InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Excuse me! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I sadly do not own Inuyasha
A/N: Yay! I was soooooooooo … oooooooo (continues forever) happy that I got reviews! Thank you very much for taking the time to review my story! : ) All those who reviewed are super nice people … anyway here is the story and although I looked this over a bunch of times there may be some spelling errors or things like that I didn't catch so I apologize and feel free to tell me if you see any. On with the story!
“Hey… you” Inuyasha said to Kagome.
“What is it?” She answered in an annoyed tone after her `talk' with Mrs. Ajewski.
“Get up, I want to sit there.” He commanded.
Sango gave Inuyasha a look that said `don't tell us what to do'. Kagome looked very angry but tried to control her temper, “Excuse me, did you just tell me to get up so you could sit here. I will tell you now that I don't take kindly to that and if you knew what was best, you would go back there and sit with your friend Miroku.” Kagome hissed back at him.
“Do you even know who I am?” Inuyasha asked.
“Of course I know who you are. You are an arrogant jerk that doesn't know who he is messing with.” Kagome glared at him with an icy stare.
“Was that a threat? You think you could beat me up or something, I bet you are so weak that you can't pick up your books.” Inuyasha laughed at his remark, the whole class gasped and became deathly silent because they knew what Inuyasha had gotten himself into. They waited to see what Kagome and Sango would do next.
Miroku was in the back of the class watching the whole thing and he also heard the whispers of `that kid is going to die' so he asked the boy in front of him what the deal was.
“Well Kagome and Sango, aside from being beautiful,” the boy made a drooling face, “They are really strong and you don't want to mess with them. The two things you should never tell them are that they are weak and ugly, a boy did that yesterday and they only punched him in the gut. If the teacher hadn't come at that time, they would have done more. The only people who have been able to match Kagome and Sango in a fight would be Naraku and his friends, but they are in high school and don't come down to the middle school … often” The boy then turned around to watch the scene at the front of the class.
Miroku didn't know what to say, but it was his job to keep Inuyasha out of trouble so he needed to do something.
“Class, I have to go run off some copies of these papers. I'll be right back so behave.” Mrs. Ajewski looked directly at Sango and Kagome. “Inuyasha, take your seat!” Then she was gone out the door.
Miroku got out of his seat and walked up to Inuyasha and told him of the information he got from the boy. “So what Miroku, they are just two girls, what could they do?” Inuyasha joked as Kagome and Sango got up from their chairs, visibly shaking with anger.
“What was that?” Kagome dared him as Sango went over to the door and locked it so the teacher couldn't get in and no one could get out.
The door locked with a click signaling that Inuyasha was going to pay for what he said.
“I said that you two were a pair of weak, sissy girls that couldn't pick up your books.” Inuyasha kept his rough tone although he was a bit worried as to why they had locked the door.
“Oh really,” Kagome and Sango picked up there books, “Would you imagine that, we can pick up our books” Sango made a sarcastic amazed expression that turned into a malicious grin.
“That isn't all we can do Inuyasha, allow us to demonstrate.” Kagome wore a grin as she and Sango threw their books at him, hitting him in the face.
“AHHH, you idiots, you'll pay for that.” Inuyasha threatened while holding his nose.
“That's nice and all Inuyasha, I hope you try to regain your dignity. If you want to keep what is left of it then I suggest you go back there and sit in those seats.” Kagome smiled sweetly at him while she sat back down in her own seat.
Sango unlocked the door and also took her seat, a triumphant grin on her face.
“Come on Inuyasha, just go back there and sit down.” Miroku tried to reason with him, but he knew it was worthless.
Inuyasha was about to let the girls have a piece of his mind when the teacher came back from the copy machine.
“Inuyasha, Miroku! What did I tell you! Since you won't sit in my class you can just sit in detention with Kagome and Sango. Now for the last time, take your seats.” Mrs. Ajewski huffed as she sat down at her desk.
“This isn't over,” he mumbled to Kagome as he and Miroku went to the back of the room to sit down. Kagome and Sango only laughed at this.
“Now turn to page 125 in your book.” Mrs. Ajewski said as she started her class.
When she was done teaching and everyone started to leave, she called Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha to her desk.
“Here are your slips for detention and you are not to leave the room this time.” She glared at Kagome and Sango while handing out the slips.
“If we have to we will lock you in there … oh, Inuyasha and Miroku will use the lockers under yours.” Mrs. Ajewski said to Kagome and Sango.
“Now, Sango you will show Miroku around and Kagome will show Inuyasha around, you need to take them to there lockers and then to their next classes.” The teacher declared.
“What!” Kagome and Inuyasha yelled at the same time.
“What I said is final and if you don't do this, I will make your life miserable.” Mrs. Ajewski grinned and then sent them on there way.
They made it to their lockers and the girls cleaned their things out so that Inuyasha and Miroku could put their stuff in the lockers below theirs.
“This is just great! Now I am stuck with dog boy.” Kagome sighed to herself … or so she thought.
“W-What do you mean by `dog boy'?” Inuyasha asked, hoping she didn't know.
“I know you are half dog demon.” Kagome shrugged as they left the classroom.
“How did you find out?” Inuyasha asked.
“That is for me to know and you not to worry about.” Kagome grinned at the angry expression on his face.
“Before we start to argue again, I think we should know your names.” Miroku tried to keep Inuyasha and the girl from fighting again.
He turned to Sango and inquired her name. “I am Sango and this is Kagome.” She pointed to her best friend. “May we see your schedules so we can tell you where you need to be going?” Sango asked Miroku sweetly.
“Yes you may, here you go.” He handed Sango his and Inuyasha's schedules.
“It looks like Miroku and I are in all the same classes.” Sango tried to mask her happiness but failed miserably causing Kagome to laugh.
“What's so funny you idiot?” Inuyasha asked.
“Nothing you jerk.” Kagome retorted, giving him a cold stare. Only then did she notice his beautiful silver-white hair with an oddly moving hat atop his head and his hypnotic amber-gold eyes.
`Those eyes, they are so … beautiful.' She was transfixed until Sango brought her back to reality.
“It also looks like Kagome and Inuyasha are in all the same classes. I bet Mrs. Ajewski looked at our schedules and then paired us up.” Sango gave Kagome a `sorry you're stuck with him' look and then Miroku and her left for their next class.
“Ok Inuyasha, let's just get this over with, shall we?” Kagome started to walk off to her next class, motioning for him to follow.
“Feh, whatever.” Inuyasha only shrugged and followed her down the hall.
A/N: I was supposed to be working on my project … but one thing led to another and I posted this chapter. Funny, huh? Lol, Yea I didn't think it was either but anyway, please review what you have read. I don't really care if you only write one word … please just review!