InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas ,Mister Taishou - Part IV A ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Mature: Sexual content, and dark humour pertaining to drinking and driving. In no way, do I advocate this: period. It is an asinine practice. Chalk the little ditty up to a misspent youth reading all things Alfred E Newman and thoroughly enjoying Mad Magazine, you have been warned on both counts.
Reviews are fuel.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrude…with luck no Coast Guards will be required (snort & wink)….dear girl.

Part IVA - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Kagome's fingers splayed against the ceramic of the shower walls, cool to the touch, contrasting with the decadent feel of the hot, pulsing spray, against her chest and the delectable ministrations of an agile tongue, wielded like the lethal weapon it was, in the very right mouth.
Molten gold, flecked with ruby looked up at her through wet pewter lashes. Long, talon tipped digits parted her nether lips, a knuckle, teasing her engorged nub. Kagome shivered once more, as liquid ambrosia covered his fingers in answer to his touch; delicious.
Sesshoumaru groaned at the tightening in his groin, resting his own head against the apex of her sex, breathing in the heady aroma of her essence and desire given freely to him. Placing a feather light kisses on the downy line of curls, he pulled her to him firmly, kissing her inner thigh once more, a well tone leg finding its way over a broad shoulder and then another…she was flexible too, he thought lasciviously. Strong thighs braced against the walls of the tub for leverage, his knees thankful for the non slip surface. His only regret was the steam that enveloped them both now, denying him, the clear sight of the woman panting above him in sensual bliss, at his touch. Practice indeed.
Cursing as he descended the stairs, the hanyou's ears twitched. The kitchen light was on and the radio was playing (rather loudly) the orchestrated version of “We Three Kings From Orient Are.” What was more, Kouga had invented new words to the classic carol. A white head slipped through the door, looking about the cleaned kitchen, for signs of life. No, it appeared the moron was outside as the chilly night air blasted Inuyasha in his face.
A still figure stood outside, looking up at the crescent moon. A bottle went to his lips for much needed courage before continuing his little impromptu ditty, which Inuyasha had to admit, would have been amusing under other circumstances. Damn Jak to hell for calling him on his cell to get out of his warm comfortable bed to see what was wrong in the kitchen. Why the fuck hadn't he picked himself up off….Inuyasha grumbled internally, eyes widening as Kouga went castrati for a particular note.
We three clods from Omaha are
Spending Christmas Eve in a car
Driving, drinking,
Glasses clinking,
Who needs a lousy ba
Kouga tottered forward, before continuing.
Drink to Charlie. Drink to Paul
Drink to friends we can't recall
Swerving, speeding
Signs unheeding
Drink to anything at all
The Ookami took another swig and snickered at his own brilliance. He turned to wave good naturedly at the spoil-sport hovering in the door, growling in disapproval at his late night antics. If Mutt-face wasn't careful, he was going to turn out to be exactly like that tight-assed, bitch stealing, elder brother of his, who was currently upstairs banging the shit out of his woman, heedless of his emotional pain. Much better to sing than think, or listen, thought Kouga morosely.
We three clods are feeling no pain
Drunk as skunks with booze on the brain
Senses losing
'Til we're cruising
Into a wrong way lane
Inuyasha abruptly turned from the doorway disappearing, Kouga noted, then realized why. He was trying to spoil his little concert by turning off the radio. Well, damn him to hell! He would finish.

Ooooooohhhhh...Drink to Melvin. Drink to Fred
Drink to those two trucks ahead
Headlights flashing
Screeching, crashing
Drink till they pronounce us dead
Kouga finished dramatically, falling to his knees. He might as well be, because come morning, he would have to tell Kagome what he had done; all of it.
Inuyasha frowned. It was fucking past midnight and he didn't need the job of babysitting the mangy wolf at this late hour but no, no, Mister Prissy had to run off for his evening steam in the sauna, to clear his god damn pores no less. It had nothing to do with the fact that in that steam room was a Norseman by the name of Holtz with flowing blonde locks, and muscles only Gold's could build. Not at all.
“You fucking coming in or what, I'm not going to stand out here all night with ya!?” snapped Inuyasha, pulling his fire-rat robe about him. The crescent moon was silvery in contrast to the midnight blue sky and the sooty clouds it chose to pierce, leaving a silvery lining in its wake.
“Inuinuyaaaaaaaaaaaasssa?” slurred Kouga in question, his tie long removed and currently being sported as a headband, one cerulean eye covered, like a pirate.
“Come…” he tapped the stair lovingly, indicating where he wished the hanyou to sit.
“You're drunk!” Inuyasha said, stating the obvious.
“As a …skunk,” giggled Kouga like a school-girl making great efforts to turn and look up at the annoyed white haired male. Sighing in a woe is me manner, he returned his attention to his bare snow covered feet, oblivious to the cold.
“What is it? I can hear from here,” Inuyasha grumbled. Kouga looked bad. The Maker's Mark the Ookami held like life's blood wasn't helping either. The bottle was practically empty, not only would Sesshoumaru be pissed in the morning, the Wolf would be nursing a hang over of epic proportions, even though a youkai.
Kouga stood, loosening his shirt and discarding his coat, toppling face first into the snow of the back driveway.
“You annoying little shit,” murmured Inuyasha. Stepping down to retrieve him in disgust, he pulled him up by his shirt collar and looking into bleary, blood shot eyes. It took the Prince a moment to recognize the tanned face before giving a lopsided grin of thanks. Just as quickly Kouga's lips turned down, it looked to Inuyasha that the damn lupine was about to cry.
Then and only then did Sesshoumaru's younger sibling realize why. The remaining contents of the bottle had spilled. Kouga, actually whimpered, before looking back up at Inuyasha, again the delay in recognition, then another self-deprecating chuckle.
“I dropped it,” sighed the wolf dejectedly, pointing at the bottle accusingly.
“Yes, Kouga, you did,” agreed Inuyasha, suddenly feeling sorry for the idiot.
He gently placed him back on the stairs that lead to the kitchen before sitting next to him. Kouga placed his head on Inuyasha's shoulder, blinking up at the hanyou pathetically with a dramatic sigh.
“Shhhhh…they're doing it again. She doesn't want me, Inuyasssa,” Kouga shout-whispered in self pity, placing his finger eventually, over his own lips (after negotiating the trajectory of his index finger correctly this time) and not that of the belligerent male seated next to him. Inuyasha growled threateningly but considerately, never moved, instead shoving Kouga, helpfully, to rest on the banister for support.
“At least one of us is getting some tonight,” Inuyasha grumbled, flicking the newly falling snow off his nose and eyelashes with a smirk.
The sudden thought of the rather attractive store clerk from earlier surfaced. She did have an incredible rack and perky butt hidden beneath the unprepossessing dress. He could give her something to groan about, under the right circumstances. All that pent up emotion hid a wealth of untapped sensuality. He would bet anything she had the makings of a good old fashion fuck. Over the counter, bent just so…while he delivered the goods to her tight, hot …
“Have you ever done something so stupid, you have no way of ever redeeming yourself?”
Inuyasha hadn't counted on much in the way of sentient conversation sitting in the freezing cold on the back stairs with Kouga. There was however, the distinct possibility of giving Kouga a black eye, should he touch any other part of his anatomy again that night. A heartfelt philosophical discussion and or confession wasn't at the top of his mind at the moment.
“Say what? Are you talking about being at the hospital earlier today? Cause I could smell your stench, asshole! What were you doing there?”
Kouga hiccupped, excusing himself, and looked between his legs with a sorrowful expression.
“Getting rid of the evidence,” the wolf said plainly. Inuyasha sensed no deception. Kouga was stating fact; a fact, in truth, Inuyasha did not want to know. He had plans for his ass when sober and whatever he intended to divulge, might rob the hanyou of kicking it soundly. He enjoyed hating the spineless git. He didn't need him sharing confidences with him that might just make him empathetic in some way.
“Kouga, talk sense. What the fuck do you mean?” Inuyasha asked, very afraid of the answer. It was growing colder, and the snowfall was increasing. He wanted to get to his bed and at least take a cooling shower. Damn Sesshoumaru, the old dog, sure did have endurance, as did she and the rooms were theoretically soundproofed. Thank god, most of the youkai lived off grounds. Jakotsu would make Kagura's life a living hell tomorrow with innuendo. Then again, never mind. Inuyasha tried to block his sensitive hearing with talk. Okay, so more than one family member, albeit extended family member, was getting some tonight. Oh yeah, Jakotsu would be impossibly smug tomorrow.
“I had Houjo burn it...” said a quiet male voice next to the hanyou, who had never, ever heard Jakotsu practically yodel before. Apparently, Holtz had many skills.
“Burn what?” Inuyasha said distractedly, before recognizing what Kouga meant.
“You dumb fuck! They could have been killed, all for pussy denied!?” Inuyasha screamed in disbelief. He had always known Kouga was a moron with his preening and excessive fondness for mirrors but this was ludicrous.
“I know…” Kouga's shoulders slumped, “Houjo is a bigger moron. He did it for the money to pay back various heavies he is into. In case you missed it, he cheats at cards.”
Inuyasha got up, standing in the falling snow, brows furrowed, rage and confusion warring in his brain. No one could be this single minded, self important and stupid. Then again, we were talking Kouga, who had frequently, over the centuries, bitten off many a nose to spite his face.
A loud rumble escaped the hanyou's chest, unsure what to do, as he stalked back and forth in front of the cringing wolf.
“Tell me this, did you intend to hurt the children? Don't fucking lie to me, I will smell it and ring your damn neck!” Inuyasha said, his fangs exposed, not solely out of anger, his teeth had begun to chatter in the chill wind that blew across both of them. Sesshoumaru was getting on his last nerve, too!
Raising his silver head, Inuyasha bellowed towards the second story.
“Oi! Some of us need to sleep eventually! You da youkai! We all know it. So cum already! She needs sleep, too! Fuckin' Showoff!” the hanyou said through gritted teeth, storming into the house, not bothering to wait for Kouga's answer.
The mirror had never lied. She was still beautiful by human standards, if a little severe in features. Currently her face was a horrid mess, rice powder streaked with mascara that had run, though the brand had promised otherwise. Vermillion eyes swollen, from much crying into a now ruined pillows, she hoped.
Eight hundred-thread count, Egyptian cotton her, taut ass. There were other fish in the sea. Sesshoumaru didn't need to throw it in her face that he was fucking that bitch seven ways from Sunday, and that she was loving it. May a stray feather's tip stab her curvy backside! All that incoherent mewling Give it to me big boy, indeed. The bitch had no shame. The children's rooms had been moved further down the hall and that fucker Miroku and his damn spells for deep sleep, assuring the Western Lord and his whore their privacy.
Kagura's morose thoughts were interrupted by a thud at her the bedroom door. At first she ignored it, preferring her own slow descent into despair, and maybe, just one more brandy to top off her hideous night.
Crying? Yes, that sounded like crying. Getting up on less than stable legs, she looked down, kicking off the remaining shoe. It connected with the wall, leaving a mark. She smirked.
“Fuck you, Sesshoumaru. Try to find another roll in this time period for that little ding, asshole,” she slurred going to the door and opening it. Kouga fell in, face first.
“Apparently, your shortcomings are being addressed as we speak, and surprise, surprise you're a three minute wonder by comparison,” Kagura snorted, stumbling back to the bed in an undignified fashion.
A handsome, thoroughly inebriated male looked up dazedly at the well-curved blob, which he assumed had to be Kagura. The damn witch had the utter effrontery to question his package. THIS was not acceptable and in his bed, too. At least he thought it his bed. Or was it the one across the way? No matter, a bed was a bed and he needed one.
Dragging himself to his feet, Kouga, stood, shakily, and glared indignantly. At least he hoped he looked incensed at the naked female in question, drawing himself up to his full height, hips thrust forward suggestively, accentuating his manly assets.
“Look here bitch, you would be so lucky to have me in your bed,” Kouga said in a garbled tone. Endurance was grossly overrated. It's all about the quick finish in his expert opinion.
Kagura snickered derisively, covering her mouth. She had meant to titter in an enticing manner, while thrusting her bust forward invitingly, or so she thought. The net result of her efforts? A prone female, atop a California king with dazed eyes and nothing but pride keeping her head on one hand, while long, well curved legs, slid against each other, not a stitch in evidence.
“Prove it, Wolfie. Show me what you've got to offer,” she challenged in a alcoholic haze, lowering her free hand to her center, in a manner she hoped was enticing to the male stumbling forward into the room. The door slamming shut behind him by his body's momentum and the naked heel that connected, by accident, with the door.
Legs intertwined, Kagome sighed, running her hands over Sesshoumaru's abdomen, muscles rippling at her touch. A purr escaping his lips, as he gently massaged her lower back.
“Sleep, woman. I have plans for you in the morning,” Sesshoumaru intoned, nuzzling her neck. Kagome shivered, running her hands through his hair, pulling long strands of silver through her fingers, endlessly fascinated by the silken feel of his mane.
Kagome snickered. “What? Making up for lost time?” she inquired innocently. She kissed the tip of his nose, before ducking under the covers giggling, sliding down his lithe, well muscled body.
Sesshoumaru's chest rumbled in pleasure, her breasts caressing his skin as she went lower. What he felt next made his eyes roll back in his head and hands grasp the headboard, as a breath he did not know he held escaped in a languid deep hiss. Warm, lips surrounded him and a dexterous tongue caressed his tip tentatively, before coiling his girth and massaging his length in slow increments. The encouraging moans of a female, happily at work, sending him into paroxysm of a sexual euphoria he had never known with another. Come hell or high water, he would mate her in the morning. No male would be allowed to enjoy her mouth in this manner, other than him for eternity, the Western Lord thought, as his mind shut down in sweet surrender.
A languid stretch of tired, sated muscles and the subtle reminder of intimate areas ignored for far too long, made Kagome yawned and snuggle back down into soft, welcoming pillows. A gentle tap on the bedroom door made her raise her head. Sesshoumaru had been long up and gone, doing who knows what. The tap came again, more forcefully this time.
“Are you decent, my lady?” said a familiar musical voice from behind the door. Kagome checked, yes, all was covered.
“Come Jak, nothing is exposed,” Kagome answered lazily. A dark silky head, came around the door. Bright, mischievous green eyes peered in at her, a roughish smile upon upturned, pouty lips.
“Mmmm, good morning to you too, Sexy. Thought you might like breakfast in bed, rather than facing the madding horde downstairs and possibly risk Sesshoumaru killing one of the construction workers for making eye contact with his woman,” Jak offered helpfully, placing the tray on the bedside table.
Kagome noted he too looked, just a little less edgy. A far cry from the night before, when he had appeared somewhat nervous and skittish around her. Kagome's eyes narrowed speculatively, then thought better of it, choosing to smile saucily at her friend instead.
“What time is it?” Kagome asked through a yawn, looking about the room for a clock, of which there was none.
“I have a couple appointments in town and a few things to get for the children. Santa must visit, even on a limited budget,” she winked, stretching her legs below the silken sheets, lazily.
Jakotsu's entire body smiled down at the little, warm bundle before him. Yes, she would make an excellent Lady of the house. Warmth palpably exuded from her every pore. He would finally be able to hand the reins of the running of the dominion that was Taishou into more than capable hands. Even if those hands did not yet know that was her true task, amongst others. Sesshoumaru would finally, after a millennia, find happiness and start his own little family, assuring his continuity.
Sitting on the side of the bed, Kagome tapped with a sleepy smile. Jakotsu stifled his own yawn.
“All taken care of, my Lady. Perhaps, when you're dressed, you would be so kind as to visit the small sitting room just at the top of the stairs,” Jak reached into his pocket, and pulled out a key, handing it to her.
Kagome gasped. So that's why it wouldn't open.
“Nothing has been wrapped. I hope I assumed rightly that you would prefer to make the final choices for each child. I did try to take their personalities in account with the items you will find there. I only really had two hours to select. Sango was amazing. Though, I suspect, “Guitar Hero” and “Wii” were for her…hint, hint,” Jak snickered, before rising and casting one last gentle look at the woman, he hoped, would be his friend.
Kagome's eyes filled in that moment, looking back into beautiful, warm green eyes, as she lifted her arms, uncaring, that she was partially exposed.
Jak embraced her to him fully, a lump forming in his throat. Noting, perhaps, this was the first woman he had ever held so close, as a warmth enveloped him like no other. He had never had a sister. Perhaps, this is what it felt like to love someone unconditionally in a platonic way. Interesting, not something he wished to encourage on a daily basis, but it was rather nice.
“My pleasure, little one,” he murmured against her forehead, before rising and heading for the door, closing it softly behind him.
“A dormant Miko…” Miroku repeated, furrowing his brows meditatively looking into his coffee cup. “I have had my suspicions, especially since the `orphanage' is on sacred ground, and in reality was a shrine disused for years. Her family has a rather strange history, too. I haven't pieced it all together yet but will soon.”
Tweezers stilled between Sesshoumaru's deft fingers, the world's smallest linen bandage, being snipped by equally tiny Ashinaga shears. Gazing at his handy-work with some amount of pride, the Western Lord's eyes then traveled to the face of his most trusted and, at times, most annoying of advisors.
“You thought it unnecessary to inform me of your suspicions, when you knew perfectly well, you were, in theory fraternizing with my mortal enemy?” Sesshoumaru asked, deceptively quietly, eyes becoming mere slits in his handsome face. This would not be the first time Miroku's own agendas took precedence over that of his `Master'.
Turning to face the Taiyoukai, Miroku raised one dark brow, his eyes twinkling with amusement.
“I would hardly call the woman, currently sharing your bed an enemy, Lord Sesshoumaru. In fact, by all accounts she thinks you are the bee's knees.”
“Hn… Still, be so kind, in future, to informing me, however vague, of all your suspicions. It will avoid untold pain and suffering for you. How goes the search for Higurashi Souta?”
Miroku sighed, violet looking into citrine blandly, “You do realize, Sesshoumaru, that threats to my person does wear thin after, let's say three to four hundred years? Or do you continue solely to keep in practice, my friend?”
“Answer the question, you tiresome ningen. Do not fly well past your station, Icarus, my friend,” retorted Sesshoumaru, as he flicked his glasses back down on his nose, rising to join Miroku at the window.
He could hear the Miko's pleasant laughter downstairs with Hunter and that monstrosity she called a car, happily engaged in conversation. Sesshoumaru's heart skipped a beat, when she looked up and waved at him in the window. Kagome blushing slightly, as her gaze glided off him shyly and back to Hunter.
The houshi had moved back, lids lowered, a huge grin on his face. It was nice seeing Sesshoumaru besotted, because there was no doubt about it, he was.
“I'm working on it, my lord, no news yet. If that will be all, I have a pressing appointment to be molested by a delicious female, before assisting a young fox demon with erecting a train set and relieving Ayame for a bit in maintaining the mirror count in the house, despite Kan'na's best efforts. I have yet to surmise why she despises them so.”
The little orange car drove off down the driveway. She had not even bothered to come to him before leaving. Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed and his heart lurched.
“Yes, yes, leave, Miroku,” snapped the Western Lord dismissively, unaccountably perturbed by Kagome's actions. He needed to speak with Kouga, immediately, there would be no more baying outside his home in the middle of the night.
Miroku bowed with a smirk, besotted, no question about it. The Big Dog was falling in love with the most unlikely of females. Looking to the silkscreen likeness of the Inu-no-Taishou, the houshi winked.
Kagura awoke, a drooling mouth pressed to one cool breast, while its owner snored.
“Oh shit!” snarled the Wind Sorceress rolling Kouga off her.
What was he doing in her room? Reaching for the water on the nightstand, Kagura downed two pills, which someone had graciously placed there, more than likely Holtz. Perhaps, she had been too hasty in firing him, and then dismissed the thought, glaring down at the sleeping mess next to her.
Bending over Kouga gently, Kagura bellowed into one shell like ear. “Get the fuck out of my room now, Wolf!”
The sudden din raised the fight or flight reflex in the Ookami. He leapt to his feet in the center of the bed, just as the door opened revealing three sets of amber eyes in various states of surprise. All except one, which was far more concerned with sniffing through the new territory, beginning with the crotch of Kouga's pants, hurriedly removed by the side of the bed.
Gretchen sneezed, before Sesshoumaru gracefully picked up the offending article of clothing on one talon and approached his guests with one quirked brow and just the merest hint of a smirk.
“Get dressed, Kouga. Meet me in the study.”
“Yes, my lord.”
Sesshoumaru's gaze turned to the female with the livid countenance, doing his best to ignore the undignified snorting at the door of his younger sibling, who was enjoying this far more than he should. Dignity at all times not being his strong suit.
“It appears congratulations are in order, Kagura. This should put an end to further interference in my personal life…as you, appear to have found your own. May this relationship give you both exactly what you deserve.”
“It's not what it looks like, Sesshoumaru…” Kagura began then stopped, as the Western Lord had already left the room with his little mutt happily gambling at his side. Only Inuyasha remained.
“What are you staring at half-breed!” Kagura spat, while Kouga hastily dressed, not bothering to affix the band to his ponytail, his hair flying freely behind him.
Inuyasha pursed his lips, as though in deep thought.
“Actually, absolutely, positively nothing, if you must know. Just waiting for the moron to get his dick back in his pants and walk him down to his doom.”
Blue eyes shot up, while fingers continued to button a crushed, white linen shirt. There was genuine, shit-your-pants fear there, Inuyasha thought.
“Relax, I haven't told him…yet. I want you to develop a spine somewhere on the stairs and tell him yourself,” Inuyasha said dismissively, before turning a malevolent smile back at Kagura.
“I told you shaving would help.” He ducked, as a glass went sailing by his head caught by Jakotsu, who peered into the room with thorough disgust on his face.
“Kouga, Kouga, darling, I knew you were desperate, but this…” Jak waved a limp wrist about and shuddered, mincing off mumbling to himself about the merits of blindness.
Inuyasha chuckled. “You ready? Better you tell him than me.”
“He isn't the problem. It's Kagome, I can't face,” Kouga answered.
“Really?” purred the malevolent female, as the Wolf Prince headed for the door. The smile on her face was downright scary. Only then did the Wolf realized what she implied and quickly looked at Inuyasha's quizzical expression.
It took just a moment for Inuyasha to march into the room proper and settle over Kagura menacingly, pinning her to the bed.
“I wasn't joking, bitch. You do one more think to disrupt my family and I will kill you. So whatever you're hatching in that sick brain of yours, let it go,” snarled Inuyasha moving closer to her face, fangs exposed in warning as he snarled.
Kagura swallowed, despite her brave face. Apparently, he really had not remembered or caught a clue as to what she meant at dinner. For once, the Wind Sorceress thought to leave well enough alone. Kouga, too, had enough on her that would not only see her banished permanently, but possible killed by the male currently hovering and sniffing in disgust.
“Inuyasha, let's get this over with,” Kouga said nervously, tapping the hanyou's shoulder.
The quiet front parlor of Kaede's modest, clean, little home, gave Kagome comfort, as she gratefully drank the offered tea and biscuits. This was a far cry from the understated, yet opulent surroundings of Sesshoumaru's country estate, with its doilies everywhere and mismatched furnishings.
Kaede had known her family for years, before Kagome was even born. All knowledge of things Higurashi resided in that steel trap for a brain, as Kagome had come to realize. Even the paltry sum she paid her for cooking duties, Kagome knew, was not sufficient to keep Kaede, and yet, she did it. She never told the young woman why, merely touching her cheek each time and telling her, all would be revealed at the appropriate time. Well the time was now.
Review Responses - Happy Holidays
Jean aka Maddie50 - LOLOLOL! Yeah, we both like a delicious donnybrook don't we? Bad Maddie, see what your influence has done? Wicked Evil Hentai. I'm telling you it is those ladylike talons we both share (wink). Glad you continue to enjoy. I think 4B is right up your alley dear girl. Thank you, as always. Happy Holidays.
Fluffy-Shin - Isn't it though? A marvelous way to play (chuckle), yeah, I'm a selective tart, whawt of it (wink)? Glad you continue to enjoy and you are so very very welcome. Until next time.
FayeMegan - Wow! What did you have for dinner…mmmm (smiile). Thank you. 4B is now up and one more to go.
Lindajrjt - Oh Linda, thank you so much. Me too, I will miss it…for a time (wicked grin). Your wish has been granted (wink).
Vickey - Thank you. High praise, much obliged for seeing the emotionality and drama behind the humour, it is far deadlier when used correctly. I hope you continue to enjoy.
PirateQueen - First thank you and next…mmmmm sun-dried tomato tapenade. How did it go over? Sounds delicious (wink). Very happy you continue to enjoy. I know what you mean re Wii. Dear Lord, it took five stores to find the damn thing at a reasonable price. You know of course, I am going to haunt you about all that virility on display of a certain Western Lord…yummy. If you missed it, I am one of your hentai readers. Nicely done. Hope you enjoy the next bit. We are actually one from the end now. Well, end, relatively speaking. Time to get back to my first born, TSNNAM. Thank you so much, as always for taking the time to review. See you soon.
Kandi - Thank you. Sometimes simplicity is best (wink).
IvyStone/OnyxIvy - Hi Babe! How's it hangin'? Yes, I am enjoying this very much and I love this time of year, so you are actually seeing the end result of that. Glad you continue to enjoy and thank you for updating Kaidan. It is always a deep pleasure to read you. I invariably make myself a nice hot pot of tea and put my feet up to relax into the imagery you create. So thank you equally.
Twiknham - Hello (Big Goofy Smile). Thank you, and might I say, rather enjoyed your last update (reverent bow). You have a lovely dry sense of humour. I am very humour driven. I find you can often hit key points with humour that most don't realize. I rather like your favourite things (wink). See you shortly, please update soon.
ILovePrettySilverHair - EXCELLENT! Sensuality is everything, a rather pleasurable part of life. Glad you enjoyed. Hope you continue to enjoy 4B is now up and now, there is but one final bit to this leg of the journey.
Elizabeth E Hogan - Thank you. Happy Holidays to you too (wink). Hope you enjoy the next bit.
Wiccan - (Big Smile and a Wink) Hi Sexy! Hope you are feeling well and that the car trip stood you well. Glad you are enjoying. Sometimes one needs to just kick back and relax into the warmth of the season. Glad I provided some amusement, may you continue to enjoy. I am honoured. Huggles and keep smiling.
AKay - Glad you are feeling better and thank you as always. As to the lines hehehehehe…yeah, I am warped, but equally glad you see the humour in it. As to Kagura and Inuyasha…hmmm, you have placed me in a rock and a hard place. If I answer it would give away something. What I suggest is read the dinner scene post salad and Inuyasha and pay attention to what Kagura said to Sesshoumaru, then go back to the conversation between Kouga and Kagura the part before. See you very soon with the next bit and yes, TSNNAM the next chapter is most of the way written but wont appear for another week or so. There all questions answered. Have you fainted yet, should I get a cushion (wink and hug)?
BookReader9999 - Thank you! Have a look at the top of 4B where I have attached the link. Oh hon, you will find some fabulously irreverent renditions of carols there. Yes, I am a very sick puppy. So what is new. Enjoy!
Rowdysgirl - Yes, my love, I am the comma queen (wink). BAD BAD EP! I am also the homonym queen. Read enough of my drivel and you will encounter them repeatedly lol. Mea culpa. Glad you continue to enjoy, my dear. Nice to know, my sense of humour does not go unpunished (chuckle). I am still enjoying the hell out of the holidays thank you sweetie. Hope your gifts were well received.
Red-Smartiez - Woohoo! Awesome! Trust me, that is the tip of the proverbial iceberg for all things Mad Magazine. I have attached the link above. Have a blast and don't drink anything before reading. You have been warned. Thanks hon, as always and Christmas was fantastic.
Tilayha - Awww thank you. Looking forward to see the progression of your own story (wink). Glad you enjoyed, and or continue to (wink). I well agree, it is for Kagome to give it to him not Sesshoumaru. She is the wronged party. Stay tuned.
BlackBarbie - Thank you very much (big goofy smile). Trust me girl, Kagome, as we both know has a temper, enough said. You need wait no longer, it is now up. Hope you enjoy. Happy Holidays.
Sola - LOLOL! See link above and thank you.
Tana-San - Awww thank you hon. I am totally happy you had a wonderful Christmas with all the trimmings, may the New Year find you joyful and thank you for continuing to express your feelings towards this piece. I can see you smiling as you review. Thank you Tana-San, gently hugs in turn, and you have scored, just got out of the bath. I do smell rather like a French Lady of the Night me…LOL. Best wishes.
Ezri - Nailed it! I give you much credit for this one, cause it was so small and I used Inuyasha for it, but you caught it. Well done. Left you a bigger one this time. I'll have you know my good woman, I requested that snow especially for you (chuckle).Happy Holidays my dear.
Inu-In-Disguise - Thank you, hmmm. Good point and yes, I will definitely take it under consideration, very good point (soft smile). I hope you continue to enjoy dear lady. Part 4B up, which leaves but one segment to go. It will more than likely be written tonight, as I am in the mood to do so. It is quiet, the dog is content, he is sleeping on the couch, pretending to read the paper, and all else is right with the world as dinner cooks. Yes, a good time to write and listen to music. See you soon.
Healo of Ultima - Thank you Healo. I rather enjoyed writing that scene too. 4B is now up. I hope you enjoy that equally as much. Happy Holidays!
Inuforlyf - Happy Holidays my dear and thank you.
Hasu86 - Who da writer!? You da writer! Fantastic update! LOL! Girl, you're kicking it, and I applaud you and the progress of Summer Maid. We both have a similar humour bent, so I am always happy when you update. And stop it! It isn't how often, but the quality of said that counts. Remember that and you always deliver. Happy Holidays my friend. Oh yeah…thank you (wink). You are one of my three queen hentais and I cannot wait…you have no idea. Oooh yeah…the wait is half the fun (waggles eyebrows). You do it with style, grace and total sensuality. Quite often this is missed by quite a few. It isn't about detailed descriptions of anatomical parts, it has everything to do with the mood set and you set it, every single time girlfriend. You go on with your bad self.
SugarOo - Thank you sweetheart (soft smile). GET WRITING! I like your new piece. You will finish the artwork, and it is that, when time permits. In the meantime, wishing you the very best of the season. Huggles, copious amounts of them.
Renji-s-Girl - (Big Soft Smile). I'm really very happy you continue to enjoy and yes, we are coming to the final bit…for now. Hope it meets with your approval. How is the Inuyasha piece going? Hint hint…looking forward to it and thank you.
Deb L - Hehehehehe! Oh girl, we both are Alfred E Newman obsessed. I wish I had kept most, but was thankful to find a lovely compendium of the best of the best online and laughed most of one day reading through my very very wicked indulgence. Happy Holidays dear girl, 4B is now up.
Last and definitively not least
Sesshoumaru's Fiend - Woman? What am I to do with you? LOL! I saw your reviews coming in as I began to answer each of the above and decided, rightly, to leave yours to the end. You slay me. Not pretty indeed re Kouga and Kagura, hence I decided to leave it to everyone's imagination. Good point re skunks by the way. I have however seen my dog thoroughly inebriated. Jason had left his drink on the floor and Mister Thing decided to have a sip and it took a minute for any of us to realize as he kept talking (he is a Scottie,they talk sometimes. Usually bitching about one thing or another…like why do you want me to get off the bed, just because you want to make it. Or, why can't I have another rasher of bacon. I am starving, having only had two chicken treats and two entire meals bigger than myself, or why do I have to take a bath on Christmas morning? I don't want to smell like a damn sissy, the other dogs on the beach are going to call me a fop!) As to dogs, I adore Alsatians too. Actually, I happen to have owned at one time or another, and sometimes together all but a Rottie. Happy Family gathering (wink). No, there is one other part after that, fairly short, 4B, which is up now covers much. Hope you continue to enjoy my dear. I adore your rambles.
Ja Ne