InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou - ON HOLD ❯ Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou Part VI ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

DISCLAIMER - The ownership and general brilliance that is the original Feudal Fairy Tale remains the property of its honored and rightfully revered creator Rumiko Takahashi without whose brilliance, we would not have fodder.
Edited By: Meara, fond of tea, horses and Gertrude
Background: A year has passed rather eventfully for the pair.
Reviews are fuel.

Part VI - Merry Christmas, Mister Taishou
“It is picture perfect, like a Currier and Ives postcard.”
Under other circumstances the hanyou might have appreciated the frost and icicle covered trees that flanked the usually well worn path that lead to the woodsman's cabin.
Not tonight.
Inuyasha shot an angry look at his companion and adjusted his pack for the third time, giving Miroku a push.
“Let's get this over with! I'm not going to freeze my nuts off out here so you can get all poetic and shit.”
A crooked smile curved Miroku's frozen lips in lieu of apology. It was hard going; far harder than either had anticipated. So much for a pleasant, brisk, bracing walk beneath the star filled sky. What should have been a twenty minute walk had become nearly an hour of battling unusually fierce winds in knee deep snow drifts.
“You're getting soft, Inuyasha. There is nothing like a nice, bracing walk every now and then. Puts hair on your palms.”
Miroku took a lung full of air and fiddled with his own pack, which was considerably lighter, and trudged forward.
Inuyasha regarded his friend's handsome, wind-bussed profile accusingly, taking small comfort in the fact that Jack Frost was more than nipping at Miroku's entirely red nose.
“Fuck you, Rudolph! Get some other reindeer to follow your sorry ass around next time. Bracing walk, my frost bit ass! We should'a taken the Rover.”
Amused violet turned and met furious amber with cheeky wink, a gloved index finger poking between dark brows. “Yeah…I know. I'm sorry, Inuyasha. It is a bit…ahh cold.”
The hanyou swatted the errant finger in irritation.
“Quit it! That's the second time you've done that!”
Miroku snickered.
“I'm amazed they haven't knitted together by now. What are you worried about?”
“You're growing senile. You know that, right?! Pretty soon, we'll have to put you in an Old Perverts Home. You're getting desperate without Sango around and startin' to cop a feel off guys. I should warn Jak.”
Pulling himself up to his full height, Miroku snorted indignantly. “I'll have you know, I left the priesthood honorably and Jakotsu is not my flavor and spoken for.”
“Oh yeah…real honorable, caught red handed coping a feel of some chick's boobs in the middle of an exorcism. If Lord Fussy Britches didn't scare the crap out of her old man, all know you woulda been haunting some shrine somewhere without your `boys'. Don't think I don't recognize that necklace you gave Sango as an early Christmas present. Honorable my ass! You're nothin' but a pervert and a thief!”
The smile that had previously graced Miroku's lips froze as his eyes narrowed with a hint of menace.
“Like your brother, those brows have a language all their own. They've been working at a frenzied pace over the last mile or so. What gives?”
“Fuck off! My personal life is not up for discussion!”
“What personal life?”
“Miroku, don't push it. You're the reason we are out here and right now the urge to thump you for your fucked up sense of morality is getting' stronger. So don't start nothin' you can't finish. My balls are freezing. Let's do this!”
“T.M.I., Inuyasha.”
“Too much info, my frost bit ass!”
“Frost bitten.”
“That's it! Keep pissing me off, Miroku and I will spay your sorry ass right here and now!”
“Miroku!” Inuyasha growled curling his fists. “I'm warning you!”
“Fine, I agree, not one of my best ideas in the last six hundred years, but it was either get Mister Nicholas' supplies to him by foot or stick around and listen while Holtz and Jak play bury-the-salami. Which would you have preferred?”
“Don't make me barf, their worst than those two.”
Miroku waggled his brows and sighed with a wistful look.
“I don't know about you, Inuyasha but I miss my little vixen and can't wait to pick her up tomorrow. Speaking of sexy partners, are you going to ask your little shopkeeper to New Year's dinner?”
Inuyasha reddened with embarrassment. “It's none of your business, pervert and what's it to you if I am?”
“Just curious how long you two are going to play this unrequited lust game. Life's too short, Inuyasha, even for the likes of you and I. Why does that make me a pervert?”
The tall, dark clad figure stopped and turned to face his accuser, his black shearling coat billowing about him like a cape in the sudden unnatural gust of wind.
Both males froze in their tracks. Before them were fresh foot prints leading to the cottage.
A feral gleam entering Inuyasha's opalescent eyes as he sniffed the air about him with a menacing growl, “Windy has a death wish. She was told never to set foot on this property, particularly as she is keeping company with Naraku again.”
Miroku bent to further examine the tracks.
“It seems she is not alone. Two sets by the look of things; one considerably heavier in their tred than the other.”
Broad shoulders hunched defensively against the bone chilling wind as they both looked about them with suspicion.
“Someone has also been to see, Mr. Nicholas.”
“No shit.”
Miroku gave a cursory glance about him, smile intact as he gazed back at the main house and continued to walk forward with more urgency in his long strides, Inuyasha at his side.
“Wonder what she is playing at?”
“Like I give a shit. I've already given her fair warning.”
Inuyasha breathed into his half gloves in an attempt to warm clawed hands as he leapt upon the porch of the compact dwelling prepared to kick in the door and ask questions later.
“Kagura has always liked playing with fire and I haven't decided yet.”
“I must be approaching senility. I actually understood what you just said. Anyway, Hunter will take care of things and if all else fails, there is her nemesis…”
Inuyasha's snickered, imagining what must be occurring on the front porch of the main house as they spoke.
“Yeah, Jak'll handle it.”
Miroku chuckled and slapped Inuyasha good naturedly on his back while cautious jewel toned eyes looking about him. The former priest's muscles coiled tightly, prepared for anything as he stomped the last of the remaining snow from his boots and joined Inuyasha on the porch.
“Why, Inuyasha, you made a funny. Remember, be nice. I don't sense any other presence. Do you?”
The hanyou's shook his head. His large eyes blinked at his friend in confusion before grinning broadly. It was true. Jakotsu was a Jackal when he wanted to be - albeit one with psychopathic tendencies and a fondness for sharp implements. Kagura had her work cut out for her if she was stupid enough to make an appearance without Sesshoumaru or Kagome as referee.
“Nah. Nothin' demonic.”
Miroku stared, momentarily stunned by the sight of glistening fangs. No matter how often he saw them, it was always disconcerting. A subtle reminder, other than his ears, that they were not of the same species - well, not entirely anyway. In some ways, Inuyasha remained far more frightening than his brother. Where Sesshoumaru had trained his bestial side, his younger sibling still allowed it full reign more often than not.
“Why now, do you think? She has carefully avoided the estate in the last year. We know for a fact that she has been seen with Naraku on more than one occasion and, up to last week, she was spotted having an intimate dinner with Kouga.”
“Don't know. Don't care. It's your job to figure out that intrigue bullshit. Me, I'm going to choke the bitch as soon as we get done here. If anything is left, you can ask all the questions you want. So let's do this and get back to the house before Jak does something I won't regret.”
A large, half gloved fist rose and pounded on the thick, wooden door violently. They heard slow movement within as the door cracked open tentatively then fully. The scent of roasting chestnuts wafted to their nostrils from the open fire pit. Stepping aside the burly figure with rosy cheeks ushered them into the welcomed glow of firelight and much needed warmth.
“Mister Nicholas, how are you keeping this fine evening?” Miroku asked companionable as he beamed at the elderly man with all due bonhomie.
Inuyasha sniffed and self consciously scratched his ear as they exchanged pleasantries, allowing Miroku to enter ahead of him.
With a mischievous curl of pale lips, the hanyou winked at the portly male and whispered in his ear conspiratorially as he passed.
“Nick, dude…I'd watch my ass if I were you.”
The hanyou snorted. He had finally gotten a rise out of Rudolph. Maybe this night wasn't a complete waste.
Jak nipped Holtz's lower lip playfully beneath the mistletoe, his emerald eyes at half-mast as strong limbs wound about his well-muscled Boy Toy. Holtz, no slouch when it came to matters of lust, adroitly pinned the smaller male to the front door with his hips, taking full advantage of the warm, cinnamon spiced mouth on offer.
“Oooooooooh my, hello big boy,” Jakotsu purred coquettishly coiling an errant golden lock about his fingers with a contented sigh.
Holtz chuckled, releasing his captive with a groan and a soft peck to the upturned nose.
“I'll finish dinner. You set the table. They'll be home soon.”
Full, pink tinted lips pouted dramatically.
“What about finishing me?” Jak asked petulantly, suggestively caressing his lean hips, his apparent interest evident to the heated gaze of his lover.
“Jaaaaaaaaaak…you're making this hard.” Holtz countered with a heated gaze. Jak was pulling out all the stops tonight with the suggestive tilt of his hips and the apparent interest that was evident as stalked forward, backing the taller male towards the kitchen.
“My point exactly. Take me…,” Jakotsu commanded dramatically just as the front doors swung open letting in a cold blast of air and a wholly familiar scent as it clicked closed.
The petrified expression on Holtz's face only confirmed his suspicions.
Adjusting his long, dark mane in the hall mirror and assumed a suitably aggrieved expression, the majordomo turned to face a vermillion glare and equally red lips pursed in a thin line of contempt. Sniffing delicately, the Wind Sorceress carefully removed her gloves.
“Oh Jak, Jak…How sad. You've resorted to forcing your staff to comply with your sordid little games.”
“Miss Kagura, please you misunder..”
“Holtz! Return to your duties. I'll take out the trash.”
The tall male did not move as commanded. In fact, the only sign that the Norseman gave that he had heard his lover's less than polite request was the clenching of his rather large fists into balls.
Jak softened his tone.
“Please, Holtz. I can handle this.”
“How sweet. Then again Holtz always had a misguided sense of loyalty. Yes dear, do run along. Your new mistress has spoken.”
Two snarls later, Kagura found herself pinned to the door as warm breath tickled her face.
“Kagura daaaaarrrrling to what do we owe this...” she noted he appeared to be weighing his options. “Oh why bother. Be gone bitch!”
The vice like grip about her elbow increased in pressure as she was swung back through the door, landing on her ass in the snow drift.
Jakotsu beamed at the prostrate demoness before slamming the door with a well practiced flourish.
“Open this door, you vile She-male! Your days are numbered if your Lord doesn't get this message.”
Jakotsu cackled with glee and while the statement was perhaps true, it was still worth it. With a long suffering sigh he reopened the door and ushered the unwelcomed visitor forward. Kagura stiffened at the feel of cool metal against her neck. She would not give him the pleasure of her fear. Hopefully Sesshoumaru and that that creature would be back soon. All their lives depended on it.
“You were saying?” Jak whispered against her ear.
The snows drift held a quiet peace not felt in Gertrude's interior as two figures, one tall and stately and the other petite and furious maintained their respective silences.
“What possessed you, Sesshoumaru? What in Kami's name possessed you to tell a room full of impressionable children that Santa Claus was nothing more than a pagan cannibal who ate kids for sport?”
“He is…was. They will thank me for this, mark my words, Kagome. No point carrying on this romantic foolishness.”
“Would that be before or after their prospective parents sue your ass for emotional cruelty and possible long term psychological damage, my Lord?” Kagome snapped, adjusting the Moko-Moko sama about her. The night was particularly cold and Gertrude's heating fans were playing up again, despite Hunter's best efforts.
`Why in hell did she ask him to come fetch her?'
A year together had taught Sesshoumaru this much as he glanced at the less than happy woman with arms folded tightly in the passenger seat. Her jaws were clenching and unclenching with suppressed rage. There was simply no point speaking with her when she was like this.
“Kagome, what was the point of giving me that book?”
She stared at her lover completely clueless as to what in hell he was babbling about in that condescending tone. A moment passed before large, brown eyes opened in sudden horrified understanding. Kagome rounded on the stately being staring straight ahead, all his concentration focused on opening the gates to the main house with Gertrude's makeshift controls.
“Don't you dare try to blame this on me, Sesshoumaru!? How in hell would I know that you would take `Pagan Rituals of the Solstice', meant only to give you background on the origins of the season, and use it as your own personal weapon for the wanton destruction of childhood dreams?! You actually made Hakudoshi cry!”
“As per usual, Kagome, you are entirely far too emotionally attached to fables designed to keep the populace in ignorance. This Sesshoumaru felt it was his duty to clarify these matters. It is always best to tell the truth.”
“Is it really? Well let me tell you some home truths then shall I?” she responded through clenched teeth, grabbing the control from him and giving it a good bang against the dashboard before handing it back. “Try it now.”
To the Western Lord's surprise it worked. “Thank you.”
Kagome waved a hand dismissively and furrowed her brows in memory. “I'll have you know I remember the buck toothed harpy that told me there was no Santa Claus. My heart hurt for a year and so did her jaw,” she chuckled maliciously.
Gertrude stalled just as the stately gates opened onto the pristine landscape.
“Don't say a word, my Lord. I'm not in the mood. Right now I am trying to figure out how to appease all those generous donors to the orphanage.”
“Pre-menstrual tension appears to be at an all time high with you tonight. This Sesshoumaru was merely going to point out that Hunter might need to refit the engine of this means of conveyance you insist on driving.”
A small hand clutched at his bicep while the other pointed animatedly beyond the windshield.
“Sesshoumaru look! Did you see that?! Who is Jakotsu chasing?”
Off in the distance two figures were running hell bent for leather through the trees, one obviously male and the other female and currently screaming at the top of her lungs.
“I see Kagura is in excellent voice tonight. Hmmmm…odd though.”
“You really are the Lord of Understatement at times!”
The petite woman hurriedly extricated herself from the seat belt but was restrained about the waist by a clawed hand.
“Wait, I'm curious. This Sesshoumaru has been detecting Kagura's scent for some time now.”
“Please Sesshoumaru, if you don't get out there, he might actually kill her. Don't you even care?”
“Not particularly. What I find intriguing is why she has not taken flight to elude her captor. Particularly since her pursuer has long held the fantasy of her decapitation by his hands. He appears to be pursing that course of action.”
Kagome glowered at her lover before returning her attention to the desperate screams with renewed fascination. Though she was loath to admit it, he raised a valid point. Jak was gaining on the demoness. Kagome had to give credit where credit was due. Kagura was remarkably fleet of foot even in those ridiculous heels.
Author's Note
I hope you enjoyed. It appears there is never a dull moment on the Taishou Estate. Now what was that about a message and exactly who is the woodsman? Time will tell. Happy Holidays *snicker*. Expect Part II soon. You guys are the best.