InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko's Paradise: Re-Done ❯ Meeting Sesshoumaru ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: You wanna know what I own? I own very little that has any monetary value. As the great Master Yoda would say, "'Inuyasha', I own not." Happy now? Good. NOW LEAVE ME ALONE ABOUT IT!>0<

Warnings: Rating- NC-17, swearing, occasional violence, explicit dancing, drinking, future lemons, some limey moments, much marshmallow fluff, and quite a bit of ooc-ness from many characters. (If you haven't guessed the chars who are ooc, then you'll soon know.)

Pairings: Sess/Kag (future), Inu/Kik, Mir/San, possible Rin/Shippo, and mention of past Kik/Kag (Yes, it's true. Question my sanity if you like.)


Kes: -cries uncontrollably- STUPID TERM PAPERS AND FINAL EXAMS! >0<;;
Kes: You don't know what it's like to not be able to write for the wonderful readers! I'm stuck doing research and studying instead of writing!
Inu: Baka ningen. How hard can it be?
Kag: Inuyasha. You know how very hard it is. You saw me struggling in school. And that was only junior high. SHE'S DOING COLLEGE WORK!
Inu: O_O; Eep!
Sess: Yes, hanyou. Keep quiet unless you know what our beautiful authoress is going through.
Inu: And you do?
Sess: How do you think I became so rich in this story?
Inu: Gee…It couldn't have been the money from our father.
Kes: Inuyasha! Be quiet. As it is, I'm already holding back your lemon with Kikyou because you've been so mean to me.
Kag: But you are still gonna do that thing in the club with me and Kikyou, right?
Kes: -nods her head- Yes. It's a special gift to my Sesshy. And to me, but we won't go into that.
Kik: -pops her head into the room- Really?
Kes: Yes.
Sess and Inu: >.> <.< ^.^
Kes: And if you're nice, I'll let a little something else happen. Now, on with the chapter!
Inu: -on his knees- Please! Please let something else happen!

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"Well, it wouldn't hurt. Ask Rin to keep an eye out for Kouga, tell her why, she'll tell Sesshoumaru, and he'll want to keep his daughter's place of employment safe, as well as the owner of said place, and it'll all be good."

Kikyou glanced at her while driving. "And you just came up with all of that now? Girl, you are really strange."

"Actually, I've been thinking about it since Kouga showed up at the mall. I for one think it's a really good idea and that you should go for it, Kags."

Kagome sighed heavily. "I'll think about it. But I'm not making any promises."

Sango nodded her head once. The rest of the drive was silent as the girls became lost in their own thoughts.

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When the girls arrived at the house, Kagome and Kikyou carried their bags in while Sango left hers in the car. They stopped in the living room and sighed happily.

"I don't know why you didn't bring your bags in, Sango-chan," Kagome said, "We'll all just be leaving from here to go to the club together."

Sango sat on the sofa and shrugged her shoulders. "There's really no need for me to bring them in," she explained, "It's not like I need to bring all of them in. I only need what I'm going to be wearing tonight."

"Don't you mean, what you're not gonna be wearing?" Miroku asked as he walked in.


Kagome, Kikyou and Inuyasha laughed at their two friends as they started arguing until Sango finally tired of it and smacked Miroku's head with a pillow from the sofa. Inuyasha walked up behind Kikyou and nuzzled her neck gently. "So, what did you buy me?" he asked playfully.

Kikyou feigned innocence and picked up her bags. "You'll just have to wait until later to see IF I bought you anything," she replied as she smiled at him, "Sango, Kagome? Wanna come up to the room with me so we can get ready?"

Kagome looked at her watch and swore violently. "Dammit. Fucking A…I lost track of time." She grabbed her bags and moved toward the stairs. "I can't believe that I lost track of the time. I'm supposed to be setting up."

Sango put her arm over Kagome's shoulders and squeezed them gently. "Kag-girl, you're always there early, you're always there late," she started, "I don't think the club is going to stay closed just because you're half an hour late setting up. Besides, if I remember right, you got most of that done last night."

"I know, Sango, but I want to make sure that I didn't leave any of the booze at the bar. The last thing I need to do is accidentally spike someone's drink and get fined for it."

"Kagome, it hasn't happened to you yet, and I doubt that it ever will."

The girls walked up to Kagome's room and pulled out their outfits. They each had gone into a store on their own and picked something up without letting the others know what it was. When Sango pulled her outfit from the bag labeled `Pink Seasons', Kagome and Kikyou nearly fell over. The outfit consisted of a deep pink, very mini-skirt that barely covered four inches of her thigh, a tube-top in the same shade that covered all but three inches of midriff, and a black fishnet mini-jacket to cover it. Her shoes were black stiletto heels.

"Sango," Kagome said cautiously, "You are aware that it's your night for tables, right?"

Sango nodded her head. "Yes, I know that."

"Then would you mind explaining why you are wearing that on dry night?" Kikyou piped, "You are going to have sobers grabbing at you!"

"I know. And it'll drive a certain Houshi downstairs crazy. He doesn't mind the drunks because, let's face it, they're drunk and are lucky if they know what they're doing. Sobers, on the other hand, know exactly what they're doing."

"Sango, you are very cruel to that boy."

"He likes it. And quite frankly, so do I."

Kikyou grabbed one of her bags that said `Sweethearts' and pulled out a single white item. She held it up to the others and their jaws dropped. She placed it over her clothes and showed it off. The dress, if it could be called that, was strapless and showed off more cleavage than was necessary. It stopped an inch below her ass, giving it a Jennifer Lopez booty look. She then pulled out a pair of high-heeled shoes that were the same color as the dress. "So, you think this will drive Yash insane?" she asked.

Kagome started laughing. "Are you kidding?" she replied, "It will drive every single guy there insane! You are so lucky that I don't let minors in or I would have to kick you out for wearing that."

"You're planning something, aren't you, Kicks?" Sango sneered, "You are planning on getting laid, big time." (A/N: Like the nickname for Kikyou?)

Kikyou shrugged her shoulders and ran her hand over the ivory colored material. "I just want to make my man drool." She looks at Kagome and winks. "And maybe I do have something planned."

Kagome looked at her knowingly and began shaking her head. "No way, Kicks. You know that we haven't done that since high school."

"Yeah, but think of how much it affected all the guys. What better way to forget about Kouga than to have a bunch of guys drooling all over the hottest bar tender in Tokyo?" She then gave Kagome a wicked smile.

Kagome sighed in defeat, but smiled brightly. "I'll do it. Only because we had so much fun while doing it."

Sango stared at them, not knowing what they were talking about. "Do I get in on this little secret or not?"

Kikyou shook her head. "Sorry, Sango-chan. You'll just have to wait and see. Oh, and you might want to hold onto Miroku when we do this. If I remember right, he would try to attack us when we were done."

Kagome shook her head and reached for one of her bags. She smiled at the name written on the side of it, `Hime (1) Palace.' She then pulled out a pair of skin-tight, black leather low-rider pants. She set them down on the bed and pulled out a shiny gold shirt. It had one sleeve on the left shoulder and swooped down under her right arm. The left side was higher than the right, which had material that hung halfway down her leg. Her shoes were gold open-toed with a small heel.

Kikyou and Sango stared at her in disbelief. "You're actually wearing that, Kags?" Sango managed to ask, "I think leaving Kouga was good for you. You're actually willing to wear something like that."

Kagome nodded her head. "I didn't wear things like this because, let's face it, he would have been even more of an asshole," she replied as she got dressed, "Not only that, but he'd bash any guy's skull in if he so much as looked at me in a way that he didn't like."

Kikyou smiled at her friend as she got dressed. "Yes, we are going to have them on their knees tonight," she said playfully, "If we're lucky, we'll have them standing on one leg instead of two." She grinned wickedly to emphasize her innuendo.

"I can't wait to see what you to have planned. I think I'll have to pull Miroku away when you to are doing it."

Kagome shook her head. "I want him to see it. It would piss him off so much because he looked at us as younger sisters."

"You two had better know what you're doing with this."

The girls finished getting dressed, needing to help Kagome put make-up on her bruises, and walked down the stairs to see Inuyasha and Miroku waiting for them by the door. When the two men looked up at them, they're eyes nearly fell out of their sockets.

"Holy shit!" Inuyasha exclaimed after he found his voice, "What do you think you're doing wearing something like that?"

Miroku just looked over each of them with an appreciative grin. "Ladies," he began smoothly, "You all look lovely."

The girls looked over them with approving nods. Inuyasha, as always, wore a red silk shirt, left unbuttoned at the top to show off a white wife-beater and black pants. Miroku was dressed in his purple shirt, black wife-beater, and black pants.

Sango shook her head at them. "Don't you two ever wear anything different when we go out?" she asked.

Miroku wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "My lovely Sango, you should know by now that all I'll ever wear when we're going out is this. It looks best and I know you love it as well." He kissed her cheek and led her out to the car. "We'll see you guys there."

Kagome grabbed her keys from the table. "Sango, you've got your set, right?" she asked, "I don't want you waiting outside if you get their before us."

"Don't worry, Kag-girl. I've got them with me." She waved at the three in the house without looking behind her.

Back in the house, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around Kikyou's waist and pulled her close. "You look amazing," he whispered in her ear, "Is there a specific reason as to why you're wearing somethin' like that?"

Kikyou turned her head to look up at him. "You'll see later tonight," she replied, then kissed his lips gently, "Until then, I'll just leave you to wonder about it." She kissed him again and wrapped her hand around his neck.

"Kami-sama, why don't you two get a fucking room?" Kagome groaned, "Or at least wait until I'm not around to see it." She shook her head at them. "Honestly, did you forget that I'm here suffering while you two play tonsil hockey?"

"We didn't forget ya, Kags," Inuyasha explained, "I just didn't think ya were lookin'." He grabbed his keys and wrapped his arms around the girls' waists. "I'm gonna be the luckiest guy there tonight `cuz I get to escort the two most beautiful women there."

Kagome shook her head. "Yash? I'm working tonight, and we're getting there before any of the customers arrive. Why are you bragging that you're `escorting' us when no one's going to be there to see you?"

"Hey, it's not every day when a guy gets to say he had two women with him when he goes someplace great. Especially when he can brag and not get in trouble for it."

Kikyou crossed her arms in front of her. "Yeah, well, just don't get used to it. Much as I love you, Kag, I'm not willing to share Inuyasha. He's all mine."

Kagome mimicked her best friend and cousin. "You can have him! He's far too immature for me. Besides, why would I want him? You've touched him!" She turned her head and glared playfully at Kikyou.

Kikyou copied her look. "You bitch! Why are you insulting me like that? What did I ever do to you?"

Inuyasha sighed and walked behind the girls as they argued and walked to the car. The argument continued until they reached `Paradise.'

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Rin stood in her bedroom, staring at the clothes in her walk-in closet, trying to decide what to wear. How can I have so much trouble deciding what to wear? she asked herself. It's not like I don't have anything. I'm just so damned indecisive. After several minutes of looking, she pulled out a lime green tee shirt and khaki hot pants. The sleeves of the shirt hung off of her shoulders and hung down her chest, revealing a small amount of cleavage, and revealed her pierced bellybutton.

Once dressed, she went downstairs and saw Sesshoumaru waiting for her by the door. He was dressed in a blue button-up shirt, left unbuttoned, with a white tee shirt underneath it, and a pair of tight black jeans. (A/N: Sesshoumaru wearing comfortable clothes. O.O DROOL CITY!) "You mean you're actually coming with me?" she asked in disbelief, "I didn't think you'd come tonight. And you're wearing normal clothes to go out? I had figured that you'd just wear a business suit."

Sesshoumaru just stood there, leaning against the wall. "The sooner I go the sooner I can leave," he replied emotionlessly, "Besides, if I don't come tonight, you'd just bother me night after night, telling me to come with you." He then looked at her harshly. "And you should know I'd never wear a business suit to a club of any sorts. I don't need my suits to smell like a bar."

Rin rolled her eyes at him. "Make it seem like I'm twisting your arm, why don't ya?" She grabbed her purse and walked to the door. "I know, Sesshoumaru-sama. I was just teasing you."

They walked out to the car and drove to the club, Rin talking the entire time. "You'll like Kagome," she was saying, "She's really nice and makes sure that the youkai and ningen don't fight."

Sesshoumaru kept his eyes on the road. "How does a simple human do that?" he asked.

Rin shrugged her shoulders. "I'm not exactly sure, but I don't think she's a normal human. You see, her boyfriend came in last night, and they started arguing. He grabbed her, then he let go of her quickly like she shocked him or something."

Sesshoumaru processed this for a moment. "She's a miko." He said simply. "Hence the name of the club, `Miko's Paradise.'"

"I guess that makes sense."

They pulled into the parking lot five minutes later. Rin led Sesshoumaru into the club and smiled to see everyone there. "Hey, guys," she called out to them happily.

When the group turned to greet her, their faces took on a surprised expression to see Sesshoumaru with her. Kagome walked over and smiled. "Hey, Rin," she replied, then she looked at Sesshoumaru, "You must be Inuyasha's older brother. I'm Kagome." She held her hand out to him.

He looked down at her then took her hand. "Sesshoumaru Rashki. Yes, I am Inuyasha's older, HALF-brother."

Kagome turned slightly and began introducing everyone. "That, over by the register, is Sango, the one next to her is Miroku. They also work here. Sitting next to Inuyasha is my cousin Kikyou." Sesshoumaru nodded to each of them. "Well, have a seat. If you want something to drink, we can get you any kind of soda you want. It's dry night, so I can't offer you anything alcoholic."

Sesshoumaru sat on a stool a few seats away from Inuyasha, who just happened to be glaring at him. "I'll have a Coke, please," he said as he pulled out some money.

Kagome set the glass in front of him. "That won't be necessary. It's on the house."

"Kagome, why are you being so fucking nice to him?" Inuyasha growled, "He doesn't deserve it."

Kagome sighed and shook her head. "Inuyasha, he hasn't done anything wrong."

"I don't care, Kagome! He's a bastard and doesn't deserve the treatment that you're giving him!"

Kagome glared at him, her aura turning to a light purple. "Inuyasha, either you stop it now, or I'll tell Hiten and Manten to keep you out just as they're doing with Kouga. This club doesn't belong to you. It belongs to me. If you don't like the fact that I'm nice to whoever comes in, then you can leave right now."

Inuyasha looked like he was about to argue with her again, but he backed down. "Feh."

Kagome calmed herself down and turned back to Sesshoumaru. "I apologize for his actions…"

"There's no need to apologize, Miss Higurashi," he interrupted, "I know how my little brother can get."

Kagome smiled at him. "Please, call me Kagome."
Rin leaned on the bar by them. "See, Sesshoumaru-sama, I told you that you'd like her." She looked at Kagome and her smile faded. "Oh Kami-sama! Kagome, what happened to you?" She gently placed her hand on Kagome's bruised cheek.

Kagome bit her bottom lip and looked from Sango to Kikyou who just shrugged their shoulders. "Guess we didn't cover it up good enough," she said to them.

Rin grabbed Kagome's hands. "Kagome, tell me what happened."

Kagome sighed heavily and leaned against the counter with glasses on it. "It was Kouga," she said slowly, "He got mad at me for using my miko powers against him last night. When I got home he said that I'm not supposed to do it again and whole line of other shit." She wrapped her arms around her stomach. "I told him that if I felt the need to protect myself from anyone, I'd do it. He didn't like that, so…he hit me." She paused and shrugged her shoulders. "I've told Hiten and Manten to make sure that he's not allowed to come in ever again. She looked up at Rin carefully. "If you see him, you tell Hiten or Manten, or one of us. Preferably Yash and Miroku."

Rin was going to nod her head. "What if I can't find any of you?"

"I'm working the bar, as well as you. Sango's on the floor, Miroku will be helping her out though, so he'll be here occasionally. Yash rarely leaves the bar unless Kikyou drags him to the floor to dance. You should be able to get any of us. Hiten and Manten have got the exits. There are a few bouncers out there, but they don't know what Kouga looks like."

"If you need me, I'll be here to assist as well." Everyone turned shocked faces to Sesshoumaru who was looking like what he had said was a natural occurrence. "If this Kouga finds his way in here, and you need help in dealing with him, I will assist you."

Inuyasha stood up and walked to his brother. "Why would you help someone you don't know?" he ground out, "You, who rarely cares for another living thing. Why help Kagome?"

"Inuyasha…" Kagome started to say, but was interrupted again.

"I am offering to help, little brother, because no one deserves to be abused by someone who is supposed to care about them. I may not care for many people, but I know what is right and what is wrong. This Kouga had no right to hit her." He cast sympathetic eyes on Kagome.

Kagome nodded her head slightly. "Thank you, Sesshoumaru-sama. I accept your offer of assistance." She moved her gaze from Sesshoumaru to Inuyasha. "Inuyasha, sit down."

Inuyasha gave a barely audible, "Feh," then walked back to his seat next to Kikyou. "That damned wolf better keep his sorry ass away from here. If I see him, I'll pound him until there's nothin' left of him."

End Chapter.

A/N: Okay, the stores mentioned in here, I don't think they exist. I've never been to them and I've never heard otherwise. The outfits I came up with myself, I don't have any pictures as of yet, but I'm hoping to get them soon. And if/when I do, I'll post them on one of my websites. If you wanna take a look after I've let everyone know that they're done, just let me know.

I know that people are really out of character in the story. I kind of had to do it to keep things moving along. I'm trying to keep it to a minimal amount, but I don't know if I'm succeeding. Let me know what you think.