InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mi Confesion ❯ Boys and Their Toys ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

He continued to smile at her wickedly, and just as she was about to question him he clasped her hand and said, "I'll be right back." Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru climbed out of the car and walked casually down the street. Confused beyond belief, she sat alone in his car with her mind racing. <i>How did I get here, anyway?</i>
“Ok, just call him. You're already here just hit `send', Kagome.” She was parked outside Sesshoumaru's apartment complex, his number already typed into her cell phone. All she had to do was hit the `call' button. <i>What am I doing? I hardly even know him!</i>She had been doing errands all day when she realized she was on the West side of town. Remembering the card Sesshoumaru had given her that day in salsa class she pulled into the parking lot of the fancy condominiums and searched her purse for the card. As she finished dialing his number, she stopped to think about what she was doing. While she was sitting in her car contemplating her next move, Sesshoumaru walked out the entrance that faced the parking lot and began to head toward his car. He noticed out of the corner of his eye a small purple car that he didn't recognize. He paused long enough to note its presence, but as it didn't concern him, he continued on his way. That's when his cell phone rang.Kagome finally hit 'send' and placed her phone to her ear. As it began to dial out, she could hear the ringing of the receiver correspond with ringing somewhere in the parking lot. She looked up and found Sesshoumaru standing only ten feet away, searching his pockets for his phone. Immediately she hung up and sank down into the seat. <i>I'm such an idiot!</i>Sesshoumaru pulled out his phone and saw a `missed call' entry from an unknown number. He thought on it briefly and once again began walking to his car after hitting `call back'. This time he could hear ringing coming from the purple car in the corner and saw through the windshield a girl scrambling for her phone. He chuckled to himself as he changed course and headed for the car. Before Kagome had a chance to make her get-away, Sesshourmaru was crouched down and peering through the car window. She ducked down and tried to pretend like he wasn't there, but soon had to abandon that idea when he began to knock on the glass. She laughed nervously as she rolled down her window, avoiding eye contact with her guest.
“Uh, hi there! I was just…I was…I found your card and I, um…”“How are you? I was hoping that you would call.”“Eh? Really? Well, I've just been so busy and I…I wasn't sure if I should…well, what I mean is that…”Sesshoumaru sniggered as she desperately tried to explain herself. She was clearly embarrassed that she called, and even more so to have actually run in to him. He found this amusing, though, and decided that she had floundered enough. “Are you busy tonight?”“What? Well, no. At least, I don't think so.” She was glad he had interrupted her ramblings. Had he left her to her own devises she wouldn't have stopped until the sun went down. “Perhaps we should continue our discussion of your dance training over dinner, then?”<i>Is he being too forward? No, no, I'd be an idiot not to accept. He's so gorgeous…wait, what am I thinking?! That shouldn't be the deciding factor, Kagome!</i> “Er, ok.”“I'll pick you up six, then.”“Alright. That sounds good.” She let out a sigh of relief. A date was just what she wanted, but she was far too much of a coward to have suggested it herself. She could hardly even form proper sentences around him. <i>Why isn't he leaving now?</i>“Perhaps you could give me your address?”“My address! Right! Oh, I'm so sorry. By the way, my name is Kagome. I don't think we exchanged names properly.” She extended her hand to him but found instead of shaking it, Sesshoumaru gently took it in his, pulling it toward his lips. He kissed the back of it, all the while holding her gaze with his own.“Sesshoumaru.”She was so lost in his stare that she had missed what he said entirely. “Huh?”“My name. It's Sesshoumaru.”“Oh right!” She laughed as he released her hand and she tried to think of a way to make herself look at least a little more intelligent than a sixth-grader with a giant crush. She reached into her purse and pulled out a small pad of paper and a pen and scribbled her address on it. She handed it to him through her car window and immediately started the car in hopes of getting away before she said or did anything really stupid.“I'll see you at six.” He smiled warmly and then began to back away from her car. Kagome peeled out of the parking lot as quickly as possible, hoping to avoid any more embarrassment.All too quickly it was six o'clock and Kagome was frantically running around her apartment trying to find one of her earrings. Her cat, Buyo, had a nasty habit of stealing anything small and shiny, and batting his treasures under the couch and other small, dark spaces. In her skirt and heels she crouched down on all fours and extended an arm into the abyss that was under her couch in hopes of retrieving her earrings' long, lost match. Of course as she did this the doorbell rang. “It's open,” she yelled, half out of habit. Then she gasped. “Oh, shit.”In through her door strolled Sesshoumaru, wearing fitted, dark jeans - <i> very well fitted!</i> -with black leather shoes and a black button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His long, silver hair flowed like silk over his shoulders and down his back. <i>Damn!</i> Kagome was completely oblivious to her awkward position until he looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.“Are you alright?”“Huh? Oh, uh…I've just lost something. My cat likes to hide things under here. Ah ha! Here it is!” She stood up and held up her prize so that he could see. He nodded, and she promptly put it on. Blushing fiercely she then grabbed her purse. <i>He must think I am such a weirdo.</i> “Ok, I'm ready!”“Very well, then. Let us go.” He held the door open for her, making his exit after she had entered the hallway. As he closed the door behind him she turned to lock the door and lightly bumped into his chest. “Oops, I'm sorry!,” she said and he slid out of her way. As she brushed past him he closed his eyes and inhaled her beautiful scent, wanting to reach out and run his fingers through her long, ebony locks. When she had the door locked he shook himself out of his reverie and led her out to his car. “That's your car!?” She blurted out as they stopped in front of a silver Lamborghini. “Yes. Shall we be going?”“Um, yeah. What do you have planned?” Looking from the impossibly expensive car to his designer clothes, she began to worry that she might not be able to afford her half of the meal. <i>He must be loaded!</i> She was beginning to feel slightly out of place, like maybe he was way out of her league. <i>Oh well, too late to start worrying about that now!</i>“Well, I thought we could start off by finding a suitable restaurant. Perhaps we could drive around and see what strikes our fancy?”“Sure. That sounds like fun!” She couldn't wait to be seen driving around town in <i>this</i> car with <i>this</i> guy! She started over to the passenger side and turned back to see Sesshoumaru still standing there, a smirk on his face. “What?”“I thought perhaps you would like to drive?”
<i>Ah, yes.</i> And here she was, on a date with a very hot boy and his equally hot toy. She chuckled to herself and was glad she was on the West side yesterday; otherwise she might be in her apartment eating popcorn and watching re-runs with Buyo right now. <i>I still can't believe he actually let me drive this thing! He's so confident in my abilities to do that weird?</i>She decided it was time she got in the passengers seat and let him drive from here-on-out. It was a busy street so she made sure no one was around and slid over the center console instead of risking opening the door and getting out. She was careful to mind her skirt, and as she plopped into the seat and adjusted her outfit she saw that Sesshoumaru was coming back with drinks in hand.