InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Midnight Blues

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

A/n: *cowers away from the rotten tomatoes about to be thrown at her.* Before you kill me, I
just wanna say I'm sorry for not updating sooner.....I'll explain later....if I'm still breathing.

Kagome Higurashi set down the phone on it's cradle with shaking fingers.
She took a deep calming breath and tried to tear her eyes away from the phone.
She turned and walked zombie-like to the living room and sat down in a daze on
the plush purple suede couch. She blinked a few times before breaking into a huge grin.

'! Inuyasha just asked me out on a date! Oh, be still, my heart'

The young teacher giggled and grabbed the nearest pillow, sinking into the couch,
that grin still painted on her face.

'I was so nervous! Thank kami that he couldn't tell. It took every single one of my YOGA
classes to not fumble with my words and be obvious about my uneasiness. Especially
since I had been waiting for him to call since the second I got home the night I met
the man that unknowingly makes my heart skip just by thinking about him! Ugh, I'm
so pathetic! Well....a pathetic woman that's helplessy in love."

Kagome sighed and perched her feet on the convienient coffee table.

'But I can't help it. There was a kind of......connection when I met Inuyasha. I just only wish
all of this mess could be settled with Koga in my heart so that I could have space for Inuyasha.
But.....I won't be able to handle it if the doctor breaks my heart, too....Yet, somehow,.... I can't
help the feeling that he won' some part of my heart already knew him
in a past life.....'

Kagome thought about that for a minute before shrugging and closing her eyes. She sighed again before
sinking into the couch, relaxing her emotions. She listened to the clock on the wall tick before she sat
sat up so abruptly, her foot slammed into the low table. She didn't even notice because a sudden
thought hit her like a bullet.

'Oh, no! What am I going to wear?!!!'

She stood up quickly, and raced to her closet, searching through it like a madwoman.

'Red tanktop?!' She stared at it for second before shaking her head. 'No, it makes me look fat!'

The paranoid slim woman threw the article of clothing over he shoulder.

`A dress?!' Kagome looked at the black silky thing intently before groaning. 'No, too fancy!'

The teacher disgarded it too.

'A sweater?!' She prantically pulled a white sweater off the hanger, a smile beginning to form when
she spotted a coffee stain on it.

She crossed her arms and huffed, staring at all of her dissatisfying clothes.

'Damn, I'm screwed........except.....Wait!!! Sango!!'
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A/N: I know the chapters are really short and I'm sorry about that. One: this is only my second fanfiction
and Two: I've been out of the state on vacation and there were no computers so I could update! I know,
I know, frusterating....Well, anyways, r&r if you can.