InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. The only thing I probably do REALLY own is my gum that I bought at
the store since I personally paid for it........^.^

A/N: I just want to say thank you to all those who are reviewing. I really appreciate it. And I'm SO sorry it
took so long to update. It's been a CRAZY month for me. Anyways....on with the story.

Midnight Blues

"Have a nice day, girls," the elderly saleswoman said kindly behind the counter of the store.

"Thanks!" Kagome and Sango replied at the same time, picking up their bags. They both headed out of the
store, clothes for Kagome's upcoming date in hand. The two women got to the food court and sat down at the nearest table, sighing loudly with exhaustion. Sango groaned slightly and set her heavy bag down, clutching at her swolen ankle.

"Ugh, my feet are killing me! Who knew high heels could be so brutal?!" Sango asked, concentrating on the distended ankle.

"Well, we were walking around the mall for two hours...." Kagome replied. Sango just grunted in response, giving up on her ankle. Kagome's face scrunched up apologetically.

"Listen, Sango.......I'm really sorry about having to drag you out here so abrubtly. I just didn't have anything to wear and, well, you are the expert on clothes." Kagome apologized. Sango smiled and laid a hand on top of her friend's hand.

"That's okay, Kagome. I mean, what are friends for? It was fun and now you have something nice to wear....and expensive.Inuyasha better like it because I did not spend my time at the mall with swolen ankles for nothing!"

Kagome laughed. "Well, I'm sure someone be able to take your pain away when you get home," Kagome said coyly. Sango's eyes widened and she started blushing, pulling her hand away, setting them nervously in her lap.

Kagome inturrupted with another laugh. "How is Miroku, Sango?"

"He's umm...doing well, thanks...." Sango relpied. Kagome raised an eyebrow, silently asking Sango a question with her body language. Sango looked flustered and then sighed, giving in. "Oh, alright...well, I've been wanting to tell you this since yesterday, but I've been busy...and all you could talk about was Inuyasha....." Sango said, embarrassed.

Kagome blushed but before she could say anything, Sango interruppted.

"Don't worry about it, Kagome. I remember when I first met Miroku and all I could do was talk about him."

Kagome smiled, "I remember that. It was funny....and .....a little annoying." The two women laughed quietly. It got silent and all they could hear was the incredible noise of the packed local mall. Then, when she was coming back from getting them both strawberry smoothies, Kagome asked, "What was it that you wanted to tell me.....?" she said sipping on her drink.

Sango blushed faintly and set down her smoothie in front of her before replying. "Well, last night, Miroku took me out for dinner. It was casual, you know? Just some cheap, but really good seafood. So....I definitely wasn't expecting a small black box placed in front of me at the end of the meal...."

Kagome gasped and her face froze in shock, "W-wait,'re en-...engaged?" she choked on her words.

"I didn't say that. Let me finish." Sango said, silently laughing at her best friend's expression. "Well, you can imangine what happened. He got on his knee in front of me, taking my hand. And all I could think about was........killing him!"

Kagome didn't think she would ever be more confuzed than she was now. "What?!"

"I mean, married?! I thought it was waaay too early. I mean, I didn't want to take two giant leaps in our relationship soon."

Kagome then nodded, agreeing. But then.....Sango bit her lip and looked down at her lap, blushing.

"But-.........I was wrong. Miroku wasn't asking me to marry him, Kagome. You see......just about I was going to give him the beating of his life, he asked me if he wanted to move in with him and wanted to adopt a kitten. He opened the box and there was a cat tag with the name 'Kirara' on it."

Kagome grinned before bursting out into loud laughter. Sango smiled too, her blush fading a little bit.

"Well, of course, I said yes and then the whole restaurant clapped. It was really embarrassing, but, how I love Miroku even more and you know........I sorta now kinda hope he would be the spontaneous letch that he is and ask me to marry him."

Kagome smiled fondly and got up and hugged Sango. "I'm so happy for you Sango. I'm sure he will ask you because I know he feels the same way about you."

Sango half sobbed, half laughed and hugged her tighter. "Thanks, Kagome." They pulled away and were about to gather their things and leave before Sango looked over her shoulder and froze. Curious to what made her best friend act that way she started to turn her head to look, too. But the she was stopped abrubtly by Sango's hands on her shoulders. Panic was beginning to form in Kagome's eyes. "What is it, Sango?"

Sango gulped before speaking. "Don't turn around, Kagome." she said taking a glance behind her shoulder and grimacing. Kagome's eyes widened and, being incredibly stubborn, she turned around, bracing herself. She could barely hear Sango's protest before her whole world started to blur and crumble. Kagome gasped as her hand flew up to her mouth, mufflying her whisper of a pained, 'No!'. She took a step back her eyes watering with tears. Because, not two feet away from her, a beautiful woman was kissing Inuyasha
Taisho passionately on the lips.

A/N: Cliffhanger!!! Sorry, but I just couldn't resist. Anyways...I have a contest!! If you can answer the question, "What non-anime movie does one of the situations in this chapter resemble??" you will have a chance to make up a character so I can put your personally designed character somewhere in my story. It's a posssibility that more than one on you might get the question right so, if you do, I'll have a tie breaking question handy. If it doesn't interest you, the don't enter. Well, anyways, thanks for being so patient! Please review. And, for being so nice,....I'll give you hint for the contest. Paragraph 19 after 'Midnight Blues'. Thank you!