InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Metamorphosis ❯ Our Future ( Chapter 56 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: I don’t own Inuyasha or any of the publicly known characters, plot, etc.  I’m just renting them from Rumiko Takahashi, Viz, etc.   I do own the plot of this story and any original characters I’ve created.  I will make no money from this fic; I write for my own enjoyment and the enjoyment of my readers.

Our Future

“You alright, Kagome?” Inuyasha asked, managing to mask most of his concern and sound relatively casual.  The seven or eight days since their run-in with Kawazufukou had been fairly peaceful.  They had collected a few more jewel shards from weak, primitive youkai that posed no challenge at all.  Most of their time was spent traveling, walking at a leisurely pace wherever Kagome’s senses or Inuyasha’s whims took them.  Running and occasionally sparring occupied the typical afternoon, and their evenings were spent finding, preparing, and cooking food.  And of course, making love, although they certainly did not operate on any kind of strict schedule in that regard.  Sex was a regular part of life for them, but their lives did not revolve around it.  And although they didn’t gab or gossip constantly, communication had not been a problem, which was why Kagome’s troubled silence disturbed her husband so.  

“Huh?  Oh…yeah.  Everything’s fine.”  

Inuyasha frowned, not buying her assurances for a second.  Something had been bothering her all afternoon; she hadn’t said more than two words to him since lunch.  He searched his memories for an answer.  While they were eating lunch, she had asked if they could go check up on Shippou since their travels had taken them near Kiku’s village.  He agreed, mostly because he wanted her to be happy.  But if truth be told, he really did want to go make sure the runt hadn’t gotten into trouble.  Come to think of it, he had also mentioned that he thought he knew of a hot spring on the way.  She was excited since they hadn’t visited one in awhile, but her mood seemed to sour soon after that.  

Inuyasha was officially stumped, but he wasn’t about to pry.  He wouldn’t pester Kagome if she wanted to brood silently for an afternoon, and he hoped she would show him the same courtesy if their roles ever reversed.  If whatever she was thinking about was important, he was sure she would tell him about it.  Still, he was glad when they reached the hot spring a little after nightfall.  Seeing her like this made him all tense and nervous, and a good soak would relax his muscles.  Grabbing a towel from his bag, he slung it over his shoulders and addressed Kagome as casually as he could.  

“You coming, Kagome?”

“Hm?  Y-yeah, I’ll be right there.”  

Nodding, Inuyasha turned and ambled off.  Kagome sighed as her husband disappeared through the foliage.  There was no doubt he had noticed her distraction; the fact that he had asked her several times if she was alright confirmed it.  But she appreciated his willingness to leave her to her thoughts; this was one of those things she couldn’t talk to him about until she cleared it up in her own mind.

Her melancholy had actually started soon after Inuyasha mentioned the hot spring.  First, she thought of how nice the water would feel, especially since it had been far too long since her last hot bath.  Her soap and shampoos would leave her feeling clean and refreshed.  Then she imagined washing Inuyasha’s hair for him, perhaps his back, letting him was her back…and what those things would probably lead to.  That of course led her out of habit to mentally check the state of her monthly cycle, prompting the realization that today was within that special window, almost half a month after her period.  If she and Inuyasha had sex today, there was a good chance she would become pregnant.  The condoms in her bag were seemingly an easy solution, but Kagome’s conflicting emotions surprised her.  It had taken her several long moments to come to terms with the fact that she was actually considering the possibility of conceiving a child again.  

On its face, it was a bad idea.  They were in the middle of a quest to complete the Shikon no Tama, actively seeking out shards most of which carried danger with them.  Both of them had narrowly escaped being turned into zombies recently, and though the intersection of their human times was unlikely to happen again for at least a few years, it was nevertheless a risk that still remained.  It had been awhile since a youkai had seriously challenged her in her hanyou form, but she couldn’t guarantee that the trend would continue into the future, no matter how strong or agile she became.  Beyond all that, it was not all that long ago that she and Inuyasha were floundering, struggling to maintain a relationship stressed to the breaking point by tragedy and foolishness.  They were fine now, stronger in their commitment than ever before, but she didn’t know how their relationship would stand up to another catastrophe.  Or, for that matter, how the two of them as individuals would handle it.  

So every logical bone in her body rebelled at the idea, but her heart refused to be swayed, its innermost desires plainly clear to her now, after hours of soul searching.  The memory of her vision had come back to her in a rush, the appearance of their lost child and the hopeful message it conveyed.  

“It was not yet time for your first child to be born.”    

“It is a special child, a child of destiny, one with a Kami-given role to play.  Soon the time will come for it to begin its journey.”

Kagome frowned.  “A child of destiny,” huh?  Does that mean…now is the time?  

“When the time comes, you will know.  Your memory of our meeting will remain here until it is needed.”

Perhaps the prophesied moment truly had arrived.  But had that really been a vision, or just a fantastical dream concocted by her grief-stricken mind to lessen the pain?  She sincerely hoped for the former, but couldn’t be certain.  Ultimately, she couldn’t be certain of anything.  She could not say with total conviction that she would live another day, or that they would have a healthy baby even if they waited until after the quest was over.  The only thing she did know was that deep down, she wanted to be a mother.  And she didn’t want to wait.  Within her depths lurked something far more profound than logic, emotion, or even instinct.  It was intangible, something at the level of the soul, perhaps a tiny element of the great personal truth we all seek.  Her heart’s desire pulsed vigorously through her body, refusing to be ignored.  She remembered her mother’s words to her, spoken just before she plunged through the well to find her wayward mate, her future as uncertain back then as it was now.  

“Follow your heart, Kagome.  It will not lead you astray.”  

Kagome slumped to the ground, leaning against her bag for support.  She put her head in her hands, finalizing her decision yet not quite believing the insanity she was about to propose.  And she would have to propose it; she couldn’t very well conceive a child without Inuyasha’s participation.  Deception was not an option, even if he couldn’t discern her menstrual status through her scent.  She would have to discuss it with him, try to explain herself and perhaps thereby persuade him, and she knew exactly how he would react.  He would think she was crazy, much the same notion that had crossed her mind when the idea first sprang up.  She certainly wouldn’t blame him for questioning her sanity, but maybe, just maybe, his innermost desires mirrored her own.  For most of the time they had known each other, their hearts had beat as one, even if he didn’t know it or refused to acknowledge it.  Perhaps those same yearnings throbbed in the undiscovered recesses of his own heart, waiting to emerge.  

She certainly hoped so.  But either way, she knew she would not be at peace until she at least broached the subject with him.  If he said yes, they would embark on a joyous and terrifying journey together.  And if he said no, then perhaps it was not meant to be.  At least she would know.  Oh, Kami.  I’m really going to do this.  Taking a deep breath, she stood, realizing that she had kept Inuyasha waiting a long time.  She grabbed a towel, her soap, and shampoo, and began walking toward the hot spring.  She stopped in her tracks after four steps, a random thought springing up inside her head.  She still had not worn the yukata for Inuyasha.  Weighing the idea, she decided there was no time like the present.  The yukata was sexy, but not overly so, and this was a conversation they should have while at least one of them was not naked.  Still, a little seduction wouldn’t hurt either.  

Kagome found the yukata at the bottom of her bag and took a moment to gaze at the ornate design on the back, still as beautifully symbolic as she remembered.  As she stripped off her clothes and slipped the silky garment over her shoulders, a feeling of profound serenity washed over Kagome.  This felt right, wearing a treasured gift from her husband, about to approach him with perhaps the most momentous proposal of their lives.  Tranquility and the soft silk formed a cocoon around her, far warmer that what one would expect from the thin fabric.  She felt like a mother already.  Even so, as she took her first step toward destiny, the familiar fluttering of nervousness settled in her stomach.  She cracked a small smile, glad for the butterflies.  They were another thing she knew her husband would soon share with her.  

She found Inuyasha leaning up against a large boulder at the edge of the spring, submerged up to his neck in the steaming water.  He appeared to be dozing, but quickly dispelled notion as she approached.  

“About time, Kagome,” he quipped with his eyes still closed, his voice far too relaxed for annoyance or impatience.  “I was beginning to think you—I, uh…” he trailed off, having glanced at her only to be stunned into silence.  Kagome grinned despite herself, performing a quick spin for his benefit.  Inuyasha blinked, his eyes darkening with pride and passion.  

“You gotta wear that more often,” he declared, a sentiment which she heartily agreed with.  “Now get in here,” he ordered playfully, huskily.  His brow furrowed in confusion when Kagome instead moved to sit next to him on the edge of the pool, keeping the yukata on and instead dipping only her feet into the water.  Then understanding dawned, and his posture relaxed, his eyes softening at her anxious body language.  

“You finally ready to tell me what’s been bugging you all day?” he asked gently.  Kagome nodded, but remained quiet for a few moments, rubbing one hand tensely along the opposite elbow.  Suddenly, she realized she had no idea what to say.  But Inuyasha was waiting, albeit patiently, and the beginning was as good a place as any.  

“Inuyasha, when you mentioned the hot spring before, I thought about…this, being here with you.  And I realized that it’s that special time of the month, when we probably shouldn’t do anything without protection.”  

Comprehension leaked into Inuyasha’s expression, though he was still confused, not seeing what the problem was.  

“So what?  You have those con-dum things in your bag, right?”  And even if she had forgotten them, there were still other things they could do in the meantime.  He grew even more perplexed when Kagome growled to herself in frustration.  

“Well yes, but…” she responded, again at a loss for words.  The only fitting proposal seemed to be the same one she had used the first time, all those months ago.  

“I don’t want to use a condom.”  

The breath whooshed from Inuyasha’s lungs as he recognized the phrase and its significance, his eyes nearly bugging out of his skull.  Kagome could literally see him bite back a harsh response, and she was glad she didn’t have to hear him say she was crazy even though he was plainly thinking it.  

Inuyasha continued to stare at her, questioning his hearing at the same time he questioned her sanity.  She’s nuts.  She’s fucking nuts!  His mind rapidly rattled off a dozen reasons why conceiving now was a terrible idea.  Then he went over them again, confirming their flawless logic and wondering why none of them had occurred to his wife.  What a minute.  This is Kagome we’re talking about.  She’s already thought of all of this, I’m sure.  So…why?  

He studied her, taking in the almost sheepish way her shoulders slumped, but also the determination in her expression.  She knew it was a huge risk, getting pregnant while their mission was incomplete.  They had hazarded this chance before, and the consequences had nearly destroyed them.  Yet, after thinking about it all day, Kagome still wanted to have a child now, rather than wait until it would probably be safer.  Again, why?  

Gazing at her, Inuyasha knew the answer.  It was a deep-seated longing, one that went far beyond reason.  She wanted to be a mother more than anything in the world.  And she trusted him, trusted herself, to prevent history from repeating, to protect this wished-for child from all harm.  His heart warmed at the revelation, his own innermost desires emerging.  It wasn’t that he didn’t want to be a father; nothing would make him happier.  Only the paralyzing dread, the crushing fear of failure when the stakes were so high held him back.  Remembering Kagome’s faith, however, gave him courage.  They were stronger than before, both as individuals and as a couple, and wiser as well.  If she was ready to believe in them once more, to take a leap of faith…then he would jump with her.  Yes, it was a risk.  But now that the seeds of discontent had been planted, neither of them would be happy if they let fear and logic trump the inner desires of their hearts.  It was a chance they needed to take, for themselves, and for each other.  As a recent encounter with a certain youkai had shown him, their sad memories were part of who they were, but they could not let past sorrow dominate their future destinies.  

Kagome was beginning to get nervous.  Inuyasha had sunk low in the water, submerging his lips and using them to blow bubbles as he stared intently at an imaginary spot on the bank next to her.  She could tell he was deep in thought, but the myriad of emotions flowing through his eyes was difficult to read.  She mentally readied herself for a variety of answers, but was nevertheless unprepared for the one he finally gave when he lifted his head out of the water.  


Kagome blinked.  It was the shortest possible response Inuyasha could have given, but it said so much.  He understood where she was coming from; he yearned to start a family as much as she did.  His amber orbs now reflected the same mix of trepidation and resolve as her own.  She was stunned, though perhaps she shouldn’t have been.  Much of the communication between them had always been unspoken.  They had lived through the same experiences, and deep down, they were similar people.  They both had big hearts, and a strong desire for companionship and family.  Still, to be so clearly reminded that she had found her soul mate was both amazing and humbling for Kagome.  

“Okay,” was all she could say in response.  Her voice seemed to break Inuyasha from his trance.  In an instant, he was kneeling in front of her clasping her hands, heedless of his nudity.  His expression was urgent, and when he spoke, his tone was one of pleading.  

“Kagome, promise me that you won’t go rushing into danger.  If I get into trouble, you have to trust me to handle it.  Help me from a distance, or not at all.  Please, promise me.”  

“I promise, Inuyasha,” Kagome replied after a moment’s contemplation.  That was a lot to ask of her, but if they were going to conceive, the child needed to be more important than either of their lives.  She did trust Inuyasha to take care of himself; he was without a doubt the strongest person she knew.  If worse came to worse, she could fire a purifying arrow, knowing the miko energy would not kill him even if he was caught in the blast.  She was a hanyou as well, more than capable of taking care of herself as long as she was not reckless, and did not underestimate an opponent.  Her promise bound her not to be the former, and common sense dictated that she not do the latter.  

“Thank you,” Inuyasha breathed, sighing in relief.  He smiled, an expression that quickly wavered as he locked eyes with his wife once more.  Perhaps for the first time, Kagome realized that he was naked, his hard body so close.  Her hand rose to rest tenderly against his cheek, and he leaned into the touch, his eyes sparkling as he closed the distance between them.  Ever so slowly they converged, seeming to hover in place at times, mouths open slightly and eyelids sliding further and further shut.  Through it all, their gazes never wavered.  Finally, they kissed, love and joy palpable in the pressure of their lips, the gentle yet insistent undulation of their tongues.  Twin tears slipped down Kagome’s cheeks as Inuyasha laid her down on the soft bank, reached to undo the sash holding her yukata closed.  They came together as soul mates, as husband and wife, as mother and father.  Nothing could have made their joining sweeter.  

Shining down from the heavens, the stars in the night sky bore witness to the creation of a new life.  Lying side by side gazing up at the twinkling darkness, fingers intertwined, Inuyasha and Kagome were visited by a sense of utter serenity.  Whether theirs was a child of destiny, or merely a product of their own two destinies, did not matter.  It was their child, their future, and this time they would not let that future slip away.

2011 Note – I found quite an oversight this chapter.  In chapter 39, Kagome catches some fish to feed herself on her journey to find Inuyasha.  Early in this chapter, Inuyasha reminisces about a recent time where Kagome had done the same, and been grossed out.  So in the original version of the story, Kagome catches fish for the first time…twice.  Needless to say, this error has been fixed.  I also had to revise Kagome’s reflection to conform to the altered vision in chapter 46.  

Finally, if you have mixed feelings about or object to Kagome becoming pregnant again, then you’re not alone.  Logically, you are perfectly justified in feeling that way.  Just know that there is a reason why I did this, and again consider that this decision was not based on logic at all, but something deep and intangible that neither of them truly understand.  
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