InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Begging and Beating ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Why? Why can't I own `Inuyasha'? Sadly, I do not and I never shall…-sniffles-

Warnings: Rating- NC-17, swearing, occasional violence, explicit dancing, drinking, future lemons, some limey moments, much marshmallow fluff, and quite a bit of ooc-ness from many characters. (If you haven't guessed the chars who are ooc, then you'll soon know.)

Pairings: Sess/Kag (future), Inu/Kik, Mir/San, possible Rin/Shippo, and mention of past Kik/Kag (Yes, it's true. Question my sanity if you like.)

A/N: . THIS CHAPTER CONTAINS SCENES OF DOMESTIC ABUSE. I despise anyone who will put a person through such treatment when they say they love them. I do know what it's like to be in a situation like the one described, so I'm speaking from experience. If you don't like it, don't read it. A cuddly moment between Yash and Kikyou, though it's for a sad reason.

Last Chapter:

Everyone started laughing at the young woman. "Ok, ok, Rin, settle down. Why don't you get home and get some sleep. I'll need you back here tomorrow."

Rin grabbed the money out of her tip dish. "I'll be here, you can count on it." She ran out the door and to her car. I definitely have to bring Sesshoumaru here, she thought while starting her car.

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Rin walked into the large foyer silently, making sure that the lights in the library were off. She quickly shut the door, locked it, and ran up to her room. When she reached the top of the stairs, she stopped abruptly when she saw the lights to the study on. She swore softly and made her way to the door.

Once there, she poked her head inside. "Hello, Sesshoumaru-sama," she said softly, a touch of nervousness in her voice.

Sesshoumaru looked up from the desk and motioned for her to come in. When she was sitting across from him, he glanced back down at the papers. "Did you plan on telling me that you were going to be staying out so late?" he asked in is infamous emotionless voice.

Rin shrugged her shoulders. "It all depended upon how things went. I had a job interview at a club today. I went there and was allowed to try it for a night. If I didn't get the job, I wasn't going to tell you."

He set is pen down and leaned back in his chair. "Well, how did this interview go?"

She smiled at him. "I got the job. It's at a nightclub called Miko's Paradise. You should come check it out sometime. If not to enjoy yourself then to make sure that it's an acceptable place for me to work."

Sesshoumaru'seyebrow raised slightly in question. "And I should be concerned about this place? Rin, you're 24 years old and perfectly capable of making your own decisions. If you wish to work at this…nightclub, then that is your decision. I cannot stop you from doing what you wish."

Rin smiled at him. "Well, this club really is one of a kind. It's different from many others around here."

"How so?"

"Well…You see, it's one of the only clubs around that allows both youkai and ningen customers."

"And this would bother me because…?"

She bit her lower lip for a moment. "Inuyasha is there all the time, along with his friends. His best friend, Kagome Higurashi, actually owns it." She cringed slightly, waiting for him to become upset.

Sesshoumaru nodded his head. "I see. Well, you have nothing to worry about. I don't plan on visiting this club."

"Well, that's something I wanted to talk to you about. I want you to come see it. You really spend too much time in your office. You need to go out and have some fun. You know, relax? Find someone to spend time with?"

"Rin, don't start with that again…" He gave her a look of warning, telling her to get off the subject.

She continued on the subject, not backing down. "Come on, Sesshoumaru-sama. How old are you now, and you don't have a mate? There's more to life than just sitting in an office all day, worrying about numbers and which people you are going to fire for some reason or another. You need someone to make you happy!"

"I am just fine as I am, Rin. I do not need some female going after me and our money."

"Now you're just lying to yourself. You haven't been with anyone since Kagura, and how many years ago was that? You need to understand that not everyone is like that. You need to find honest romance with someone who will accept you for you."

He sighed and shook his head. "Rin, the chances of that happening are slim to none."

"Just come by tomorrow night. That's all I ask. Inuyasha may be there, but Kagome won't let him do anything. Please, Sesshoumaru-sama? It'll be good for you."

"And since when do you know what's good for me?"

"Since Kagura first broke your heart and you turned into a living statue. Since you decided to lock yourself away from the rest of the world. I've been taking care of you since then, Sesshy. It's time you got out there and found someone to take care of. And maybe someone else to take care of you for once."

He shook his head and sighed. "Fine, I'll go. Only so you stop pestering me about this."

She giggled, jumped out of the chair and ran to hug him. "Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama. I know you won't regret it."

I think I already am regretting ithe thought as she ran out of the study.

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A/N: In this next segment, there's a bit of domestic violence. It's a little difficult for me to write, as I have had some experience with it. Be patient with it, as it is my first attempt at writing a violence scene.

Kagome walked into the apartment and sighed heavily when she saw that the television was still on. Just great, she thought, that means Kouga is still awake. She hung her coat on a hanger, set her purse on the shelf and walked to the living room. She stopped by the couch and saw Kouga laying there, eyes closed, with the remote in his hand. She made her way quietly to the kitchen and prepared herself a cup of tea.

As she sat at the island (1), Kouga walked into the room. "What took you so long to get here?" he asked grouchily.

Kagome kept her eyes on the counter. "There were a few people who left late," she started to explain, "And I had to set up for tomorrow night. You know that I don't keep the alcohol at the bar on dry night."

Kouga walked behind her and felt her stiffen when he placed his hands on her shoulders. "Why were you acting like that in the club tonight? You've never used your powers against me before."

"You were hurting me. It was a natural reaction that I couldn't stop, even if I would have tried to." She stood quickly and placed her cup in the sink. "You had no right to act like that in my bar."

He followed her as she walked into the living room. "Kagome, you are never going to use your powers against me ever again, is that clear?"

She turned on him and glared. "I will do what I have to do to defend myself if and when I feel the need to do so. No one, including you, is going to stop me."

He grabbed her arm and pulled her close. "Damn it, Kagome. You are going to listen to me on this. You are never going to use your fucking powers against me, for any reason. You are mine and I will do with you as I please."

She put her hand on his chest, trying to push him away. "Kouga, let me go!"
"Not until you understand that you belong to me and that you'll never go against me as long as you are mine. And you will always be mine because no one is going to take you away from me."

Kagome stared angrily into his eyes. "I am tired of telling you this. I belong to no one! Now, LET GO OF ME!" She tried again to pull herself free, but he grabbed tighter. She was sure that she'd have a bruise that would not be easily covered. She then released a small bolt of energy at him, causing him to swear violently.

"Fucking bitch!" He let go of her arm, though not long enough for her to run away from him. He reached out and yanked on a handful of her hair. "You should not have done that." He raised his other hand and slapped her across the face, causing her to stumble backwards and fall to the couch.

She glared up at him, fury blazing in her eyes. "Don't touch me, Kouga."

"Or what?" He grabbed her shoulders roughly and pulled her up against him. "What will you do to me?" He gripped his hand around her throat and squeezed slightly. "You won't do anything to hurt me. It's against your nature."

She slowly brought her hands up to his chest. He looked down at them when they started glowing pink. Suddenly, he was thrown back against the wall, unconscious from the impact forced upon the back of his head.

"That's where you're wrong, Kouga. It's against my nature to hurt someone for no reason. I have nothing against hurting someone to protect myself." She walked past his limp form and to the bedroom where she packed a few things into a bag. She walked back to the hallway, grabbed her purse and coat, then headed out to her car.

Once inside, she could feel tears threatening to fall. She started the car and pulled out her cell phone. She hit a memorized number and waited for them to pick up.

"-Yawn- H-hello…?" answered a tired feminine voice.

"Ki-Kikyou?" she replied through tears.

"Kagome? What's wrong?"

"I don't want to explain over the phone. I need a place to crash for a while. Would you and Yash mind if I came over?"

A bunch of rambled and incoherent words went by the two on the other line. "We have no problem with you coming over."

"Thanks, guys." She then hung up the phone.

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When Kagome reached Inuyasha's and Kikyou's house, she rang the doorbell and waited patiently for one of them to answer. She was staring at her wrist when the door opened. She looked up to see the shocked face of Kikyou.

"Oh Kami-sama…" she gasped, "Kagome-chan, what in the Hell happened to you?" She stepped forward and gently put a hand up to Kagome's face where she saw a bruise forming. "Come on, get in here. Yash is in the living room." She closed the door and locked it, then led Kagome to the living room to the waiting Inuyasha.

He looked up when his two favorite women walked into the room. He took one look at Kagome's face and ran to her, wrapping his arms around her. "I'll kill him," he growled, "I'll fucking kill him." He sat her down on the couch while Kikyou went to get them some tea. "I told you not to get involved with him."

Kagome looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry I didn't listen to you," she whispered, "He…he'd never hit me before. All because of what I did at the bar." She stopped talking and began crying uncontrollably.

He wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "Don't worry, Kagome. I won't let him lay his hands on you again." He rocked her slowly and relaxed when he sensed that she had fallen asleep.

A moment later, Kikyou walked in with a tray of tea. "Is she going to be ok?" she asked quietly as she set the tray down.

"She will be. Once I get rid of Kouga." He carefully stood, still holding Kagome in his arms, and carried her to one of the guest rooms. He brought the blanket to just under her chin, then left the room.

He walked back down to Kikyou and sat next to her on the couch. He wrapped his arm around her when she cuddled up to him.

"How could anyone do that to Kagome?" she asked in disbelief, "What exactly happened at the club that would get him so angry?"

"He called her `his woman' again, I think," he replied, "She came over by me after she had him kicked out, and she was completely pissed off." He sighed heavily. "I'm going to talk to Hiten and Manten tomorrow and make sure that they keep him out. He'll just do something to cause some trouble."

"I hope you know that she's staying here. I won't let her go back to that bastard."

Inuyasha nodded his head. "I'll go over there tomorrow with her to get some more of her things."

After their discussion, the two went back up to bed, worrying about what would happen when the sun rose.

End Chapter.

A/N: I realize that Kikyou's character is way off with this. I did that for a reason. Normally, I am not a Kikyou fan, but I am giving her a one shot chance with this. I hope that those of you who are fans of Kouga aren't going to be mad at me for making him a bad guy. I do love him, but I really needed a villain type at this point. Don't worry, Naraku will be coming in later. Hope you Sesshy fans are happy. There will be more of him next chapter. Please, read and review!!

(1) For anyone who may not know what an island is, it's a table type structure that is located in the middle of the kitchen. It is often used when making meals, as it holds the oven and stove, and is used for small meals. I love islands. They are great for early mornings when you don't want to bother with your family at the table