InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Maybe it won't be so bad after all. Or maybe not. ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha, wish I did, but I don’t. Oh but if anyone has a Sesshomaru they wanna give up...


Chapter 1: Maybe it won't be so bad after all. Or maybe not.






"No Kagome."

"I promise I'll do the dishes for a year, and do the laundry for two years, and I'll clean my room weekly. Please!!!"

"Good... but your still going."

"Mama, please, I don’t want to go." The 17-year-old girl whined. 'Hey I may be 17 but I can still whine like a 7 year old.'

"Sorry Kagome, but I'm going to be gone for most of the summer and as much as I love him I don't trust Ji-chan with child care, anyway he is not going to be here either. I can't just leave you and Souta here alone. So you are going to military camp." Ayume turned back to making dinner, leaving a very irate girl behind her. (Don’t know Kag's mums name so it's Ayume now )

"Mama, if, and I stress the if, I'm going to military camp, where is Souta going." 'Haha, he's to young, so I guess we'll have to stay here and I'll have to baby-sit. I love Souta' Kagome thought as an evil smile appeared on her face. There was no way in hell she was going to camp without putting up a fight, even if that meant drawing the little brother card.

"Oh, he's going to Camp Tama. It's not that far away from yours, and before you say anything you can't go. You're too old." Kagome was sure she saw a huge victory smile on her mothers’ face. 'This is so wrong, there has to be a law against this.' Kagome thought as she stomped away, and into her room, her dark blue-gray eyes glaring at anything in her way, especially Souta when he passed her. Her black hair whipped around her face as she turned a corner and went into her room, slamming the door behind her. She grabbed her phone and jumped onto her bed, face first, her head buried in her pillow.

She dialed her best friends number without even looking (I can do that too!...and now I just realized how much of a loser I am ) A man answered and all you could hear was yelling in the background.

Then someone screaming "I'M NOT GOING!!!" and stomping.

"Hello Taijiya residence, how may I help you?" Mr.Taijiya said.

"Hi Mr.Taijiya, it's Kagome. Can I talk to Sango please?"

"Sure thing Kagome. Hang on."

"Thanks." A few minutes later a very pissed off Sango answered the phone.

"WHAT!?!" (Nice person, ain’t she)

"Um... it's Kagome, hello to you to." A slightly terrified Kagome answered.

"Oh, sorry." Sango sounded depressed "I got some bad news about this summer."

"Really, me too. You first."

"I'm going to military camp!!" She practically wailed into the phone.

"So am I." Kagome groaned into the phone, "at least you'll be there too."

"Yeah, maybe it won't be so bad after all." Sango said.

----Meanwhile Not so far away-----

"I'm not going dad!"

"Yes you are, your mother and I are going on our second honeymoon and I'm not leaving you here alone!"

"What about Sesshomaru! He would be here too!!"

"No he's not, he's going with you."

"I'm not GOING!!"

"You are going and that's final!!" boomed the voice of the older man with waist length silver hair, golden eyes, and a fluffy tail resting on his shoulder. He stood tall at about 6'8, he looked to be in is late early thirties or so, but looks can be deceiving, especially when it comes to demons. He looked well muscled, but not overly muscular.

The younger boy he was arguing with glared at him, his golden eyes flashed in anger and defiance. His dog-ears pressed to his skull in annoyance, his claws digging into the palms of his hands, drawing blood. A loud growl erupted from his throat as he turned and stomped up the long stairs to the third floor of the white mansion.

The man downstairs' voice heard getting distant "Don't growl at me young man!" He completely ignored and pushed past the slightly older boy walking down the stairs ahead of him.

"PMS-ing again little brother, I thought it was only once a month." The older boy with lower back length silver hair said.

"Go screw some guy Sesshomaru."

"I'm not gay!" ( OK I love Sesshy, he’s so sexy, and cute and I love his tail and...drool, Im so articulate)

"You keep denying what you know is true." Inuyasha smirked, showing a sharp fang.

"I know where you sleep." Sesshomaru replied coldly

"Really, cuz I do to." Inuyasha said as he headed to his room. Inuyasha picked up his phone to call his friend.

"Sex god Miroku here, how may I pleasure you?" Miroku answered.

"Ok first of all, get caller I.D, second, does that ever work on any girls and third, I'm going to be busy this summer."

"Yes it works on girls... at times... maybe... ok never. And I'm going to be busy this summer too. Parents doing something, I wasn't listening. So what are you gonna be doing?"

"Military Camp, you?" Said an overly bored Inuyasha.

"Cool, I got the same."

"Great, now I have to deal with military school over the summer and a lecher, this is gonna be soo much fun." Bring on the sarcasm.

"I wonder what the girls will look like." You could practically here the perverted wheels in Miroku's head turning.

"Is that all you think about?"

"No... I also think about food."

"I need new friends

---The next Morning---

Kagome's House

"Kagome why didn't you pack last night!?!" Mrs. Higurashi yelled to her daughter who was running around the shrine looking for her stuff.

"Because you didn't tell me I would be leaving in the morning!!" Kagome yelled back, almost tripping over her cat, Buyo who was sprawled on the floor.

"Stop making excuses and finish pack young lady!!"

"O.k. done packing." Kagome mumbled to herself. "Now to find clothes."

Two hours and twenty outfits later Kagome popped out of her room wearing a beige mini skirt with two pockets, and a black tank top that said "I'm not weird, You are" in white glittery letters, and black sandals. She had her hair in a high ponytail with two strands on either side of her face. She was trying to drag an over stuffed duffel bag behind her, and wasn't exactly succeeding. Her brother, Souta, was sitting on his duffel bag at the top of the stairs.

"Well come on you two" Ayume called from downstairs "I have to drop you guys off at the bus stop." Kagome and Souta pulled their bags behind them downstairs, Ayume's normal smile in place the whole time. 'I swear she takes some sort of sick twisted pleasure out of this' Kagome thought as she fought with her bag down the stairs.

"Mama, please don't make me go. I barely know any body and I'm sure this falls under some category of child abuse." Kagome pleaded/threatened as she headed to her mom's car.

"Give it a rest sis, I started crying and she still said no. There's no way she'll let us stay here." Souta sighed.

"I don't know what you're whining about twerp, you're going to happy, happy, joy, joy camp. Not a torture chamber like me."

Ji-chan waved from the door and warned them about demons, even though humans and demons lived together peacefully now. Not like anyone listened to him anyway.


"GET UP!!" Inuyasha's dad yelled at his son for about the 18th time that morning. He only received a groan form the body hidden underneath all the sheets and many pillows.

"To early... not officially awake 'til four." (That's my philosophy and I live by it)

"Well your bus leaves in two hours, and I don't suppose you’re packed yet?"

"Your point?"

"INUYASHA SHIRO!! Get out of bed... NOW!!" The grumbling pile of sheets only rolled over, obviously miscalculating the length of the bed, and was now on the floor.

After about twenty minutes of yelling on Mr. Shiro's behalf, Inuyasha was out of bed, and about an hour and a half later he was packed and dressed. Wearing a white wifebeater with black baggy pants and black sneakers. Sesshomaru waited for his brother outside of his room. He had been up for hours, and was dressed and packed, wearing blue baggy jeans and white wifebeater.

Inuyasha nearly fell flat on his face when he came out of his room, he was still half asleep and didn't see his brothers foot, making Sesshomaru chuckle. The boys were called downstairs and into their fathers' car. Well not so much called as much as their dad started yelling at them to get downstairs and into the car now if they would like to see the light of another day. Inuyasha didn't really see the need for them to be driven, they could have just ran, but whatever.

Izayoi (Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's mom, well just Inu's since they are half brothers) sighed as she watched them drive away. Now she had a quiet mansion all to herself, for at least twenty minutes anyway.

"My little boys are all grown up and going off the military camp." Anime tears beginning to form in her eyes.

"They had better get mates soon."


Kagome arrived at the bus stop and met up with a teary eyed Sango, who was wearing a black mini skirt and a black shirt that said "Boyfriends- are really great pets" in white letters.

"This is so wrong!" Sango sniffed.

"I'm not made for military camp." Kagome said as tears formed in her eyes.

"We're gonna die!!" They said in unison as and did the anime style crying. Everyone around them just sweatdropped.

Their stuff was loaded onto the bus and soon they had to get on.

"This is horrible." Sango mumbled to her best friend.

"I know." Kagome mumbled back... They headed onto the bus one behind the other. (Kagome was in front of Sango, and a bunch of people were in front of her and behind Sango) As soon as they got on the bus Kagome stopped dead. She just saw a silver haired, golden eyed GOD.

'Maybe this won't be that bad afterall'


so what do you think. review and tell me.