InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - Part V ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Dedicated to the real jewel of four souls….you, the reader.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea, horses and Gertrude
Reviews are fuel.

Part V of V - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
“What is it like?”
Radiant beams from heaven afar shone down on the two granite slabs, one smaller than the other, as Sesshoumaru stooped in front of them. His countenance was almost angelic in the crescent moon's light, wisps of air escaping his mouth as he spoke.
“Time moves forward, Kagome, regardless of one's best efforts to remember.”
“I'm sorry, Sesshoumaru.”
Pained amber looked up into soft brown. “Failure has a price and they paid it for my stupidity and lack of vigilance.”
A small hand reached out to the tall being. He took it, feeling the cold he had not noticed. She was freezing. Pulling the small body to him, he enfolded her in his arms, placing his head atop hers as they stood there in the hallowed silence of the night.
“Forgive yourself, Sesshoumaru. If they are as you described, they hold no grudges and would have gone to hell and back for you. Stop torturing yourself. They both loved you to distraction and would never wish you to carry this sadness through eternity. Real love, Sesshoumaru, does not countenance such pain.”
Kissing her forehead, he placed one finger under Kagome's chin. She was crying, but not for herself, he realized. Gently wiping her tear stained face, he lowered his head to hers. A feather light kiss brushed her lips, warming her through.
“Thank you, Kagome,” murmured the Western Lord against now warmed, soft lips. She snaked her hands within his great coat, pulling him closer. The radiant heat of his body permeated her own, freezing her blood less coldly.
“Prince Kouga?” came the quiet query as they walked towards the woodsman's cottage.
“I don't know, Sesshoumaru. I cannot find it in myself to forgive him, yet. I have to believe him when he says he would never hurt the children,” Kagome responded, still holding one large strong hand as they walked.
“Hn. He is many things; including self-possessed, quick to anger, and driven but cruel is not one of them. Kouga does not always think before he acts. In time, I hope you put your rage in abeyance, Kagome,” countered Sesshoumaru.
They stopped just yards from the little cottage whose chimney sent forth smoke. A light came through the two curtained windows invitingly.
“Shall we?” inquired the lord, with upturned lips. Kagome looked back at him quizzically.
“Who's in there?” she asked, now trudging behind the larger being in his footsteps. Her heart suddenly hammered uncontrollably. Sleigh bells and laughter approaching from behind, brought back a memory, she had no idea was her own.
“I've been here before, as were you and you…Oh my god!”
Kagome backed up from the Western Lord, the significance of the sleigh bells and the vagrant hitting her fully as she fell into the snow bank with terrified eyes.
Sesshoumaru turned, looking first towards the approaching sleigh with its merry occupants then at Kagome with a quirked brow.
“He would have died had I not taken action,” intoned the Western Lord matter-of-factly, offering his hand.
“Are you coming, Kagome? Or would you prefer to freeze your delectable rear in the snow? We haven't all night and there is the small matter of the diary to discuss.”
Hunter opened the cottage's door and smiled. She was strong and definitely a miko. The spell had faded much more quickly, but then, there were no co-incidences. Sesshoumaru's future mate had foiled his best efforts at subterfuge. Excellent! She was the right one. They would have need of this, given time.
“So you are saying the children are demons like yourself? Kan'na and Hakudoshi are this other being named Naraku's children for want of better words?” asked Kagome incredulously. Her eyes fixed on the silken image of the fluffy white dog on the mantle. She narrowed her eyes, turning to look at Sesshoumaru. It shared similar markings to the Western Lord, but for the crescent of his forehead.
“Our father,” Sesshoumaru answered in a seeming non sequitur, coming around the bar with a glass of red wine for her and a gin and tonic for himself. She took the drink and downed it at one go. Coughing slightly, she handed him the empty tumbler. Her attention remaining fixed on the portrait.
“Better?” Sesshoumaru asked, amusement and surprise in his voice. He returned to the bar for her refill.
“Much, thank you.” Kagome answered distractedly, before she turned around and leveled the Western Lord with a querulous look. They had privacy. All had gone to bed under threat Santa would not be visiting unless they slept. Even Hakudoshi acquiesced silently. Still somewhat unsure of his reception by the lord and perhaps not quite as sure about the existence of Saint Nicholas, he decided it was best to err this side of caution. Kouga, thankfully, made himself scarce, the moment they reentered the house.
Sesshoumaru met her gaze contemplatively, handing her a smaller refill. Kagome quirked her brow in feigned disapproval at his obvious attempt at censure and went to sit on the chaise. She tapped the space beside her, placing her glass down on the inlaid coffee table.
The clock chimed eleven times, the only sound other than the crackling fireplace.
“Where are Inuyasha and Miroku?” Kagome asked, as Sesshoumaru sat, pulling her to his chest to nestle as they both gazed into the fireplace. Both pondered the events of the day.
“They had a meeting, but will return,” answered Sesshoumaru furtively, stiffening slightly below her.
“You don't lie very well, Mister Taishou,” the miko intoned with a smile. Taking the wine glass from long, tapered, masculine fingers, she sniffed it delicately, before taking a sip.
“Merlot” she offered before leaning forward and placing it beside her own, turning in his arms and straddling his long legs. Sesshoumaru adjusted his position, amber eyes reflecting the dancing sparks of the fire light…waiting.
“Let us set some ground rules, shall we?” she said, as she gently outlined his lower jaw with one finger tip. “You are never to lie to me, and I will never lie to you, regardless of whether it hurts. I cannot abide lies, Mister Taishou.”
“Agreed, Miss Higurashi,” was the silky, sensual reply. He kissed the fingertip that grazed his lips gently, taking its tip between his lips and gently sucking it. Kagome hissed, closing her eyes.
“You are attempting to distract me,” moaned Kagome, her eyes narrowing. The heat of his lower body, and the hardening of his manhood beneath her rear, making evident his intentions.
Sesshoumaru chuckled, pulling her head forward. “When I choose to distract my future mate, she will know without question. Continue, while you are still capable of coherent thought, Miss Higurashi.”
Kagome groaned, grinding her firm cheeks into his lap with a smirk. “Touche, my Lord. As I was saying… Wait?! What do you mean your `future mate?'” Kagome said, her sensual, languid movements stilling as she looked into amused, pinked amber. Sesshoumaru fingers grasped her waist firmly, pressing her down into his pulsing need.
“I thought that obvious by now? This Sesshoumaru intends to mate with you permanently, giving you the gift of time and he a worthy companion who will bear him many, healthy pups.”
“You are no better than Kouga!” Kagome hissed, her anger rising as she attempting to dismount unsuccessfully, the Western Lord's hips.
“That is uncalled for, Kagome. This Sesshoumaru offers you a gift unparalleled for a mortal woman and this is your reaction?”
Recognizing, the fight would be useless, Kagome resettled on his lap, trying desperately to ignore her moistening core, regardless of his egotistical stance, what irritated her most was one missing word, love. Since when had she become a milk cow, suitable only for someone's seed and nothing more?
“So, I am suitable breeding stock, fit to carry your seed?” she said between clenched teeth, glaring into rapidly cooling citrine. Sesshoumaru closed his eyes in annoyance. He was unsure how to rescue the situation that, moments before, held sensual promises of delight.
Taking a deep breath, Sesshoumaru replied.
“I desire you to be my companion through life, Kagome. This Sesshoumaru does not take mating lightly. We both being healthy, will have offspring. This is as nature intends, continuity, Kagome. Do you not wish the same? Am I not a suitable mate in your eyes?” Sesshoumaru queried without an ounce of emotion in his voice. Cool citrine opened as the muscles within his chest tightened, looking into querulous brown, awaiting her answer, never so afraid in his existence.
She remembered her earlier conversation with Hunter, the quiet care the Western Lord had taken in seeing to her ever needs and that of her children and Kaede's comments. Kagome's trepidation eased, as a quiet warm epiphany hit her squarely in the heart. She could imagine being with no other, regardless of what that entailed.
“Yes Sesshoumaru, I choose to take this journey with you, regardless of what it may bring,” Kagome whispered.
Lowering her head to his, she sealed their private vow with a gentle kiss. Tentatively, strong arms wound around her, pulling her to his chest. A low groan escaping both their lips, as they explored the sweetness of each other's mouths hungrily, their combined body's heat growing by increments.
The conversation of the diary would be dealt with later. There were far more pressing needs to be fulfilled. Lifting the small being, Sesshoumaru stood abruptly carrying her up the stairs effortlessly, her long legs wound tightly around him. Closing the bedroom door with his heel, he approached the bed, gently laying the female down, still kissing her lips. He would thank Jakotsu later for having the foresight of turning the bed down, lighting the fireplace, and leaving a light, cold supper in the private sitting room that doubled as his private sanctuary and office.
Dark, speculative amber eyes looked in the rear view mirror at the unshaven, sleeping male in the backseat. Yes, the similarity was striking, no question about it, even with the rapidly swelling lower jaw.
“What do you make of him?” the hanyou asked quietly before yawning himself.
Miroku turned, looking over his shoulder at the unconscious male and shrugged.
“Seems well meaning, if a bit strident,” replied Miroku, shaking out his hand, revealing bruised knuckles. “Right now, I need an ice pack and my bed. Thank you very much for your less than able assistance, Inuyasha.”
“If I had hit the kid, he'd never wake up again,” snickered Inuyasha, giving a long quizzical look to the still figure in the back. “I suppose that means I get the pleasure of his company for the first part of the night?”
Miroku gave the hanyou a sidelong glance. Inuyasha did look tired.
“I'll take first watch. Relieve me at 4am. I still have some details to check with Interpol. The natives are growing restless, so to speak.”
Inuyasha gripped the wheel, causing the leather to groan beneath his fingers, “Nah, you do whatever needs doing first. He ain't wakin' in the near future. I can take shut eye as it comes and hear him stir while you're dead to the world.”
The former houshi chuckled. “Ahh yes, those puppy ears of yours. Very useful at times,” agreed Miroku.
“Yes, Inuyasha?”
“Do you think Kagome looks like Kikyou?” the hanyou asked quietly, lower jaw tensing.
“There is a resemblance, yes. Do not put much stock in anything Kagura says in a fit of jealous rage, Inuyasha.” Miroku responded firmly, glad finally they could see the main house on the hill.
“Feh, I don't give a shit what she thinks. I was just wonderin' if there is a real connection. I mean, the house was really a shrine, and from what you've sussed she is an untrained miko. Way too many coincidences, don't ya think?” Inuyasha insisted quietly, afraid to wake the sleeping male in the backseat.
“I agree, Inuyasha. Let's take the back way in. Let's not run the risk of running into Kagome tonight.”
“'Kay, not that the horn dog would notice. I'm sure they're mated by now. I seriously need to get laid soon. I think I'm actually jealous. Everyone in this house is getting a piece but me,” groused the half-demon good naturedly, before his amused expression took on a chill.
“No matter what happens this time, you will stand down, Miroku. Tenseiga only works once. He's mine.”
Miroku chose not to answer directly, instead flexed his hand. “Remind me one day to thank your brother. Miracles do happen, Inuyasha.”
Inuyasha snorted, “I thought you gave up that line of work, talking all that spiritual shit? If you think I am going to allow you to give him one more reason to be a bigger pompous ass than he already is, you're mistaken.”
“He loves you too, Inuyasha.” Miroku replied as they approached the back of the house.
Kagura's car was nowhere in evidence. Both males looked at each other and smiled broadly.
“Okay, so you might have a point there, about miracles. Good riddance to bad rubbish,” said the hanyou with a breathtaking, fangy smile that lit up his handsome face. “Let's get him inside.”
Getting out into the cold night air, Inuyasha groaned and shook his head. “I really, really need to get laid soon, or those two are gonna kill me,” Inuyasha said under his breath, sighing tiredly.
Miroku quirked his head at his friend in question, not having his sensitive hearing, then shrugged, as no answer was forthcoming from the hanyou. And he thought him a pervert, indeed.
“Let's take him to the cottage for the night.”
“Excellent thought, Miroku.”
The fire's light glowed against pale, taut muscles of arms and broad shoulders. Silken sheets slid down the male's hips further with each rhythmic thrust of his hips. Their lips meet in a searing kiss. Low moans of pleasure escaped, Kagome's own as blunt nails dug into his lower back, encouraging his conquest of her willing flesh.
A hot, tongue lathed her neck, her pulse quickening under his tender insistent ministrations to thin, delicate flesh. Gentle nips accompanied the momentum of his hips as he drove into her tight, quivering heat without cessation.
“Kag…ahhh…ome” rasped the demon through clenched teeth.
Ruby eyes looked down into her very soul, as he continued to grunt in pleasure at her near painful grip of his member. Slowing his pace unexpectedly, Kagome arched her back off the bed, and threw her head back. Red feral eyes, spied the bluish vein pulsing. Sesshoumaru's fangs extending as his mouth began to water in anticipation. Kagome's lust blurred vision saw the predator above her, frightened, yet, uncaring at the moment. Her body's sole focus was on the throbbing, hot flesh impaling her loins repeatedly.
She licked her lips, tasting his sweat and the mingled essence of their previous coupling as he kissed her passionately once more. He withdrew almost fully, releasing a low growl of satisfaction, as she moaned in protest, attempting to follow his body's movements to recapture him fully. Kagome whimpered and gazed back dazedly into his eyes. Her little brows furrowed in annoyance. His pale lips had a predatory smile.
“Will you join me, Kagome through time?” he murmured against her lips, sliding his male heat against, her swollen womanhood teasingly.
Kagome growled, pulling his head to her face forcefully. Coiling her legs around his lower back, glaring, drugged daggers up at him, she kissed him with no small amount of passion. Her little tongue dueled his, their teeth clashing. She had answered without need of words.
Sesshoumaru drove into her none too gently, causing Kagome to gasp and he to release a jagged breath. Strong arms quickly adjusting to his sides, raising her legs further up his body, before plunging into her tight, scorching wetness once more.
“Ahhh, Sessshoooooumaru….yeeeeesssss… for eternity,” Kagome moaned, tilting her head back once more granting him access to her neck. The tight coil within her lower body that threatened to drive her over the edge, released as she floated. Sesshoumaru roared in pleasure as he sank his fangs into the juncture of her neck, filling her loins with his hot seed in unending waves with the force of her inner grip.
Kissing the tip of her nose, Sesshoumaru looked down on his mate, sweat causing his skin to glow. Sleepy brown eyes opened lazily, a soft sated smile on her lips.
“I'm the one that's suppose to glow, Mister Taishou, not you,” Kagome said in a half whisper. She pushed aside his soaked bangs and, kissing his crescent gently, ignored the slight discomfort she felt at her neck. He must have bitten her or something in the throws of their passion.
“You're turn, Miss Higurashi,” said the handsome male hovering above her, whose gaze was focused on her much abused lips. The sight of which caused him to harden once more within her. Kagome snickered tiredly, and undulated suggestively under him, causing the Western Lord to shudder and groan.
Kagome yawned, stretching her hands behind her head. Clasping the back of her head with a smug expression, she tightened her feminine walls once more. All those kegel exercises were not for naught after all. Sango swore by them.
“You devil,” hissed Sesshoumaru, slamming into her for good measure. He received, for his punishment, a tired mewl, a licentious grin and the delicate fluttering of sooty lashes.
“Kagome, listen. You must share my blood,” Sesshoumaru said. He kissed her lips, stifling the protesting blurt, he knew would surely come. He had surmised correctly.
Small hands pushed at broad shoulders, looking into still pinked, amber eyes.
“Come again?” Kagome exclaimed, eyes twice their usual size.
Sesshoumaru chuckled and nuzzled her neck, licking the puncture, easing its sting.
“I intend to but first there is the small matter of you nibbling your mate here,” he said as he made a small incision with one claw. A slow trickle of dark blood came to the surface of his pale, opalescent skin.
Kagome scrunched her nose and closed her eyes at the very thought of his suggestion. Still, the blood flowed, a drop falling onto her lips, Kagome squeaked, opening her mouth in protest. It was sweet, a bit bitter, but pleasant. Looking back into amused almond shaped eyes, she sighed, closed her eyes tightly, and licked at the wound.
A slow, progressive heat coursed through her body. And soon the lick became a suck and then a nip, as she tried to get more of this new heady essence from her mate. Sesshoumaru had to gently push at his mate, so her little teeth could release his flesh, allowing it to heal.
The miko licked her lips, somewhat embarrassed by the need she had suddenly felt to absorb all of him in so personal a manner.
“Can I do that again? You not only look good, Mister Taishou, you taste divine.”
“You may, my Lady, first, we eat. I suspect you must be hungry,” he said. He inveigled her to follow by easing out of her and sliding down her body to the foot of the bed, leaving a trail of promissory kisses down her form.
Kagome purred contentedly and dutifully followed a very firm naked backside (that kept winking at her through long silver tresses) to the adjoining room. Neither had bothered to dress. What was the point?
“Merry Christmas, Miss Higurashi,” she murmured to herself, rather pleased with the display in front of her. That ass and her teeth had a date.
A silver head swung around, amber eyes with thick silver lashes crinkled in amusement, returning to the important task of preparing a plate of succulent fare.
She would need the energy.
Soft lips against his neck woke the Western Lord; a first. Warm brown eyes looked into his with something more than lust. Perhaps it was love, he dared not hope.
“Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou,” Kagome said, putting a flat silver box on his chest tied with white satin ribbon.
Kissing him soundly on his lips, she jumped off the bed, her round breasts jiggling and the gentle curve of her hips reminding him of why he was so tired this morning. Kagome chuckled at the tent that had forming within the sheets.
“You could join me in the shower, a cold one, Mister Taishou, but first open that. It isn't much, but I hope you like it. We can solve the mystery within, together,” Kagome said mysteriously. Her eyes were glazed. He noted with male pride, as she looked him over once more and headed for the bathroom hurriedly before her resolve was broken. She wanted to be downstairs before the children. Half the joy of Christmas morning was the look on their faces as they rampaged through their gifts.
Sesshoumaru held the small box in his hand. He knew it contained the diary. The sound of Kagome whistling surprised him, as the shower started. She was a far greater enticement, he thought, throwing off the covers to join her, closing the bathroom door behind him quietly.
“Merry Christmas, Miss Higurashi. I believe a thank you is in order,” Sesshoumaru purred into her ear. The shower's spray hit his back like tiny hot pins while he slowly thanked the wet, soft skin below his lips. He slid down her body, settling between her thighs for a proper morning's greeting of his mate.
Inuyasha slammed his fork down on the island, glared up towards the ceiling, cursing under his breath.
“I'm going to collect him from the cottage, if anyone's interested. I'll be back for breakfast. I hope his tongue falls off,” he ground out at a confused Holtz, who in turn looked at Jakotsu. The head of staff shrugged non-committally, continuing to beat the eggs into the batter with an innocent expression.
“It must be close to his time of the month,” said Jakotsu in lieu of a proper explanation.
Holtz blanched.
“I mean,” said Jak realizing his blunder, “Lord Inuyasha becomes fully human each month at the full moon for twenty-four hours.”
Holtz processed the information and continued cutting thick slices of ham, putting them to fry. “Do we protect him then?”
Jak smiled fondly up at the big strapping male, touching his cheek softly, looking away shyly.
“With our lives, as he would do for us. Now let's get busy. Ayame is setting the table in the dining room. The children will be down shortly as well as the rest of the staff and, of course, Miroku and Sango. We don't have to worry about the Wolf. Mars drove him to his condo earlier. Asshole. You should have seen his face, so pleased his right hand was working already. At times like this, I wish he were mortal.”
“What about Lord Sesshoumaru and Lady Kagome?” asked Holtz, soft blue eyes watching the smaller male's precise movements about the kitchen with a tender smile.
Jakotsu's face took on a lascivious grin. Deep green eyes watched the retreating back of his friend through the window, fully aware of why Inuyasha felt the need to leave.
No, he did not have Inuyasha's hearing but understood his behaviors and that of his brother's to a tee. Inuyasha, as much as he protested to the contrary, was shy and easily embarrassed by sex. Sesshoumaru, who did not engage nearly as frequently as his younger sibling, was in actuality, the real sensualist of the two.
“Well, if our master can extricate his tongue from the sheath of his delicious mate, they may well join us. Still, you make a very valid point. Prepare them a tray in case.”
Holtz blushed.
The morning went off without a hitch, but for the fact Inuyasha had gone missing since breakfast.
The living room floor was strewn with paper hurriedly torn through and the happy squeals of the young. Kagome was content, as she sat curled in Sesshoumaru's lap, reading the diary, while Sango and Hakudoshi waged war against each other onscreen. The Wii had gone over well with the Kendo Master, despite her protests at receiving the gift. Miroku was fully engrossed in a spy novel, a first edition by Trevanian, signed before his death. Shippou was very happily sorting through enough coloring and painting supplies to last him an eternity. Kagome chuckled as she saw the horrified expression on Sesshoumaru's face.
Kissing the Western Lord's nose to reassure him his prized carpets would come to no harm, she helped Shippou erect the aisle off the carpeted area of the living room, first laying down a rather large plastic cloth, helpfully supplied by Jakotsu. Even Kan'na, though not smiling, was focused attention on 2,000 piece puzzle, of what else, an inlaid mirror. Jak did think of everything.
Kagome turned with a smile towards the lounge. Sesshoumaru had left, as had the diary.
The clock in Sesshoumaru's private study chimed six. A hand tentatively touched Kagome's shoulder as she stared fixedly through the window waiting for his car to return. She shrugged the well-meaning hand off, as she began to sob again.
“I'm staying. Leave me, please Sango, I-I'm fine,” she mumbled unhappily. It was ridiculous but she felt abandoned.
“No you're not, honey. Come downstairs and sit with us. You have been up here for hours,” Sango said brooking no argument. She forced Kagome to face her, embracing her and shooshing her friend.
Kagome's teary eyes landed on the little bonsai on the escritoire. It was flourishing and currently sported an intricate, delicate bandage on its injured limp. Gently, she removed herself from Sango's warm embrace with a nod, and moved towards the desk. She picked up the little tree with a sad smile, noting the workmanship of the sling, before carefully placing it back.
“He does take care of everything he touches,” Kagome intoned.
“At the very least, Kagome, I try,” came the familiar baritone in the doorway.
Sango coughed politely and excused herself, disappearing as quickly as she came through the adjoining door.
Kagome stared at the being in silhouette. “Where were you?” she asked with a strained attempt at calm.
“Retrieving the future Mrs. Taishou's skittish Christmas present. Since you insist on spoiling the surprise,” Sesshoumaru said flatly stepping into the light, looking decidedly mussed and in need of fresh clothing.
Not what one would expect in that moment, but Kagome put her head back and bellowed with sudden laughter. Sesshoumaru quirked a none too pleased brow at his mate. One side of his spectacles tilted and fell away, the rest of it following suit to the carpeted floor. Kagome bent and retrieved them. Out of curiosity, she put what was left of them on, little brows furrowing in confusion, then repeated the process, as warm arms wrapped around her waist, anticipating her next words.
“Sesshoumaru, these aren't prescription are they?”
“That is neither here nor there, I like them,” he said defensively, clearing his throat.
It took Kagome a moment to compose her facial expression before looking up into the most beautiful amber jewels she had ever seen. “That's alright, baby. We will get you a brand new pair on Boxing Day. There's bound to be a sale,” she said, kissing the tip of his nose. He tried to glower unsuccessfully.
“Hn…help me with my bath. Then and only then, will you receive your present,” commanded the Western Lord, pulling his mate behind him. She laughed and he cringed, recognizing, he had killed others for less and would again.
Two hours and fourteen minutes later, the duo appeared at the top of the stairs looking somewhat flushed. Inuyasha rolled his eyes heavenward and sauntered into the study Gretchen at his heels, Miroku followed behind a lecherous grin firmly in place.
“You don't think they…” Kagome stammered, feeling embarrassed and blushing profusely.
“Yes, they certainly do, my Lady. It is the natural order of things between attentive mates,” drawled Sesshoumaru in his usual deep, bored register. He tightened his grip on the small hand in his.
Entering the study, silence fell, as everyone stood including, Hunter and Keiko, who had apparently arrived earlier. Kagome smiled with them broadly. She knew they would be friends. She hoped to learn much of the Inuyoukai culture from the female Inu, who had known her mate for centuries and had his full trust. Smiling pleasantly with everyone in the room, Sesshoumaru took her around the pool table, leading her to sit in the first chair she had occupied just a few nights before. The seeming co-incidence was not lost on either of them. The Western Lord's stoic expression gave way to a wink meant only for her to see, before rising. Warm brown eyes followed his rear, well cosseted in the same cords and sweater she had met him in. The only two changes in his current appearance were that his hair was unbound and he wore no gold-rimmed spectacles.
Kagome chuckled to herself nervously, knowing there was some manner of presentation about to happen unsure of how she should act. Shippou's happy, paint streaked face beamed at her. Hakudoshi, too, had a streak of paint in his hair and did not quite have the usual malicious glare to his countenance. Kagome sighed. She would work that out later with the boys. She knew the amnesty could never have lasted the entire day without incident. Kan'na lay peacefully asleep in Ayame's lap. Inuyasha stood by the mantle with his arms crossed, warming his derriere, the usual smirk in place.
Kagome stood, aside from Ayame and Kan'na everyone else in the room was standing, but for the one figure in shadow by the door, standing next to Sesshoumaru. Kagome tentatively began to bow in greeting, her eyes never leaving the figure in the doorway.
The silhouette advanced into the light. Tired, brow, almond shaped eyes, similar to her own, filled with apologetic tears as he rushed into her arms.
Taller than his sibling but still the younger of the two, he dropped to his knees, placing his head on her stomach, wrapping his hands around her waist, as both sobbed uncontrollably.
Souta had come home. Kagome's eyes traveled to Sesshoumaru's, thanks implicit in her expression.
Gently Kagome carded the long, unkempt hair through her fingers. From a boy, its color and texture had always surpassed hers, in her opinion. It felt then and now, like silk.
The End…for now (wink).
Review Responses V of V - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
Nilee1 *REVERENT BOW* - Succinct and humbly received, I thank you too and may the New Year keep you in good sted.
Priestess Skye - Thank you very much and you did want to see one particular part you sensual beastie ^_~… so no I didn't <i>really</i> hold out on you. Glad you enjoyed. I hope the rest of the story proves to your liking too.
Faye - Equally, I hope you had a marvelous holiday season too. Thank you.
Tana-san - ^_^ Awesome! Thank you so much. Gentle hugs…sensuality must vary with the scene, I well agree. See you soon. As to the phrase I love you, I have often found, oh yes, the words in and of themselves are important, but more so the content of the heart as shown, is infinitely sweeter.
Red Smartiez - ^_~ LOL! You are most welcome. See you soon and I will do my best.
PirateQueen - LOL! There are a few zingers in there including `that time of the month' only one person caught it lol. I am honoured and so very glad you enjoyed the prologue. Entirely different topic…is there even a bad song in the Sound of Music? NOT!
Drianax - Well, I think I will be due for a spanking since “Like Silk” will not show up for another at least five weeks (looks shame faced). Patience young miss and I am extremely glad you enjoyed. You picked up on that did you…there is no happenstance with 99% of what I put to keyboard. It eventually shows up and integrates. It's like a puzzle, if you are so inclined to see it. Oooooooh, Ooooooooh, never mind that woman. BABYLON 5 is the best tele-play sci fi piece ever done! Oh freakin eh! Another Bab Freak - DEEP DEEP BOW. Douglas Netter is a GOD! I bask at his feet. Had the distinct pleasure of meeting the quiet unassuming one, I am in love with his brain. It is like sitting at the feet of Gamaliel. He is soooooooooo fabulous and not a fat head either, now that is a great human being. Believe me, he is as messianic as what he gifted us with as a Producer and Writer. Fabulous human being and like all great beings, he doesn't take himself too seriously. We all go to the bathroom (wink). Happy New Year! He, like so many others have gifted us with nothing more than the need to get something out of his head into the reality we all share with no other thought than that. In that, there is greatness.
IvyStone - Thank you, so very much, my dear. It brought tears to my eyes also and now you know where the name of the piece comes from. More to come in the coming months. Thank you for understanding the emotion behind the entire piece. Humour masks a great deal oft times (soft smile). You are so welcome. See you soon my friend.
Miss Teak - *REVERENT BOW* I am honoured, truly. Welcome home. May you continue to enjoy over the coming months.
Tilayha - ^_~ Thank you hon. Looking forward to the next part of your tale. There are several bits hidden in plain sight in this piece…re Miroku and Inuyasha and the previous battle here. No one has however spotted it, or mentioned it thus far. It will become more self evident over time…but the groundwork is there. I hope you continue to enjoy. I like creating a mosaic…it is way more fun when it hits the reader later…at least it is for me. I don't like everything explained to me as I read. Part of the adventure is me making discoveries as I read a piece. Those pieces hold my interest.
Sabashi - Yes, what about them…you will have to stay tuned LOLOL! See you relatively soon and thank you.
Ezri-Candy - Sometimes brevity is very thing…thank you (soft smile). I have to re-visit and read the last three chapters of TSNNAM myself, so I don't forget where I am lol. Join the club. Huggles…see you soon. I am truly honoured.
Sleepy Tuna Fish - One of these days I must ask you about that moniker of yours LOL! Still, thank you, thank you so much. See you soon. Happy New Year. Yes, my dear it was a prologue…a rather long one.
Stiffinme - ^_~ hang tough and glad you enjoyed. LOL! Yes I am evil, it took you this long to work that out, and here I thought you clever (chuckle). Hugs and thank you very, very much.
Trinity3000 - Why thank you Trinity. I am glad I lightened the load. We are in a new year, and I wish you the very best for 2008. A lovely number on so many levels (wink).
TruGemini - Happy New Year! (Big Smile). Me too, Part 28 of TSNNAM is in various pieces on a disc that I will attend to this weekend. I have all Sunday to sort it in the right order and add in the missing bits lol. So I too am looking forward to it. See you soon. You are most welcome as always.
Kawaii Kilala - ROFL! Yes, again, I am a mean mean mean EP. I find the imagination works so well (wink). The tone and feel of this piece requires a little difference in presentation. Yes, yes, I know, I was a horrid meanie, but I trust you will forgive over time and thank you.
Savewolf - I am so glad you have enjoyed and I sincerely hope you continue to when the piece continues in February. Happy New Year!
A Reviewer - Happy New Year too and you are most welcome, see you soon (soft smile).
ILovePrettySilverHair - THANK YOU! You are most welcome and thank you equally for taking the first part of the journey with this story.
Hasu86 - How is this for brief ^_~ THANKS SEXY! All the best for the New Year!
Renji-s-Girl - ^_~ Always a pleasure. You think so eh? Several others have said the same thing. I guess it is about the vernacular used and the modernity. It actually requires less to put it in place and time with our understanding of the world and that probably has most to do with it. Glad you enjoyed and thank you very much, as always,
looking forward to it (wink).
SugarOo - Yes, what am I going to do with it indeed (chuckle)…stay tuned my dear and HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Thank you all very much for sharing this journey…thus far. May the first week of the New Year be kind and all your deepest, warmest wishes come to light.
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