InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko Malice ❯ Jail Bait ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. Inuyasha is the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Viz Productions, among others.
Thanks to all my reviewers! I've been really stressed with my job lately—its gone from being nice and mellow to me running around like a chicken with my head cut off. And who knows? Next month I might be back to sitting around, staring at the walls. Anyway, in other words, it means a lot that when people tell me they like my story. I try to write for myself, but encouragement never hurt anyone, lol.
Lady Kea: Don't worry, she'll get hers! I just have to figure out how…
Miko Inuhanyou Demoness: I'm glad you didn't die from reading fanficiton. That would be bad, lol.
AnimeObsessionFantasy: Err…don't count your chickens before they hatch
BiishikiBokkaku: Don't cry! I tried to get it out as soon as possible!
Mraestalyn: I'm glad you liked the chapter. I just couldn't let Kagome hurt Inuyasha—too much. I thought about having her stab him and he somehow healing, but I just didn't think Kagome would be able to go through with it.
Youkaineko: I've been toying with a couple of ideas for Kikyou's fate, and I also really like yours too. Hmm…Of course this morning, while I was trying to wake up, I had another idea for her punishment. Lol, there are so many options!
Tarzan14: You read the whole story in one sitting? Wow. Don't worry, the charm is coming off, I just don't know if it will be sooner or later.
CatLover260: Yeah, there was no way Kagome could hurt him. I don't know if I got across how desperate she was to even consider it, but I tried. I haven't thought about using Kaede yet… you'll just have to see how things work out.
Kokoronagomu: I didn't mean for it to come out that way, but you're right both Deshi and Taro suck as being dads. Oops.
LiHudson: Yeah, I liked this chapter more than the last—at least it wasn't total angst! I'm glad you like the story!
InuyashaSano: I think your review has to be the most original I have ever received, lol. I heart it.
Ikichira: Gods I know! I've been stressed out just writing it, and I even know what's going to happen! I think this chapter is a little more mellow—for better or worse.
La Vixen de Amor: I really want to work that in somehow. I had Kagome's human night planned into the original outline, but it no longer fits…wait…actually now that you've got me thinking about I think I know how use it. Thanks for the inspiration!—if I go with the ending I've been toying with, yes, you will see it!
sprat111: Yeah, I was thinking after I posted it that I didn't put enough Inuyasha introspection in. I think there's more in this one, but now I don't think we've heard enough from Kagome. Oops. I think I've almost got all the secondary ducks in a row, so hopefully I can get more from the two of them from now on.
Chapter 16: Jail Bait
“What the hell is going on!” Taro demanded as he stepped into his son's bedroom, fixing the torch he had been holding to its holder on the wall. The darkened room was invaded by a haunting light that licked at its occupants like some monster's tongue. Kagome whipped her head around to look over her shoulder at the full demon behind her, her eyes growing wide and Inuyasha could smell the fear coming off of her. She's terrified of dad.
Fuck, I would be afraid of him. Inuyasha thought as he watched his father storm into the room, eyes glaring, and hackles raised.
At the sight of the towering demon coming at her, Kagome cowered into the sheets just an instant before she dashed behind Inuyasha, seeking the shelter his body afforded. At the moment, her mind did not really register that she had just tried to plunge a dagger into the man's chest she was using as shield; all that mattered was getting away from the youkai presently coming after her.
Inuyasha observed Kagome and his father's actions for a split second without moving; it was taking some time for his mind to register everything that was going on it was so sudden. Kagome had tried kill him, then didn't, but instead collapsed on him in a fit of tears. Now his father was here, pissed as a wet hen and moving toward them both. The situation was a lot for a poor little hanyou to take in at once.
Taro was beginning to reach his clawed paw behind his son's back to get at the neko hiding back there, when Inuyasha finally clicked into motion. Quickly, he lashed out his hand and grabbed his father at the wrist.
“Don't touch her.”
Foremost on Inuyasha's mind was his concern for Kagome. The waves of fear coming off her were overwhelming and Inuyasha's heart went out to her. She was clearly beyond terrified, and all things considered, she was facing an old nightmare: Taro looked ferocious in his anger, and more than a little willing to cause the neko bodily harm. First things first, Inuyasha knew he had to protect Kagome and make her feel at ease. Inuyasha might have known his father wouldn't hurt her, but the neko had no idea what the lord had in store for her.
Taro was so stunned by his son's assertiveness that he immediately backed off, taking a step away from the futon. What has gotten into Inuyasha? Inuyasha who bowed at his feet now had eyes that blazed with a heat that Lord Takahashi did not recognize.
The demon lord's confusion was further compacted by what he smelled and saw. The room reeked of what he could only assume were the girl's tears, and there were other dimmer scents of anguish and fear. The pair on the bed might have been embracing when he had entered the room, but lusty pursuits had to have been far from their minds. Then there was the blood. Inuyasha, in his human form, was bleeding from a small but ugly nick in his chest as well as other tiny cuts and scratches. A small dagger was mingled with the sheets and was stained with his son's blood.
What the hell happened here? Why is he defending her?
Inuyasha sucked in a deep breath, trying to think. His father was going to demand an explanation any second now, and he didn't know what to tell him.
Yes, a very short while ago Kagome had been straddling his waist, preparing to cut his heart out, but it just didn't seem she really wanted to hurt him. Hell, she had tried to get him to kill her. Shuddering, Inuyasha could still feel the cold handle of the knife for the brief time it had been in his hand. Even if she had injured him, he wasn't sure he could have done that. It was Kagome. He loved her if for nothing else because she had given him a time in his life that he didn't feel completely out of place; they belonged together.
I can only hope Kagome feels the same.
Inuyasha looked over his shoulder to see Kagome's back, she was sitting on her feet, her head burrowed into his back. Turning around he met his father's eyes.
Taro still looked angry, but he also appeared to be fairly confused. It was time for the question he had been dreading: “Inuyasha,” his father's voice began to show he was tired. “What happened? Who is this?"
“This is Kagome,” Inuyasha answered the easy question first. “I—we—” He couldn't bring himself to explain further. What would his father do when he found out? Even attempting to kill a lord's son was high offense, and Lord Takahashi was highly protective of his family.
“Isn't it obvious what she did?” Kikyou demanded, finally making her presence known. She had stood by the door for some time in silence, but now she was in the thick of it, clearly angry. Great, so now I have not one but two live hanyou's on my hands! Kagome, you coward.
Taro turned toward his son's betrothed, an eyebrow raised. The girl was clearly furious, but still her scent spoke to a steady, calm being. “And what is that, my dear?” The youkai was somewhat confused: now that he had a good look at Kikyou's face, he realized there was a good chance his wife was right—her expression was not matching her scent.
Kikyou was a little taken aback by suddenly having the demon lord's full attention on her, but she forged on, as she knew she had to. Kagome has left me no option. “Even I can see what is going on, and I'm a miko,” she was sure to remind them. “I've seen my betrothed with this girl before—she must be his whore.”
Inuyasha felt Kagome flinch behind him at the word, “whore”. He shot the miko a glare and opened his mouth to contradict her, but she was already barreling on.
Kikyou wasn't finished yet, “She's jealous that he's marrying me and she tried to kill him. If she can't have him, no one can!”
Taro regarded the thin human woman standing before him.
“Inuyasha? Is this true?” If this was the truth—and from what he had heard and was witnessing it very well could be—he wanted to hear it from his son's mouth.
Inuyasha looked down at his claws, thinking of what to say to his father's question. He didn't know then that this small moment of reflection would cost both him and Kagome.
Kagome, though terrified of Inuyasha's father, was fuming at her sister. First Kikyou bullied and threatened her into trying to kill Inuyasha, and now she was calling her a whore? If she had ever been anything less than a pure miko, it was Kikyou's fault.
She's set all this up! She wanted me to get caught and I'm sure one way or another she never meant for me to come home! Tears burned in the neko's eyes, but she tapped down on her grief.
Rage was the more important emotion at the moment.
When Inuyasha paused to try to think of the right thing to say, Kagome took it as her opportunity. Springing out of her coil, she launched herself from behind Inuyasha.
Claws flexed, fangs bared, Kagome had every intention of ripping out Kikyou's throat. She knew when she was damned beyond redemption. Her family wouldn't want her, Inuyasha was more than likely afraid of her. The demon lord in the room surely would have her put to death for a multitude of reasons and to top it off she couldn't even speak in her own defense. There was little left for her to live for and anyway, if she killed her sister, at least she could ensure Inuyasha's safety.
As she moved, Kagome was surprised to see the charm Kikyou wore around her neck. It was an old one of their father's, meant to cover scents. No wonder no one suspects her—Kikyou's scent only speak to emotions of peace and calm.
Kikyou was completely surprised by Kagome's attack. She did not even make a move to defend herself, her shock was so complete. The neko raked her claws over the skin of Kikyou's arm before Inu no Taishou was on Kagome, catching her up and clunking her on the head.
Before she knew it, all Kagome saw was black.
“What did you do?” Inuyasha demanded, leaping off his futon, hurrying to Kagome's side where his father had let her slide to the ground. Lord Takahashi had moved so fast, the hanyou had not been able to stop the blow. With painstaking gentleness, Inuyasha placed the neko's head on his lap before turning his head up to growl at his father.
“I don't know what has gotten into you boy,” Taro snarled back, “But you will release this absurd obsession you have with this neko and do as I tell you. She clearly tried to harm you,” Inuyasha's father's gaze dropped down to the still bleeding wound on the hanyou's chest: only slow-oozing drops appeared now, but was enough to throw Taro into a blind rage. “And I will not stand for it.” With that, using his full-youkai speed, Taro pushed Inuyasha out of the way and snatched up Kagome, slinging her over her shoulder as anyone would a sack of dirty laundry.
Not giving himself the leisure to think, Inuyasha shook himself off and bounded to the room's door, blocking his father and Kikyou's exit. The miko had blessedly fallen silent after saying her piece; she knew how to push his father's buttons. “Put Kagome down.”
Taro rolled his eyes. “She hurt you, Inuyasha. I can only assume that because you have yet to give me a proper explanation, this neko could have done more. You will let me pass and you will be at the manor early to get ready for your wedding.”
Kikyou opened her mouth to object, but Taro shot a glare at her over his shoulder. She stayed silent. As the two men had a staring contest, neither Inuyasha nor his father noticed Kikyou edging toward the futon.
“Father I—”
“Don't be foolish Inuyasha,” Taro reprimanded him. “Please. You aren't thinking clearly.”
Inuyasha did pause for a moment. Am I thinking clearly? Kagome tried to stab me and I'm defending her?
But he remembered her eyes—the despair, the fear. If she could speak, Inuyasha would bet his life Kagome would be able to give him a more than acceptable reason.
“I love her,” Inuyasha choked out, refusing to look away from his father's eyes. “I want her to be my mate. Please, she wouldn't hurt me without cause. I know it. Just put her down.”
Taro felt a moment of indecision as he saw the earnestness in his son's face. Does the treaty matter so much? But can you trust to leave this cat with him?
In the end, he reached a compromise in his own mind. “Fine, you will think of this tonight—what you really want, considering everything. And in the morning, we will discuss this before the wedding. You will have to convince me with something other than words of love, but if you can I might let you have your way.”
Swallowing hard, Inuyasha nodded carefully, but still did not let the matter drop completely, “What are you going to do with her? The demons at the manor might try to harm her again, please—”
Taro silenced him with a growl. “You think I can't take care of one silly neko? She will be safe, Inuyasha, I will see to it.” Without waiting for an answer, Taro jostled his son out of his way and Kikyou followed, tucking something into the obi of her kimono as she went, a movement that, again, the demon and hanyou failed to notice.
When they were gone, Inuyasha walked back to futon and flopped down. He had a lot of thinking to do this night. What to say, what to say?
Sango tossed and turned on her mat in the servants' quarters. She couldn't sleep and she knew why.
Why did he have to go into the mountains? If he had gone to decide what to do about her and their child, Sango wanted to have a say in his choice.
But the mountains were sprawling, and while she was sure he had not gone far, it would be easy for her to lose her way if she went after him. How would she be able to pin point where exactly Miroku had gone?
Rolling over onto her other side, Sango suddenly felt the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. He would have gone to the shrine!
The shrine was little more than a cleared circle of earth, free of trees and undergrowth, but it was a sacred place for reflection.
Climbing to her shaky legs, Sango hop-scotched her way over the other sleeping bodies that carpeted the floor to the door. Covering herself with a long jacket, Sango began making her way on the path that lead toward the dark mass of land that blocked out the stars.
Please let me find him.
With her back to the manor and her senses focused on the path before her, Sango failed to notice the small party of horsemen who rode up to the doors of the Takahashi home. If she had, the maid might have wondered what purpose a group of human men had with the demon lord.
Sango, however, continued her journey unhindered by their arrival.
Taro was so angry he could not see straight.
Walking down the halls of his manor that would take him to the dungeons, the full youkai was practically sputtering at how stupid a son he had raised. What was Inuyasha thinking? It was clear even to the miko who was still following him that the neko had tried to take the boy's life. Inuyasha seemed to know that too, but clearly didn't want anything to be done about it.
What is the boy thinking? That he's in love? I had no idea his human half had such a hold on him!
Once he was at the bottom of the stairs, Taro made a sharp right, turning himself away from the food cellars and instead made his way to darker areas of the house where prisoners were stored. It had been a long time since the last war, and therefore the rooms had seen little use recently.
Now it seems to be filling up with cats, Taro growled to himself as he passed the neko youkai's cell. The proud demon was still slumbering with the ofuda attached to her forehead. It was better than the alternative: she was so angry, Taro felt sure the bars that held her would not last long against any attack she wished to throw at them. Let her sleep.
Taking his captive a few more doors down, he motioned to a servant holding the keys to unlock and open the cell door for him. Taro stepped inside and with care that surprised even he, laid the girl on the ground. This girl had captured his son's affections—even if she was a blood-lusting neko.
Inuyasha would pick a cat of all things…
Taro took a moment to look down at the face of the girl. She was beautiful, despite being a hanyou. So strange for there to be a half youkai here in the demon lands. The only reason Inuyasha was alive was because he lived under the protection of the Inu Taishou title and the Takahashi name.
How did you get here little one? There was something familiar about her face, but Taro could not place it.
The door had not been locked, but Taro had made his way outside of the cell when one of his advisors, dressed in clothes that had obviously been thrown on in a hurry, appeared, running toward them.
“My lord!” The underling breathed heavily. “Th-they've arrived!”
The demon lord raised an eyebrow, “They?”
“The human lord, my lord. Lord Higurashi!”
Taro heard the veiled figure behind him gasp at the sound of her father's name. It was no real surprise to Taro, his spies had known the human was on his way for sometime—even if he appeared to have gotten lost on more than one occasion. But had his daughter not expected him to come to see her wedded? Why would she think that when it had been arranged?
“Very good,” Taro continued as if he had not heard Kikyou's reaction. “I will see him shortly.” He turned back to Kikyou and her silent maid. “Would you like to greet your father?” The youkai did not mean it as a question; if Kikyou knew better, she would have seen he was commanding her to follow him.
But Kikyou did not know better, or at least pretended otherwise: “No my lord,” she said in her quiet, submissive way that pleasantly crawled under Taro's skin. “If I could, I wish to look on the face of the one my betrothed covets,” here she bowed deeply, “so that I could better please him. Then I will come to see my father.”
Taro didn't quite know what to say to such an odd request, and in fact stared down at Kikyou for longer than was completely polite. Her scent spoke to nothing out of the ordinary, but he wanted to rip the shroud from her face so he could look into her eyes.
In the end, he decided there would be no harm in indulging the girl.
“Fine, but I wish you to be upstairs shortly,” he said firmly so she understood, then made his way out of the dungeons.
Kikyou waited until the sound of Taro's feet on the stairs had completely faded way before she motioned to her maid servant to stand watch. Stealthily, the miko walked into her sister's cell. The neko hanyou was sprawled out on the floor, still dead to the world.
Her hand went to her obi where she had hidden the dagger. Was it the right thing to kill Kagome now? Not only was the younger girl completely defenseless, but there would be witnesses.
Seeing the face of her little sister sleeping peacefully turned something deep in Kikyou. What am I doing? She pulled her hand out of the pocket her obi made, scrunching her brow. Memories from her childhood blinked past her eyes, and Kikyou hesitated further. Kagome wasn't her problem: with Deshi here, Taro would force Inuyasha to marry Kikyou so he could please the human. And if Deshi made good on his threat to not bring the miko home without her hanyou sister once the demons were vanquished, Kikyou would need Kagome alive.
On an impulse—one Kikyou would never be able to explain to herself later—the miko leaned down and placing her fingers on Kagome's throat she chanted the words to permanently remove the Silence Root's charm on her sister.
My gift to you, little sister. You will either stay down here forever and no one will listen to your pleas or you will be restored and ready to meet our father.
Kikyou closed her eyes for a moment, concentrating on the spell; she could feel her own power and Kagome's repressed energy. What will a house of demons do with a hanyou miko?
Removing the spell completely was a little more difficult than simply pushing it aside had been, and Kikyou failed to notice Kagome's movement, her concentration was so focused. While the neko was disoriented from a blow to the head and being carried upside down, she knew it was Kikyou hovering over her. Not feeling strong enough to attack her sister, and feeling darkness sneaking up on her again, Kagome did the only thing she could think to do. Kagome deftly, without the miko noticing, removed the scent charm. Its ribbon was old and gauzy, practically crumbling under her claw.
It will be as good as feeding her to the dogs, Kagome thought as she slipped back into unconsciousness.
Nodding when her work was done, Kikyou left Kagome in the cell to go greet her father the lord. The servants locked up after she was gone, leering at the neko hanyou unprotected in her cage. Most of them remembered the harm the single hanyou had caused to several members of their number, and now seemed to be the perfect time to exact their revenge.
The moment they were sure their master was preoccupied…
The two lords stared at one another across Taro's intimidatingly massive desk. Though it was late in the night, they were discussing the finer points of the treaty for which they were to marry off their children.
“So in exchange for the safe passage of my merchants through your lands, I will allow you the farming lands between the River Botan and Kanaye Mountain.”
Taro examined the map were Deshi was motioning as the human lord spoke. The area he was offering was a little smaller than what they had originally agreed upon, but then the human had presented him with an extra antique sword to be placed in Kikyou's dowry. It all seemed to even out.
Just then, there was a knock at the door and a servant poked his head in to announce Kikyou Higurashi. Lord Takahashi motioned for her to be allowed to enter and moment later the girl appeared, her face veiled. Both men stood to greet her.
Taro was blown away to find suddenly he could smell the girl's emotions—no longer did she only scent like a miko. There was some trepidation about her, but mostly he could detect her happiness at the sight of her father: she had thrown back her veil and what could only be described as a smile—though a small one—played around her mouth as the two looked at one another.
Chalking it up as being glad to see her father, Taro went back to the more pressing matter at hand. He could only hope that Kikyou wouldn't mention the neko lying in the basement who had been caught in a compromising position with his son. If she did, their treaty could be for naught; especially if Deshi became furious with Inuyasha and decided to purify them all.
The father and daughter greeted each other with reserved warmth, Taro noted as he watched them. Their pleasantries were short and to the point.
When Kikyou began mentioning the coming wedding, Lord Takahashi decided it was best to steer the conversation in another direction.
“Yes we almost everything prepared for the ceremony tomorrow,” he smiled at Deshi, “now there is just have one small detail concerning our treaty—”
“Are you sure, my lord,” Kikyou suddenly cut in, “that Inuyasha will want to marry me?”
Taro could have killed the girl, and found himself wishing he had let the hanyou to do just that.
Kikyou, though slightly off her rocker never, let a chance slip through her fingers. She saw that either way, she was holding the best cards. If her father went into a rage over the hanyou's whore (without knowing she was his second daughter) and called off the wedding, so much the better for Kikyou. But if the wedding went through as planned, surely Deshi's presence meant he had his army on their way. Kikyou could have sung she was so happy, and it made her want to stir the pot all the more. I have no husband, I have not hanyou husband today! He his dead, and gone away!
The men looking at her were not as pleased as the young miko.
“And why would that be?” Deshi ask cautiously, fearing his daughter was going to give him away. Please don't let her mention the army. Please don't let her mention the army. Please don't let her mention the army.
“Yes my dear,” Taro fretted, “why would you have such a worry?” He also feared—more correctly—that his secret, or that of his son, would be given away.
“Because, Inuyasha already has a woman.” Kikyou pouted in a way that when coupled with her scent now turned Taro's stomach. “Granted she may be violent, but she is so much more beautiful that I.” Kikyou hung her head for effect. If Deshi knew she was speaking of Kagome, he would have been tipped off by her ruse. However, he did not and that was Kikyou's secret.
Deshi breathed a sigh of relief and was so happy Kikyou had not mentioned his plans that he could have laughed. “And what woman is that?”
Taro picked up on the lightness of the other man's words, and quirked an eyebrow at the scent of relief coming off of him. Human, what are you hiding from me? Before Kikyou could answer her father, Lord Takahashi cut her off, “You know how boys are,and ”he began suggestively,“ my son seems to have taken a liking to one of our servants. It is nothing to worry about.”
“But—” Kikyou started again.
Taro cut her off before the miko could dig him in any deeper: “I can assure you my son will do as I ask of him. There is nothing to worry about; the wedding will go one tomorrow as planned.”
A dark glint in Deshi's eye caught the demon's attention, “I certainly hope so, and I have no wish to lose this opportunity.”
Taro nodded in understanding, though unsure if he and Deshi were on the same page. So much for giving Inuyasha his own say.
When he finally retired, Deshi did not go straight to the quarters he had been shown, but instead headed toward the stables. After waking and speaking with a young boy who had been in his company, the human lord turned around to go back into the manor.
Several moments later, the boy could be seen riding out of the stables, off the manor grounds, and across the fields from which the humans had originally come.
High in one the manor's room, a tall figure watched the interchange with interest. What is that human up to?
The rider was just about to leave his line of sight when the watcher's voyeurism was interrupted by his mate tossing in her sleep.
“Sh—shampoo. Where did all the shampoo go?”
Does she ever shut up about her stupid hair? Sesshomaru thought as he picked up his brush. Where was I? 99…100…101 He picked up his count of brush strokes where they had been interrupted.
Sango was becoming weary, her back beginning to ache painfully. From her judgment, she was only halfway to the shrine and the moon was already starting to set.
Sighing heavily with exhaustion, she slunk down onto a rock to the side of the path and leaned back against a convenient tree. Of all the stupid places to go Miroku, you sure picked it. Couldn't you have at least chosen a closer location? What about those nice trees outside Kaede's house? I could have driven my cart there!
But no! When you need reflection time you climb half way up a fucking mountain with narrow, steep paths. You are such—
Sango was startled out of her internal rant when she heard a twig snap not far away. Freezing completely, trying not even to breath, she moved her eyes around in the dim moon light.
There it was again!
Someone was definitely coming towards her; she could now hear the individual steps.
I wonder if whoever it is knows I'm here?
Swallowing hard, Sango decided that whatever was going to happen, she would take it in stride. Standing silently, she listened. The footsteps were getting closer.
Now she could see a dark outline. Whoever it was had to be able to see her—they were coming straight at her.
Sango braced herself and just as the figure was upon her, surely to grab her, she punched him hard in the face. Years of scrubbing pans, carrying heavy chamber pots, and other maidly duties had toned her muscles well, and in this case paid off: she heard the reassuring snap of her would-be assailant's nose cracking.
“What the hell! That hurt! Kami I'm bleeding!” The man wailed, doubling over in pain from the blow.
Sango took a step back, startled as she was that she recognized the voice.
Deep in the belly of Takahashi manor, long sleeping eyes blinked opened. Despite the darkness of the cell their owner found herself in, she could still see clearly.
But all of her focus was on scent. Not far away she could smell her. And she knew she wasn't imagining things.
Kagome was near. Very near.
Midori wanted nothing more than to leap to her feet and find her kit, but there was something holding her down.
Checking her limbs, she found she felt no bindings. No, she wasn't shackled, she realized with a hiss of rage: it was that damn sacred scroll on her head.
Midori's eyes went green with rage.
A/N: Ug! This chapter is done! A few hours later than I had planned, but its finished all the same. I went over the first part like three or four times, and I'm still not really happy about, but I'm not sure if there is anything else to be done for it. I hope it doesn't suck too much. I was going to take a break from this story to finish the epilogue for “Marriage of Convenience” (oops) but I got the ball rolling, so here you go. Hopefully I can keep it up.