InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part IIIB ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Reviews are fuel.
Dedication: To the downright amazing Celt Meara of the Sight (wink) were right (chuckle). Thank you, now and always.
Edited By Said Same: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude

Part IIIB of IV - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
The snow lay deep, crisp and even under the Western Lord's feet as he walked with no particular destination in mind out the kitchen door. His only thought Gretchen's first stroll with her master and the possibility of a little silence before dinner.
“What about her coat?” said a male voice in reproach, while a hand proffered the item without looking directly at Sesshoumaru. The aristocratic male merely quirked a brow at the faux shearling coat with floral motif in disgust. It would seem he would have to comb through the items purchased for his `Gift' scrupulously and discard the ridiculous frippery. Gretchen was a Taishou of sorts now and he would not have her wearing such demeaning atrocities. Ningen were strange and Jak was no exception.
“Gretchen is of German antecedence, she will be fine, Jak. Where is Miroku? Tell him to join me in the study in exactly ten minutes. I also wish to speak with Inuyasha. In fact, get him now.”
Cool green eyes took in glacial citrine. There would be another time and place for what he wished to ask. Jak inclined his head and turned to dutifully deliver the message and fetch Sesshoumaru's younger sibling as requested with all due alacrity.
“Kaede, I am so sorry. Would it be alright if I dropped the check in the morning? I can make it cash if you prefer?” Kagome said apologetically, while searching for the missing boys, going room by room.
Dinner was twenty minutes away and Ayame was dead on her feet, having taken the children on solo for the last few hours.
“Thank you, I'm fine, just feel a little fuzzy, but I guess that is to be expected. We'll need to sort something as soon as possible…I know. Mister Taishou is being exceptionally kind. Honestly, I have no idea how we will repay him, other than not to wreck his lovely home, Kagome chuckled.
The door knob to the room at the end of the landing would not budge; how strange.
“You can expect me around 10am. It seems the snow ploughs have been this way and Gertrude is all fine and dandy now, so I will see you then. Have to check with the insurance people and see what can be done. We hope we can rebuild, fingers crossed. It won't replace what we have lost. I don't even want to think too hard about it, really. It breaks my heart. No…no, I did write to the previous address. Haven't heard anything…They don't even know where he is? I guess no news is good news. Thank you for asking,” Kagome said quietly. She moved on to the next door in the hall, which was slightly ajar, white feathers issuing from under it and out into the hall.
“Kaede, I have to go. See you in the morning. Is there anything you need that I can bring you? Shopping items? No? Okay…see you then,” Kagome said hurriedly, closing the cell and pushing open the door. Oh dear god! What had those two been up to now?
“Ooooh no, no no! Shippou! Hakudoshi! How could you?!” bellowed Kagome in frustration and horror.
“No harm, no foul Kagome, relax. Boys will be just that,” said Miroku with his usual affable smile. He quickly walked into the room and separating the two combatants, holding them both aloft by their respective collars as they continued to kick at each other, just missing the houshi's jewels.
“Gentlemen, that will be quite enough. I wish to have children one day. Look what you've done? Do you think Mister Taishou will appreciate the mess you have made of his bedroom? Never mind him, what about Mister Hade? I don't think dessert will be in order tonight unless this gets cleaned up immediately and the shortcake looked so good too,” Miroku said with a pained expression on his face.
Both boys gulped audible, as a set of deep brown eyes looked from one to the other furiously.
“Hakudoshi?” queried Kagome with an accusing tone. She was at her wits end with him at times.
“Shippou, I'm so disappointed in you,” she said not looking at him.
That hurt Shippou the most and he began to cry, wriggling until Miroku gently placed him on the bed, still holding Hakudoshi suspended mid air.
The small albino's face remained intransigent, refusing to acknowledge her presence or that he was held forcibly, against his will.
“Why?” she asked softly. Kagome would bet, this was Hakudoshi's fault. It always was. Shippou only retaliated as a last resort, being of a softer and far more sensitive nature.
“Kagome? I-I'm sorry. It wasn't his fault…this time,” sniffed Shippou into his shirtsleeve, knees curled to his body defensively. It hurt to see the disappointment and shock in Kagome's eyes as she turned to look at him in utter disbelief.
“Shippou?” she inquired, coming to sit beside him on the bed. She, pulled the little boy into her arms, resting his little silky head under her chin. He was so small, so fragile all she wanted to do was protect him. In some ways, his gentle nature reminded her of Souta as a boy and perhaps she did favor him because of it.
“He said Santa doesn't exist,” Shippou whispered to Kagome before leveling an indignant look at the smirking little male that now stood in front of Miroku, arms folded across his chest.
“Not for us, you idiot, Santa is a loud of bullsh…” snarled the pale little figure maliciously.
“Hakudoshi!” Kagome said in a low voice, “Sit over there and be quiet.” She pointed to the chaise. Reluctantly, Haku moved diffidently and flopped himself down, glaring at Shippou victoriously. Now she would tell him the truth and burst his stupid little bubble.
“Miroku, will you please excuse us? We will be down when we have finished cleaning up Mister Taishou's bedroom.”
“You sure? I can help….” Miroku offered. Something about Kagome's vein popping in her forehead made him sorry for both little males. He knew that vein well. Many a bill collector had been chased off her property with that very same expression and a pitchfork, or any other sharp implement that was to hand in the moment.
As if in answer, Kagome rose. She smoothed her fitted jeans and rolled the sleeves of her black, silk blouse, walking Miroku to the door resolutely, brooking no argument with the kindly disposed houshi.
“Ask Ayame if we can borrow the vacuum, a recycling bag, a broom and some kind of scoop. We will be down when and only when we are finished in here.”
The door clicked closed, leaving the two guilty parties and a very miffed Kagome. Looking from one to the other, both found their own feet intensely fascinating, Shippou most of all.
“Now, Shippou explain to me, what would possess you to damage someone else's property, regardless of how much you were goaded by Hakudoshi's misguided views on Santa Claus?”
“He's wrong, right, Kagome?” asked Shippou in a very small voice filled with trepidation. Oh Kami, she needed to be put on the spot like a hole in the head. She heard Hakudoshi's intake of breath.
A feminine hand shot out, pointing directly at Haku's lips.
“Don't open your mouth. I have not yet begun with you, little mister,” she said. Looking heavenward she placed her hands over her face and groaned in frustration. “Why me?”
Hakudoshi's mouth snapped shut. Kagome was truly pissed. Idly he picked up a feather that just now chose to land on his new shoes but that was not what fascinated him most. There, in front of his lowered eyes, was a black leather shod foot. It and the man it belonged to had come through the door he thought had to be the bathroom but was in reality a study or office or something.
“Kagome, are you not going to answer the boy? His question sounds quite legitimate to me,” said a deep baritone with just a hint of mischief.
Kagome's hands went to her hips. “Have you seen the state of your bedroom? Should I not be dealing with that first?” Something else she would have to say thank him for later. He had given her the out she needed.
“Though annoying, Kagome, the young are playful. I am quite sure a member of staff will see to the mess, nothing is broken thankfully.”
He pointedly looked down at Hakudoshi with cool, veiled malevolence. Sesshoumaru lowered himself gracefully and flexibly. Kagome noted something about his grace made her shiver.
Sesshoumaru steepled his fingers, resting his elbows on his knees and looked through the small male, calm as you please before speaking.
“Of this I guarantee you, Kagome, he will never trespass again. Nor will he continue to disrupt the smooth running of this household with his little malicious games. Believe this Sesshoumaru, Hakudoshi, we know how to deal with little demons in the making. Do we understand each other, Hakudoshi?” Sesshoumaru said softly, before uncoiling himself and turning to Kagome expectantly.
Kagome blinked up at Sesshoumaru, a faint approving smile on her lips. Sesshoumaru was capable of being a very scary individual when crossed and this time it had been put to good use. She had gotten shivers listening to his deep silky tones (then again, that might have something to do with other things). Nothing and no one should ever be that fine.
Just for a moment her eyes glazed, remembering that morning in spring as she jogged. The day she met Kouga in the park and thought he was the most stunningly masculine man she had ever come across; a bit full of himself but likeable. Several months of jogging together, sharing the odd coffee and juice had eventually netted Kouga the much anticipated date, and the rest was sad history.
Shippou was decidedly pleased with the turn of events. Hakudoshi did the impossible and paled as Sesshoumaru's bland stare returned to him once more.
Sesshoumaru had chosen that moment to turn away. She was comparing him to Kouga. He could see it in her expression and he did not like it. Far better to take his frustrations out on the small one who needed to be put in his place. He had gone walkabout in the private wooded area reserved for Lord Sesshoumaru alone and now Gretchen. The graves had been disturbed and he could still smell the soil on the chubby little fingers. It took a certain, unpleasant mentality to maliciously attempt to disturb Rin's and Jaken's graves.
A slight scratching on the other side of the door and snuffling changed the mood within the room immediately, as a gray streak pushed the door open and leapt onto the bed.
“Gretchen!” both adults said simultaneously. Apparently, Gretchen had not yet learned her name, as she was far too busy licking Shippou's face. He giggled and tried to push her away half-heartedly.
“It tickles,” Shippou squealed in delight, before Sesshoumaru retrieved the newest member of the Taishou household, looking cursorily around the room. Disorder was anathema to his way of being and Kagura was coming down the hall stealthily (according to her). That was all he needed.
“I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru. I'll take care of this, if you'll be so kind to take the boys down to dinner, please. I feel responsible and I need to make this right. They are, after all, my responsibility.”
The bedroom door swung wide open, slamming against the rice papered wall, causing both children and Kagome to jump in surprise.
“Damn right they are! Look at the state of this place. How in hell am I supposed to sleep here tonight?” came the caustic query, designed to put Kagome in her place.
Kagome turned slowly to face Kagura, who was bedecked in diamonds and dressed to the nines in a red velvet dress, coordinating pumps, freshly painted talons and, of course, a wicked smirk.
Suddenly the little black loafers, jeans and black silk shirt Kagome had chosen to wear didn't cut the mustard. Nor did her hair in a ponytail look all that glamorous. Didn't Jak say dinner was casual and not a dressy affair?
Sesshoumaru heard the sharp intake of breath from Kagome and could feel her aura shift to anger and confusion. She almost glowed with rage at Kagura's implication. An infinitesimal amount of manly pride caused the Western Lord to stand a little taller. Kagome was jealous. This pleased him.
He looked at the smaller of the two women with a sudden realization. Kikyou; her aura read very much like Kikyou's perhaps even stronger, just dormant. Was it possible? He would have to have Miroku check her background it might well explain the instant bonding between his brother and Kagome.
The Western Lord stood stock still, livid with anger while Gretchen growled, baring her little fangs at the woman threateningly.
“Kagura, the current state of my bedroom is no concern of yours and has not been for QUITE some time now.” His words had the desired effect on all the females present. Kagome's shoulders relaxed visibly, Kagura looked appalled and Gretchen licked his chin approvingly.
A slow, all encompassing smile crossed Kagome's face, as she took the free elbow offered by Sesshoumaru.
“Boys, lets go eat. I will take care of this later, personally,” Kagome said. She brushed passed the woman, who was once more making a very good stab at imitating rhubarb.
“Ahhh, so you are amongst the living after all, Kouga?” Sesshoumaru intoned, stepping aside, allowing Kagome and the children ahead of him into the dining room, while he remained behind with the Wolf Prince.
Pretending, as best she could, Kagome glided past Kouga, determined not to make another scene. She clutched both Hakudoshi's and Shippou's hands, perhaps, a little too tightly while leading them to their appointed seating.
Kan'na, ever the little lady, was dressed in full white with ruffles and lace. Her hair had been brushed back over her shoulders, bangs freshly trimmed. As always, she was oblivious to all movement and sound around her, contentedly, examining her reflection in the cutlery she held. Sango sat next to her, smiling at Kagome tiredly. Kagome could just imagine what it had taken out of Sango getting her dressed. Though Kagome and Sango had tried repeatedly to increase her repertoire when it came to colors worn, the child would scream blue murder (each and every time) unless she was dressed solely in white. Both women had eventually given up and accepted it as one of her little quirks.
“I don't want to sit next to the freak,” Hakudoshi mumbled under his breath.
“You will sit where you are placed and like it. Don't start with me right now and what have I told you about name calling?” Kagome bent, leveling the little male with a look that brooked no argument.
“Do not make a scene. You have caused our little family enough grief for one day.”
Hakudoshi sat and glowered, folding his arms across his chest. Shippou manfully climbed up on his own pillowed chair and looked around him in awe. Kagome winked at him, before sitting beside Sango on the edge of the chair.
“Can you say testosterone? Eighty percent of the dinner party is male,” she chuckled, looking around with a benign pleasant smile, before she began to color slowly.
The hushed conversation stopped at her utterance. Kagome quickly recognized, all had heard, what had been meant solely for Sango's ears. Sango snickered at Kagome's apologetic expression.
“Yes, there are very few females here, you will soon realize. I seriously think Jak has a bias, don't you?” Sango said dryly, amusement evident in her eyes.
“No, really?” Kagome snorted with feigned annoyance, as she looked about her, feeling self conscious. She never knew there were so many living here and, obviously, there was a gym, `cause everyone was ripped. Kagome felt eyes looking in her direction from every corner of the room with curiosity.
Keeping his back to the door, Sesshoumaru watched Kagome's reactions to the milling throng about her. She was overwhelmed, as was apparent, by her constant shifting emotions. Introductions would have to be made to key members of staff to alleviate this.
Hunter's dark head rose as he looked at Sesshoumaru. An imperceptible inclination of his head followed, as he approached the beautiful little woman with a big, open smile.
“Hello, Miss Higurashi. My name is Hunter and I am the resident mechanic. Nice, little beauty you got there. She is turning over nicely, now. You've kept her in good condition,” he said amiably, extending a large hand. His craggily handsome face and bright gray eyes contrasted with his olive complexion. Kagome liked him instantly.
“Actually, Sango is who has kept her tickity-boo, all these years. I just buy her ridiculously expensive tires and give her a bath, and pay her bills.” Kagome said with a broad smile.
“She is a lady of a certain age and requires constant maintenance and pampering,” Kagome offered conversationally, noticing for the first time that Sango, who tended to be somewhat private and reserved, was laughing openly with Hunter. They began to chat pleasantly together like old friends. Very old friends.
It struck Kagome, not for the first time, Sango, like Miroku, had a secret life, she knew nothing about and it had never once occurred to her to pry.
Excusing herself, after thanking Hunter profusely, she got up and pouring all three children some milk. She ruffled Shippou's head while he happily tackled a bread stick, little jaws filled like a gerbil.
Kagome sauntered over to Miroku, who was holding the floor with a rather stunning woman dressed in blue and Holtz dressed in black, which accentuated his honey blonde, shoulder length hair.
“Kagome, of course, you know, Holtz…” he began, just as a subtle chilly wind came from the dinning room door.
Kagura had entered. Standing perfectly poised, martini glass in her hand, looking around the room, as though something was offending her delicate olfactory senses before taking a sip and making a beeline for Sesshoumaru and Kouga, intentionally turning her back on Kagome.
“Oh dear god,” Kagome said under her breath, looking to Miroku, “is she always like this?” The damn woman was tiresome and was acting like a teenage girl.
A pleasant, musical chuckle came from the tall, elegant woman, who had decided cobalt blue streaks in blue-black tresses were the thing. She was exotically beautiful, Kagome thought, smiling back at her and taking her warm hand into hers.
“Only when threatened, dear girl, by the obvious. There's a new alpha bitch in this household and I don't mean the pup. This is Windy on a good day. My name is Keiko, by the way and I am Mister Taishou's executive assistant. Lovely to meet you finally Kagome,” answered the woman in a pleasant well-modulated tone.
“She happens to be on her best behavior because of Lord Sessh…Mister Taishou, being present,” Keiko continued, hurriedly correcting her slip, then fell silent with a nervous titter. Kagome smiled back at her, aware something had gone terribly wrong but not entirely sure what. Miroku's smile had frozen onto his face. Keiko bowed and excused herself politely, fading into the background.
“Miroku? We are going to talk, aren't we?” said Kagome with a beguiling smile, that did not meet her eyes, as Holtz politely bowed and left for the kitchen.
“Something in this house is completely off and I don't know what it is, but I have the distinct feeling both you and Sango know. I will get to the bottom of it. Mark my words,” Kagome said equally pleasantly, as the former priest lead her back towards the table, casually exchanging pleasantries with those they passed.
“Of course Kagome, after dinner please…” he intoned politely but there was ice in his voice to match her own. The dinner gong sounded and everyone moved towards their appointed seating.
Kagura glided to her seat, sipping her martini. Kagome snorted derisively, disengaging from Miroku's firm grip with a touch of annoyance. She headed towards her previous perch, stopped mid sit by a strong arm under her arm, lifting her.
“Nah, you're sitting by me tonight. I'm tired of looking at Jakotsu's ugly mug,” whispered Inuyasha, leading her to his left and gallantly pulling out her chair.
“Thank you, young Mister Taishou,” Kagome said in a nasal, polite tone, chuckling at Inuyasha's horrified expression.
Miroku had already seated himself in her former position. Perhaps it was all for the best.
Sesshoumaru watched, somewhat displeased, by the sudden shift in seating arrangements. He had assumed, wrongly, that Kagome would have remained with Sango and her known pack, purely out of comfort. It had been his intention to `request' her to sit to his right but Kagura had commandeered the seat quickly. The Western Lord realized he would have to have a private chat with Kagura as soon as possible. Her manner was offensive, but for this night alone he would honor her need for face.
“Are you even listening to me, or are you going to stare at my fiancé all night?” Kouga bit out, having observed the obsessive way Sesshoumaru had watched Kagome's ever move.
“Don't you mean ex-fiance? Sit, Kouga. Dinner is about to be served. Meet me in the study immediately after. Do not tarry. I need to understand more fully why you were at the hospital. Inuyasha was there and scented both your presence and that of your acolytes along with the Houjo character. I remain unclear as to why.”
“I've already explained. What more do you need to know?” Kouga said grinding his teeth in an attempt to look annoyed.
“You are sweating, Kouga. You're nervous. Why?” Sesshoumaru added before turning on one heel and striding towards the head of the table, but not before stopping and engaging Miroku in a quick conversation, Kagome observed.
Definitely, something was up in this house.
“Inuyasha, would you tell me the truth?” Kagome asked matter-of-factly, looking to his ears.
He waggled them at her and winked. “It depends.” At least he was honest, she thought, worrying her lower lip.
Another gong sounded and Jakotsu and his kitchen staff entered with the largest salad Kagome had personally ever seen and several large tureens of delicious smelling soup.
“Dindin!” sang Jakotsu in a melodious, high pitched tone.
A quiet hush descended as soft seasonally appropriate music was piped through the discreet sound system, secreted about the spacious dining area. All were served quietly, pleasantly and efficiently.
Kagome smiled with Jak as he passed, busily attending to his duties. He had taken special care with the children's salads which sported happy faces made out of various cut vegetables. Ayame herself served their end of the table, dressed in a lovely, simple, green silk dress. She was a vision, Kagome thought pleasantly and wonderful with the children. Even Hakudoshi looked up at her, blushing and nodded agreeably, as he chose his dressing with his usual stern little countenance.
Kagura could not keep her eyes off the woman by Inuyasha's side. A malicious smile graced her thin lips, as she looked to Sesshoumaru, her eyes immediately narrowing. Son- of-a-bitch! He looked positively ravenous. The little bitch kept looking at him, too, when she thought he wasn't looking; which was never.
“It seems your brother has found a new toy to scratch his itch, Sesshy,” Kagura said absently, downing the last of her martini, “Might as well. Kouga's done with her. Anyway, she looks the hanyou's type. Shades of Kikyou, don't you think?” before waving her empty glass at Holtz, who pretended he did not see.
A barely audible growl caused Kagura to immediately quiet. Perhaps that had been too close to home. She felt her shin kinked under the table, by a less than pleased and nervous Kouga. All conversation in the room stopped. The air became electric.
Kagome stopped mid sentence, when Inuyasha's face became red with rage and now that she looked around, all eyes were focused on Kagura. Even Sango, who was across from her. Was she the only one with crappy hearing in this place?
“What did she say?” Kagome whispered in Inuyasha's ear. She observed that Jak had intercepted Holtz and taken the tray with the fresh martini himself to Kagura, bending decorously towards her, while whispering in her ear. Something long and sharp glinted at his side. Why in god's name would he wear a katana at a dinner function? Kagome thought. Trust Jak to be outré in his fashion sense. It definitely explained some of the outfits he had purchased for her to sleep in. Kagome suspected Sango had no say in their choice. Women were definitely not his cup of tea but he knew what complimented the female form. Some of them were downright indecent and left exactly nothing to the imagination, the loveable perv.
Sesshoumaru and Kagome's eyes made four, and sudden blush came to her cheeks.
“Nothing worth repeating. What did you want to ask me anyway?” Inuyasha said attempting a smile, pulling his threatening gaze from Kagura.
“Sango said you went to the hospital? Why?” Kagome asked, large, dark eyes looking hopeful, before she sighed in frustration.
“Inuyasha, you are about to lie, aren't you?”
The hanyou snickered and chose that moment to engage Holtz in a prolonged discussion on the merits of Thousand Island versus balsamic dressing.
“Fine, then I'll ask Sesshoumaru himself after dinner. I saw you both out the window giving Gretchen a walk earlier. Why won't anyone tell me anything in this house? What is the big deal?” she grumbled into her soup.
“Kagome, please leave it alone. I'll explain later,” Inuyasha said diving into his salad with enthusiasm, while she spooned the delicious, creamed concoction to her lips, dejectedly.
And so, the first two courses passed, uneventfully but for Kagura's continued watchfulness and Sesshoumaru's contemplative silent gaze.
Lights flashed through the curtains. The sound of engines thrumming outside away from the house, “What's that sound?” asked a tiny female with spiked hair at the far end of the table.
Sesshoumaru had barely touched his food, Kagome noted.
“Construction,” Sesshoumaru answered indifferently. He folded his napkin and beckoning Jakotsu to his side. “If you will excuse us, a previous matter needs my immediate attention,” the lord offered politely.
“Construction? At this time of night?” Kagome asked incredulously. The room went silent again, as all eyes turned towards her, then returned to Sesshoumaru's retreating back, awaiting his response.
Jakotsu chose that moment to turn and speak. “Yes, the woodsman's cottage needs a bit of work before the poor man returns from the hospital.”
“Oh, that's nice,” Kagome responded absently.
Sesshoumaru, Miroku and Inuyasha exchanged knowing glances, and Jakotsu looked down at his hands. Kagome's brow furrowed. Yes, something was definitely up, she thought as both men exited the room.
“Ooooh, that's nice,” Kagura imitated before sneering at Kagome. “Aren't you a nosy little thing, though?”
Kagome put her spoon down carefully and looked up at Kagura. She had had quite enough of Kagura's badgering.
Placing her napkin next to her bowl, Kagome slowly stood, her eyes never leaving the malevolent bitch, barely aware that Kouga, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha had risen with her.
“Miss Kagura, would you be so kind as to join me for a brief moment in the hall?” Kagome said with effort.
“I don't think so …” snorted Kagura, downing her fifth martini, sans food. “…bitch.”
“Kagura, you will either comply with Miss Higurashi's polite request or pack your bags and leave immediately,” Kouga said between clenched teeth, glaring down at the inebriated witch.
“Look, you egotistical little shit, you're not Sesshoumaru. Don't take that tone with me. I have enough on you to sink your fucking ship permanently.”
“Shut up Kagura!” growled Kouga, looking nervously about, most especially at Inuyasha, who had been watching him off and on all evening with suspicion.
Ayame and Sango hurriedly removed the children, Kagome noticed thankfully, while the rest of the table remained so silent, you could hear a pin drop.
Kagura chuckled to herself, reaching for Sesshoumaru's wine glass, lovingly caressing it.
“Would you like your former bed to know your little secret, Kouga?”
“That's it! Get the fuck out!” bellowed Inuyasha, shoving back his chair and jumping onto the table kicking the little tree out of his path. “I've had enough of your lip! If you don't leave now, I am going to break one of my own rules and kill a woman!” Inuyasha growled menacingly, slamming his fists on the table, rattling its contents.
Kagome froze. Inuyasha appeared to have fangs, actual fangs. Oh god, not now! The damn visions had the worst timing. Even Kagura's eyes looked unnatural as she glared at Kagome. They were a bright, feral red.
“As for you, don't kid yourself hanyou, I can tell you are sniffing around her too. How appropriate, a half-breed like yourself could only settle for a ningen; pathetic. They looked alike or hasn't that pee brain of yours noticed yet?”
The hanyou turned, looking somewhat confused at Kagome, as the light dawned in rich amber eyes.
Dishes went every which way as Inuyasha leapt and charged towards Kagura, picking her up by her necklace and pulling her up onto the table.
A sudden gust of wind shook the chandelier as Kagome scrambled upon the table to stop what she knew was a possible murder. No one else had budged an inch to Kagura's defense.
“Put her down, Inuyasha. She isn't worth it! Just let her leave,” Kagome pleaded to the broad back of the livid male, who was growling into the face of the smirking female.
“Shut up, whore. I don't need your help. I can handle the little pup. His bark is infinitely worse than his bite,” Kagura sputtered.
Seeing red, Kagome insinuated herself between Kagura and Inuyasha, little arms akimbo.
“Nobody move. This is between this hell bound bitch and myself,” Kagome ground out between her teeth.
“Oh you want to fight, do you?” Kagura snickered derisively, flicking a stray lettuce leaf from her bun onto Kagome's chest.
Kagome removed, with her fingertips, the innocent lettuce leaf from her person and chuckled, wryly.
“I've tried to be patient with you and that hasn't worked. I've tried to ignore you and that hasn't worked, either. I've even gone so far as to imagine what it must feel like to be cast aside by the man that I love and tried very hard to be polite. Kagura, you are now this close to being bitch slapped. So I ask you, what is it you really want, Kagura?” Kagome said evenly.
The sudden silence in the room made Kagome look about her nervously. Only Miroku, Kouga, and Inuyasha remained. The room had been cleared in a matter of minutes since the `discussion' had begun.
“I want you to leave Sesshoumaru alone and go back to Kouga. He is mine and always has been and always will be!” Kagura hissed defensively, suddenly feeling surrounded, hating the look of pity she saw in Kagome's eyes.
Kagome took a deep breath before returning the hate-filled gaze the Wind Sorceress leveled at her.
“Why would you want someone, who doesn't desire you any longer?” she said quietly, giving a sidelong glance at Kouga, who looked away hurriedly. It really was over.
“And hasn't for eons…” chimed in Inuyasha. His voice had lost most of its venom. Kagome was handling the situation, just right and it was her call. It was only right that she took her out, if necessary.
“Shut up, Inuyasha! You spoil everything!” screamed Kagura, losing her footing and toppling over onto the table, landing with an undignified thump.
Miroku just managed to remove a large bowl of pasta in her trajectory before Kagura went flying.
“Pathetic,” Kagome said sadly, holding out her hand to the woman. The Wind Sorceress blinked with a stupefied expression. Clearly, Kagome was an idiot of epic proportions.
“Come on, dinner is ruined, all because of stupid jealousy. Enough, Kagura. We will never be friends but, equally, yes, I have a strong interest in Taishou Sesshoumaru and I believe he does me. Is there a future? I have no idea but that is for us to decide. It is not going to change by your embarrassing displays of jealousy that only hurt you in the end. Please accept this because the next time you dare to threaten me or besmirch my character, I wont be held responsible for what I will do in retaliation. I'm not an easy woman, Kagura. Don't test me,” Kagome said evenly, still holding out her hand.
Kagura spat and righted herself. Scrambling off the table with as much dignity as she could muster, she headed for the door, slamming it upon exiting.
“Her choice but our cards are now on the table,” Kagome said, as Miroku, chivalrously offered a hand down.
“And everything else,” Inuyasha snorted. He jumped down and dipping his finger into the sauce. “Good sauce, Miroku.”
“Four Cheese Italiano with just a hint of spinach,” Miroku offered with an exaggerated bow.
“Gentlemen, I wish to go for a walk. Do not accompany me unless you wish to answer my questions.” Kagome said with marked seriousness. Her gaze traveled to the overly quiet Kouga. “This includes you, Kouga and you're sweating, by the way, always a sign that you have lied, or are about to be caught in one.”
The cool night air felt good against Kagome's face. They walked together silently for a time, her feet leading her in a direction, remembered, however hazily from earlier in the day.
“What is a hanyou, Inuyasha?”
“It means half-breed,” he offered in a clipped tone, looking to Miroku, who shrugged.
“What is the other half?” Kagome inquired quietly, as all four crunched through the snow.
“That's kind of complicated, Kagome. Maybe some other time, when you are ready to accept that other kinds of beings exist,” Inuyasha said noncommittally.
Kagome stopped, looking up at the shielded eyes of the hanyou in the darkness. The crescent moon overhead did offer ambient blue white light but only enough to make his eyes eerily iridescent, almost inhuman.
“What he means, Kagome, is that there are more things and ways of being under the moon than you can possible imagine. Some things and beings are hidden, in order to co-exist within the understood world of humans,” Miroku added helpfully.
“Meaning?” Kagome retorted, equally quietly, before beginning to walk again towards the beckoning lights, keeping her own counsel. Yes, she was nervous, but a peace settled over her. Perhaps she was not mad and those visions might well be real.
“I'm a descendant of wolves and I have lived for hundreds of years, Kagome and will continue to, beyond your lifetime, perhaps,” Kouga said with resignation. He had finally spoken the truth. How would she accept it?
“What? You are what?” Kagome said, beginning to laugh hysterically. “Grampa, could you have been telling the truth? I'm not crazy!” she said spinning in their midst, before falling into the snow with a muffled thud.
“So you are all demons; the demons my Grandfather spoke of?” she hiccupped, deciding, this was as good a place as any to make a snow angel. All three men stood around her with confused expressions. “I thought Gramps was joking and just plain telling tall tales to entertain me as a child. He even told me I had the gift of Sight and was descendant of a famous miko, by the name of Kikyou. But then again, Gramps fudged a lot of details,” Kagome added, carefully raising her hands. “Inuyasha, help me up. I don't want to spoil my angel.”
Inuyasha blanched, before lifting her, choosing to keep his own counsel.
Miroku coughed. “I am human. My former mate, extended my life span when we joined. She died in battle, in the time you would call the Feudal Era.”
Kagome looked at him intently, “And Sango?”
“Sango is human, and yes, she knows all about this. Sango found it hard to accept at first. It caused us much grief in the beginning but what matters is that I love her and our time together,” Miroku added. “We will find a way to spend our lives together fully.”
Silence followed as they all admired the angel before walking on. Kagome remained quiet processing the information, her head bowed. A familiar voice was heard in the distance and she looked up to find Sesshoumaru watching her intently, Gretchen at his side, looking quite pleased with herself.
“Who are you really?” Kagome asked quietly, intently gazing back, while the others headed towards the abandoned woodsman's cottage being demolished under Jakotsu's able supervision.
The only sound in the study was the click of balls rolling across the worsted, deep green wool, sporadically crashing into one another.
“Thirteen, corner pocket,” indicated a gentle feminine voice before the cue ball hit its mark and said stripe followed suit, as ordered.
Kagome held her cue like a weapon, knocking its butt against her shoe rhythmically, focused on the possible plays she could make. The fireplace crackled happily, a scotch (straight) lay on the bars counter. She needed one after her recent encounter. She was not insane after all. It came as a quiet relief. To think she had almost married a wolf and a prince at that.
“Where do you suspect your brother might be?” said a silky male voice. He was less concerned with the game and more with the enticing female across from him, who had raised a wall around her emotions and had chosen the game to block any further discussions.
“Unsure. He is a missionary. Souta does tend to select the most war torn, Kami forsaken parts of the world to be. I have not heard from him in months. The last I heard he was somewhere in North Korea, trying to start an orphanage,” Kagome answered, finally having made her decision.
“Pass me the bridge, please.” Kagome said dryly, never looking up. The sound of the children across the hall, happily decorating the tree, and Ayame singing “Ave Maria”, brought a wistful smile to her face.
“Thank you, Sesshoumaru. I know you wanted none of this.”
Ignoring her praise, he chose to address the table's play. “Ambitious move, if I am correct in what you are about to attempt.”
Kagome smiled, taking the bridge. Their fingers touched and she shivered in response, at the unintentional intimacy of touch. He had that affect on her, always. Their eyes met briefly in the exchange.
“Wanna bet?” she suddenly cooed up at him. Her eyes followed the lines of his upturned lips, before shyly glancing away.
“Might I chalk your tip, Miss Higurashi?” came the silky retort of the male that still hovered near, his warm breath caressing the hairs on the back of her neck. Kagome closed her eyes, revealing in his warmth, her hair coming undone, falling about her shoulders and down her back, as fingertips massaged her scalp.
“The fuzzy pervert, only acts under your auspices, am I right?” Kagome said breathily, as long tapered fingers took the cue from her hand, while a warm, hard body pressed into hers from behind, effectively pinning her to the spot, nuzzling her neck.
“Moko-moko-sama, belongs to me, yes…” whispered the ancient being in her ear.
“Is that a portrait of you, on the door leading to the music room?” she said turning in his arms with a slow curl of her lips. Things were beginning to make sense.
“Yes…” responded the male lowering his head to her own, their noses brushing intimately. Both the cue and the bridge fell to the carpet as Kagome was lifted bodily onto the table, warm velvety lips parted hers eagerly.
Their bodies now flush, his evident desire teasingly grinding into her rapidly moistening core. Kagome moaned her pleasure into the kiss, pulling him more tightly to her body in welcome. Removing his glasses, she placed them behind her, barely aware of his swift movements that carried her to the lounge, laying her down gently.
“Enough talk. We have unfinished business, Miss Higurashi,” murmured Sesshoumaru hoarsely, against the silken flesh of Kagome's neck. His hands made short work of unbuttoning her blouse, revealing luscious cleavage. Sesshoumaru licked his lips and began lowering his head, stopped by a slight tug to his braid.
“Unfair, Mister Taishou, what about you?” Kagome said, her pupils fully dilated, as she looked into his eyes, daring him mischievously. “Loosen your braid. I want to see all that quicksilver about your naked shoulders. I want, Sesshoumaru, to see you…as you are.”
Sesshoumaru stilled and rose, removing his sweater in one swift movement. Growling in frustration, he undid his braid, the leather thong discarded before crashing his lips and body against hers, gently parting her thighs with his own.
“Later, woman, you are a colossal tease,” he hissed against he smooth, warm cleavage. Her fingers massaged his scalp, as his hot kisses became more insistent on her bared flesh. God bless Jak, and his choice of strapless intimate apparel.
“No more than you…” she moaned softly, eyes closed, enjoying the heated caress of his tongue trailing down her torso, stopping just shy of her navel. Kagome opened her eyes, suddenly feeling watched.
What she saw caught her breath. There, above her, hovered a handsome man but with a difference. He was clearly not entirely human, if at all. His eyes narrowed, becoming distant, his body stiffening above her, about to retreat, as the muscles in his arms twitched tensely, awaiting her verdict.
Kagome, pulled him down for a kiss, an accepting all encompassing kiss, before loosening her grip to the back of his head, carding his hair through her fingers with a dazed, expression and a smile on her now puffy lips.
“You are even more glorious in your true form, Mister Taishou. Don't ever hide from me again.”
Sesshoumaru kissed her forehead reverently. “Thank you, Kagome. You are an exquisite ningen bitch. I am honored.”
“Thank you, I think?” she chuckled, examining the markings on his forearm, before kissing each of his clawed fingers, “It's a crime, you have better nails than I ever will,” she sighed breathily.
Her bra was carefully severed by one of the exquisite claws, before Sesshoumaru's head dipped, taking one nipple between his lips, his tongue toying with the pert bud, sending shivers down her spine. Kagome's back arched as he bit her nipple, moisture pooling between her legs, as he continued to grind against her mound, causing her inner walls to convulse in need.
“Oh Kami, don't stop.” she groaned through gritted teeth, her nails digging into his back muscles wantonly. She thrust her hips up, intimating her mutual need. Sesshoumaru smirked, around the hard nub between his teeth before soothing the sting. Continuing his journey down her torso with delicate, barely there kisses, he raised himself to his knees above her, pleased with the results.
Kagome opened her eyes tentatively, looking into hooded ruby. He was magnificent and rather smug, a smirk playing about her lips, as she undulated under him suggestively.
“I trust you know how a zipper works?” she purred meaningfully, raising her hands to his waist, undoing his buckle by feel alone. She stopped as his hands closed over hers, the heat of his skin, causing her intimate walls to convulse. Guiding her hands to cup him, she shivered in anticipation at the feel of the pulsing hard organ beneath her hands.
“Look at me, Kagome,” commanded the former Western Lord, softly. She opened her eyes, watching as one of his hands disengaged from her own and lowered to her mound. A single digit trailed its seam to her engorged bud, causing her to hiss and buck on contact.
“There is no return from this Kagome. Are you sure?” Sesshoumaru said, while guiding her zipper down, revealing a thin strip of lace. Kagome eased her hips off the lounge, while lowering his own.
“Are you?” Kagome countered, as her jeans crumpled to the floor, quickly joined by his own trousers. Sesshoumaru went commando, well that was one question answered Damn! He was definitely male.
Long supple legs graced his vision as his eyes languidly traveled to the filmy silk covering her sex. The scent of arousal caused his already turgid organ to throb painfully as her fingers trailed over the muscles of his abdomen. The back of her hand touched his member with each pass teasingly, a mischievous smile on her well kissed, reddened lips.
“Prepare yourself, woman,” he said lowering himself to her mound, grasping the filmy lace between his teeth, his nostrils filled with her intimate, inviting scent. Sesshoumaru growled as he lowered the fragile garment, revealing groomed, glistening curls. Soft thighs opened of their own volition.
Crawling on all fours, back up her body, like the predator he was, Sesshoumaru planted kisses on his journey to her lips. His tongue explored her sweet mouth, silken thighs parting wider and coiling about his waist in invitation, just as her lips had done moments before. Positioning himself firmly between them, Sesshoumaru captured her lips once more, and thrust into her ready womanhood. Kagome gasped, closing her eyes tightly. It had been awhile; quite a long while.
“You've been good,” he whispered into her ear, stilling in her moist grip, waiting for her to relax sufficiently, before slowly beginning to move within her.
Kagome breathed out, the cramping had eased, replaced by a familiar, but far more pleasing sensation, as he went deeper with every shift of his hips. She moaned in pleasure, grasping his firm, silky butt cheeks, directing his movement, as he pounded into her unrelentingly. She bit her lip, painfully, stifling the urge to scream as he shifted once more, causing her spine to tingle and her vision to blur behind tightly closed eyes.
“Sesshoumaru…oh god…” she rasped, between breaths. Her legs tightening around him, as she sought his lips once more. His tongue mimicked the rhythm of his manhood within her walls, the silky feel of his hair, tickling her face and upper body, as his momentum increased, a low feral growl escaping his lips as he raised his head and looked into her eyes. Kagome bit into her lower lip, the coppery taste of blood, secondary to sudden convulsions that seized her body in climax. Sesshoumaru hissed, suckling her abused lower lip, as he thrust one final time, releasing within her in waves, his own body shuddering, above hers, as she held him tightly to her. Their hearts beating in time as they both came down from completion, their bodies moist with the effort.
The Western Lord opened his eyes. They were glazed and still slightly pink. A sated smile, graced his lips.
She had to take that smug expression off his face, Kagome thought, as she caressed the markings on his high-cheek bones gently, and reverently.
“With a little practice, you might get good at this, Mister Taishou. Practice makes perfect, as they say,” she said, licking her lips.
A growl was his only response as he recaptured her lips. Both beings were unaware that high above hung one tiny bunch of mistletoe was suspended in a gilded crescent. Kagome giggled happily, while being reprimanded in the most delicious of way.
Jakotsu turned to look at the others in his already full kitchen. “I told you mistletoe would do the trick, he said raising his glass, “Happy Holidays.”
Inuyasha snorted, filling his mouth with ramen. Jakotsu shot him a disgusted look before bending to pick up Gretchen.
“Don't look darling, Uncle Inuyasha has abysmal tastes. Don't get any ideas. Royal Canine tastes infinitely better.
Miroku and Sango chuckled. It really was the most wonderful time of year.
Author's Note
I hope you enjoyed. It was pure guilt that made me release it early, this segment being already two days late. The final bit to this segment might be a day or two late. My apologies…but somehow, I hope you will forgive (wink).
Review responses to the previous part now up on Part IIIA.
Happy Holidays Everyone!