InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Midnight Blues ❯ Chapter 10

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Even though I would kiss Naraku and stop hating Kikyo to own him. Seriously, do not sue.
A/N: Reposted! So sorry about the confusion….There was a problem with this chapter and a few chapters missing, so I fixed it.
Midnight Blues
"Come on, Kagome," Sango called out, following Miroku and their hostess as they were led to the booth near the window. Kagome shook out of her stupor and smiled lightly, cursing herself for daydreaming again. "Coming!" But, she couldn't help it. Ever since they got in the car, she felt drawn back, something uneasily clenching in her gut. She had a feeling something was going to happen at the restaurant. Hopefully nothing serious; she didn't think she could handle another drama. At least until she got out of the crappy mood swings of her last dramatic encounter. `Oh, you're just being stupid. You're just having a harmless meal with your friends. Nothing to worry about`, Kagome told herself, sitting comfortably on the opposite side of the couple on the booth seat next to the window looking out at the busy city.
"Don't worry about the prices, guys. Order anything you want. It's all on me," Kagome said firmly, but lightly, picking up a menu and flipping it open.
Sango just sighed and picked up a menu along with her boyfriend, mumbling a 'whatever'. After a moment of silence of them looking at the choices, Kagome got the feeling she was being watched. It felt like someone was making holes in her face and it made her uncomfortable. Her gut clenched uneasily again, remembering the feeling in the car. Her brow furrowed just slightly and she shifted in her seat as she tried to ignore the sudden feeling. She looked up from the menu and turned her attention on her friend's boyfriend, deciding to distract herself from the unexpected feeling with conversation.
"So, Miroku," Kagome began, trying to keep her voice steady, "I hear from Sango that you play guitar?"
Miroku smiled and looked up from his menu also and said, “Yeah. I play guitar in a band. It's nothing big, but it's fun. Just me and a couple of friends. We're only known throughout the community. My real job is actually a mechanic.”
“Oh, that's interesting. I'm glad you enjoy it,” Kagome replied, sincere. Sango smiled and glanced up briefly from her menu, glad they were getting along.
Miroku smile widens and he replies, “Yeah, I do. I hear a lot from Sango about you. Actually, quite constantly…” Miroku's smile turns into smirk as he sees Sango turn a little pink, now suddenly really interested in the menu. Kagome giggles at her friends blush. “Really?” she replies. They both laugh and the pink faced Sango looks up suddenly to snap at them. “Alright already. Enough making fun of me!”
Miroku stops laughing and hurries to comfort her, “Aw, don't be that way, sweetums. We were just joking, my love.”
Sango blushes more and retorts, “How many times do I have to say it?! Don't call me that in public!”
Miroku looks confused and replies innocently, “What? Sweetums?”
“Y-yes, that! Stop it,” Sango spluttered, embarrassed. Miroku's smirk returns and he shakes his head. “Whatever you say, my goddess of love.”
Sango sighs heavily in defeat and goes back to reading the menu, though a tiny smile appeared on her lips. Kagome just giggled and went back to read the menu again, too, along with Miroku. It's silent once more and Kagome gets that same feeling again, like someone's watching her. Fortunately, their waitress saves her from her distress.
“Hello, my name is Candy and I'll be you're waitress this evening. What can I get you to drink?” a pretty, young blonde woman asks them, looking at Miroku flirtatiously. Miroku grinned at the girl and moved slightly away from Sango in the booth.
“Well, lovely lady, I'm not sure about my dinner companions, but I'll just have a water. You know, to cool myself off,” Miroku said coyly.
Sango's eye twitched and she shoved her elbow in his stomach and then mumbled under her breath, “Pervert.” Kagome bit her lip to keep in a laugh while Sango glared at the waitress and asked for a water, too. The waitress seemed oblivious to the anger radiating off Sango, her attention on the gorgeous guitar player. Kagome turned to the waitress and asked for a lemonade, her eyes dancing. Candy wrote that down on her notepad and smiled flirtatiously again at Miroku.
“Coming right up,” she said, walking away, swaying her hips. Sango was glaring after her while mumbling curses under her breath. Miroku just smiled and turned back to Sango.
“Ah, my love. Don't be that way. I was just teasing you,” Miroku told her, taking Sango's hand and rubbing it against his face. “My heart belongs to you and you alone.”
Sango just growled and snatched her hand back, choosing not to say anything, though she wasn't glaring anymore and had a certain glow that she didn't have earlier.
Kagome laughed quietly and said, “Yes, I've heard so much about you, too, Miroku.”
Now it was Miroku's turn to blush and he smiled sheepishly. They all went back to reading the menu, Kagome once again getting that feeling and trying to ignore it as best she can. The waitress came again with their drinks and they all ordered what they wanted, Sango trying to keep her feelings inside while the waitress once again flirted with Miroku. Though, this time, he didn't flirt back, feeling bad for upsetting Sango earlier. They were just about to dig in, Kagome feeling the worst of the feeling, when Sango looked past her shoulder and had a shocked expression on her face and then abruptly turned to a hard one.
Kagome looked at her friend quizzically and asked her, “Are you alright, Sango?”
Miroku looked at his girlfriend with worry, too. Sango seemed to shake out of it and she looked at her friend and boyfriend with a reassuring smile.
“I'm okay, I just all of a sudden got a shiver of cold. But, if you excuse me, I'm going to go wash my hands before I eat. Could you let me out, Miroku?”
Miroku smiled and replied, “Certainly.”
Sango smiled again and got out of the booth after Miroku got out.
“Be right back!” Sango promised, smiling cheerily, walking away. Miroku smiled and sat back down and turned his attention back to Kagome. Kagome smiled back, the feeling somehow gone now. The both of them didn't notice that Sango wasn't headed in the direction of the restroom at all….
Sango's P.O.V.
Sango's fake smile immediately vanished as her back turned to her friend and boyfriend. The smile was now replaced with a fierce glare of anger and hate. She began to growl slightly as she strode angrily over to the two twin pair of heads of white across the room. She clenched her hands into fists as she arrived to stand in front of the very person who broke her best friend's heart.
“You have some nerve coming here, Inuyasha.”
A/N: Please R&R!!!