InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Military Warfare ❯ Welcome to my hell ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

After four hours filled with cries of:

"HENTAI!!" Followed by smacking noises (Ok that sorta doesn't sound right). And yells of:

"Bitch!!"and more yells of:

"Jerk!" or "Conceited bastard" and "Wench!!" and of course "Arrogant asshole!!" And the people on the bus sweatdropping, they pulled up to the camp.

The sign said "Camp Shikon" in grimy metal letters. Kagome stopped trying to pull off Inuyasha's ear to stare out the window.

An eerie silence took over the bus as it came to a stop inside the camp. Everybody on the bus share the same thought:

'This is gonna be hell', well of course there were one or two

'Parents are evil and they're only doing this so they can go to their secret cults, and plot more ways to torture us.' The kids were herded off the bus and given their luggage. (Don't ask me by who, they are the magical little imps that you can only see if you sniff a magical powder.)

Next they were all directed (by the magical imps) into the mess hall. Once the entire student body was in the hall, (There were like 3 buses, each holding like 50 or more kids. You do the math) A woman, or man, creature, thingy, entered the hall. It was about 5'9, and overly muscular, and wore the normal camouflage army outfit.

It spoke in a booming voice, which really didn't help with the gender issue.

"Welcome to Camp Shikon!" It said to the kids in a very deep.

"My name is Ms. Maiochi." Half of the room said, "Ooohhh" or "I knew that". The other half thought 'Ms. my ass.'

"And I am the head of this camp. This is a military camp, so that means that I take no nonsense. You will be with me for a month. That means that for a month you will respect me and you will respect the other councilors. Those who don't will be punished severely.

You will be given a uniform, which you will wear... how it was meant to be worn. You will wake at zero eighteen hundred hours, every weekday morning. You WILL run laps, exercise and you WILL NOT have fun. The weekends are your time to have fun. You will be allowed to go to town once and only once every week. And you will report to bed at 10:00 SHARP!! Do I make myself clear!?!" (I wanted her to be like that mean principal lady in Matilda)

No one said anything, they all thought 'This fucking bitch is crazy' but they didn't say anything. (Smarts) (O.K I think I write to many authors notes during my story, sorry if their boring you, but I talk a lot :)

"Are there any questions?" Her voice dripping with fake sweetness. A girl in the back was the only one to raise her hand. She looked a lot like Kagome, only paler, with longer hair, and she had on bright red lipstick, and red eye shadow. And was wearing a tight white tank top that really left little to the imagination, and a red mini skirt, with red fishnets stocking and red heels.

"Yes." Ms. Maiochi said turning her beady eyes to the girl.

" What exactly do you mean by eighteen hundred hours. Like could you translate that to human." The girl asked in a very snobby voice.

Ms. Maiochi walked over to her, a huge predatory smile on her face.

"And what might your name be?" She asked, her voice dripping with fake sweetness. The girl didn't even flinch.

"Kikyo." She answered calmly.

"Well Kikyo, eighteen hundred hours is 6:00 A.M SHARP! Now all of you will be separated into a group of four, and you will be living with each other until the end of camp." Miroku had a wicked grin on his face and moved to put his hand on Sago's rear. (Oh, I forgot to tell you the seating. Kagome and Inuyasha sat facing each other at the head of the table. Next to Kag was Sango, next to Sango Miroku, and next to them some chick with mid back length brown hair, who hadn't said anything at all. On the other side of the table, next to Yash was Sesshomaru, next to him was some creepy dude, and next to him was some chick with two tails, who was obviously a cat demon. O.K all done now )

"But it will be groups of the same gender." And now Miroku's hopes and dreams have now officially died. Ms. Maiochi walked over to their table, "accidentally" tripping on someone's foot on the way over, and said.

"You are group one and two. Girls are group one, boys group two. Your councilors are Saku and Sakura."

Two girls walked up to them as Ms. Maiochi moved onto the other tables. They both had creamy white skin, and green eyes, and both had cat tails (that look sorta like Kouga's), and both had cute cat ears ontop their heads. They looked totally alike except that one had dark (not too dark) orange hair with blue tips, an orange tail with a blue tip, and orange ears with blue tips. And the other one was the other way around and the colors were ice blue and orange. They both wore shorts and a baggy shirt that said: volunteer councilors on the side.

"Alright introductions later, just follow us." The blue haired one said, the girls lead them to two cabins at the far end of camp, and lead them into the larger one.

"Ok I'm Sakura," the orange haired one said. "And that's my sis Saku." She pointed to her sister who was currently trying to poke her eye with her claw. Sakura continued talking in her extremely bored 'kill-me-now-because-I'm-not-getting-paid-to-do-this-shit' voice.

"We are your councilors, and we're only doing this because our college requires volunteer hours. That and I rather be here than with my mother, and that's saying something." Sakura said.

"Meaning that if you have any questions or if your confused about anything, or need anything at all... you're screwed." Saku continued after her sister.

"Wow, we've got the greatest councilors in the world." The girl with the two tails said in fake joy.

"Bite us. Now then, this is the girls cabin and also our main cabin where we will meet for and trashing Ms. Maiochi's reputation, or any of that other group crap. And next to it is the boys cabin." Saku said through a yawn.

"And we're being forced to do this so let's play the bull shit name game. Sit down and do whatever you little delinquents do." Sakura said.

"We'll be outside, see ya'll." They left the house with Sakura mumbling something about taking two of every pill in her medicine cabinet.

"Might as well get this over with so I can get my beauty sleep." Kagome said.

"God knows you need it" Inuyasha mumbled.


"What I was only speaking the truth. And I'm terrified, Kagome knows where I sleep, Oh the horror of it all." Ah, the power of sarcasm.

"YOU ARE SUCH A PAIN IN MY ASS!!" Speaking of asses SMACK

"HENTAI!!" The other people in the cabin just stared and sweatdropped. Except for Sesshomaru of course, that would be showing and emotion. (Heaven forbid; Places hand on head, turns away and does overly dramatic sigh) Sesshomaru cleared his throat and said in his usual sexy voice.

"Can we continue with this thing. I have more important things to do than listen to you children bicker." Inuyasha turned away from his argument with Kagome to stick out his tongue at his brother.

"Like you have anywhere to go, incase you didn't notice we're in military camp!" Inuyasha said and stuck out his tongue again.

"Idiot." Sesshomaru said.

"Homo." Inuyasha shot back.

"Not a homo."

"Yeah you are"




"Yeah" Sango and Kagome only looked at each other and then at the "mature" boys.

"How long do you think they'll do this?" Kagome whispered to Sango.

"Dunno, but $10 says Sesshoramu pulls Inuyasha's ear." Sango whispered back.

"You're on." After about five minutes of arguing (Sango won). They started with the names, starting with Kagome. (I don't know what the name game is, so they're just gonna introduce themselves. I was very deprived of a child hood so I have an excuse)

"I'm Kagome, I'm 16, I go to Batosia High. (I couldn't think of anything Ok) And this must be my punishment for pushing my brother down the stairs when he was 4." Now Sango:

"Hi I'm Sango, same age as Kagome and same school. And I rather eat my leg than be here." And Miroku:

"I'm Miroku, 17, same school as those two lovely ladies. And to the other lovely ladies here, will either of you do me the honor of bearing my child."

SMACK Sango stood behind Miroku.

"Relax Romeo."

And Inuyasha:

"Names Inuyasha, 17, just transferred to Batosia. And I wish I was sleeping right now." Fluffy's hot:

"I'm Sesshomaru. I am 18. I just moved here and I'm starting college this fall." Shy chick:

"My name is Rin, I'm 16 and I go to Batosia High School." She said with her head bowed and eyes downcast. Now chick with the tails.

"I'm Kirara, 16, go to the same school as them. And that's pretty much it." Other dude:

"I'm Hojo, I'm 16, and I go to Batosia too."

"Now that that's over" Inuyasha said "I'd like to unpack and sleep." As soon as he opened the door to leave he was pushed back by two frantic cat demons.

"O.K" Saku said catching her breath "If anyone asks, we were here the whole time." Saku said. Sakura was too busy trying to paw her ears, oh yeah, she was on something.

"You girl with the hair." Saku said (that really narrows it down)

"God, somebody remind me to get you guys name tags. Um... Kagome!! That's it! Do you have like sleeping pill or something?" Holding onto her sister who was currently trying to catch her tail.

" she drunk?" Hojo asked.

"Somebody give him a prize." Kirara mumbled

"Grrr, yes she's drunk! Now can I get a fucking sleeping pill here!?!"Saku was just a little pissed

"Calm dow sis... I'm notdrunk... jus a lil tipsy sall. Hey, you look a lot like someone I know, hmmm, I'll remember who...." Sakura said thoughtfully, well a thoughtful as you can sound when your drunk, leaning on her sister.

"Isn't it bad to mix sleeping pills and alcohol?" Rin asked quietly.

"Wow, I'm in a room filled with geniASSES. No shit it's bad. And she's gonna pass out in like twenty minutes anyway. The pill is for me!" Saku said, the vein on her head twitching madly.

"So, can I get the FUCKING PILL NOW, before I'm forced to become violent."

"Sorry don't have." Kagome said, and neither did anyone else in the cabin.

"Shit, I'm supposed to drag her half was around campus just for me to get a fucking sleeping pill. This is so fucked up. Well bye, dinner is at 6, don't be late, or 'you will be punished severely'" She mocked Ms. Maiochi and left the cabin mumbling about sisters who shouldn't mix pills and vodka and sisters who should throw drunk sisters into lakes.

The people in the cabin stared at them with dots for eyes and sweatdrops, except for Sesshomaru, because it's Sesshomaru and that would defy all laws of nature.


This ch is soooo boring, but I promise to make the other ones better, its boring cuz I had to do character intros. Saku is modeled after my best bud Burcak, and Sakura is more like me.

Till next time,
