InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Miko vs. Miko ❯ chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“Inuyasha?” Kagome said again, walking towards him. “Please, let's get back to the others…then…to the village…and…Kaeda.”
Inuyasha winced at the name, knowing why Kagome wanted to get to her. She needed to start her training…to either kill Kikyo…or to be killed.
Inuyasha just nodded and Kagome climbed onto his back. After another moment of hesitation, he jumped back into the trees, heading back the way he had come.
They weren't far from Kaeda's hut when Inuyasha remember something Kagome had said. Something that, right at that moment, Kagome was hoping he hadn't heard, or, if he had, wasn't remembering. To bad for her, Inuyasha was burning to have his question answered.
“Kagome?” he said and felt the girl tighten her grip slightly, expecting the worst.
“Um…yes Inuyasha?” she said, no louder then a whisper.
“Did you mean…What you said to Kikyo?” he didn't dare look at her lest he lose his nerve, or miss a step and fall.
“I don't know…what you're talking about.” She stuttered. “Which part?”
Inuyasha growled, knowing that she knew perfectly well what he was talking about. But…if she was avoiding it then maybe…she did like him…or was she just stuttering because she was embarrassed that she had lied?
“Nothing.” Inuyasha said after a few moments of thinking. “Just forget it.”
Silence, a very awkward silence, followed. But Kagome, knowing that she had hurt Inuyasha badly, decided that it was time to fess up.. If he didn't return her feeling, fine, she might die in a year anyways, so it didn't matter. And if she didn't die…well, she'd think of that then.
“Yes,” she whispered finally, and Inuyasha faltered in a jump and landed near the God tree.
“What?” he said, his heart starting to race.
“I said yes…in answer to your question…yes, I meant it…” she tried to slid from Inuyasha grasp, but he held onto her and she couldn't move off of him.
“Really?” he said. “You're not…joking about loving me?”
They both blushed and Kagome had to fight back a sob. Inuyasha sounded so…she didn't know, but he didn't really sound happy.
“No I'm…I'm not joking. Inuyasha I really do…” but she was cut off by Inuyasha suddenly dropping her and for a split second she anticipated the worst. But instead of Inuyasha telling her to piss of and never look at him again, he turned around quickly, grabbed her arm, pulled her to him, and gave her the most mind blowing kiss.
It was nothing like the one time that she and Hojo had kissed, which had been accident. Then she had felt dull and slightly disgusted. Now she felt so many happy, new emotions that all she could do was kiss Inuyasha back and run a hand up to stroke a fuzzy little ear.
Inuyasha pulled away after a moment, when air became something they both needed. But no sooner had he even slightly taken a panting breath that Kagome whispered, “No.” and pulled him back. But, then again, he wasn't complaining.
Tilting his head slightly to deepen the kiss, he pulled Kagome tighter against him, wanting more contact. Kagome didn't object either and a small gasp escaped her as she felt Inuyasha's arms tighten around her. That little gasp, though, only allowed Inuyasha more access, and a chance to taste her. Their tongues waged a silent war, each wanting the other to submit. But it was Kagome who lost. With a triumphant growl, which made Kagome shiver happily, Inuyasha pulled back and licked her slightly swollen lips.
They were both panting by now, from lack of air and…other things. Finally, looking up into Inuyasha's eyes and blushing Kagome said, “Wow…just…wow…” Inuyasha laughed slightly and stole a quick kiss.
“Kagome…I love you to…” she smiled so brilliantly then that Inuyasha felt that nothing could ruin this moment. Well, nothing except three very annoying people who he knew were probably close by.
“What are you looking around for?” Kagome said, leaning her head on his chest as they just stood there, happy in each others embrace.
“I thought that Miroku and Sango and that brat would be here.” He said, sniffing the air. But they weren't. He smiled then, really smiled, and pulled Kagome's head up to give her another kiss. “Score for Inuyasha.” He said.
She only giggled to this and said, “We better go get to the others before they worry.” Though, she really wouldn't object to staying where she was for a bit longer.
Inuyasha, though, only gave her an evil smile and leaned down to give her next a little nibble. He wanted to see…really wanted to see if she wanted to be with him. If she could even become his mate. When she gasped and leaned her head back to give him more access, he had his answer.
“S…stop…Inuyasha…” she said, panting. “Someone will…mmm…will hear…mmm…that feels so good…”
“Then why stop?” Inuyasha asked. “And who would hear us?” but Kagome didn't answer, only tried to glare at him. “Fine,” he said. “But first I have to…to do something.”
Kagome looked at him curiously. “Have to do what?”
“It's a…a demon thing.” He said, trying not to blush. He wanted to mark her, even though he couldn't mate with her yet. But if he did mark her that would show that she was his mate, or intended mate in this case.
“What?” Kagome asked again, almost ready to glare at him. What did he want to do? She blushed as she thought what it might be.
Inuyasha sighed, knowing there was no getting around this. “I want to…to mark you. Demons, some anyways, call it a Love Bite…it shows you're that demons mate…or intended.”
They both blushed fiercely, so much it looked like their faces glowed. But Kagome, knowing that there was no one else she would rather be engaged to, juts nodded and leaned her head back again.
Taking the hint, though he didn't wan to hurt her, he leaned over her, just like a vampire, and bit her right where neck and shoulder met. Though she tried not to jerk it was hard but all she did was shudder at the slight pain. It really hurt to have a demon's fangs go into your neck!! But the pain was quickly replaced by a burning fire that was Inuyasha tongue as he lapped at the spot, his salvia helping to quickly heal it into the mark of a demon to his mate.
“Fine,” he repeated after a few moments. “Don't want to give any of them a heart attack do we?” he only smirked as Kagome rolled her eyes and touched the spot he had bitten. And indeed there was something there, something that felt like a tattoo that was risen up.
“What does it say?” she asked. “Or look like?” and when Inuyasha blushed she thought that she wouldn't like the answer.
“My name…in old Japanese symbols.” And when she didn't yell at him he looked closer at her face.
“So you really did mark me.” She giggled. “Now if anyone says you're name isn't on me I just show them this!” and all of the sudden they were both laughing at something they both didn't find funny, but it relieved some of the stress of what had happened not an hour before.
“Let's go then,” Inuyasha said, as they recovered themselves. But instead of turning around to let her onto his back, he swept her up bridal style, which only made her blush even more, and took off again.
`Soon,' Inuyasha thought. `Soon I can take he as my true mate…after this whole deal with Kikyo is taken care of anyways.'
A/N: OMG, fluffiness!!! Aww, isn't it just cute? Lol, hope you liked this chapter, more to come soon!
p.s. read my other fics and RandR!!!