InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko no Youkai ❯ To Protect ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: This one time, at band camp . . . nothing happened. And I didn't get ownership of Inuyasha, and the world continued without me.

A/N: Oops.. found a mix-up in the last chapter: They got there at mid-day, so oden was for lunch.

No lemon. However, I waited to post this until my PWP was ready. So, flit on over to or

28 February, 2003: Just fixed a few errors. The next chapter is started, though. ^_^

~~~To Protect~~~

Sounds outside pulled Inuyasha's attention reluctantly from his love. His ears swiveled to catch the noise, soon followed by his head. He kept watch down the hall, standing when he did not recognize one of the voices. Scenting the air, he growled low in frustration.

Warm arms encircled his shoulders, "What is it, Inuyasha?"

One of his ears twitched to catch Kagome's barely audible words, a warm tingle traveling down his spine with each warm breath against his skin. It was disturbingly distracting to someone who had only lived so long by staying alert.

The door opened downstairs and Kagome became aware of the added company. Sighing, she withdrew her arms and pulled the robe tighter around her. As she looked up from the tie, a red ball of fur pummeled into her.

"Kagome! There's more people!"

The miko laughed and lightly hugged the kitsune. "It's okay, Shippou. Mama's just home early."

On cue, Mrs. Higurashi called up, "Kagome? What was that I saw running up the stairs?"

Still carrying the kit, Kagome smiled and maneuvered around Inuyasha so she could greet her mother downstairs. "That was Shippou, Mama. I want you to meet him."

She was halfway down when the owner of the unfamiliar voice came into view. Her hold on Shippou tightened, pressing him against her chest. Below her, looking back up, was the very reason she had suddenly turned so protective of the kit. The girl looked worse than when Kagome had last seen her, sporting several new bruises. Her wavy hair had seen better days, and her eyes held enough pain to make tears gather in Kagome's.

"Ayumi," she whispered and rushed the rest of the way down.

Standing an arm's reach away, the miko loosened her hold on Shippou while staring at her friend. The kit leapt back on to the stairs, filling his deprived lungs with air. He looked up just in time to see his okaa-san and the strange girl embrace with muffled cries. They cried on each other's shoulders and held stood there for so long he thought they were stuck.

Kagome's mother stepped close and gently tapped her daughter's shoulder. "Come, let's fix an early dinner."

The girls slowly parted, nodding to the kind woman. "Mm," they agreed, following her into the kitchen.

Little Shippou glanced back up the stairs, meeting Inuyasha's gaze. The kit shrugged and waited for the hanyou to join him. Once he was close enough, Shippou hopped onto his shoulder and comforted himself with his familiar scent. Surprisingly, Inuyasha let him stay there.

It's amazing how women of all ages can forget all their troubles and focus on something so mundane as cooking. The scene that greeted the two with youkai blood in the kitchen only re-affirmed how confusing the opposite sex could be. The three females were smiling and chatting about decorations for some festival. They danced around the kitchen as though it were an everyday occurrence to have all three fixing a meal. One would say something, another would comment, the three would laugh, and the cycle started over. It seemed the tears that still stained the younger girls' faces were already forgotten.

"Don't bother trying to understand," Kagome's grandfather offered. "Women have always been like that. Survival mechanism, I'm sure."

As odd as the scene before them was, the old man's words surprised Inuyasha. Had he really just said something that made sense?

Turning, the wise words were contradicted by the many bags hanging from the old man's arms. The source of the advice was further questioned when the plastic bags were dropped and ofuda instantly found their way to the wrinkled hands.

"Youkai be gone!"

Shippou yelped and dashed from the hanyou's shoulder to hide behind Kagome. The girl looked up with a near-bored expression. "Jii-chan," she sighed, "leave him be. He's your great-grandson, after all."

At that, every activity in and around the kitchen stopped. Her grandfather was frozen mid-step; her mother and Ayumi's mouths open in shock. Luckily, Souta had chosen that moment to walk in for a cola and calmly looked from face to face as he sipped.

"He's adopted," he laughed before returning to the show he was watching.

All eyes shifted to Kagome for affirmation. The miko nodded and continued chopping. After more silence, she looked up and sighed. "Is it that hard to believe?"

Her mother nodded, "He is a youkai, dear. What about his parents?"

"Inuyasha and Kagome are my parents now," the kitsune spoke up.

Smiling, Kagome reached down and picked the kit up. After kissing his forehead, she handed him to Inuyasha and gave the pair a push out of the kitchen. She pushed her jii-chan out as well, returning to her vegetables when she was satisfied.

The males exchanged glances and shrugged. Women.

With a final peek back at his mate, Inuyasha took Shippou in to join Souta. He kept an ear trained on the voices in the kitchen, though, and was glad he did. It was quiet while the old man put whatever was in the bags away, but once he wandered back outside the talking started. The subject was not as carefree as festival decorations this time.

"You have a son now, Kagome?" He recognized her mother's voice.

"Hai, Mama," more chopping sounds. "He needed a secure family."

"And you will give him one? With Inuyasha?"


"I approve."

"Kagome-chan, did that boy really have dog ears and white hair?" The girl -Ayumi - joined the conversation.

"Yup. And Shippou's tail and feet are those of a fox."

"Wow. So.. you really haven't been sick?"

Inuyasha heard Kagome and her mother sigh. "No, Ayumi-chan. I haven't been sick. I.. It's a long story, but I don't think I'll be going back to school anyway."



Flinching, the hanyou flattened his ears against the high pitch of their surprise. It seemed like forever before Kagome said anything again.

"Mama, that's why I came back this time. I'm staying with Inuyasha. He, Shippou, Sango-chan, Miroku-sama.. they are a family to me over there. With the Shikon no Tama still shattered, and Naraku growing stronger, I can't leave them. It's.. where Inuyasha is, is home to me."

He thought his heart was going to explode from the joy Kagome's words caused. The hanyou was so distracted that he nearly missed when they continued.

"Kagome-chan, where is.. there?"

"There is not where, so much as when, I think," Mrs. Higurashi supplied.

"Mm," agreed her daughter. Inuyasha heard his mate set the knife she had been using aside. A soft rustle of fabric told him she had turned, too. "But I could tell you more later. Ayumi, I want to know why you are here."

Activity in the kitchen slowed again, the girl drawing in a calming breath. "He found me. We didn't think he'd look at my aunt's, but he went straight there."

"How bad?"

"I was in the hospital again."

He heard Kagome's bare feet pad across the kitchen, and Ayumi's gasp when he assumed his love embraced her again.

"Kagome-chan, I'm okay now. Eri told them she knew a place I could go he wouldn't come near. So, here I am."

"Is that true, Mama?" Apparently, the kind woman nodded, because Inuyasha didn't hear anything else before Kagome said more. "Well, I'm glad you are here. Now, let's get this dinner fixed so I can change!"

"About that.."

"Ano.." the miko's attention shifted to her mother.

"Most of Ayumi's things are already in your room."

"Is that why I wasn't allowed in there? Mama! Can I go change now, then? Please?"


Kagome laughed and Inuyasha heard her run up the stairs toward her room. The sound of her door opening was followed by a startled scream, and the hanyou was instantly running to her side. Shippou stared blankly after him, surprised to find himself on the floor when he'd been so comfortable sitting on his lap.

There was no youkai waiting in Kagome's room. In fact, there wasn't anything actually dangerous in there. She just never expected to open her door and find a pair of eyes blinking at her from inches away. The cat hanging from the door frame had not expected her to open the door and scream, either, and was already under the bed before Inuyasha reached the miko's side.

"Oh, by the way, we brought Ayumi-chan's cat home earlier!" Souta laughed from his spot on the couch.

"Thanks for the warning!" Kagome called back down.

She shook her head and stepped into the room. Inuyasha cracked his knuckles and followed her. When no protests came from the miko, he closed the door and leaned against it.

"Inuyasha," she whispered. "I don't need your help to change."



"You're my mate!"





"Only for you," Kagome glared at the back of his head before dropping the robe over it. "Stay there for me?"


Smiling, the miko moved to her closet and searched for something comfortable. Well, she liked that skirt, and the shirt there looked well with it. That one there felt softer to the touch, though. Shrugging, the grabbed the skirt and the second shirt. They would do. Now, she hopped around the boxes of what she assumed to be Ayumi's things, and to her dresser. When she pulled open the first drawer, a groan left her lips. Her eyes darted to the boxes, and she pulled the nearest one to her. As she suspected, it was her clothes inside. With a sigh, she set to the task of searching for the other necessary items of clothing.

Fully dressed, she reclaimed her mother's robe and kneeled beside her hanyou. He looked so cute when he was asleep. Though she had not taken that long to dress, the rest he had sacrificed for her apparently caught up with him. Laughing to herself, she lay down beside him. To get out the door she would have to move him, and that would undoubtedly wake him. She studied his peaceful face for a while, amazed at how innocent he looked. Before long, it became too much effort to keep her eyes open, and she joined Inuyasha in his nap.

Someone knocking on the door woke the couple enough for them to scoot away from it. During their nap, Inuyasha had pulled Kagome into his arms and spooned himself against her. Mrs. Higrashi blinked, trying to decide if what she saw was real. Her daughter, held possessively against a white-haired, dog-eared boy. Rubbing her eyes again, she nodded and closed the door. It was real; the antisocial, gruff hanyou was in a rather intimate position on the floor with her innocent daughter. At least, she had thought her daughter to still be innocent. Mrs. Higurashi forced back her worries and knocked on the door again.

"I'm up, I'm up. Just let me get dressed, Mama. Five more minutes. I promise." Kagome's sleepy voice yawned out.

Stifling a laugh, Mrs. Higurashi called back, "Dear, if you would but open your eyes, you will find yourself on the floor. It is not morning, and you are already dressed. Now, wash up and come down stairs. I want to talk to you after dinner."

The miko opened her eyes only to be looking at things from floor level. But she could not be on the floor. It was too comfortable, and her blankets were pulled around her. If she was on the bed, though, she would be able to see the top of her dresser. A glance down revealed arms covered in familiar fire-rat fur wrapped around her, and the reason for her comfort became known.

"Inuyasha? Could you let me go now?"

Opening his eyes, Inuyasha found Kagome to be closer than he expected. He nuzzled her neck before another thought unfuzzed in his mind. His mate was in his arms, he was curled around her, and they were in her mother's home. A blush stained his cheeks and Kagome was suddenly left alone on the floor. She giggled, looking around for the hanyou. She found him standing by her dresser, doing his best to look tough with a blush.

"Well?" He barked, "What are you doing down there?"

She stared at him for a brief moment, then gave up. There was no use in thinking he would change. Standing, she turned to open the door and join everyone else downstairs.

Dinner was wonderful. Kagome's mother and Ayumi had continued to prepare it without her, and she thought it had only improved. She was okay at cooking, but no where near chef material. All through dinner, though, she kept looking up to find her mother watching her. It made both she and Inuyasha nervous.

Kami knows the miko tried to stall the end of the meal. Luck was on her mother's side, however, and all too soon she found herself in the extra bedroom. She sat on the bed and waited for the woman she had always looked up to, to speak.

"How many men has Inuyasha had to fight off, Kagome? You are of marrying age there, are you not?" Kagome jumped at the unexpected sound, and had to take a moment to translate what she had heard into words.

"Well.." the miko blushed and studied her lap. Her skirt was a lovely shade of blue that would contrast her mate's fire-rat outfit nicely. Perhaps she could find a sailor-fuku that used this color.

"You're not married," Mrs. Higurashi stated flatly.

"Not exactly, Mama."

"Pregnant? Oh, please say you're not pregnant, dear!"

"No!" Kagome's eyes widened as they darted upward to catch her mother's expression. She looked more thoughtful than angry, really.

"But you have . . . Haven't you?"

She nodded meekly in reply. She couldn't lie to her mother, even if it was about such private activities.

"Wait here," Mrs. Higurashi stood and left the room. Her daughter stared after her, wondering what she had gotten herself into. Well, it couldn't really be worse than anything she faced with Inuyasha. Mama didn't look upset, so why had she left the room?

The answer came when her mother returned holding a glass of water and a pill. She held them out to Kagome and instructed, "Swallow it. Now."

Sighing, Kagome did as she was told. She knew she wasn't pregnant, it wasn't that time for her cycle yet. So, there was no harm in taking the pill and satisfying her mother. The two women stared at each other for a while; Kagome sipping the water and her mother carefully looking her over for any signs of a developing baby. She had to admit, her daughter looked wonderful. She was happy, and her skin had a healthy tint to it that had disappeared from lack of sleep and over studying every other time she came home. Home. Mrs. Higurashi sighed, her daughter had said her home was where Inuyasha was. How often would she get to see her after she went back? As much as she wanted to lock Kagome in her room and never let her out, she knew what her daughter did was important. Besides, she would just sneak out the window.

"Mama?" The soft voice pulled her back to the present.


"I wouldn't even be showing signs of pregnancy yet, if that's what you're looking for." The miko blushed, "It's only been two days."

"Ah," she sighed again. "Good, though. Much more time and that pill wouldn't have done any good anyway."

Catching each other's eyes, the two smiled. Understanding passed between them as they stood. The younger one rushed to her mother, embracing her and struggling to hold back tears. Pulling back enough to see the tears gathering in her mother's eyes as well, Kagome smiled meekly.

"I love you, Mama. I promise I'll come back when I can. Come on, help me pack. There's no way I'm going to be stuck in all those traditional outfits all the time!"

Laughing, the mother and daughter pair raced up the stairs. As their giggling forms ran past the kitchen, Inuyasha and Shippou exchanged relieved glances. Youkai hearing definitely came in handy. They turned back to the book of pictures they had been looking at, trying to ignore the girl staring at them from the other end of the table. She was making them nervous.

It only took half a minute more of staring for the hanyou and kit to break. Muttering excuses, both took off up the stairs and threw themselves into their companion's room. The miko and her mother blinked at the two. Then, turning back to their sorting and packing, they shrugged and continued their conversation. Mrs. Higurashi was explaining how they had planned to move Kagome into the extra room and allow Ayumi to stay in her old one.

They closed the lid on the box they had been packing. The miko readied to pick it up and was surprised when clawed hands easily lifted it from her. Inuyasha muttered something about week humans, and waited for her to lead the way. Shrugging, Kagome followed her mother back to the kitchen. The hanyou, not really watching where he was going, nearly bumped into his mate before noticing the distinct fear scent wafting from the kitchen. He dropped the box, a growl rumbling from his throat.

Shippou, peeking around Inuyasha's leg, caught the scent and snarled. His hair stood on end, and he inched toward his okaa-san. Once beside her, he caught another male's scent, one tainted with alcohol and anger. He wasn't sure who the man was, but he had an unexplainable need to protect the miko from him.

A red blur rushed past the frozen mother, daughter, and kitsune trio, slamming into the drunken male in the kitchen. The faint scent of blood coming from the frightened form of Ayumi only enraged the hanyou further, and he dug his claws into the man's arms. He spared a glance at Kagome, who had overcome her shock and rushed to her friend's side. Little Shippou had placed himself in front of the two, teeth bared as he glared at the cause for their fear.

Turning back to the man in his hold, Inuyasha growled out, "What are you doing here?"

Ignorant of the blood running down his arms, the man slurred back, "She's my daughter!"

"You don't deserve a daughter, bastard," the hanyou pressed him hard against the wall.

More blood pooled on the floor from the man wriggling in Inuyasha's grip. He cursed and struggled, his drunken state slowly being replaced by one of panic.

"Inuyasha.. you can't kill him," Kagome's voice cut through the buzz of the hanyou's anger.

He growled, but dropped the man. Standing over the low-life, he continued to growl, satisfied at the change in his attitude. As he was trying to figure out what to do with the bastard, his solution was found for him. Ayumi's father had finally pumped enough adrenaline through his system to see the fanged, white-haired demon before him. Raised a Christian, the fear of Hell caused him to grasp his chest and call out in pain. His body seized, writhing on the floor for a moment before going completely still.

"Heart attack," came a whisper from the kitchen's doorway. Mrs. Higurashi stepped forward, "Is he still living, Inuyasha?"

He glared down at the prone form, carefully scenting the air. Shrugging, he kicked the man in the ribs and was rewarded with a pain-filled yelp. "Unfortunately."

Mrs. Higurashi sighed, "Good.. less paperwork."

With that, she moved to the phone and dialed the local police. Kagome helped Ayumi up, grabbed Inuyasha's arm, and led them all into the television room. Souta sat on the couch with their jii-chan, eyes wide. He had heard the confrontation, and wisely kept their grandfather occupied. Ayumi's tear-streaked face and bloodied lip were a surprise; he had heard when Inuyasha slammed into the man, but he had not heard any sounds of fighting before that. There was no way his hero would have let the girl get hurt. Right?

The answers came soon enough. Shippou trailed behind them, and immediately jumped on Kagome's lap when she sat on the floor. Inuyasha leaned against the wall, one ear trained on his mate's mother in case she should need his assistance. Though, he doubted the man would be getting up anytime soon.

"Nee-san, what happened?" Souta's wide eyes continued to stare at Ayumi.

"Her father found her. But he won't bother her anymore. Right, Inuyasha?"

The hanyou used a curtain of hair to hide the light blush from her compliment, muttering, "Keh."

"Don't you say anything else, baka?" Shippou grew bold again and bounced over.

"Shippou-chan," Ayumi's quivering voice intervened. "Thank you for helping."

The kitsune's chest puffed out. He had been brave, hadn't he? He grinned and hopped into the girl's lap. From there he could see the fading bruises from before even better, and a low growl made it out before he could think about it. A tiny hand reached up to caress her cheek as a few tears made tracks down his own. When she did not draw back, he brought his other hand up, tilting her head down so he could look closer.

"It's okay," he whispered. "Inuyasha might act mean, but he protects us. He'll protect you, too."

"Hai," Kagome nodded. "Mean, rude, and violent as he is, you were right, Ayumi-chan."

The girl smiled, "You love him, Kagome?"


"And he loves you."

She nodded again. They all sat there, jii-chan completely oblivious to what had really happened, and waited. Eventually, Mrs. Higurashi came in and ushered them all to their beds, asking her father-in-law to stay and help her handle the police. Apparently, when they had been with Ayumi at the station to sign paperwork, her father had caught sight of them. By some mix-up, he was released and thus found his way to their shrine. After a stop at the bar, of course. Now, there would be more paperwork, but she had convinced the police to keep the children out of it.

"Now, Kagome-chan," she fixed her daughter with a meaningful stare. "I want Ayumi to sleep with someone tonight. And since I'm sure neither of your companions will want to part from you, you can all take my bedroom."

"Really?" Kagome let her confusion color her voice.

"Hai, the bed there is largest. I'll take the guest room tonight."

"Oh, Mama!"

The miko flung herself into her mother's arms. She would miss her so much! Snuggling deeper into the embrace, she tried to engrave the feeling in her memory. She managed to keep from crying, but as she drew back, they exchanged kisses on one another's cheeks.

She grabbed Ayumi's hand once more, dragging her up the stairs so they could change. Fifteen minutes later, they expertly avoided the kitchen while prancing back into the television room to pick up the inu hanyou and fox youkai. Kagome led the way to their room for the night, and matched grins with Ayumi. It was a big, welcoming bed that just begged for them to jump on it. So, they obliged. Giggling, they raced to the bed and leapt onto it, bouncing a bit before everything settled down again. At which point they stood and bounced together before trying to bounce each other off.

Shippou climbed on the bed after he figured out what was going on, and the girls teamed up on him. Before long, he found himself landing hard on the floor. He just laughed and climbed back on, latching on to Kagome's leg this time. The miko squealed and tumbled off into the arms of her hanyou.

"Careful, brat," Inuyasha glared at the kit. Rather, he would have if Kagome had not instantly claimed his mouth with hers.

Discretely, Shippou crawled back to the bed and under the covers. Ayumi joined him, and he happily cuddled against her. The mated pair blushed when they remembered they had company. Surprised to find the others already sleeping, they exchanged embarrassed glances before slipping under the covers. Kagome fell asleep as fast as the other two had, while Inuyasha remained alert well after the police had come and gone. His ears twitched when he heard the door open, and saw Mrs. Higurashi check on them. When the light sounds of Jii-chan and Souta's snoring reached the sensitive triangles, he drew in a deep, Kagome-filled breath and slowly surrendered to his dreams.


A/N: Gomen.. I can be a very impulsive person, and after catching (being forced to sit through) a few dubs on Cartoon Network again. . . *low growl* I still don't like it. Hardly any of the names are pronounced the same in the dub as they are in the raw and subbed. It's like.. like listening to the substitute pronounce your friend's name wrong. That's not all they changed, either. Cha.

Anyway, those wondering about Kouga, Naraku, Kohaku, etc.: Don't fret. Not only am I impulsive, I'm damned annoying about those sorts of details. And just so you know, I did not research to see if they even have the "emergency contraceptive" pill available in Japan as they do here. I just wanted to satisfy the "pregnancy police." See? Damned annoying, I am.

Did anybody else get sick of the short paragraphs? Why did the characters decide to talk so much!? Rawr!

And to add more to this obscenely long A/N: iVillage is discontinuing their email service. My new email? (I think it works.. )