InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Middle School Troubles ❯ Pick a Partner ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I am sooooo sorry for the long wait but I promise I will update faster! Man, I haven't updated since April … wow, that's awful … sorry sorry sorry and I hope you enjoy the chapter.
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Kagome or Miroku or Sango … etc.
`Who does Inuyasha think he is anyway?' Kagome thought angrily as she recalled how Inuyasha had prevented her from beating Naraku senseless.
She was sitting on her bed gazing out the window at the house beside her. `That must be where he lives … and of course it's right beside of me.' Kagome looked at the house she had watched Inuyasha enter earlier that day. `Some new neighbor he turned out to be.'
“Kagome, are you in there?” Mrs. Higurashi asked while opening the door to her daughter's room, finding her staring out the window. “What are you staring at the neighbor's house for?” Mrs. Higurashi inquired while taking a seat at the edge of Kagome's bed.
“Just thinking … how much I hate its residents.” Kagome said while turning to face her mother.
“Oh Kagome, please tell me you didn't get in a fight with Inuyasha.” She pleaded hopefully, but when Kagome didn't respond all the color drained from her face and she became pale as a ghost.
“I only threw a book at him; I don't see what the big idea is. It's not like … how do you know Inuyasha's name.” Mrs. Higurashi spoke sternly. “Kagome, you can not pick fights with him.”
Kagome was visibly confused. “Why can't I pick fights with him? And you never told me how you know his name.” Kagome asked, causing her mother to sigh.
“I work for Inuyasha's older brother and if you upset him he may tell his brother—which is my boss—and I could get fired from my job.” Kagome began to laugh at this explanation, “You're kidding right, you just don't want me to get sent to detention again so you made … this … up?”
Kagome saw that her mother's features didn't change and laugh with her in what Kagome thought was a joke. “So … you really were telling the truth?”
“How I wish I could tell you it was all a ploy to keep you from detention, but it isn't. Now I need you to promise that you will not pick fights with Inuyasha or anything like that.” Mrs. Higurashi spoke, leaving no room to disagree.
“I can try mom, but it will be hard since he's such an arrogant jerk.” Kagome said, and upon the worried look covering her mom's face, decided to ad `I promise'.
Mrs. Higurashi smiled before rising gracefully from the bed and moving towards the door. Before closing it, she looked back upon her only daughter, “Thank you Kagome.”
Kagome smiled back until she closed the door. After her mom had went far enough from her room, she wretched a pillow from her bed. Pushing it against her face, she let out a frustrated and angry scream that was muffled by the soft feathers.
Sango heard an insistent knock on her front door so she went to investigate. Once she opened the door, she slammed it right back. “Go away!” Sango yelled through the large wooden door, fully regretting ever being happy that he was her new neighbor.
“Come on Sango, I just want to talk.” Miroku pleaded from outside.
“I can hear you just fine through the door.” Sango said angrily as Miroku sighed in defeat. “Sango, I just want to apologize for what I did in the cafeteria. I don't mean to be such a pervert, it just happens because I find myself attracted to—hello, very … big guy.” Miroku thought Sango was opening the door so he didn't bother to look up from talking to his feet until it was all the way open.
To his horror, it wasn't Sango that stood in the doorway, but a tall, muscular man that he guessed to be Sango's father. Miroku gulped under the intense stare the man was giving him.
“And who, may I ask, are you?” Sango's father questioned as Miroku froze under pressure. “Uh … my name is Miroku … and I'm your new neighbor.” He extended his hand only to drop it when Sango's father began to speak once more, not taking notice of the friendly gesture.
“What are you apologizing to Sango for, what did you do boy?” Miroku was about to reply, but Sango pushed her way into the doorway.
“Miroku was just apologizing because … I let him borrow some money, but he hasn't paid me back yet. He was coming over to say he was sorry about that.” Sango explained hastily, hoping her over-protective father bought the story.
“If you say so Sango …” Her father answered and as he turned to leave he gave Miroku a glare that said `I have my eyes on you'.
After her father left, Sango was about to go back inside. She halted when Miroku began to speak to her. “Thanks Sango, you saved me from what was sure to have been a brutal interrogation.” Miroku smiled as Sango shut the door and turned to face him.
“Yeah, whatever …” Sango rolled her eyes because inside she was still angry, `that was so fake, the perverted liar. He only cares about his self.'
“I truly am sorry and I hope you don't hate me and I hope we're still friends.” Sango had closed her eyes in frustration to how Miroku could lie without remorse and had every intention of telling him she hated his sorry lecher self … because she did, didn't she?
But when she opened her eyes and saw his apologetic, sincere face … her mouth didn't seem to want to cooperate.
“I …”
`Come on Sango, just tell that pervert to take a hike and that you never want to see his lying, perverted face again … slap him … do something!' Her mind chided as she began to form her words.
“It's ok Miroku, you're forgiven this time.” Sango said as Miroku smiled happily. `What was that?! Why did you let him off the hook? Why didn't you tell him to go home? Anything but what you just said! Now he probably thinks you like him or something.'
Sango's mind spoke heatedly as Sango tuned it out, thinking it not such a bad idea to like Miroku - as a friend- even after his perverted actions.
“Well … Mushin probably wants me back home so … I guess I'll see you tomorrow at school.” Miroku said before turning around and walking back to his house.
“Hey Miroku,” Sango called after him, “Since we live so close together I got this crazy idea …”
“Yes, what is it Sango?” Miroku prompted the struggling girl.
“Well, I was just thinking that we could … maybe … walk together to school or something. If you don't want to that's fine, but I just—” Miroku cut her off to save her from further embarrassment, though he did think it was rather cute when she blushed.
“Yes Sango, I think that is a wonderful idea. I'll be at your door tomorrow morning so be ready.” “Um … ok, sounds great.” Sango said before slowly opening her door and entering her house and in a much better mood than when she first went outside.
`You've fallen for this guy hard haven't you?' Sango asked herself while walking to her room, though she already knew the answer.
“And he just has to be the biggest lecher I've ever met.”
Kagome woke up and began to prepare for school. Her throat was a little sore from all the screaming she did last night, though it did help relieve some stress. `Now if only
Inuyasha would move or something, I'd be stress free.' Kagome thought, but something inside of her disagreed.
So she couldn't fight with him, fine. But she could ignore and be angry at him all she wanted to take the place of fighting.
She left her house, making sure she had her book bag this time. Inuyasha came out of his house at the same time. “And don't get in trouble this time you filthy half-breed. Mother placed me in charge of you so if you get in trouble at school, I will get in trouble with her. Don't forget why we are here in the first place. It was because you got kicked out of your last school!” Inuyasha only lowered his head and stared at his shoes, but he kept on walking.
All of Kagome's anger, frustration and hatred of the half-demon melted away on the spot. “What's wrong you stupid wench!? Quit gawking at me.” Inuyasha yelled, though it was half-hearted.
“Who was that yelling?” Kagome asked, disregarding his earlier comment.
“You mean, you heard?” Inuyasha asked in astonishment as they both, unknowingly, began to walk with each other to school.
“Who didn't hear is more likely the question. So who was that?” Kagome simply replied as Inuyasha looked away from her.
“That was my older brother, Sesshomaru.”
“Doesn't seem like the best brother in the world.” Kagome stated solemnly before turning to look at Inuyasha who was still looking in the opposite direction.
“If it makes any difference, I don't think you're a filthy half-breed.”
At her words, Inuyasha snapped his head around to look at her.
“W-well who cares what you think anyway!” Inuyasha retorted before turning away once more, fear of Kagome noticing his face had taken on a pink tint.
`What is this girl doing to me …?' Inuyasha inwardly asked himself.
“I …”
Kagome fixed her eyes on his red cap and remembered how he had placed his hands over it when she and Sango were yelling.
`I wonder …' Kagome thought before quickly knocking the cap off his head.
Inuyasha was startled by her sudden hand movement and thought she was going to slap him. His hat was knocked off and this led him to believe that Kagome had very bad aim, before full knowledge of his hat lying at his feet registered.
Kagome had to suppress a squeal of delight.
“Those ears are so cute!”
“My ears are not cute! They are ferocious demonic ears and demons aren't—hey, are you even listening to me!?” Inuyasha shouted angrily, but it wasn't worth the effort because Kagome was jumping up and down babbling about his adorable fuzzy ears.
Grunting, he bent down to pick up his cap, only to feel someone's hands on his ears. Kagome was unable to resist any longer and had to touch the furry triangles on his head.
“Are you … rubbing my ears?” Inuyasha asked agitatedly though his face had turned a dark shade of pink.
Kagome retracted her hands while muttering an apology.
`That actually felt kind of … good. Ah, I did not just think that!' Inuyasha shook his head of those thoughts.
Kagome watched Inuyasha put his hat back on sadly, as she could no longer see her favorite furry triangles.
“Aw … do you absolutely have to put the hat back on?” Kagome whined as Inuyasha shook his head. “Quit griping, I'm not taking it off!”
Inuyasha began walking to school with a quick pace.
“Oh please take it off!” Kagome exclaimed through puppy dog eyes as she hurried to catch up with him.
“Not taking it off Kagome.” Inuyasha replied, causing Kagome to pout.
Inuyasha forgot that he didn't like this girl for a moment and a small smile graced his lips. Lucky for him Kagome didn't notice.
“Please, please, please, please—I won't stop until you take off your hat—please, please, please, please, please.” Kagome continued while Inuyasha tuned her out with his own method.
“La, la, la—can't hear you—la, la, la.”
Miroku made his way over to Sango's house and knocked on the door. A young boy answered.
“Who are you, my sister's boyfriend?”
“No, I'm just your new neighbor.” Miroku replied while smiling uncomfortably, “Who are you?”
“I'm Kohaku, Sango's younger brother.” Kohaku answered before yelling to Sango that her boyfriend was here.
Miroku sighed and rolled his eyes at the boy.
“He's not my boyfriend Kohaku!” Sango said on her way down the steps.
She glared at her brother as she walked out the door before turning to Miroku. “Sorry about that, little brothers, you know.”
“I'm afraid I wouldn't, seeing as I'm an only child.”
“Well, you're lucky. I love Kohaku to death, but he can be so infuriating sometimes.” Sango scowled, remembering some of those times.
“I'm sure he's not all that bad Sango.” Miroku reasoned with her, but Sango shook her head.
“He once swapped my shampoo with cat's flea and tick shampoo. He's switched my cool whip with shaving cream—I still haven't figured out how he did that—and just now, calling you my boyfriend!”
Miroku looked at Sango with a smirk on his face. “And what's so bad about that?”
Sango's eyes grew twice their normal size. `Did he just … ask me if I … nah, I'm just over-exaggerating. Still though, could he really be asking me …? Oh no, now how am I supposed to answer this? If I say nothing is wrong with it, he may think I want to be more than friends—but I wouldn't be so bad, I guess—whoa, I did not just think that! Ok, I could just tell him that it is bad to have him as a boyfriend—but that leaves no room to become more than friends. Ah, this can't be happening to me!' Sango searched desperately for an answer to his question.
Miroku just kept on grinning at the struggle Sango was going through and the way her face kept growing redder.
“Please, please—”
“I said no!”
Sango and Miroku searched for the owners of the voices. They were able to resolve that the voices belonged to Kagome and Inuyasha, who were currently in a … dispute of sorts.
Kagome was currently trying to yank the red cap off of Inuyasha's head while he fought against her will.
His one hand was clamped down on the hat to keep it tight to his head while the other fought to get Kagome away.
“Kagome … what exactly are you two doing?” Sango interrogated a rather startled Kagome and Inuyasha.
Upon hearing Sango's voice, they froze in their awkward positions. Kagome's hands on Inuyasha's hat and Inuyasha's hand on Kagome's arm.
They shared equally aghast glances with each other before immediately dropping their hands to their sides where they hung limp.
Inuyasha and Kagome's faces began to spiral into a deep crimson blush, and it seemed to deepen when Miroku chose to speak his mind.
“I do believe that Kagome was trying to take off Inuyasha's hat while he tried to prevent it.”
“Yes, I got that much Miroku, but the real question is why she was in the first place.” Sango responded as Kagome, seemingly recovered from her embarrassment, though her face still held slight remnants of pink, had decided to defend her situation.
“Well, you see,” Kagome began almost inaudibly, but her voice rose as she proceeded. “Inuyasha has these very adorable…”
Kagome lifted her eyes from the ground and they made their way slowly to Inuyasha's unprotected hat and …
Kagome squealed with delight as she snatched the hat off of Inuyasha's head.
Obviously not suspecting that Kagome was still after his hat, Inuyasha was slow in reacting to her quick hand.
In return, his ears were uncovered and open for everyone to see … for everyone to criticize. But at least he knew Kagome wouldn't criticize them.
No, she would just squeal about all day at how adorable they were.
`Feh, stupid girl! I don't know which is worse. Someone who really likes my ears or someone who doesn't …' Inuyasha thought as Kagome waved the hat in front of his face before putting it on her own head.
“I'll be keeping this.” Kagome announced matter-of-factly. “Besides, it looks a lot better on me anyway.”
And with that she had taken off without as much as a warning.
Inuyasha's initial confusion of her dashing off was replaced with a more-or-less playful smirk.
“Idiot, give me back my hat!”
And with that he had given chase of the young girl.
“Well that was weird.” Sango said after a moment of silence.
“Yes that was, but Inuyasha is weird so you get used to it after a while.” Miroku joked and Sango had to giggle.
She was just thankful they spared her from answering Miroku's earlier question.
“Yes, Kagome is one of a kind. So how did you meet Inuyasha anyway? That is, if you don't mind my asking.”
Miroku began after a brief pause.
“Well, we met at the age of five because of our fathers; my father worked for Inuyasha's. My dad was his father's go-to man for business advice, so naturally Inuyasha and I spent a lot of time together.”
They had unconsciously started walking to school during Miroku's explanation.
“So you have known Inuyasha for nine years? How can you stand him for that long? Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't like him, but he seems like—”
“An arrogant jerk?” Miroku gave a short laugh at Sango's nodding head. “Well he always has been. But once you get to know him and he gets to know you, he's alright. When we first met I can remember that he bit me for pointing at his ears. I didn't really like him much after that—he's never been good with first impressions—but it was our fathers who pressed the friendship. We became friends and would stay with Inuyasha's mother when our fathers went on business trips. And then one day, they never came back. Inuyasha's mother explained it that way, `that they were never coming back' but at the age of six it can be a hard concept to grasp. When we were older we understood what she meant.” Miroku sighed before starting again.
“Their private plane had crashed upon coming into the runway. I lived with Inuyasha for a while after that, but then Mushin came and got me. He was my god-parent and I've lived with him since the age of eight. But Inuyasha and I stayed in touch. Now we are back together again, but it's not coincidental. Inuyasha's mother sent us here after … Inuyasha's last school. Anyway, his mother asked me to look after him so he didn't have a repeat of his last school.”
He finished and Sango was quiet.
“I'm sorry.” She said after a while of walking. “I had no idea you had been through such an awful experience. So is your mom …?”
She just couldn't finish the sentence. There was something forming in her throat that was constricting her speech.
“I never knew her, she died during labor.” Miroku said quietly before turning to Sango.
She was gazing at him with teary eyes.
“Now don't start feeling sympathetic for me. I told you this because you asked, not for your pity. I didn't mean to make you sad.” Miroku said hastily as they reached the school entrance.
Sango nodded, a tiny smile surfacing on her face. “Then you should have chosen to tell me something else.”
With a small laugh she wiped her eyes of un-shed tears.
“Can you do me a favor and not mention what I told you to Inuyasha. I don't think he'd be too happy about his personal life being spread about even if only to you.” Miroku requested and Sango reassured him with a nod.
“We'll I guess we should go on to class.” Sango stated and the two made their way through the halls.
They made it to the hall that their classroom was on in time to see Kagome trying to keep Inuyasha's hat away from him.
“Inuyasha still hasn't gotten his hat back … oh well, tough luck for him. At least I'm not involved in—”
“Hey Miroku, help me get my hat back from this idiot!” Inuyasha called out and Miroku cursed under his breath.
“So you have to call in for reinforcements, eh? You can't get your hat from me on your own?” Kagome taunted and Inuyasha growled angrily in response.
“Just give it back already, or I'll take it by force.”
“Oh really now, do you plan to fight me?” Kagome then remembered what her mother had asked of her the night before.
`“Now I need you to promise that you will not pick fights with Inuyasha or anything like that.” Mrs. Higurashi spoke, leaving no room to disagree.'
`I really hate promises.' Kagome seethed before turning her attention to Inuyasha. “If you really want it so badly then I'll just give it to you … and besides, you're not even worth the fight.”
Kagome tossed the hat at Inuyasha's chest and walked into the classroom.
He caught it disbelievingly, unsure if it was real or not. He didn't think she would have given in so easily.
Something was up and he was going to find out what.
Looking around he noticed that everyone had left the hall, including Miroku.
`For a best friend, you think Miroku would have told me that he everyone had left.'
He replaced the hat to its usual spot on top his head, hoping that no one had noticed his ears.
As he walked into the room he found out that it was not the case. Everyone was whispering and staring at him.
He took his seat hurriedly, which of course was behind the idiot and her friend.
Leave it to Miroku to sit behind them.
Class began and Mrs. Ajewski announced that they would begin a unit on the Feudal Era of Japan.
“You and a partner will pick something from the era and construct a project regarding your choice. Now,” she turned to Kagome and Sango. “I see that you two will most likely want to pair up together so I am going to restrict it. This decision is what's best for your grade and if you were allowed to work together then your grade would not be best. Well now that that is settled, everyone partner up!”
All the students began to scatter across the room searching for potential partners, but Kagome and Sango sat at their desks shocked, confused and potentially partner-less.
A/N: So how was that …? I hope that ya'll liked it and will review! And again, I am sooooo very sorry for the long wait. I will do my best to update, at the earliest, next week, but I am making NO promises.
Well now that you have made it this far why not leave a review! Lol.
And thank you all the people who reviewed. I love you all! : )