InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 9

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Midnight Blues

"Oh, come on, Sesshoumaru, I'm not moping! Why did you have to take me to this idiotic place?" Inuyasha Taisho said gruffly, even though he was slouched in his seat, picking at his food, his actions contradicting his words. Sesshoumaru Taisho, owner of Taisho Incorporation, snorted and sat up straighter in his chair. His elegant baritone replied, "Yes, you are. I needed to get your brooding dismal self out of that filthy house. Pathetic, Inuyasha. And just because of a damn woman." Inuyasha glared at his brother for offending Kagome before sighing, not having the energy to fight back. He went back to aimlessly pick at his plate in obvious misery. Sesshoumaru was right..... He had been moping around his beach house ever since that terrible incident happened at the mall. Inuyasha had been greatly looking forward to the date with Kagome, the captivating and beautiful woman he had met at the bar some few days ago. But fate turned against the hope of a beautiful relationship between the couple when Inuyasha's ex-fiancé decided she wanted him back. Inuyasha snorted mentally at that. 'Yeah, right. Kikyo didn't want me in the first place. Just my money and my name.' Well, regardless, Kagome found them in an........awkward situation and took it the wrong way. And now, Inuyasha was sitting at some semi-fancy restaurant with his brother. Sesshoumaru, his older brother, had come over early that evening to see why he wasn't answering his phone or going to work. And then he found the depressed Inuyasha watching 'The Notebook', his clothes in disarray and his house trashed with broken objects and empty food cartons. After a long lecture from his dignified, sophisticated older demon brother, Sesshoumaru literally dragged him out his own way....make his younger brother feel better. Sesshoumaru nor Inuyasha never want to admit the fact that they were close and very protective of each other. They both cover it up by exchanging insults and sarcasm, but they both know it's just a cover up for their concern. Though that fact has never been discussed aloud, its always been a mutual and silent agreement between the two brothers.
Coming back to reality, Inuyasha sighed once more and sat up straight in his chair and a few huge gulps of wine, contemplating if the stuff could get him drunk enough to distract him of his pain. Sesshoumaru sighed at Inuyasha's antics.
"You know, little brother. You could just apologize."
"Yeah, right, fluffy. She won't even give me a chance. I mean, I wouldn't blame her. If I was her and found me in that situation with another woman, I'd probably hate me too."
Sesshoumaru scowled at the term Inuyasha, over the years, had come to call him. But, he kept his temper and kept his voice only loud enough for them to hear. "Inuyasha, seriously, you are too pathetic. Unless you suddenly, out of thin air, came upon the power of mind reading, you have absolutely no idea what she will do you if you apologize!"
Inuyasha sighed again and didn't say anything.
"Besides, if you lose her, it's not like it would be like losing your best friend. I mean, you knew the wench, for what, little brother? Two hours? Hardly a lifetime bond.."
Inuyasha looks up from his plate suddenly to glare at Sesshoumaru and blurt out, "How would you know what love is?!"
Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows curiously after he took another careful sip of his wine, digesting Inuyasha's outburst. Inuyasha's eyes widened in humiliation, his cheeks burning.
"Love?...........Who said anything about love here, Inuyasha?"
"Well- I-.....oh, you wouldn't understand!"
"I highly doubt that, little brother......" Sesshoumaru sat back in his chair and trained his amber eyes carefully on Inuyasha, willing to listen. "Try me."
Inuyasha looked away from his penetrating stare and sighed grudgingly. He grabbed his fork and started to mindlessly fiddle with it. "I'm not really sure how to explain it....."
Sesshoumaru waited patiently until Inuyasha sighed again and stopped fiddling, staring dejectedly at his plate. "I'm not sure what it was. I met her at this bar after Kikyo dumped me. And it was like, after we got to know each other, we kind of....clicked....."
Sesshoumaru raised his eyebrows again, curious. "And you didn't with Kikyo?"
Inuyasha frowned. "No. Not at all. She caught me off guard when we first met." Inuyasha's eyebrows furrowed with concentration, looking back at the memory of first meeting Kikyo. "It took a long time before we stopped fighting and came to a truce. Our personalities couldn't have been more different. Well, she was the one to first make a move. Now that I think about it, she only asked me out after the conversation about my job...and yours...Anyway, Kikyo was intolerable for a whole month. But, after she kissed me, I guess I got distracted. I mean, it didn't even matter what she was truly like then because I guess....I was too distracted with the thought that someone truly accepted me." Inuyasha frowned with understanding, looking up at his brother "Or at least, that's what I think happened...."
Sesshoumaru grunted in understanding. "She was using you."
"Yeah...." Inuyasha grunted back.
Sesshoumaru shook his head slightly. "And to think you were going to marry her...." Inuyasha shrugged, "I think I just wanted someone to love and someone to love me in return." Sesshoumaru looked over at Inuyasha carefully and smirked.
"Such wise words for an ignorant puppy."
Inuyasha scowled. "Shut up, Sesshoumaru." Sesshoumaru smiled faintly and then his face became wiped of emotion, like always. He took another drink of his wine and was startled slightly to hear Inuyasha's unexpected outburst.
"God, I was just so stupid!" Inuyasha admitted and then scowled. Sesshoumaru put his drink down again, realizing Inuyasha still needed to vent. Sesshoumaru looked at the frustrated Inuyasha and said his words slowly.
"No, just ignorant. That being your first relationship, you didn't know what to expect. But, that's in the past now, little brother. You need to move on. It seems clear to me what you should do....I think you should make up with this woman as soon as possible."
His scowl gone, Inuyasha sat silently for a moment, thinking quietly while he looked away. A few minutes pass and he finally sighs and his shoulders drop slightly. He looks up at his brother and nods. "Yeah, okay, fluffy. I'll try."
Sesshoumaru sat up and growled, reaching for his wine glass. "I wish you'd stop calling me that. It's very annoying, little brother."
Inuyasha smirked weakly, breaking slowly out of his depressed mood. He, too, reached for his half empty glass. "Just as soon as you stop calling me 'little brother'."
Sesshoumaru grunted in reply and didn't say anything. The brothers shared a look and then they both looked away, clearing their thoughts, embarrassed. Sesshoumaru was first to say something, looking at his plate.
"Do you think the food got cold?"
"Nah, lets eat. I'm starving!" Inuyasha replied, grabbing his fork, an eager smile on his face.
"Ugh, now you decide your hungry?" Sesshoumaru shook his head and started to eat, the food still slightly warm.
"Heh, heh..Yeah, so what?" Inuyasha smirked and dug in.
Inuyasha smiled slowly to himself and looked over to his brother, who was concentrating on his food.
'Thank you....Sesshoumaru...'
They were both finishing up their food 10 minutes later when Inuyasha suddenly paused, the fork in midair, his smile from their previous banter fading. Putting his fork down, Inuyasha furrowed his brows and took a sniff, a familiar scent reaching his nose. Sesshoumaru noticed his odd behavior, his smirk fading, and asked with a hint of concern, "Inuyasha?"
Inuyasha blinked slowly and didn't reply, slowly looking up from his plate.
' that who I think it is?....n-no, it couldn't be....!'
He gripped the table and looked over Sesshoumaru's shoulder, locating the scent.
His eyes widened as he saw who had just walked through the door of the restaurant. "Kagome!"
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A/N: Sorry it took so long to update. Too busy and too much writers block. Well, I'd appreciate it if you'd R&R! ^.^ Thanks to all my wonderful reviewers!