpha male. The very best kind (soft smile). We are both most fortunate in our mates. I hope you enjoy the next bit. I suspect you will. Much is dealt with. See you next time. Merry Christmas.
Fluffy Shin - Ahhhh moment, hope you enjoy (chuckle). THANK YOU! Read on! Your wish is my command, how is that for cryptic (snicker and wink)?
InuInuLuvLuv - (Thumbs Up Right Back At You) - THANK YOU! Yes, it is re German. See you next time.
FayMegan - WOW! Thank you so much. Well, it is up now. Hope it hits the spot…on so many levels (waggles brows).
Lindajrjt - If you haven't guessed, I love Jakotsu too. He is hysterical and has no edit mode. It is probably why everyone adores him in this piece. Yes, her memory appears erased. Wait and see…until next time.
Last and certainly NEVER least…Jean aka Maddie50 - Yeah! I loved that, that is how all irritating asses should be treated. Simply ignored. They deserve no better. Trust you to catch the subtlety of the `go shave' comment ROFL! You and I are perfectly aware of what he meant (snort). Later tater! Merry Christmas. One more part to go, after the current, now up! Enjoy!

Now on to something stunningly beautiful and proof that the creative force does wonderful wor
k with a smidge of assistance from mankind (chuckle).

Several of you asked: What does a Gray Ghost (Weimaraner) look like…

My 2nd favourite breed of all time after the sturdy and pushy little Scotsman lol.

http: //

Part IIIB is now up
I hope you enjoy.