InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 8

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha.

Midnight Blues


"Okay, kids, that's the bell! Grab your stuff and head for the buses! You don't want to be late! Have a good weekend!" Kagome Higurashi shouted, trying to get her voice heard above the noise in the classroom of all the kids trying to leave at once.

"Bye, Miss Kagome!" a chorus of farewells replied before exciting, leaving the classroom empty except for Kagome. The young teacher let her plastered smile fade and took a deep breath. She started to pick up all the mess on the floor and put all the supplies away that the second graders left out with a heavy heart. The Friday had finally ended at Windscar Elementry and Kagome was exhausted from all the chaos that went on inside the walls of a second grade classroom. All day it had been, "Miss Kagome, I need help!""Miss Kagome, he spilled water on me!""Miss Kagome, the desk broke!", and personally, she had enough of it. Especially with Inuyasha on her mind. Through out the day she kept flying off to neverland, thinking about the great guy she met at the bar and then rapidly switching to the image of the gorgeous girl kissing that same great guy in the mall. It hadn't done a thing for her nerves. So now, fighting a headache, Kagome grudged over to her desk and started grading the kids' homework assignments from the previous day and worked on her lesson plans, yet the whole time, her mind was elsewhere. After an hour of working, she finally got up, smoothed down her skirt, and packed up for the weekend. Slinging her purse and her workbag over her shoulder, she turned off the lights and strolled out of the colorful classroom, not looking back. But, before she decided to leave the building, Kagome decided to say goodbye to Sango. Turning around, she walked a little bit down the hall until she reached the classroom. Putting on her 'I'm great and not heartbroken mask', she glanced quickly at the purple plack ontop of the foor reading, 'Ms. Hirikotsu' before walking through the open door.

"Hey San-.....Oh!" Kagome blushed brightly as she saw the surprised Sango and her boyfriend break apart from their passionate kiss. The couple turned their heads to see the embarrased tomato of Kagome standing there stupidly, frozen.

"I- I'm sorry.....I didn't mean to-umm-interrupt your umm...yeah..." Kagome stuttered.

"Kagome! We were just, umm....," Sango blushed too and pulled away from Miroku's embrace and turned toward her fellow co-worker and best friend. "well.....ugh, Kagome, this is Miroku." Kagome, blush fading, bowed her head slightly to Miroku in greeting. Grinning, not embarrassed at all, Miroku strolled up to Kagome, leaned forward, took her hand and kissed it.

"Wonderful to meet you, Miss Kagome. I've heard a lot about you," the handsome guitarist said. Raising an eyebrow, Kagome looked over to Sango. Seeing Sango roll her eyes but smile, Kagome smiled in return and then turned her attention back to Miroku. He was dropping her hand gently and standing back up as she said, "Pleasure. I've heard much about you, too."

"So, Kagome, did you need something?" Sango asked, coming to stand next to Miroku, facing Kagome, her blush gone as well. Kagome's lips quirked into a smile before she said, "Not really. I just wanted to say 'bye before leaving."

"Oh, I need to be leaving too and Mirkoku and I were planning on going out to dinner. You wanna come with us?" Sango asked.

"I don't know..... I don't wanna be the third wheel." Kagome replied honestly.

"Oh, no, Ms. Kagome, don't worry about it. We'd love to have you along, and besides, it'll get your mind off I-" Mirkopu gulped as Sango gave him a glare and he corrected himself quickly. He fake coughed and said, "-get your mind off work."

Kagome looked at the couple imploringly, "Are you sure?"

Sango smiled, "Yeah, it'll be a great time to relax and talk about anything besides schoolwork...."

Kagome laughed and said, "Alright, I guess I'll come with, but I"m paying then."

Sango groaned and rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say. It's your money."

Then Miroku smiled and cut-in, "Okay, then, let's go eat!"

Sango and Kagome said at the same time, "Right behind you!"

To be continued........