InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Deadly Tricks ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed. Last chapter was a toughie, right? This one isn't too great either, but then things should get brighter.
Strawberry-Ringo: I know! I thought about it, but it just didn't seem to be the Kikyou thing to do.
Beautifulyreal: Too bad you aren't Kagome; it doesn't seem she was thinking on her feet. Poor her.
AnimeObsessionFantasy: For the record, Midori doesn't really know about the treaty—Deshi made it after she left or when she was locked in her room. Or at least that's how it should, I've slept since then. But yeah, Taro's going to be pretty pissed.
sprat111: You know what? I didn't think about it like that, but yeah, Kikyou could be jealous of Kagome: she wants him, but she won't let herself have him and Inuyasha doesn't want her, so Kikyou can't let Kagome be happy.
QueenJitFace: God I know, what's up with Midori? She's really dropped the ball on this one.
Miko Inuhanyou Demoness: Thanks for the support. I was so scared when I posted the last chapter I would get mass hate mail. Also not sure about this one either, lol.
InuYashalover88: How many chapters? Ok my outline ends after 2 more following this one, but I really don't think I'll be done in two. Probably more like 4-5, but that's a guess. I'll just have to see how things go.
Scottish Chick: Gawd! What is your obsession with Sango? Sango this, Sango that. Lol. There's some S&M in the beginning for you, but there will be more in the next chapter.
Dark Inu Fan: “More sex”? What an articulate review! Right—Murphy's Law—I knew there was a phrase for what I was talking about. While Inuyasha might have been able to hear them, for the sake of my plot, I'm going to have to say he didn't.
Kia: Lol, it does suck! I don't know if Kikyou should die or face fate worse than death. I'm still trying to decide what to do with her.
A/N: The time-line is a little wonky in this chapter, but I don't think its confusing. Everything happens within a few hours of each other, just maybe not in the correct order.
I was going to post this tomorrow, but I've had a stressful couple of days at work, and I got still got this chapter edited, so here you go. For once, I'm begging for reviews—again, no flames—I need to feel good about something!
Chapter 15
Sango pulled her little cart up to Kaede's hut. The ride there had been lonely, mainly because Inuyasha and Kagome had seemed to tag along with her wherever she went recently and she had gotten used to their company.
She was a little early for this appointment—a few days, really—to have Kaede check the progress of her pregnancy, but the wise woman wasn't the only one she had come to see.
However, when she pulled the cart in front of Kaede's home, Sango couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. It was some time before anyone came out to greet her, and usually Miroku appeared quickly, eager to help her down to the ground.
Sango found she not only had to get off the cart herself, but she also made it all the way to Kaede's door alone, with no sign of the wise woman or her apprentice. Just as she came to the entrance way, Kaede stepped out and gave her a small smile.
“You are early, Sango,” she commented.
“I—I am. I wanted…” She couldn't finish her statement.
“You were hoping that a certain monk would be here to see you?” Kaede helped her out. “That you might talk about some things?” Here the priestess looked pointedly at Sango's hardly-swollen abdomen.
All the maid could do was nod her head. She felt shame for allowing Miroku to find out that way, but it wasn't completely her fault. She didn't know the hanyou's big mouth would start flapping in that direction.
“He is not here. Miroku has gone to the mountains. Claimed he needed time to reflect.”
Sango chocked down the lump growing in her throat. “Is he coming back?” Ever?
Kaede was silent for the longest time and Sango was sure she would only have bad news to give her.
It seemed, though, that the wise woman was only toying with her. “Miroku will be back tomorrow. I'll let him know you came to see him, and I'm sure it will warm his heart.”
Sango felt tears pricking her eyes, but sighed out her thanks. The two women turned to enter the hut so Sango could have her examination in privacy.
Kagome knew what she had to do. She had spent the night out in the forest, high in a tree, praying that nothing would find her. The fear had brought back more old memories, not to mention the old pain. In the end, it spurred something deep inside: self preservation. She had been lulled into calm while she had stayed with Inuyasha and forgotten all the bad the world held for her. Going back was not an option.
More than anything now, she wanted to be home, safe in her warm bed in the Higurashi stronghold. She wanted Midori to be there to take care of her in the full youkai's own gruff way. Kagome wanted the familiarity of home, and the comfort that even if she wasn't liked, she wouldn't be harmed.
Long ago the dream of returning home had been killed in her, squeezed and beaten out of her.
And now it was just within her grasp. Home was so close she could taste it. Imagining coming home to her mother and father made tears burn her eyes and her breath catch in her throat.
At the same time, Inuyasha as a safe harbor was drifting away. If he really cared about her, why didn't he tell her about Kikyou? To think, yesterday he had been promising to take care of her and now here she was. Plotting his death. Can I do this? She swallowed the lump in her throat and tried to forget the pain in her heart and stomach.
Why did Kikyou have to be here? Just when things were really looking…all right she shows up and ruins everything. Kagome ground her claws into her palms.
Breathing deep to re-center herself, Kagome knew what she wanted. Or at least what she hoped would be best for her.
She knew what she had to do to get what she wanted.
She just didn't know if she would be able to.
Forcefully, Kagome brushed the tears from her eyes. You can't keep crying like this!
But she couldn't stop the ache in her chest.
Can I do this?
Kikyou paced her chamber. What if Kagome doesn't do it?
No, that won't be. Higurashis—for the most part—were bred to be loyal to their family. While Kikyou would have done anything to get rid of her sister, she knew both her and Kagome would claw their way home if need be.
But the way she looked… She hated me, and the ache in her eyes when she thought about Inuyasha. What if she doesn't kill him? What will I do?
Or worse what if they do attack each other and one of them is left?
Her mind churning, she began to come up with her plan B. She could only pray that Kagome would start something with Inuyasha.
Kags on his human night and gentle
Blinking his eyes rapidly, Inuyasha woke from his nap. He had been up most of the night worrying about Kagome; she had just disappeared yesterday morning and he had been afraid something had happened to her. Kikyou had returned to him with a bruise on her face and her clothes slightly disheaveled—so different from her usually pressed and neat appearance—when she came back from going to “find” Kagome. The miko had said she couldn't locate the hanyou, then gone and climbed into the cart, claiming she had to go speak with Izayoi.
He was filled with regret and worry: he knew he should have told Kagome and he should have been the one to go after her. Inuyasha knew for certain something had happened between Kikyou and Kagome and that was why Kagome wasn't there now. If he had gone after the neko, he could have explained everything to Kagome and maybe she wouldn't have forgiven him, but he would have seen to it she came back with him. Even if he had to drag her.
I am such a fucking idiot.
Most of his worry had stemmed from the fact he was afraid Kagome wouldn't return to him at all.
I have to speak to my father before the wedding. I really don't think I can marry Kikyou. Even if Kagome doesn't come back.
The thought of never seeing her again didn't sit well with his stomach.
With it being so close to the new moon, he had been afraid of getting lost in the forest and not making it back to the safety of the cabin in time. He had known it would be unlikely to take him that long to run such an errand, but years of fear had taught him to be overly cautious.
And now it really might have cost me.
Just then, Inuyasha's ears perked up. Yes, he could just hear the sound of feet on the other side of his bedroom door. Outside the coming of night was evident from the growing dusk.
“Kagome?” Inuyasha called, not liking the sudden sound of the stillness that welcomed him. He could smell her somewhere inside the cabin, but where she was exactly was difficult to place at the moment.
“Kagome, come here now,” he commanded. Again he was met with silence, but before he could call out to her again, there was more shuffling of feet, the door swung open and Kagome appeared before him in the entranceway to his bedroom.
Her head was bowed, her hands clasped together in front of her. Getting up from his futon, he made to step near her, and her head jerked up. It was clear she had been crying.
“What's the matter?” Inuyasha inquired softly, moving towards her. She watched him approach for a moment then took a step back.
Instantly, he felt the weakening of his senses, the forming of his human ears and fingernails, and the general sense of loss he felt whenever he became human.
Kagome stared at Inuyasha, trying not to gap openly. Its his human night! He had to have known the transformation was coming and still he had wanted to see her; wanted her to see. That took a lot of trust, as any hanyou knew.
Not for the first time, Kagome felt the bottom drop out of her stomach. This only makes my job easier.
If you can handle it, weakling.
It could make things more difficult.
“Oh,” Inuyasha growled at his sudden loose of youkai. He was going to elaborate on this thought when Kagome pounced on him. Her fingers wove in his now-black hair and she forcefully pulled his face down to meet hers where she kissed him with a force and hunger he did not know she possessed. Extremely surprised, Inuyasha hesitated for a moment, but found himself over come by the presence of Kagome. Even as a human he could still taste her and feel her body and he was not immune from the effect she had on him. Pulling her closer he relaxed into her embrace.
He could tell she was trying to be gentle, but her fangs cut into his lips from with the slightest movement, and he could feel her claws carve painfully into his skin. Not that it mattered.
I wonder if I'll get to see Kagome on her human night.
Kagome, for her part, felt nothing but sick to her stomach. She was grateful for the fact Inuyasha could not read her emotions by scent at the moment, but that didn't help the overwhelming dread that was threatening to take hold of her.
Can I really kill him? The questioned echoed in her mind over and over. I don't know if he cares for me that way, but can I really take his life, feeling for him the way I do?
Even as she mechanically moved Inuyasha toward the bed, she sensed she would not be able to go through with her plan.
Giving him a push onto to futon, she stood over his prone human form for a moment as he waited for her to make the next move; she was the dominant one for the time being. Kagome cursed her luck of this being his human night. At any other time during the month, he would have been able to fight her and defend himself. Like he was, there was no way his weak human body would stand up to any assult she wished to give him. He was already bleeding from tiny cuts on his lips where she had been careless; as a hanyou, such shallow slices would have healed by now.
Kagome hesitanted. It could all be over in a minute if she acted quickly.
How can you even be considering this? You love him! Even if he cared nothing about you, you can't do this—its not worth it. So what if your family won't take you back, do you really want to go back there? Its better away from them anyway.
She pushed her thoughts away before they stopped her completely and settled on the bed next to Inuyasha. Her mind toyed with the idea of being with him just once, but she just didn't feel she could do that. She really wouldn't be able to make herself kill him then.
It was better just to do the deed fast.
Without giving him warning she grabbed the ends of his shirt and jerked the article of clothing up over his head. Moving with her hanyou speed, she had his hands tied over his head and fastened to the wooden carvings that made up the futon's head board before Inuyasha had even the slightest idea of what was going on.
Blinking up at her, he tried to move past his confusion. “Kagome?”
At the sound of her name, Kagome nearly broke. It will only take a second, a slash…
She hesitated for a moment, trying to remember where exactly she had put her knife. She knew her claws were always an option, but the idea of literally having his blood on her hands was nauseating. Kagome knew she couldn't go through it that way.
Inuyasha still wasn't sure what was going on, but even without his senses, he could tell something was wrong. And that he should be afraid.
But this is Kagome. She would never hurt me. Would she?
The neko youkai had already tied him to the bed, he was bleeding from multiple prick wounds….
“Kagome?” Inuyasha asked more forcefully this time. She was straddling his waist, clearly searching for something on her person. He could just make out the sweat that was forming on her forehead and her skin was unually pale. Her brown eyes darted around, her hands shook as she sifted though the bed sheets. She hadn't seemed to heard him. “Kag—”
Kagome silently snarled at him. She froze, ducking her head down toward her chest, clasping her hands over her cat ears. It will only take a second, a slash…Her breath came in and out in skaky pants and Inuyasha could just sense that she was crying.
I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't do it. I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't. Kagome shook, but then the memories Kikyou had triggered yesterday played back in her mind and she knew she didn't have many options. Hanyou never had many friends.
Inuyasha wanted to reach out to her, to hold her. She was obviously troubled by something and he couldn't place what that was. “Kagome, I know you're upset, but it will be ok. Alright?” He wasn't sure if he was reaching her or not. “Just relax, untie me, and we'll talk.” Still her head was being clutched between her own clawed hands and there was no response. Time for drastic measures.
“You know I care about you, right? I'm here to listen, no matter what it is. I don't care if you can't speak, we'll figure it out together.”
Kagome began to visibly tremble. She couldn't do it. She couldn't. She couldn't. She could NOT kill Inuyasha.
Still a tiny part of her, the last remaining bit that held love for the family in the Human Lands now resisted. It's the only way to go home. I have to, I've gone too far as it is. I've tied Inuyasha to the bed, I've dr-dropped the dagger somewhere in the sheets. As soon as he puts two and two together, he'll abadon me too. Then Kikyou will kill him. I'll be all alone.
But can you live with yourself if you kill an innocent? Can you live with yourself if you kill Inuyasha?
It will only take a second, a slash…
Her mind still clashing, Kagome's hand moved of its own accord down into the sheets and her finger closed around the hilt of the dagger. It had been lying there all along, as if it had been waiting for her to be ready. Taking a breath to sooth her nerves and gain her reserve, she finally felt ready. If she just did it quick, without thinking, it would be done.
It will only take a second, a slash…
And I can go home.
Home. Safe.
She braced herself. In one fluid motion, she tightened her grip on the dagger then raised it high, straightening out of her ball at the same time. Kagome was just about to bring the blade down into Inuyasha's heart when her eyes locked with her.
She felt suspended in the moment. The look of shock, fear, and betrayal were carved into Inuyasha's features, waiting to be read by her eyes as his mind registered what exactly she was planning to do.
Her daggar hovered in the air, waiting to make its killing mark.
It will only take a second, a slash…
And Inuyasha will be dead.
Taro Takahashi heard a knock on the door of his study and before he could tell whoever it was to go away, the door swung open and a veiled figured cautiously stepped in, followed by a maid, her eyes lowered.
Needless to say, he was a little shocked, “Y-yes? Can I help you?”
Kikyou removed the veil she wore for her own protection, and bowed to the lord. “Greetings, Lord Takahashi,” she said as respectfully as possible.
“Ah Lady Kikyou,” Taro breathed a sigh of relief now that he knew what he was dealing with. “What can I do for you?”
Kikyou hesitated for a moment, then answered, “I wanted to visit my betrothed,” she spoke meekly, respectfully in a way that pulled on Taro's heart strings. “I thought it would be best if you chaperoned me,” she artfully lowered her eyes in submission. “Or would you not be troubled by so triffleing a matter and prefer me to ask Lady Takahashi.”
Taro bristled at the sound of his wife's titled. They were still in their argument, and he did not trust Izayoi to say the things that needed to be said to their young guest to keep her happy.
And Taro did not want Kikyou to be upset so close to her wedding. It would not be good for either his son or their treaty.
Under normal circumstances, he would have delegated the care of the young woman to one of his trusted servants or advisors, but in the end, Lord Takahashi agreed to accompany his future daughter-in-law and he would personally take her.
Even though it had been Izayoi who suggested it, he had been wanting some time alone with the girl—just to see if her words and actions matched the scent she gave off. Strickly out of curiosity, of course.
So far, Taro so no reason to distrust the little miko.
When Kikyou returned the veil to her face, he did not catch the wicked smirk covering her face. Thanks to the charm hanging from her neck, the demon lord also did not catch the change in her scent. A change that might have tipped him off to the fact that Kikyou was up to something.
The knife cut through the air, separating the molecules with its speed and accuracy with deadly precision.
Inuyasha saw his life flash before his eyes and closed his eyes tightly, expecting impact.
The cut came, but it was not what he believed it would be at all; when he peaked though his lashes, the tiniest tip of the blade was in his skin, barely breaking the surface. There was blood, but nothing to be afraid of; Kagome had stopped her stab in the last possible instant.
She couldn't do it. Looking into his eyes, she knew she couldn't do it, no matter the punishment. Even if he had her killed, at least her worthless hanyou life would be over, and he would be alive. Inuyasha might let her live, but then she would die in the wilderness as her family would not likely take her back. Either way her death warrant had been signed.
But Inuyasha's life had be saved, and that was all that mattered. He was the only place she had ever really belonged, and for that she owed him her life. She would stay by his side and fight Kikyou for Inuyasha's life.
Kagome tossed the knife away from them, trying to rid her mind of even the thought of it. It was then that she broke. There had been a quiet drizzle of tears before, but now she was crying buckets. She collapsed on to the still speechless Inuyasha's chest.
I think she was going to kill me.
He quickly replayed what he had just happened: Kagome forcing him onto the bed, bounding his hands, pulling out the knife.
She did just try to kill me!
Anger flared for a moment, but the sounds of the distraught neko sobbing into his chest as she clung to him dampened any rage him might have had. He also began to remember her indesicion and sadness. It was like she hadn't really wanted to. What forced her to this?
“I'm not mad Kagome,” he tried to sooth her. He needed to know what was going on. “Please untie me, I won't hurt you.” I'm the one who was almost just murdered. She only seemed to cry harder. In reality, she would have preferred the rage she knew she deserved.
They stayed that way until Kagome's crying subsided. Inuyasha was just about to ask her again to release him when she shifted raised her head and with a quick upward movement captured his lips. Her hands came up behind his head, dragging his face towards her so that he could to turn away.
At first, Inuyasha refused to respond. The girl had just tried to kill him after all. But in the end, he found himself returning her kiss, her taste drugging him even in his human form.
Just as suddenly as she had initiated the kiss, Kagome pulled away. In a bound she and snatched up the dagger and was back on the bed.
Before he had time to be afraid, she had sliced through the shirt that was holding him to be bed frame. Dropping the knife in his lap she quickly moved away from him.
Sitting up, Inuyasha was puzzled for another moment, but then Kagome kneeled, and took up the dagger in her hands again. She pulled his hand up and pressed the handle into his palm.
Kagome fell back to sit on her feet and quickly pulled her hair back away from her neck, tilted her head so that her throat was prone to his attack.
Inuyasha found himself more shocked by this action than by her attempts to take his own life.
She thinks I can kill her?
Without even considering the possibilities, he tossed the dagger onto the sheets, a little of his blood pressing into the cloth. Moving fast for a human, Inuyasha pulled Kagome into his arms just in time to comfort her as another onslaught of tears began. Inuyasha blinked as his own eyes burned.
Curled up on one another for support was how Kikyou and Taro found them moments later.
Deshi cursed his luck.
He and his men who had gone ahead of the army had gotten lost. Their contact with the rest of the troops had been cut off as a result, so he had no idea where they were or if they would arrive on time.
The scout who had gone off ahead of them reported back that there was a good chance of reaching Takahashi manor by night fall.
But what of the army? If I don't have them, I'll have nothing.
He laughed at the bitter irony of it all.
If he didn't have the army, then his plan was for naught, and perhaps he could run for home if it wasn't for Kikyou.
He couldn't abandon his daughter to the dog demons. She was all he had left. Kagome was gone—he had no hope of seeing her again, no matter what he had told Kikyou. Midori had left him.
Deshi knew for a fact Lord Takahashi was aware of his presence on the demon lord's lands. To turn back now would only put Kikyou in peril. The human lord might have hidden his army with charms, but he had wanted Taro to know he was coming—at least a few days ago that was what he had wished.
And there was always the chance that his army would make it to the right place at the right time.
For the moment, he conceded, his best course of action was to continue on as planned.
At worst, he would have to sit in on the marriage of his daughter to a hanyou cur.
Cursing, Deshi gave the order to move out.
A/N: I know, no Midori. Just remember where she is, it will be important later.