InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - Part IV B ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Dedicated to all things A.E. Newman - Christmas Carols Gone Completely Awry - So many have asked about it, that I simply must share.
Below you will find a link that leads you to some of the most darkly humourous renditions to classic carols. I adore, to this day, Doug Gilford's Mad Magazine.
Oh and if these ditties or anything else offends your sensibilities, do, with all due alacrity, use your back button. I have always found it works a treat. I will always write as I see fit. I will never condone racism, sectarianism, sexism or any other `ist', `it” or `itis' to suit anyone's personal agenda. To each his own. Life has been somewhat kind to me, and I have found in all those I encounter grace, even with those stridently opposed. We do share humanity and with that comes tolerance. Equally, I return that respect, if given. Enough said.
Bidding you peace, joy, and laughter in this most precious of seasons.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea and Gertrudeand the Big Lizard LOL!
Reviews are fuel.

Part IVB of V - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Simple, brown paper packages tied up with string were handed gently to Kagome.
“For the children, I hope they like them,” Kaede said softly before hugging Kagome tightly to her ample chest.
“Thank you for everything, Kaede,” whispered the dark haired beauty, gently kissing Kaede's cheek. “If you need anything, please call me. You have the house number and my cell and everyone else's number for that matter. Thank you for the diary. I will take very good care of it and you can have it back anytime you want. I promise,” Kagome assured with tears of gratitude in her eyes. Finally, an opportunity to better understand what happened on that fateful day; the single day that tore her family asunder.
“Nay child, it is yours. It is about time ye learned the family's history, even if it is through my own. I am sorry I kept it from ye, but with your engagement to Kouga, and his sudden reappearance in your life, I thought it best to keep it until such time that ye saw him for what he really was. Now ye have.”
Kagome stiffened in elderly woman's arms. “If he has anything to do with Houjo's disappearance, I will find out.”
One dark, perceptive eye looked down into angry brown, deciding whether to divulge further, withered lips thinning.
“What is it? Is there more?” inquired Kagome in alarm as she checked her watch. It was almost four. Had she actually spent five hours talking to Kaede? She needed to get back to the country house before the worm had the opportunity to slink-off somewhere.
“Nothing. Please, give my best to Mister Taishou. He is a very discerning individual,” Kaede replied meaningfully with a twinkle in her one good eye.
The young woman standing in front of her blushed furiously, avoiding further eye contact, instead giving Kaede an enigmatic smile.
“You love him.”
“Kaede! People don't fall in love in one fell swoop. That's only in the movies.”
“Ahh, but he is not `people' as you know by now, my child.” Kaede's eye twinkled. From a child, Kagome was always like this, carefully guarding her deepest emotions.
She heard the sound of sleigh bells.
Kagome twiddled the strings of the packages to her side, looking towards the sound off up the street as a vagrant pushed a shopping cart full of cans and bottles towards them. His coat was held together by a filthy rope. His white beard caked with dirt and the remnants of hastily eaten food.
“There but for the grace of Kami, Kaede. How can we, as a society, allow that to happen to anyone? He was a child once, too,” Kagome said indignantly, reaching into her purse.
The indigent passed hurriedly. It was never good when one of them stared at you. They always beat you or tried to steal your treasure.
“Sir! Wait! ” Kagome yelled, racing down the stairs, throwing the packages through the window of her car and taking off after the elderly male at a run.
A sour, fetid smell assailed her nostrils as she caught up to the hunched, frightened male, who stood cowering with his hands over his head.
“Please don't hurt me, miss,” pleaded the man in a low raspy voice. “You can have the sleigh bells,” he offered, throwing them at her sneakered feet.
Kagome felt sick to her stomach. Her head was spinning. Pressing her back against the nearest tree, she bent forward and tried to catch her breath. What was wrong with her? She ran at least six miles four times a week to stay in shape. The bells…something about the bells, the fowl smell of his body, the bells. Bending slowly, she picked them up and jingled them, blinking at them with a mesmerized expression. There was the sudden memory of Jakotsu cleaving open a turkey's chest cavity when she had brought down her tray earlier.
The sudden squeak of the cart's wheels brought her abruptly out of her dream state, back to the reality of the moment. What did a bird's chest being opened have to do with these bells?
“Please, don't be afraid. I won't hurt you,” she said in a soothing voice, approaching the man slowly with her arms at her sides. “Can I pay you for these?” Kagome queried with a gentle smile as she continued to approach, jingling them.
Fear was all she saw in his eyes. Perhaps he had not understood. Carefully reaching into her pocket, Kagome pulled out a five dollar bill and handed it to the man, who snatched the bill out of her fingers, raising it to the sky then looked at her suspiciously. She could be one of those aliens he often heard in his head, whispering secret messages. She was not to be trusted.
“I know it isn't much but thank you. Merry Christmas, Sir.” Kagome offered to the rapidly retreating back of the vagrant.
Wild geese passing overhead causing her to look up at the unexpected sound, just as a car door closed behind her and feet approached.
“It's time to come home, Miss Higurashi,” intoned a deep male voice from behind.
Kagome turned. It was Hunter.
A strand of silky, dark hair came undone out of Sango's upswept tresses, as she held the blue satin sash in defeat, glaring at the back of Kan'na's little head with less than positive thoughts. Oblivious, the small, pale being merely looked back at her reflection in wonder, before walking around to the other side to find the girl she saw.
Sango flopped on the small bed in defeat. Well at least she was dressed, and she did manage to get the two, blue clips in her hair. That was a victory of sorts. Caressing the ribbon, its cool surface warming to the touch, Sango smiled, remembering the first time she had seen the Sound of Music, and her favorite song. The Kendo Master began to hum to herself as she got up and waltzed around the room with the long, luxuriant sash in the lead, unaware deep green eyes with long, sooty lashes watched in amusement at the open door.
“…these are a few of my favourite things.
Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes
Snowflakes that stay on my nose and eyelashes
Silver white winters that melt into
Jakotsu! I didn't know you were standing there,” stuttered Sango in embarrassment, hurriedly placing the ribbon behind her back.
“You are a very beautiful woman, Sango. Miroku is a very lucky man.”
One well tended dark brow rose in surprise. “Thank you, Jak.”
Jak walked into the room surmising the situation. Raising one finger to his lips, he approached Kan'na, who had finally given up on finding the other little girl in the mirror.
“You look beautiful, Lady Kan'na. Are you ready for an early dinner before the sleigh ride?” he asked sweetly, kneeling before the little girl, who looked back at him shyly.
Kan'na waggled her head, a sudden light in her eyes at the indirect mention of horses.
Sango approached, amazed at how readily Kan'na communicated with Jakotsu. Most of the afternoon she had spent in his company in the kitchen, as he showed her how to work the dough, form gingerbread men, even giving her special and very important tasks like taste testing and asking her advice on ingredients. She never spoke but instead would nod or vehemently disagree by shaking her head. Kan'na had never been that responsive to anyone other than Kaede.
“Cooking…” Sango whispered. That was the common denominator.
Shrugging long, glossy dark hair over one shoulder, Jak extended one hand, twiddling his fingers.
“If you please, hand me the sash, Sango. The horses love blue satin sashes, especially beautiful little girls that wear them with such style,” assured Jakotsu as he placed it about Kan'na's waist loosely, turning her to the mirror before making an extravagant bow in the back.
“Oh sweetie, you look so beautiful, just a hint of color does so much for you,” he said softly, smiling winningly with the other little girl in the mirror.
“You look like a fairy princess.” Jakotsu assured with a big smile.
“Me?” Kan'na questioned softly, her eyes going to the waist of her pristine white dress in horror, stiffening instantly.
“Yes honey, that's you. Aren't you gorgeous?” Jakotsu held out his hand staying Sango's movement towards them both. “Isn't the bow pretty?”
The piercing scream that followed caused only one adult to wince. The other looked vaguely jaded and not at all surprised by the eventual outcome.
“Never mind Jak, you did try. Thank you.” Sango said, rubbing the head of staff's shoulders, escorting the befuddled male from the room while Kan'na continued to scream, as a being, that only she could see, looking back at her through the mirror in a miasmic fog.
Jak returned to the kitchen somewhat defeated. Someone was doubting his fashion sense, and a child at that. One more day until Christmas and the bonuses had not been `sorted' for his personal staff. Looking about the empty kitchen, Jak smiled before stealthily cracking open the door to the main hall and listened. All was perfect. Miroku had the other two munchkins in hand with the train set around the Christmas tree. Kouga had gone, unwillingly, with Inuyasha to check on the state of the newly constructed cottage. Holtz was off shopping for last minute items and Ayame had requested the evening off. The Bitch of the East was in the study making phone calls and drinking herself into a hoped for early grave. The only members of the immediately family that appeared missing in action were Lord Sesshoumaru and Gretchen. Jak chuckled mischievously, and removed the small golden key from his pocket turning into that damn chest again and a sloppy kiss to his right eye.
Blinking furiously, thankful his mascara did not run, Jak eeped, clutching his heart dramatically.
“People will talk, Lord Sesshoumaru, if you keep stalking me this way!”
Sesshoumaru uncoiled long, tapered fingers, bored expression in place. The tips of his talons looking particularly sharp to Jakotsu's eyes.
“Mine, I believe,” the lord said in his usual deep register.
Flipping his hair over his shoulder, Jakotsu raised his chin in an effort to look unimpressed by the veiled threat. He raised his hands to his hips and glared at the ungrateful, beautiful little bitch clutched to the Western Lord's side, then at Sesshoumaru.
“Not meaning to be rude, my Lord. I have no idea what you are talking about,” Jak said, trying to sidestep the large imposing male in front of him.
“If you will excuse me, I have to prepare the children a light supper. Inuyasha is taking them for a sleigh ride under the stars before bed.”
The Western Lord followed his movements exactly.
“He gave you up, Jak. Give me the key this instant.”
Jakotsu sighed and cursed under his breath, wondering distractedly how many ways a wolf might be filleted while still alive.
Gretchen was unceremoniously handed to Jakotsu, as Sesshoumaru went directly to the second drawer with the hidden compartment.
Jakotsu whispered menacingly into a silky floppy ear. “You are so getting kibble tonight it isn't funny. No turkey for you, little miss.”
As reprimands go, it was in no way effective, as Jakotsu got another wet sloppy kiss for his threats. Gretchen wiggled and groaned her dissatisfaction with her current position. Jakotsu relented and lowered her to the floor gently amused by her long, uncoordinated gallop and sliding stop at Sesshoumaru's tabi clad feet.
“Traitor, you should have told me Lord Scrooge was behind me, but no and you wonder why …” groused Jak, turning away and heading to the sink to wash his hands before beginning to set the nook for the children to eat. If necessary, he would pay his staff from his own funds.
Slamming the ledger closed, the tall male turned towards Jakotsu just as the back door opened, and Jak lunged at Kouga's throat with wet hands.
“Oi! What's going on in here?” growled Inuyasha looking at Sesshoumaru and the ledger while lifting Jakotsu bodily off a frightened Kouga. “Down boy!”
“I'm getting the hell out of here. First you,” Kouga pointed accusingly at Sesshoumaru, “and now the damn Nancy Boy trying to rip my throat out. I don't have to take this crap.”
With the smaller, pissed male squarely mounted on one broad shoulder Inuyasha turned and looked into cerulean blue eyes. “Shut the fuck up. You're not going anywhere `til you speak to Kagome yourself. It's the least you can do.”
“Are you nuts!? She'll kill me!” squeaked Kouga, his previous resolve tempered by both recent encounters with the brothers Taishou and the pissed beyond measure drag queen.
“Put me down, Inuyasha! I promise to leave enough for Kagome,” hissed Jakotsu sibilantly.
A quick, hard smack to Jak's rear caused the smaller male over his shoulder to whimper. Inuyasha snorted, carrying him to the stool by the island and carefully placing him on it.
“You're just jealous,” murmured Jakotsu, cutting his eye at the smirking Inuyasha. There would be other occasions to have a private `in-depth' conversation with the smelly wolf.
“Ahh, no dude, I'm not into whips, but apparently you and ….”
“Inuyasha! Decorum if you please!” barked Sesshoumaru, glaring at his baby brother who had no edit mode.
“What? You saying you didn't hear those two last night?!”
“Irrelevant!” snapped Sesshoumaru, “Allow others their privacy in matters sexual!”
Inuyasha chuckled, and did apply an edit mode. By the look on his brother's face, this would not be the time to edify him on the finer points of breath control, while having one's dick sucked `til they howled a female's name before passing out for lack of oxygen.
Apparently, Sesshoumaru read his expression correctly. “Don't… even… think about it, Inuyasha. This is neither the time nor place,” growled the Western Lord.
The hanyou raised his hands in surrender, backing up. The smirk never left his face.
“Jakotsu, follow me to the library,” commanded Sesshoumaru, picking up Gretchen and exiting the kitchen.
“Gertrude is beautiful isn't she?” sighed Kagome, as she watched the little VW ahead of them being driven home by Mars, while she accompanied Hunter in his Hummer.
The petite beauty chuckled, looking around the plush interior. It suited Hunter to a tee.
“What?” queried the mechanic with a smile in his pleasant gray eyes.
“Just thinking how if I had to picture a vehicle for you, it would be a HumV SUV and silver, too. What's with the choice of colors in that house? Every vehicle is either black or silver.”
“They all have to match his hair. He drives all of them. Put it down to a personal quirk of our master, Lord Sesshoumaru,” chuckled the mechanic.
Kagome's eyes opened wide, “You're joking right? He isn't that narcissistic?”
“Nah, he is a good youkai. Time has mellowed him. Just wanted to see your face when I said it,” snickered Hunter.
“Are you? I mean a youkai?” Kagome asked quietly, unsure if he would answer or take offense.
“My wife is. She is his personal assistant in matter of business. I believe you met her the other night, Keiko.”
“Ahhhh, gorgeous!”
“Thank you, I think so.”
“How do you cope?”
“You being human, at least I assume you are?”
“I am hanyou, Miss Higurashi.”
A long silence followed, as they crested the hill, and there in all his glory was Santa and his reindeer atop the house. Kagome sighed contentedly. What a difference a day makes. The previously cool and pristine home looked warm and inviting with the multicolored lights lining the driveway.
“We're home, my Lady,” said Hunter, stating the obvious, removing the keys about to get out and open her side of the door. Kagome placed a small hand on his.
“Is he trustworthy?”
“I have entrusted him with my life. To answer your real question, Miss Higurashi, Keiko is an Inuyoukai like Lord Sesshoumaru and was meant to be his mate. He refused, but to save face for her family to prevent a war by taking her in. You need to understand in that time what he had done was unthinkable. One night he came back from patrol and found his ward, now a young woman of twenty and his retainer dead. Both poisoned. Rin was a rare beauty, such as yourself, and was killed to prevent what some thought would be his choice for mate one day. As I understand it, the rival faction was killed but for their leader Naraku. Kagura was one of his minions and helped Sesshoumaru to find all but her leader in order to gain her own freedom. Keiko does not understand, but over time they grew closer and for a short time, they did share a bed. What is important for you to know Miss Higurashi is that he has not shared that bed with her for close to a hundred years, though she tiresomely tries.” sighed Hunter, gently removing his hand from below Kagome's.
“Thank you, Hunter. Can we talk again, when convenient, of course?”
“Anytime, my Lady. Are you ready?”
Kagome nodded and gathered her packages, pocketing the diary for later.
“Why do you and Jakotsu insist on address me as `My Lady?”
A broad smile eclipsed the handsome, craggy face. “I would think that is obvious, my Lady,” the mechanic answered looking up at the window to Sesshoumaru's private office.
The untrained Miko followed Hunter's gaze to the male that stood there with the impassive expression staring down at her before turning away. Kagome blushed.
“Take the catalogue with you and return those items,” Sesshoumaru pointed at the Louis IV chaise covered in puppy detritus. “Gretchen does not care for them,” intoned the former Western Lord with a serious expression.
Jakotsu snickered. “Gretchen doesn't like them…?” said Jak slowly.
Not bothering to look at his manservant, Sesshoumaru flipped papers on his desk with an irritable, warning growl. The little bonsai looked to be recovering nicely, he thought before repositioning it, so it could be seen from the door.
“I have indicated the items she wishes purchased for her comfort. Leave!” hissed Sesshoumaru impatiently.
“Have Miss Higurashi join me immediately and see to the children.”
“Yes, my Lord. Might I be so bold as to ask one final question?” said Jak in his best servile tone while flipping through the book, noting the sticky notes attached to key items listed.
“Speak and be mindful of what you say, Jakotsu. We still have yet to discuss your free handed use of the household funds in your misguided attempt to emulate their Saint Nicholas,” Sesshomaru said flatly, before gracefully sitting, steepling his fingers and awaiting what was sure to be an entertaining response.
“Ooh, yes, about that. Lord Sesshoumaru…” intoned Jakotsu obsequiously.
“This Sesshoumaru has noticed, Jak, your tendency to remember I am still the Western Lord of Japan, when convenient or your precious, much ballyhooed ass is in the grip of my claws?”
“Mmmm…In your dreams…” murmured Jak under his breath, straightening his shirt. Damn Inuyasha, he had torn the damn thing, now he would have to change.
“What was that? Afraid I missed it.”
Jak beamed at his lord, “My humble apologies…”
Sesshoumaru raised a claw with a malevolent gleam in his citrine eyes.
“You may continue with this ridiculous indulgence as they all have come to expect it. Going forward, have Keiko perform the task yearly in order to have a proper accounting.”
Breathing in relief, Jak bowed and headed for the door, stopped by the intake of Sesshoumaru's breath.
“Ooooh and Jak, let's make sure no further incidence occur such as this, otherwise Toukijin will find itself a new sheath, thoroughly inconveniencing Holtz. Do I make myself clear, Mister Hade?” hissed the Western Lord as his lips quirked malevolently.
“Perfectly, Mister Taishou,” replied Jak, sweat trickling down his back as he closed the door behind him.
“You okay?” said a deep familiar voice in concern. Violet eyes looking over the smaller pale figure with a half smile meant to reassure.
“He'd never hurt you, Jak. You know that, right? He's just hormonal and nervous `cause the love of his life is home and you pissed him off by sharing a secret with, of all beings, Kouga.” Miroku chuckled good-naturedly, pointing Jakotsu towards the stairs.
“The smalls need feeding and I need to find my woman and She-Who-Hates-Mirrors.”
Jakotsu chuckled, straightened himself and headed for the kitchen with his usual swish.
“Dinner is in fifteen minutes and we are not waiting for you…and thanks, Miroku.”
“Anytime. I cannot remember the number of times he has threatened me with Toukijin,” said the former priest heading down the hall.
“One thousand seven hundred and eighty-five to be exact,” smirked a rather smug Taiyoukai behind his closed study door as he broke a chicken treat in half, sniffed it suspiciously, then fed it to his little pearl. Jakotsu would behave for at least a week with luck.
She was here.
Small knuckles tentatively wrapped on the large rosewood door. Kagome bit her lower lip nervously. She had not seen him all day and she had much news to share.
Loud scuffling and grunts from below in the kitchen made Kagome whirl, as Kouga came barreling through the swinging doors, his back to her as Inuyasha snarled at the Ookami.
“ Oooowww! You little bitch! I don't care, Inuyasha, control your servants!” screamed the Prince holding his nose which had been blooded by a swift right from Jakotsu.
“ I'm leaving before she gets here. It's all fine and well that Sesshoumaru might kill me. She's insane. You have no idea what she's capable of when pissed and I can't risk it. Nor am I staying in the kitchen with that crazed Nancy sharp implim…”
What was Inuyasha staring at above them?
Kouga turned, already aware his worst fears had been realized. There was the faint sounds of Kagura chuckling, literally sharpening her nails, leaning against the living room door also looking up.
“Kagome? Ahhh, you're back. Everything alright? Insurance broker helpful was he? Anything I can help you with? I'd be more than happy,” babbled the Ookami fearfully. Backing up and running back through the kitchen door, he was closely followed by Inuyasha and Jakotsu, Kusanagi at the ready, Fillet de Wolf suddenly on the menu for the evening as appetizer.
“Kkkooooooooooouuuuga!!” bellowed the petite woman bounding down the stairs two at a time. Kagome face planted right at Kagura's feet just as Sesshoumaru's study door opened and he leapt over the banister, landing gracefully beside the prone female.
The Wind Sorceress backing away instantly as a small silver streak charging her, forcing her back through the living room doors.
“Sesshoumaru! Do something about your mutt now, before I accidentally kill it!” screamed the Sorceress who found herself on the dining room table once more, while a small and rather fearsome pup growled up at her.
“Kagome are you alright?” The Western Lord asked, practically lifting the miko to her feet, pulling her to him, her lithe body rigid in his arms.
“Yes, please let me handle this, my Lord.”
Amber eyes narrowed in thought, as small strong hands snaked around his waist, sighing, comforted by his embrace.
“Which?” he murmured lowering his head towards petal pink lips which greeted his softly.
“Both.” Kagome said, still livid.
“As you wish. The sooner you get them sorted, the sooner I get a proper kiss,” Sesshoumaru said silkily, kissing her forehead.
“I will be with Hunter in the garage should you need me, Miss Higurashi,” assured the Taiyoukai before taking his leave through the front door.
“Sesshoumaru! I said I will kill the little bitch if you don't call her off!” spat Kagura towards the door.
“You'll do no such thing, Miss Kagura.” Kagome said as evenly as she could manage through gritted teeth.
Kagura looked beyond the small figure at the door, eyes narrowing suspiciously.
“Where's Sesshoumaru? Get the fuck out. I don't wish to speak to you.”
“Then leave.”
Drawing herself up to her full height, Kagura walked the table, intentionally scrapping the wood's antique surface with her heels while approaching the small female below her.
“Who the fuck do you imagine you're talking to you upstart nothing? Have you any idea what I could do to you without batting an eyelash?” Kagura laughed maniacally throwing back her head.
Kagome bent and opened her arms to the pup.
“Come, Gretchen,” Kagome said with her best smiling voice.
The pup continued to growl up at the female her master disliked with a passion, caught between the need to bite the bitch on the table viciously or returning to the comforting pats and cuddles of the nice smelling bitch at the door.
“Gretchen! Come now!” the miko barked, causing Kagura to jump. Was she glowing?
The pup trotted to her side happily, giving Kagura one last warning growl.
“I'll take her,” came a male voice from behind.
“Of course, you would take her side you pervert!” said the Wind Sorceress, confused by the malevolent gleam in Miroku's eyes as he coolly appraised her from head to toe with his usual smile.
“Thank you, Miroku. Where are the children?” asked Kagome, her eyes never leaving the malevolent bitch as she handed the pup to her friend's fiancé.
“They are fine. Sango is with them now. Jak is in the back currently seated on the Ookami, awaiting your pleasure and Inuyasha is preparing the Woodsman's horses for their sleigh ride. All is right with the world, my Lady. So, do take your time,” Miroku answered, stepping back out the room and closing the door.
Kagome breathed out in relief.
“My Lady is it?” snorted Kagura, gracefully jumping off the table and walking around the still woman.
“Kagura, I am going to ask you for the last time to leave. No, I am not Sesshoumaru nor do I probably have the right to ask you to, but I need you to go. Have some pride why don't you. IT'S OVER!” whirled Kagome on one heel and looked up into the face of true hatred.
“You bitch!” Kagura swung. Kagome's lower spine connected with the edge of the table as both her hands braced her up, stunned by the sudden violent movement.
She was always told as a child, it took far more strength to withdraw from a fight, than to engage. The very premise of her family's ancient faith was founded on active passivity where possible. Yet, in that moment, Kagome's vision darkened. She saw red as her inner spirit warred in the presence of true evil. Why had she not felt this way when she had previously throttled Kouga? What was the difference? Oh yes, she was angry and she wanted to dissect him piece by piece, but never this; never this bilious feeling in the pit of her stomach this one being brought forth. It was like an old score to be settled and she, Higurashi Kagome, was the conduit.
Kagome breathed slowly, trying to get her emotions under control.
“Kagura, please leave this room,” Kagome whispered as her skin lit from within and she heard a distant hum within her ears as sentient thought faded.
The blood red talons approaching the smaller woman's face were caught by the wrist in a vice like grip, as Kagome spun her around and slammed the much taller woman into the wall with force.
“Are you hard of hearing, bitch? Leave! Or I will break your arm!” hissed Kagome, raising the Sorceresses arm higher, causing her to yelp in pain.
“Let me go this instant, you little whore!” screamed Kagura wincing in pain, as Kagome kicked her legs from under her and she landed on the floor rubbing her wrist.
“You are such a vile creature, Kagura. What the hell happened to you in life?”
Kagura chuckled while flexing her fingers, giving Kagome a sidelong look.
“I'll leave for now, but not before I give you a nice little present for the holidays. Are you ready little bitch? I want to make sure you're listening.”
“Shut up! I don't want to hear anything from you. Just go before I kick your ass through the door,” Kagome said tiredly, suddenly feeling pity for the crumpled mess at her feet, draped in green silken taffeta.
Righting herself Kagura stood, again towering over the smaller woman, who looked up at her fearlessly.
“It's about your precious former lover, Kouga. Who, I might add, isn't quite that bad in the sack. You must have been doing something wrong, my dear.”
Kagome stepped around the witch, opening the door silently. Kagura sauntered to it, only her head remaining in the room and she fixed Kagome with a malicious smile.
“Hmmm, not interested eh? Such a shame, but it's your lucky day. I'm feeling rather generous, unfortunately for you. You're ex- fiancé was the one who hired Houjo to burn your precious orphanage down. What a naughty Wolfikins, eh?” she said sweetly, taping Kagome on her nose.
“Tootles,” said Kagura airily, taking the stairs two at a time. Sesshoumaru wasn't going to know what hit him soon, best to leave, while the getting was good.
Kagome silently passed Miroku, Sango, and the children seated at the nook straight out the back door without a backwards glance.
“It was spring, wasn't it, early spring, if I remember correctly?” Kagome said conversationally to the male sitting in his car. The miko noticing with mild satisfaction the white knuckle grip he held the steering wheel with.
“What?” responded the Ookami, looking about nervously as he attempted to start his SUV once more, before getting out and opening the hood.
Kagome continued to stare at her former lover coolly, “When we first met. Do you remember?”
Jak passed Kagome with a smirk, handing her a black wire, as he skipped into the kitchen to a round of cheers from within lead by Hakudoshi.
“Jakotsu, you asshole! You disconnected the ground wire from the alternator!” screamed Kouga in frustration, slamming the hood closed and leaning against it, rubbing his temples. This just wasn't happening.
“Everything okay, Kagome?”
“Shhhhh, it's okay, boy. Yes, we are fine, Inuyasha. See you later,” The miko said, patting the soft nose of the more skittish of the geldings as they went round front being lead by Inuyasha.
“If you're sure, Sesshoumaru's out front if you need him. You don't even have to holler. He'll know if Kouga needs killing or not,” Inuyasha chuckled before gently slapping the reins to rounded rumps and clicking so the horses moved out at a walk, the pleasurable sound of sleigh bells in stark contrast to Kagome's current mood.
A long black wire dangled from Kagome's fingers. “Looking for this?” she asked softly standing in front of Kouga, as Inuyasha and the horse ambled along to the front.
Snatching it from her fingers, Kouga busied himself with repairing his car, glad from the distraction. It could have been his imagination but standing next to Kagome felt like being near a raw wire all of a sudden.
“I remember it like it was yesterday. There you were, the most magnificent thing, excluding Sesshoumaru, I had ever seen. I might have known appearances were deceiving,” she laughed self-deprecatingly looking down at her hands. In the dimming light they appeared to glow. How odd.
Kouga rounded on the small woman, suddenly irritated.
“Why, exactly, are we going down memory lane, right now? You've obviously chosen Sesshoumaru. So drop it and go get me a light or something. Better yet, get Hunter or his lackey Mars. I think the nasty, little shit, did something else in here I can't tell.” Kouga commanded distractedly about to lower his head back under the hood.
The Ookami's mouth opened and closed as his eyes filled with tears, the pain was excruciating. There was no question in his mind some of the bones to his right hand were broken. He couldn't feel his left.
“Why?” Kagome queried quietly, as she jumped up on the hood adding further pressure, unaware Sesshoumaru stood watching in the growing darkness with one brow raised in pleasurable surprise.
“Brass ovaries, she's got `em. I'd watch myself with that one, bro,” snorted Inuyasha watching, as Jak, Sango and the children rode off towards the main gates singing, “Jingle Bells.”
“Spirited, isn't she,” intoned Sesshoumaru, eyes narrowing in a predatory manner.
“Oh fuck. You're getting horny, just watching aren't ya? You're more like Jak than you think, into bondage and shit?! I'm so movin' out permanently before you start wearing restraints around the house and corrupting what little virtue I have left.”
“Hardly likely, my friend,” snickered Miroku, walking towards both Taishou's to watch the proceedings.
“Kag-Kagome please,” cried Kouga now on his knees. He had ceased to pull on his hands. For some time now the pain had intensifying to the point where he felt paralyzed.
“Answer me. Why did you have Houjo, my friend, burn my only home?” she said, easing off the hood and standing back from Kouga, afraid to be too close for fear of what she would do to him. The all-encompassing anger that Kagura had raised within her was still just under the surface.
“I don't know,” whimpered the Wolf Prince, nursing both hands in his lap. “Kagome, you broke my hands! What's wrong with you? How could you?” Kouga stammered, tears coursing down his face.
“Sesshoumaru, look at Kagome. I think this is now getting out of hand,” said the priest, about to move towards what promised to be more than they had all bargained for.
“No!” snapped the Western Lord, holding Miroku's shoulder. “Wait. If she has no control, I will approach. You have other matters to attend. Take Inuyasha with you,” commanded the Western Lord, citrine never leaving the scene playing out before him. This could prove problematic for their eventual mating later that night.
“Oi! Since I've been home, you seem to believe I am Jaken! I'm not! Where the fuck am I suppose to be going with the pervert now!?”
“Do you realize, in one moment, you destroyed what was left of my life and could have killed the very children you professed to adore?” she continued quietly, her entire body felt on fire, the very snow below her feet had melted.
“I-I made sure they were out. I would never hurt them! I brought them through the fucking well to save them from Naraku! I wouldn't hurt them, Kagome. Please, believe me,” whined Kouga, rocking back and forth.
“You mean the ancient well at the back of the house?”
“Yes, that well. I figured with it gone as well, no more Naraku. He would stay in our time unless he found another way through to your world. There is more than one way here to this time. In the last battle…”
“Get up! Stop sniveling. Take yourself inside and see Mars,” said a commanding deep baritone.
Mustering all his strength, Kouga raised himself and stumbled to the open kitchen door.
“Kagome, I never meant to hurt you. I do love you,” sobbed Kouga, as Mars dragged him by his collar through the back door.
“Come with me, Kagome. There is something you need to see,” said Sesshoumaru softly, holding out his palm to the small, trembling female who took it as they walked beneath the bright crescent moon towards the woods, though the frost was cruel.
Review Responses IVB - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Demonlordlover - (Big Smile) - Per our private conversation yes, they will be mated in Like Silk and we move on from there. Oh woman, the shit has yet to hit the fan. Kagome and the diary are more than the sum of their parts. Note also Kaede in this piece, way to placid and in the background and as you know with my particular bent, nothing is without reason. I am glad you continue to enjoy. See you soon. *REVERENT BOW* Accolades to you for founding the Dokagu Awards exclusively dedicated to Sesshoumaru & Kagome Fanworks, it is an award whose time has definitively come.
IvyStone - Thank you. That was the very point of the chapter to make you do just that. Life, as we both know has both joy and sadness and all combine to make it a bitter/sweet experience, Happy Holidays and I look forward to more of Kaidan in the New Year my friend.
Tana-san - So glad you enjoyed Christmas, and equally I hope you thoroughly enjoy the Rose Bowl, the work that goes into it is phenomenal to make all those beautiful floats. Well pleased you enjoyed the update (soft smile) and thank you. Gentle hugs and kisses always (wink).
Savewolf - Oh that sounds heavenly and I am so happy that you have enjoyed thus far. When time permits will be more than happy to indulge. In the meantime, I hope you continue to enjoy and thank you for your kindness.
ILovePrettySilverHair - (Wink) Yeah, I enjoyed that too. Of course, it has nothing to do with the Big Dog's preferences, perish the thought (chuckle). Thank you.
PirateQueen - I love Candidacy too, very subtle and it pulls you in. So nominating it for a Dokuga Award, no question in my mind, thank you so much, I too will miss it for a time (wicked grin), it is time however to finish TSNNAM then, I can focus on a work with Omizumaru, try my hand at FullMetal Alchemist and continue this story…oh…damn! Gave away the secret (wink).
Red-Smartiez - LOL! I actually love Inuyasha a lot, he is like a beautiful, naughty little puppy and I treat him as such. Though you want to spank him, you look into his eyes and you just can't. There is innocence there, and a great deal of warmth and need for approval, whether he admits it or not. Yes dear, I hope I took care of one of your Christmas wishes lol in the next part. You are most welcome as always. Happy New Year!
Daniela Gonzalez - ROFL! Yes, and I have you know my good woman, it was a very, very strong thought (snorts as she looks at Daniela's horrified expression) glad you enjoyed. Keep in mind he is a youkai, they heal extraordinarily well (wink).
TrueGemini - (Soft smile). Thank you. It is my sincere wish that you continue to enjoy.
BlackBarbie - And a fine New Year to you too my dear, glad you continue to enjoy. I did actually think of you when I wrote the bit with the car and Kagome. We neither of us are fun when pushed (wink), don't mistake our smiles and pleasant demeanor for stupidity…one does at one's own peril (wink).
SG21 - WOW! Thank you very much. I really sincerely hope you continue to enjoy. Unfortunately, I must put this story aside for now and go back to my original baby and sort it to conclusion and then pick up a few other things, but this story my dear is not done. In fact, the journey just began. Hope you will continue to enjoy. It will not be updated but for every 2 weeks. It is the only way it will be done. The chapters will be at least 10 pages per, no more. That is the only way I can complete it. See you soon and thank you.
Lovelessjayson - Thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy in the future. The journey has just begun. I do believe I wrote the world's longest prologue with Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou LOL!
Ezri Candy - (Big Smile)…Bach, Penny Farthing and Favourite things, you missed but one, a Child's Christmas in Wales by Dylan Thomas (man was freakin brilliant)…and yes, you probably would have gotten that, if I had not interfered with the Author's Notes as I am want to do, when I respond to reviews. Well done girl and glad you are enjoying this little thing. Thank you for the joy. Happy New Year! My editor cracks me up, her after notes at the base of her tireless corrections to my wanton abuse of syntax, always puts sub-lines where she spots my intentional homage to all my favourite things. She was the first to spot Good King Wenceslas throughout the entire piece. See you soon.
Rowdygirl - Thank you WOMAN! I am extremely visually inclined. Omizumaru (go read her, girlfriend is a killer!) and I are starting a new piece in the new year that we hope everyone will enjoy and it hasn't been written yet, but the first scene is mapped in my mind and the outline isn't even complete. It will be an adventure smut fest. Anyway, thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy.
LadyDogDemon - Hi, my Lady, thank you so much. I did go back and read, and no, it is actually meant to read that way. Over time, you will see that Keiko and Sesshoumaru are quite close, even though she is the mate/wife of Hunter. Hunter was relating to Kagome what Keiko had explained to him as to how Sesshoumaru and Kagura wound up sharing a bed for a short time. More to come in the coming months, I can easily see how that could have been misinterpreted. I will elucidate further when time permits and I thank you kindly for seeing the potential error. I always appreciate having my back watched by those interested in the story line. So thank you. Happy New Year my dear! (Big Smile and Hug)
Maddie50 - Hmmm rock and a hard place here, you are not the first to ask this question. Suffice it to say, some youkai came through a portal or two and yes, others have stood the test of time. I can tell you this, Sesshoumaru, Inuyasha, Jakotsu and Keiko did it the hard way by living the time period. Hope that helps. If I say anything more it interferes with the plotline. Yeah well, Sesshoumaru is a dog…in more ways than one, remember Moko-moko sama taking liberties with Kagome's feminine bits (looks meaningfully). Enough said. Thank you sweet lady for continuing to enjoy. I always giggle when I see your commentary.
Lindajrjt - Thank you Linda, I hope you continue to enjoy. Though this segment ends, we are a long way from the end.
FayMegan - Patience dear lady, hang tough, I believe it will be worth it (wink and chuckle). Thank you and I hope you continue to enjoy. Your answer is all the way at Part 11, hint hint.
FluffyShin - (Soft smile) Glad you continue to enjoy and you are most welcome as always.
Stiffinme - ROFL! Your moniker still makes me chuckle…naughty. Again, have patience, as I said above, if I reveal too much spoils the plotline, suffice it to say, some youkai got here in our time the hard way and others came through portals. Hang tough and I hope you continue to enjoy. We are far from done with this piece.
Sleepy Tuna Fish - WOW! Woman! I have never been called that before (wink). Glad you continue to enjoy.
Renji-s-Girl - More power to you woman and it was my pleasure, looking forward to the end result and thank you.
Trinity3000 - Thank you Trinity. Hmmm, same question, shorter answer. Some have come through time the hard way by living it, and others through portals. Now, beyond that I will not say as this story is far from done. It is, as they say, an appetizer. I hope you continue to enjoy. Patience is oft times rewarded (wink).
SugarOo - Simply, thank you, my dear. GET WRITING.
Violetcarson - LOL! Thanks, you are not only erudite woman! You are funny as hell and I do hope you continue to enjoy.
Zukee18 - Why you little devil you…well you should see Part 5 up now. Thank you for taking the time to review.
Author's Note
Thank you, and yes, reviews do remain fuel. I hope you enjoyed this leg of the journey. As I have said before, this is the longest Prologue in history to another story called Like Silk. I hope you continue to enjoy.
ElegantPaws…wishing you a joyous New Year! Part V is now up! Enjoy!