InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Picking up the Pieces ( Chapter 21 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Fanfiction of the Week:  “Clinging,” by psyco_chick32
There are many fics where Kagome lays dying in Inuyasha’s arms, but this has to be my favorite.  A great one-shot with incredible emotion and a finely-polished writing style to match.  I think this is another one of my hidden gems; less than 700 views!  

wbk:  sorry, but I have to disagree with you here.  I don’t think Inuyasha’s change of heart was rushed at all because his conscience was already telling him he was wrong.  Deep down he knew that he should have let Kagome decide and support her in her decision.  He was justifying it with reasons that he thought were rational, but actually weren’t very good at all.  Like I said, all Miroku had to do was help him see the wisdom within himself.  So it really wasn’t a “change of heart” at all.  That’s why it could happen so quickly; deep down he knew he was wrong.  

youkaineko:  the theory I’m operating on is that people don’t think clearly when they’ve been hurt.  That’s why Kagome doubted Sango and Miroku, for one thing.  Later, she reconsidered her reaction, but she has not forgiven Inuyasha.  I tried to make that abundantly clear, that she has not “come to her senses.”  She still thinks Inuyasha won’t accept her as a hanyou.  The other stuff—the obvious attraction, the kiss, the being generally nicer to her—Kagome isn’t thinking of any of that stuff because she’s hurt.  She’s stuck on what Inuyasha actually said; her broken heart won’t let her consider anything else.  I also didn’t mean to imply that he finds her more attractive as a hanyou, because that’s just not true.  His reactions to her were nothing new when they happened in the earlier chapters.  Because of her hanyou senses, however, she was able to notice them for the first time.  Their relationship has grown closer because Kagome’s transformation forced Inuyasha to spend more time alone with her—in her time, at her school, etc.  Also, because Kagome has learned more about him through her hanyou senses.  Circumstances helped too, like Inuyasha dressing in modern clothing and seeing Kagome in the hot spring.  Please don’t assume that I’m going to have everything be hunky-dory from here on out.  This problem will linger between them, at least for a little while.  Inuyasha really screwed up here, after all.  

sango_gurlie:  I don’t know if I deserve all those compliments, but thank you anyway.  It’s always nice to welcome new readers.  

**Warning: there is some pretty graphic stuff in this chapter that might make you squirm.  Also, there is a little lime (consensual touching, nothing more)**  

Picking up the Pieces


As soon as the cry left her lips, Kagome regretted it.  How could she possibly have called out his name after all the angst he had put her through in the past few hours?  What the hell was wrong with her, shouting for the man who had ripped out her heart and stomped it into a puddle of goo?  But it had seemed so natural, calling for her savior, the one who had always been there when she really needed him, albeit in some cases more promptly than others.  This time, however, she found herself truly doubting whether he would even come at all.  Was their relationship already so fractured that he would forsake her in her hour of need?  No.  Surely, it was not.  He had promised to protect her, and Inuyasha was a man of his word.  Even if saving her was nothing more than an obligation to him, he would do it.  This she had to believe, or else completely give up hope that they would ever be together, and to do that would crush what was left of her already wounded soul.  

Regardless of the reason, she could not take back her desperate cry now.  Nor could she call for anyone else, not that they would hear her with their non-canine ears anyway.  She was lying in the dirt, face down, completely paralyzed.  Her heart still pumped—very quickly—her lungs still heaved, and her eyes still blinked, but all voluntary function was cut off.  She couldn’t even twitch a finger, nor was she able to summon her miko powers.  Evidently the energy attack had shorted those out as well.  She heard the youkai lumbering closer, chuckling as he came.  

“Tough break, hanyou.  If it will make you feel better, I’ll knock that tree down after I’m through eating you.”  The youkai found this very amusing, and spent a good minute laughing at his own joke.  It pissed Kagome off to no end, but you wouldn’t know it by her blank expression.  Finally the mirthful rumbling stopped, and Kagome found herself clutched loosely in a large, clawed hand.  The youkai brought her up to eye level, turning her over and looking at her from every angle.  

“I hope your ‘Inuyasha’ friend gets here soon.  I don’t think you’ll be enough to satisfy me this evening.”  The youkai shrugged nonchalantly.  “Ah, well, what can I do?”  

He’s so casual about this… was Kagome’s thought as the youkai lowered her toward its gaping maw.  Inuyasha, where are you?  

* * *


Inuyasha bolted upright.  That cry had been faint, but he would recognize it anywhere.  Shit!  He cursed as he dashed to the well, Kagome’s scent trail confirming what he now knew.  She didn’t go home?  Dammit!  I should have checked!  And now Kagome was in danger—grave danger by the sound of it—and he wasn’t there to protect her.  He darted into the forest, following her scent.  Hang on, Kagome!  

His progress was slowed by the fact that the trail was several hours old, and fading into the smells of the surrounding forest.  He had to be methodical; he couldn’t risk losing the trail.  As a result, it was several minutes before he came to the spot where Kagome’s scent abruptly ended and that of a strange youkai began.  The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end as he scanned the trees, searching for the owner of that malevolent odor.  All of his senses were tuned to the finest movement, and he needed every one of them to dodge the ball of energy that came flying at him from behind.  He rolled into a crouch, spinning to face his attacker.  

“Another hanyou, huh?  You must be Inuyasha,” the youkai observed calmly.  

“Where’s Kagome, you ugly bastard?!”  

The youkai smirked.  “Kagome, was that her name?  She’s in my belly.”  

Inuyasha could only stare slack-jawed.  No...Kagome can’t be…  He couldn’t even think it.  She can’t be gone!  She has to be alive!  All at once the world seemed to close in on him, smothering, suffocating, overwhelming him with despair.  His soul cried out in horror, but wretched fate gave no reply.  Hot tears sprung to his eyes, but he pushed them back.  He would grieve later—for the rest of his life, perhaps—but vengeance would come first.  He tore Tetsusaiga from its sheath, only his iron grip on the sword preventing his youkai from completely taking over.  As it was, his eyes flashed rapidly between crimson and amber.  

“Fucking bastard.  I’ll kill you!”  

“I’d put that sword away if I were you, hanyou.  Who knows?  She might still be alive in there.  But if she is, then you’re running out of time.”  The youkai chuckled darkly, grinning widely as his opponent sheathed Tetsusaiga.  

With renewed hope and determination in his heart, Inuyasha’s youkai blood receded.  He could think clearly again, and realized in frustration that he couldn’t risk hurting Kagome, if there was even the slightest chance she was still alive.  That meant no Tetsusaiga, no Hijin Ketsusou, and being very careful with the Sankon-Tetsusou.  That youkai looked like it had a tough hide, so this was going to be difficult.  But failure wasn’t an option.  A slow victory wasn’t an option either.  He had to get Kagome out now, before she was digested alive.  With a desperate cry, he hurled himself toward his enemy.  

* * *

It was dark, but not cold.  In fact, the inside of the youkai’s stomach was uncomfortably warm.  The youkai had swallowed Kagome head first, but somehow she had gotten turned around on the way down its esophagus and wound up sitting more or less upright in its stomach.  Now she could do little more than slump against the inner wall, submerged to the neck in the worst smelling stuff she had ever seen.  The stomach acid positively reeked, and the air was stale, barely breathable.  But asphyxiation was the least of her worries.  Already her clothes were sizzling, starting to dissolve, and her skin was beginning to tingle.  In a scant few minutes, that tingle developed into a sting, then an agonizing burn, as if each individual layer of skin was melted away.  Not even her face was spared, as the bubbling cocktail constantly splashed her.  A human would probably have already perished.  Her hanyou blood was proving both a blessing and a curse; her tougher hide would allow her to stay alive in here longer, but that in turn would subject her to more pain.  (1)  If she could somehow survive the ordeal, however, it would all be worth it.  

Her hopes were raised when she heard the youkai speak, followed by a very familiar voice from outside.  Inuyasha!  Her ears, sharp as ever, could make out the conversation clearly.  That bastard!  He’s using me to force Inuyasha to—OW!!!  The pain was getting worse, in some places more than others.  The area between her legs was on fire, and not in the good way.  (2)  She could only hope none of the acid got inside her; she didn’t want to be sterilized for life.  But you couldn’t have children if you were dead, and she didn’t know how much longer her body would hold out.  Inuyasha, please hurry…

* * *

Inuyasha growled in frustration as he continued to dodge the seemingly endless barrage of energy blasts the youkai was putting out.  Shit, how the fuck am I supposed to get through?  He had already tried blocking with Tetsusaiga, but the shots were too powerful.  They burst into an explosion when they hit the sword, and he found he couldn’t block more than one in rapid succession.  Suddenly, inspiration struck, and he stopped maneuvering.  He stood still, facing his opponent with sword raised, waiting for the right moment.  

“Heh.  Giving up already, hanyou?  So be it!” the youkai yelled as he let loose an especially large ball.  

Inuyasha smirked.  Perfect.  Just before impact, he shoved Tetsusaiga into the ground and leapt backward.  The energy ball hit the blade and detonated in a great flash of light, so bright that the youkai had to shield his eyes.  This is what Inuyasha had been counting on.  The instant after impact, he had dashed to his left, taking cover in the trees.  Using every ounce of stealth he possessed, he continued to work his way around the youkai even as his enemy scanned the forest in every direction.  The attack came from behind.  Before the youkai could even react, his head had been neatly severed at the neck by Sankon Tetsusou.  As its eyes darkened to lifelessness, the detached head barely had time to repeat the last words of countless youkai before him.  

“No…how could I…defeated by a hanyou…”  

The body collapsed forward in a great crash.  Wasting no time, Inuyasha sliced open the belly and stomach, not caring in the least as acid and gore spilled out onto his feet.  Sticking his whole upper body in the organ, he found her.  She was an absolute mess.  Her skin was badly discolored, and it appeared as if several layers had been melted away.  His prime concern at the moment, however, was determining whether she was still breathing.  When she inhaled deeply and opened her eyes, his knees nearly buckled in all-consuming relief.   But something was wrong; her eyes were still clouded with agony.  When the palms of his hands started to tingle, he realized why.  Shit!  She’s still covered in acid!  Gathering her in his arms and urgently sniffing the air, he darted toward the nearest water source.  

It was only a small pond, but it would have to do.  He charged in without removing his clothes, submerging Kagome in the cool liquid.  After a few seconds, he lifted her out and sniffed, grimacing when the scent of acid still clung to her skin.  Evidently a simple dip in water would not be enough to remove it.  He started with her left arm, rubbing the tortured skin as gently as he could, but still knowing that it must hurt like a son of a bitch.  He was almost glad Kagome was unable to move—he had figured out what the purpose of the youkai’s energy attack was—because at least he wouldn’t have to see her face contort in anguish.  And as he massaged her skin, he noticed for the first time that she was naked.  Oh, sure, her lack of clothing had registered in his consciousness before, but it had been merely a passing observation in the frenzy of activity that had accompanied her liberation from the youkai’s stomach.  Now, he gulped audibly as the situation fully set in.  He was holding Kagome, totally nude, in his arms.  She was completely helpless, and her entire body needed to be cleansed of the last vestiges of acid that stubbornly clung to her skin.  Whoa, boy…  

For Kagome, from Inuyasha’s hands lanced the worst pain she had ever experienced.  But afterwards, after he had cleaned a particular area, the sting lessened noticeably.  She found herself relaxing slightly in his embrace as he took some of the pain away.  He carefully scrubbed her arms, legs, back, and face.  Of course, it was hard not to notice that he was avoiding several particular areas of her body, and she realized with a sinking feeling that they needed his attention too.  

“Kagome…” he spoke into the awkward silence, his face flushing hotly.  Kagome felt the blood rush to her own cheeks as she nodded her consent, having regained some very basic voluntary functions in the time since her rescue.  She still couldn’t speak, but her nervous system was starting to come back online as the effects of the youkai’s paralyzing energy wore off.  While still in the stomach, she had been able to hold her breath and squeeze her eyes shut when the youkai’s headless body toppled over.  

Inuyasha began with her buttocks and the backs of her thighs, probably the “safest” starting point.  After all, Miroku had grabbed her ass at least a handful of times, albeit not hand-to-skin.  Next he worked on her belly, massaging the soft skin.  He couldn’t help but be impressed with the hard muscle he could feel pulsing underneath.  Kagome had certainly become physically stronger, even before her hanyou transformation.  It was definitely a change for the better.  From her abdomen he could go in one of two directions, neither of which were very “safe.”  He went up first, intent on procrastinating as long as possible on her most intimate area.  As he cleaned her breasts, Kagome couldn’t help but reflect that she’d always fantasized about Inuyasha touching her like this.  Never in these circumstances of course, and she had always imagined feeling pleasure from the action.  There was nothing erotic about his touch now, though.  He was soothing an ache, nothing more.  The look of embarrassed concentration on his face was adorable, and she might have been amused if she wasn’t so mortified herself.  But it had to be done; her demon blood wouldn’t really start to heal her until all traces of the stomach acid were gone.  

Finished, Inuyasha trailed his hand down her body, coming to a halt on her lower belly.  He locked eyes with her again, nearly stumbling at the look of absolute trust she gave him.  He was utterly humbled that even though she was totally powerless, and currently had every reason to doubt him, she still had faith in him to take care of her, to protect her.  He would do nothing to betray her trust.  Not breaking eye contact, he moved his hand between her legs and started to rub.  Again, there was nothing arousing about the action, for either of them.  Kagome’s pain soared to a whole new level, but after he was through she felt much better.  She was still very aware that her entire body had been doused in acid, but at least now the sting had dulled to a throb.  She could feel her youkai blood humming in her veins, and her instincts were telling her she would make a full recovery.  A human would probably be scarred for life, unable to have an orgasm or children, but she was confident that even her most sensitive flesh would heal.  And it seemed that none of the acid had gotten inside her; the interior of her vagina was just about the only part of her body that didn’t hurt.  

“Do you feel any more acid on you?” Inuyasha asked.  Kagome shook her head and even managed a small, grateful smile.  It was returned, though the other hanyou quickly looked away in embarrassment.  Climbing out of the spring, he shrugged off his haori and shook it violently in one hand, getting as much of the water off it as he could before wrapping it around her.  Next he set her down and moved a few paces away, squatting and shaking like a dog.  Kagome giggled silently, still making do without a functioning larynx.  Inuyasha glanced at her, and she gasped at the emotion in his amber orbs.  Relief warred with guilt and sympathy, and Kagome was suddenly very glad she didn’t have a mirror handy.  Kami, I must look like hell.  Well, I guess you look how you feel.

Inuyasha gathered her up without a word, starting the trek toward the well.  At least, that’s where she thought he was taking her.  She couldn’t really be sure, especially when he kept stopping to sniff certain plants, stuffing some of them in his haori.  After maybe a half hour of this, Kagome was starting to get more than a little agitated.  And she finally had a working voice box to communicate her impatience.  

“Inuyasha,” she rasped, startling the hanyou.  “What are you doing?”  

“Quiet, wench,” he replied absently.  Kagome huffed, but remained silent.  He seemed to be concentrating pretty hard, and she did trust that he would take care of her.  Finally, perhaps ten minutes later, Inuyasha broke into a run, crossing the remaining distance and leaping into the well.  The time slip activated, and Inuyasha entered her room through the window as he always did.  He crept to the door, inching it open as he scanned the hallway.  Deciding that the coast was clear, he dashed into the bathroom and gently shut and locked the door behind them.  Seeing her own reflection for the first time, Kagome could understand his desire for secrecy.  She didn’t want to face her mother in this condition, either.  It was pretty late, so the older woman was probably in bed, but one could never be sure.  No, they would see her mother in the morning, after they had given her youkai blood a full night to work on her tattered skin.  

Inuyasha set her down against the wall and began filling up the tub.  It took him a minute to get the temperature right, but when he did he started adding different plants to the water.  He removed his white kosode, vigorously stirring the mixture as the tub filled up. Kagome couldn’t help but admire him as he worked, the taut muscles of his back rippling sensuously.  He probably didn’t smell her attraction, however, because the entire bathroom started to stink something awful.  Kagome wished fervently for the ability to cover her nose, or chop it off.  She had a sinking feeling…  Sure enough, when Inuyasha was satisfied he turned off the water and faced her.  

“Can you get in yourself, wench?”  

Kagome tested her legs, but still got no response.  She shook her head.  Sighing, Inuyasha helped her upright and removed his haori as Kagome got her first glimpse at her ‘bath.’  

“W-wait!  You can’t possibly expect me to get in that!” she cried.  The liquid formerly known as water had turned a nasty brown color, like mud on a rainy day.  

“Yes you will, wench.  It’s good for burns.  It will help your skin regrow.”  

Kagome’s retort died on her lips.  How could she refuse when he went through all the trouble?  Seeing her grudging acceptance, Inuyasha lowered her into the mixture, keeping his eyes respectfully averted the whole time.  

It didn’t make sense; warm liquid should feel horrible on scorched skin.  And yet, this stuff actually felt good.  Kagome wondered how many other medicinal remedies Inuyasha knew.  

“You gonna be able to hold yourself up if I leave, wench?  It’d be pretty shitty to drown in a bathtub after surviving getting fuckin’ eaten alive.”  

Kagome flexed her arms, discovering enough strength in them to keep her head above water.  Her muscles were slowly but surely coming back under her control now.  

“Yeah.  Wait!” she called as Inuyasha stood to leave.  “Stay.  Please…”  

“I shouldn’t,” he replied uncertainly.  

“Come on,” Kagome said, cracking a wry smile, “it’s not like you haven’t seen everything.  Repeatedly.”  

Inuyasha flushed scarlet; he had done a lot more than that.  He studied her for a moment, but finally nodded and settled against the wall of the tub with his back to her.  And now that the adrenaline of battle and rescue had faded, and she was just sitting and relaxing, Kagome remembered why she had been alone in the woods in the first place.  Her mood fell instantly.  For just a couple hours, she had forgotten about Inuyasha’s rejection, and things had gone back to normal between them, or as normal as they could be under the circumstances.  How she wished she could permanently erase that conversation from her mind, make it so it never happened.  But unfortunately, she could not.  Well, I got what I wanted.  He saved me, fulfilled his obligation.  Now…  Dammit!  Why did I ask him to stay?  

“Inuyasha,” she said, the sorrow in her voice putting the other hanyou on edge.  “You don’t have to stay.  I-I can take care of myself from now on.  Just leave me here.  Go finish the jewel quest with…someone else.”  The name wasn’t spoken aloud, but both of them realized who Kagome was referring to.  

“Kagome, I—”

“Just go!” Kagome yelled as hot tears sprang to her eyes.  She had vowed not to cry until she was alone, but as usual her hanyou companion had to go and make things difficult.  Though he wasn’t really hers anymore.  Had he ever been?  

“No way!” Inuyasha retorted.  

Kagome sobbed, and turned away.  But she had little choice except to listen; she couldn’t exactly make him leave in her current condition.  As for Inuyasha, it was time to suck it up and explain himself.  

“Look, Kagome, I…what I said before, I didn’t mean it!  Y-you’ve always accepted me just as I am, so I can’t do any less for you.”  Far from reassuring, Inuyasha’s words only hurt Kagome more.  

“Dammit, Inuyasha!  Another fucking obligation?!  Is that all there ever was between us?!  You were obligated to find the jewel shards, you were obligated to protect me, and now you’re obligated to accept me as a hanyou?!  Fuck you!  I don’t need your pity, or your bullshit acceptance!  Now leave, and don’t come ba—”

“Shut the fuck up bitch!”  Inuyasha cut her off, leaping to his feet.  Kagome’s tongue was stilled by the fierceness of his expression.  His eyes were wide with panic, a desperation she had never seen in him before.  Seeing that she had gone silent, Inuyasha took a deep breath and settled on his haunches.  He anxiously ran his hand through his unruly mane as he gathered his thoughts.  

“Kagome, that’s not what I meant.  I…uh…”  

Kagome huffed, crossing her arms over her chest and looking away.  

“Dammit!  Look at me, Kagome!”  When she refused, he growled, grabbing both her hands and holding them tightly between them.  That did the trick, as she turned shocked and slightly fearful eyes his way.  He gazed intently into those chocolate orbs, hoping to convey to her everything he couldn’t say.  “Kagome…I’m sorry for what I said.  You’re my closest friend, and I will always accept you, even if you do to stay hanyou.  No matter what form you choose, I…I want you by my side.”  

Kagome just stared.  A large part of her—the wounded, bitter part—wanted to brush him off, kick him out of her life forever.  But her heart flared back to life at the honesty in his words, and the absolute truth and conviction in his eyes.  He was telling the truth, and that was how he truly felt.  She believed him.  How could she not, when his very soul was bared to her?  

“Why?” she asked quietly.  It was one simple question, but in it Inuyasha heard all of the questions he had asked himself a few scant hours ago.  Why did he lie?  Why did he constantly hurt Kagome?  Why was he such a jackass?  He released her hands, slumping down onto the bathroom floor.  He stared forlornly at the tiled surface as he spoke.  

“I thought I knew what was best for you.  I didn’t…I didn’t want you to go through what I did.”  

“Why didn’t you tell me that?”  

“Cause I’m a fuckin’ baka,” he growled.  “I didn’t think you would understand how bad life can be for a hanyou.  So I tried to force you to change.”

“Tell me.”

Inuyasha shook his head.  “I can’t.  You wouldn’t underst—”

“Then help me understand.  Tell me…tell me about your past, Inuyasha.”  

He stared at her, grappling with her demand.  Could he really take such a monumentous step?  He never spoke about his past to anyone.  Yet, opening up to Kagome at this moment just seemed right.  He sighed, eyes glazing over as he returned to another, darker time.  

“I spent the first eight summers of my life in my mother’s human village.  We were disliked, and no one would associate with us, but we were happy.  Then, she…she fell ill and died.  The villagers said I could stay, on the condition that I looked like them.  When I refused…”  He gulped, the memory just as poignant as ever.  He felt a pressure against his fingers, and looked up to see Kagome’s hand resting on top of his own.  She smiled encouragingly at him, and he grabbed her hand tightly, taking from her the courage to continue.  

“When I refused, the villagers locked me in a hut.  I don’t know how many days the beat me, whipped me, but eventually they got tired of waiting and just decided to take my ears by force.  They held me down, and when I saw that katana…something inside me snapped.  By instinct, I lashed out.  It was the first time I used the Hijin Ketsusou.  I ran, and never looked back.  I never found out how many villagers I killed that day.  After that, I was alone.  I wandered for decades, defending myself, getting stronger.  Eventually, I met Kikyou, and you know the rest.”  

By the time he was finished, tears were streaming down Kagome’s cheeks.  At least now she understood why he lied to her.  He had hurt her deeply, and her wounded heart wasn’t ready to forgive him, but it would heal.  They would heal, together.  Hesitantly, she reached out her free hand, latching onto the fuzzy appendage that had caused Inuyasha so much trouble, the symbol of his tainted blood to those who would hate him for it.  As she massaged the ear, he leaned into her hand, rumbling in contentment.  After several blissful minutes, he pulled back, breaking the contact.  

“Inuyasha, I know it was hard for you, but it will be different for me.  I’m not a child, and I’m not alone.  I have my family, my friends in both eras, and I have you.  I do have you, don’t I?”  

Inuyasha grinned timidly.  “You don’t even need to ask.”  

Laughing, Kagome lunched herself out of the tub and wrapped her arms around his neck, not caring that water splashed out onto the floor or that she was still naked.  Inuyasha returned the embrace just as tightly, not pulling away until they heard a soft knock on the door.  

“Kagome, is that you?” her mother called in a tired voice.  Groaning, Kagome settled back into the water as Inuyasha grabbed a towel to wipe up the mess.  

“Yes, Mama, it’s me.  I’m just taking a bath.”

“Oh.  What’s that awful smell?”  

Kagome grinned to herself.  Oh, sorry Mama, Inuyasha went number two in the hallway.  I’ll be sure to rub his nose in it.  That’s what it smelled like, anyway.  

“Just some bath supplies I wanted to try from the feudal era,” she replied, glaring at Inuyasha, who just smirked at her.  That look turned to panic when Mrs. Higurashi posed her next question.  

“Is Inuyasha here?”  

Kagome could have chuckled at how Inuyasha suddenly went stiff as a board.  Apparently he didn’t want her mother to know he was in here with her.

“He stayed on the other side of the well, Mama.”  

“Oh.  Well, goodnight then.  I’m going to bed,” Mrs. Higurashi answered through a yawn.  

“Goodnight, Mama.”  

Inuyasha slumped bonelessly against the wall, and Kagome shook her head.  “Sometimes I think you’re more afraid of my mother than you are of any youkai.”  

“Keh!  At least I can kill youkai.  The best I can do against your fucking mother is run and hide.”  

“Don’t use ‘fucking’ and refer to my Mama in the same sentence, baka.”  

“Feh.  Oi!  Where’d you learn to swear like that, anyway?”  

“Just ‘cause I don’t usually swear doesn’t mean I don’t know how.  I just save it for extreme circumstances.”  

Inuyasha grimaced; there was nothing about this night that wasn’t extreme.  Kagome was able to get out of the tub herself, but was still shaky on her feet and had to be supported as she dried herself off.  What little modestly she still owned was preserved by Inuyasha averting his eyes again.  He carried her to her bedroom, and she changed into a set of loose-fitting flannel pajamas.  She was feeling much better, but sleeping sans undergarments was probably the best thing for her skin.  That she could even stand to have anything covering her was surprising, but Inuyasha’s medicine and her youkai blood had done wonders to alleviate the worst of the pain.  It would take awhile, but she would probably be able to fall asleep.  Slumber eluded her for at least a half hour; she had too many things on her mind.  

“Hey, Inuyasha,” she finally asked.  

“Yeah, wench?” the hanyou inquired from his spot under her window.  

“Since I’m going to stay a hanyou, could you maybe…teach me how to fight?”  There was a long pause as he thought it over, but eventually the answer came.  

“I guess.  As long as you promise not to go charging into battle when you don’t need to.”  


Sometime later, Kagome was almost asleep when Inuyasha rose to his feet and opened the window.  “Where are you going, Inuyasha?” she wondered aloud.  

“Don’t worry about it, wench.  I just have to take care of something.  Stay here for a few days.”  

With that, he was gone, leaving Kagome to ponder why he needed to leave so suddenly in the middle of the night.  And did he just tell me to stay in my time for a few days?  What gives?!  She tried to stave off the doubt, but it came undeterred.  Rational reassurances could not completely blot out emotional pain, and what Inuyasha said in the bathroom could not mollify her uncertainty concerning what he said that afternoon.  She had been so sure he was telling the truth when he swore he would always accept her, and yet…  But no, if she couldn’t forgive him, the least she could do was not judge him prematurely.  She would wait for his explanation.  That didn’t mean she wouldn’t worry about it, though.  So much for getting any sleep tonight.  

(1)  I’m working under the theory that hanyou literally have tougher skin than humans.  If you can think of a reason why they wouldn’t, I’d be happy to listen.  But for now, just go with it.  
(2)  I realize this is graphic, but I’m trying to be realistic here.  If a woman gets dumped in acid, what’s the most sensitive and delicate part of her body?  I imagine it would be similar for a guy.  *cringes*
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