InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 5

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
A/N: I'm sorry to say that this chapter is just as short as the other ones......
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.
Warning: Major language in this scene so please don't read it if you're underage or dislike cussing.

Midnight Blues


Inuyasha Taisho looked at the shattered glass of his once vase on the floor, still angry as hell. Apparently, throwing a random object at the wall and watch it break to a million piecies doesn't calm a pissed off hanyou in the slightest bit. Because he felt like that was his heart on the kitchen floor, not his vase. He stormed over to his bedroom and started ripping and tearing at everything at sight, a firece growl in the back of his throat. His demon side was coming out and he could barely control it. Because of what happened not long ago, he was on a mad.......and incredibly sad rampage.


Inuyasha was at the mall, buying random things, trying to keep busy with his free day from work, when he saw Kikyo sitting on one of the mall's benches. Since, not feeling any love for her anymore, he walked right past her, trying to be oblivious. But he stopped abrubtly when he heard his name called out by his ex-fiance. He tensed, but turned around and said harshly, "Kikyo. What do you want?"
She was standing up in front of his now, but he couldn't help but feel his anger faltering. She looked heartbroken. "Oh, Inuyasha! He left me! (A/n: I'm gonna make up some random name since the guy she was seeing wouldn't be Naraku since, well, he wouldn't have been so scared when Inuyasha caught them) Takeshi left me! Inuyasha, I want you back! I need you! I've always loved you!!" Kikyo clutched desperately at Inuyasha, tears pouring from her eyes. "Take me back!"
Inuyasha clenched his jaw, taking Kikyo's hands forcefully away from him and relpied, "Kikyo, I can't do that! You broke my heart! You slept with this-...this Takeshi when you were engaged to ME!!! How could you get the fucking nerve to come up to me and tell me you still want me and want me to take you back?!! I don't think so, bitch!" He turned around and stalked angrily away when he was whirled around by Kikyo.
Now, Kikyo didn't looked sad, she looked angry all traces of her tears, or maybe, fake tears, gone. "Inuyasha, filthy half breed, you will take me back! You know you still love me and I need the money!!"
Inuyasha eyes flashed dangerously and he bit out, "I don't love you, Kikyo. Not anymore. I knew it the second I came home that night and you told me you were using me to get money. Oh, and the fact that you were naked in my our bed with another guy!!!"
Kikyo's eyes had narrowed and then, seeing no other way to convince him since she desperately needed money, she closed her eyes and threw herself in Inuyasha's startled arms and kissed him, hard. Inuyasha had closed his eyes momentarily, his instictive demon side reacting, wanting more, pushing into the kiss. But then, with his highly trained ears, he heard a stifled,"No", and he broke away from the kiss, his normal self returning. He turned to see Kagome Higurashi. The girl he was certain he would come to love was crying and running away, a woman calling Kagome's name as she ran after her. Inuyasha's eyes widened, realizing what she had saw and what he had so foolishly done and he choked out, "Kagome!" and turned to run when an arm held him back. 'Kikyo'.

He turned abruptly and snarled, "Kikyo, you BITCH! You ruin everything! Don't EVER come near me again or I swear, I will make sure you wished you've never been born! GOT IT, WHORE??!!"

Kikyo was so startled, she tripped in trying to step back and fell, her eyes horrified. Inuyasha didn't wait for an answer and ran with his demonic speed in the direction Kagome went in. "KAGOME!" He went through the mall doors, tracking her sent but then stopped, his eyes enlarging. For she was looking out the window at him in her car, the most broken hearted look on her face as her friend at the wheel was speeding away and onto the street.

***End Flashback***

Inuyasha sighed in anguish, clutched at his chest, and looked at the damge he had done to his room. Turning away, promising himself he'd clean it up later, he sank into the only unbroken chair left. 'Oh, Kagome, what did you see?!' He put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands. 'Did you hear what I'd said before? Obviously not, since you ran away. But, I know how you must feel. Rejected. Decievied. But, it's not what you think, Kagome. I don't love her............oh, kami, help me fix this problem.' And, for the first time in three years since his mother died, he cried.