InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Physics at its best ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

CH. 2 - Physics at it's Best

O.K freeze-frame. This is what the scene on the bus would look like:

In about the second seat from the front is a semi-fuming hanyou, who was talking to/trying to swat the person standing by him.

At the front of the bus stood a girl, who was staring at said boy, her jaw practically on the floor.

And behind said girl was said girl's friend who was trying to see what said girl was looking at.

And behind said friend was about thirty other people who didn't want to go on the bus, but had to. And said thirty other people were not exactly happy about having to wait to go somewhere that they didn't even want to go to.

With all that said onwards to the story.

We all know Newton's Laws of Physics which states that: Every action has a reaction

The action- Kagome standing/staring/drooling and blocking people from getting on the bus.

Reaction- People getting pissed and start pushing.

Action#2- Kagome being pushed forward and landing in Inuyasha's lap.

Reaction#2- People get on the bus.

End Product- Bright red Kagome, in a shocked bright red Inuyasha's lap. And happy people getting on the bus (YAY!!)

"Um...hi," Kagome squeaked.

"Is this how you say hi to every guy you meet." He said, cocky grin already on his face. She turned a darker red and scrambled out of his lap.

"Sorry, I got pushed. Um... I'm Kagome." She extended a hand, which he took and pulled her back down onto his lap.

"I'm Inuyasha." He whispered in her ear, making her shiver involuntarily. She may have thought he was cute, ok she thought he was fucking HOT, but that gave him no right to pull her into his lap. She once again scrambled out of his lap, but this time into the seat next to him, while fighting every urge in her body telling her to hit him.

She stood to leave, but plopped back down. During their little lap incident, everyone had gotten onto the bus. Meaning the bus was filled, meaning she was trapped sitting next to a could-be rapist. And to make it even better she would be sitting next to him for the next 3 1/2 to 4 hours. This was gonna be fun.

'What did I do to deserve this. Cuz whatever I did in a past life, I'M REALLY REALLY SORRY ABOUT IT!!' She sighed and pressed her head against the window.
Inuyasha gave the girl next to him a sideways glance. He saw when she was dropped off, and she was HOT, he couldn't stop staring at her legs.(Men, typical) He didn't notice when she got on the bus, since Miroku was talking about some girl he saw when he was getting on the bus.

And when she fell on his lap he was going to say something nice, but his mouth always works before his brain. At least she would have to sit next to him for the next 4 hours.


'Where the hell is Kagome when I need her.' She groaned and looked at the boy sitting next to her. He turned to her and smiled, looking totally innocent, she only moved further away and closer to the window. She knew that smile, sure she only knew the guy for like 15 minutes, but that was as long as she needed to know him to know what came after that smile.


After Kagome was pushed forward Sango was pushed further into the back of the bus by the annoyed crowd. After being pushed back and forth and becoming almost seasick she took the nearest seat. Well tried to, but was intercepted by a handsome guy. He had short black hair tied at the nape of his neck, and violet eyes, and a very charming smile. Sango couldn't help but blush. His smile brightened at the sight of her blush and he began to speak.

"Hello lovely lady, I am Miroku, and what might your name be?" His compliment made her blush darken.

"I'" (Don't you hate that, there's a cute guy and he asks you your name and you forget it. Once I even forgot to walk, not cool) His sexyness (is that even a word) was getting to her. He suddenly grasped both her hands in his. Sango's eyes went about 40 times larger, and her blush turned practically hot pink.

"Sango, will you do me the honor of bearing my child?" Her eyebrow twitched furiously and she pulled her hands away from his in a second. She closed her eyes and counted backwards from ten, mentally chanting:

'Don't kill him, don't kill him. Remember your parents promised to get you that cute $200 dress with matching $200 boots if you live through this. And killing someone would look so bad when you apply for college.' Calm soon took over her body, Well that was until she felt an unwelcome appendage on her butt.

Action: (Do I even have to put an action) Lets just say that Miroku is an ass.

Reaction: SMACK and THUD

Action #2: Miroku laying on the floor and says

"Pink really suits you Sango." He said looking up. (Ok if you don't get it then just stop reading my story, NOW, slow ass people)

Reaction #2: STOMP

End Product: Semi-conscious Miroku laying on the floor.

Mad as hell Sango stomping off to go find a seat.

~_~_~_~END FLASHBACK~_~_~_~

Wouldn't ya know that while Sango was trying not to kill Miroku (Maim, yes. Kill, never) all the seats were taken. All but two, right next to each other. (I'm such an evil evil person) Sango claimed one, and the now fully conscious Miroku was in the other. Sango glared daggers at him, and mentally groaned.

'Remember the boots'

AN: YEAH I'M DONE!!. And I got some of the next chapter written.

Next Chapter: Welcome to my Hell. And yes I do have a strange obsession with boots.(I bought a $200 pair of boots with my moms debt card. NOT SMART!!)