InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Mi Confesion ❯ Delicious ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

After parking, the pair walked over to the main street where all the shops and popular restaurants were. Kagome was curious as to which one he had in mind and decided she needed to find out what some of his interests were so she could make a more educated guess. “So, what do you like to do in your spare time, aside from Latin ballroom?” She threw him a bashful smile as she continued to slurp her shake.“I do not have a lot of spare time these days. I am usually busy with work.”“Oh. What do you do for work?” “I work for my father. He owns the Taisho Law Firm.”<i>That explains why he's got money coming out his ears! Nice job, Kagome. He's officially out of your league. So far, in fact, he might as well be orbiting in the Andromeda Galaxy!</i> “I never would have guessed you were into law.” “I'm not particularly `in' to it. It's just something I happen to be good at.”“Ha! I wish I just happened to be that good at something like being a lawyer or accounting.” She sighed as she looked up at the night sky. The bright lights of the city obscured her view of the stars, but the moon was in clear view, full and luminous. Sesshoumaru looked down at her and began to wonder why he hadn't found her sooner. She was so full of life and he didn't want to miss the opportunity to get out and enjoy someone else's company. He had spent so much time in the office of late, almost hiding away. For once he was having fun and he didn't want to dwell on work and his family.“Here we are,” he said as he stopped, looking up at the restaurant sign. It read `Haiku' and Kagome knew it instantly as the ritziest sushi bar in town. The matter of his social status was still dancing around in her head and she inwardly sighed. <i>It would take a weeks' pay for me to eat a meal here. This can only end in embarrassment.</i>He held open the door for her and she smiled at him as she stepped inside. The host greeted them, and Sesshoumaru came up behind her and lightly placed one of his hands on the small of her back. “Two, please.” Kagome was startled at first by their physical contact, but decided it was more comforting than frightening. The host nodded at Sesshoumaru and grabbed two menus as he gestured for them to follow him. He led them past the sushi bar and into a private room. “Please, sit. Sayuri will be your server. She will bring your sake momentarily.” He bowed before existing then shut the sliding door behind him. They removed their shoes before kneeling on the finely embroidered cushions that were positioned at opposite ends of the small square table. Before they had a chance to speak, the shoji opened and a young girl in a full kimono stepped in. “Good evening. I am Sayuri and I will be your server for the night.” As she said this she placed a cup in front of each of them and then filled them from the bottle of sake. She placed the bottle in the center of the table and then bowed as she began to back out of the room. “For your order, would you like your usual, Sesshoumaru-sama?”“Yes. Thank you.”After the girl exited, Kagome couldn't help herself. “Wow! What great service they have here.” She said as she turned back to the table and reached for her cup. “I wasn't aware they hired psychics.” “I am a frequent visitor here. They simply know what I like.” She was smirking at him, and he found it particularly sexy. He got up then and grabbed the cushion he had been kneeling on. He moved over to the side of the table and placed the cushion down next to Kagome, then kneeled again, satisfied with his decision to move. They finished their sake in silence before Sesshoumaru poured them each another glass. “So, tell me, what intrigues you about dancing?”“Huh? Oh! Well, my friend Yumi…” She stopped. She didn't want to reveal that the reason for her being at salsa class that day was to help her forget about her ex. She didn't want him to think she wasn't ready to start dating again or that she was pathetic for needing to find a hobby. “She and I were bored with the gym, and wanted to find a…more fun…way to stay in shape.” <i>Please let him buy that!</i>“Hn.” He finished off his second cup of sake, not buying for a second what she had said. He decided that maybe it was better he didn't know, for women had never been something he easily understood. It was probably over something petty that brought her to that class that day, and perhaps he didn't care to know `how' or `why'. He was simply glad that she <i>had</i>, and that would be enough for him.Just then their server came in and placed a rather large platter on the table in front of them. She stepped out, then immediately came back with small plates and chopsticks for each of them. She bowed again and then left, closing the door behind her.“This is what you normally eat here?” Kagome was a bit puzzled, for there was not only a great deal of food, but a wide variety of it. Just how many dates had he taken here?He chuckled. “Yes. I take my mother here a lot. And she is…hard to please. She enjoys a little bit of everything, so I get her this and we share it. It keeps her quiet which keeps me at peace.” <i>He takes his mother out to eat?</i> “Your mother should be more grateful to have such a good date take her to such a fine place.” She smiled at him, then picked up her chopsticks and scanned the platter, not knowing where to begin. “I think she would be more grateful if her date were more obliging.”“How could you possibly be any more accommodating?” She furrowed her brow, not knowing how his mother could be so stuck up. As she looked up at him she was startled to see him offering her a piece of yellowtail.“Like this.”